Tuesday, February 11, 2014



The Republic may become a sewing machine of the Customs Union - said Deputy Minister of Energy and Industry Saparbek Assanov. - Domestic garment products now in demand in Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation #39;.

According to the Association of Light Industry of Kyrgyzstan `` Light industry, almost all garments made in the country, exported to Russia and Kazakhstan. In the domestic market is still only a small fraction of it. #39;The figures speak for themselves. The annual volume of production in light industry in terms of money are 7 billion soms - said the publication director of the light industry `` Farhat Raimzhanov. - And every year we increase them by at least 1 billion #39;.

According to official data, light industry of Kyrgyzstan provides 4.5% of GDP. But according to experts, this number can easily multiply by three, as most of the industry is in the shade. Nevertheless, the Ministry of Energy and Industry believe that it is more profitable to sew in Kyrgyzstan than in Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus.

#39;First, we have the most liberal among the CIS tax policy - explains Saparbek Assanov. - Secondly, the cheapest electricity. Thirdly, a small salary. As a result, the low cost of making clothes that certainly increases its competitiveness in foreign markets#39;.


BECAUSE OF COUNTERFEIT FAST Industry of Tatarstan LOSES 1.5 BILLION. Rubles annually

Total damage from the sale of counterfeit goods of light industry in Tatarstan is 1.5 billion rubles a year, in Russia - 30 - 40 billion rubles. These data led the newspaper BUSINESS `Online` Tatiana Fedorova - Chairman of the Union of Entrepreneurs of Textile and Light Industry of RT

`Who is the amount of light industry market illegally imported products is estimated to be between 37 - 38% of the total volume of products sold. Year by year, the volume of smuggled goods is reduced, so even 5 years ago, this figure was about 50% - said Fedorov. - Although experts do not take into account the clandestine manufacture of the Republic and Russia, as if to consider, and it is this figure is now closer to 50%, and five years ago to 70% `.

Fedorov thus noted that buyers are gradually moving to Russia, to the republican products because in a conflict situation on the quality of the goods they will be able to contact the manufacturer directly.

`There are positive nuances, but as long as they are negligible - continues preboards Union of Entrepreneurs. - Throughout the world, counterfeit products account for 10 - 15%, we are still a long way from that. Fight force alone - it is useless. It is necessary to introduce a patent on the work of the textile, light industry `.


Is there a future Russian clothes?

Assume that was found in the Russian investor who finally decided to create a Russian fashion house. With what he will face?

First of all, the lack of tissue Russian - the Russian textile industry has been #39;killed#39; as a class. Textiles, which is now produced in Russia, is only suitable for duvet covers, table cloths (basically, average quality and density of the weave, and for some reason always with a picture), a form for the police. Vain hope that the stylish woman will put on his clothes from the Russian fabric, no matter how ingenious design of the clothes had not. Later, we#39;ll talk about the failed attempts of government programs #39;revival#39; of the Russian textile industry.

There are only ascertain - for Russian fashion fabrics in 99% - no. Furthermore, the almost complete absence of Russian hardware: the buttons, and the buttons and braid, and a hundred other little things absolutely necessary for fashionable clothes, have to be purchased abroad or paying exorbitant Russian middlemen.

Russian designer brands on the Russian market - is running roughshod over the minority. Until recently, in order to sell clothes manufactured in Russia in the Russian market, the brand had to disguise themselves as Italian, French or any other. Anything but Russian.

Two words about retail. Suppose managed to create fashionable clothing under Russian Russian brand. The question arises: where to sell?

In Russia there is no existing retail network at the federal level, for example, Debenhams in Europe or in the United States Macys. Russian boutiques - a mix of leading edge fashion (for the elite at fantastic prices) and #39;runoff#39; stores of European brands, which, however, do not position themselves stokovyimi. Neither the first nor the second to sell their clothes Russian Fashion House will not. Already listed draws not a rosy picture.

And this is not a complete list of causes of a `no` Russian fashion houses.



Since the very beginning, it is supported by the Ministry of Industry and Natural Resources of the Chelyabinsk region. This year the exhibition will run from May 16 to 19.

Under one roof, brought together more than 100 companies from 15 regions of the country, as well as the near and far abroad. They will present the products of textile and leather goods, clothing, shoes, hats, dishes and appliances. The current exhibition YUZHNOURALSKY advantage given to enterprises of light industry. Fashion houses and studios Chelyabinsk hold their fashion shows.

The event will be a round table discussion on #39;Creating a sectoral cluster of Light Industry of the Urals as a basic element of scientific and industrial potential of the industry in the region#39;.


Novshevstv light industry in the Kursk Region

The second year of successful experience in the region targeted program #39;Development of industrial production in the Kursk region in 2011-2013#39;. This document provides providing a subsidy from the Kursk oblast budget for compensation of up to 95 percent of the costs for the acquisition of machinery and equipment related to technological innovation, the introduction of new technologies and designs, as well as part of the cost of paying interest on loans, the cost of renting exhibition space at Participation in exhibitions and fairs.
In 2011, the program received state aid Kursk 12 companies for a total amount of 12 million rubles.
On the basis of the concern Kursktrikotazhprom `` project is implemented by the creation of center of light industry. It is designed to solve the problems of the industry through the development of a cluster form of business combination, replication in the production received practical results. The approbation of clothing collections created by the fashion house `Faith` Geppe, organized training for employees, designed patterns and technology, incremental processing operation of each unit of industrial design.

In March of this year Kursktrikotazhprom started industrial production of women#39;s clothing of the season `Spring-Summer 2012 #39;, and in April started producing school uniforms.
In the future we plan to connect to the project other light industries: Zheleznogorskaya garment factory `and` FINIST Bryansk Worsted, to create an additional approximately 100 jobs.


TRANSNISTRIAN light industry enterprises to present their products at the traditional exhibition in the capital

June 10 in Tiraspol recreation park `Victory` pass traditional exhibition of products of light industry, dedicated to the professional holiday of the industry, which is celebrated on the second Sunday of June.

As the correspondent of #39;New Region#39;, the decision was made at a meeting of the vice-premier of the Transnistrian government Natalia Nikiforova directors clothing, textile and footwear enterprises of the republic.

The exhibition will begin at 9:00 am, her plans to visit the republic#39;s leadership. The initiator of the festive exposure acted as the largest company of Transnistria Tiroteks `Company`.

`It#39;s a beautiful event, which the townspeople are coming with great interest`, - said at the meeting Natalia Nikiforova.

The best workers in the industry of professional Day holiday will be awarded state awards.

Director Tiraspol garment enterprises of JSC `` Odema Raisa Haylova offered in the future to carry out the Republican professional competitions for work specialties to enhance their prestige.

`It#39;s a good idea. Perhaps we will come with a proposal to the organizing committee of the competition `Man of the Year 2012 #39;to organize this competition is by working professions#39; - said Nikiforov.



Now, when the sunny days have finally conquered their rights once held in the spring, it#39;s time to talk about textiles.

Promotional textile market in our country is associated primarily with T-shirts, not the best quality. And this despite the variety of textiles! What is the main problem of this segment of the market?

On the one hand, the general trend common problems for the industry. Untrained customers order the cheapest product without thinking about the quality of textiles. Partly due to the relative youth and the market.

But we must not forget that one and somehow still have to train clients and advertising agencies. Suvenir.Segment.Ru already raised the topic for discussion, but no one has yet come to a final conclusion: who and how to teach. But in fact, do not engage in self-learning as those who order, say, a T-shirt every three years, with the only requirement for them is the color, but not even the price or quality.

Just when a client does not explain the difference between the T-shirts for $ 100 and at 200 - you see, they will order those expensive.

Why textiles becomes more popular as a tool for advancement? First, many ordinary people #39;ate#39; low-quality t-shirts in the past decades and do not represent the existence of pleasant to the touch materials that will be used by the end user to further not only to dig potatoes in the area.

Second, most customers do not know that under the application of textiles `` done separately, have different densities and different consumer quality. And that `stretched to unimaginable dimensions` only the cheapest and low quality products. For comparison, editing Suvenir.Segment.Ru can give you an example: we have t-shirts available in different brands represented on the market. Maybe we did not sample of 100%, but we are trying to take away even the most prominent representatives in the market for independent evaluation.

So, in our study, let#39;s say, #39;at home#39;, it follows that there is a promotional t-shirts that literally washed the once - and sent the maximum as a doormat in the garage. And there are those who have and application intact, and they look pretty so far, though, their life has had to come to an end.

The conclusion is that despite the adequate appearance and the first and second T-shirts initially, win and work really only the latter. Because they only convey your message for many months and in good quality.

On the other hand, we can not forget about a single issue that is worthy of an independent review. This is - the application. Drawing on various textiles requires a separate process, certain costs and their reservations, which, again, forget the customers, chasing cheapness.

Alone in this topic is expensive textiles, which in Russia (yet) very few people manage to sell. Uniforms had not yet taken root, and not the budget, but cool, let#39;s say, parkas, have not learned how to give. But let#39;s hope that is not far off that bright day when the textiles will be buying different: both expensive and cheap, and for promotions, and for the shape of its own employees.



The Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation is seriously concerned about this situation and proposes to consolidate the efforts of the business community. A member of the Russian Union of Manufacturers of clothing, a member of the Union of Designers of Russia, General Director of garment enterprises Liksty Kulishova Leah told the correspondent of CCI-Inform about what to prepare sewers.

- What are the operating results of light industry in 2011 and showed that the I quarter of 2012?

- Despite the ongoing economic recovery, industrial production rose, but less than in 2010 - only 4.7% versus 8.2%. The lowest index of the corresponding period of 1991, textile, clothing and fur production (25.1%), the manufacturers of leather, footwear and leather goods (34.4%).

Textiles, clothing and fur production rose in 2011 by 2.6%. In this textile production fell by 3.2%, and clothing increased by 7.2%.

- The main reason for the fall of the Russian manufacture all call imports of clothing, footwear and textiles. What is the statistics on this?

- Better than any words spoken by the statistics. We are seeing an increase in exports of textile garments, compared with 2009. During the first 9 months of 2011 put the amount of 75.7 million dollars. Over half delivered for Austria (38.3%) and Belarus (13.4%).

Only in these two countries increased exports, this is what influenced the overall rate.

At first glance, everything is fine. But if you compare the volume of imported covers a light shock. So, for the same nine months of 2011, imported clothes from fabrics in the amount of 2,894,100,000 dollars. The volume of imports over exports to 2,818,400,000 dollars.

The largest supplier - China (U.S. $ 1,481,200,000). As you can see, our investors are the buyer#39;s Chinese garment industry.

- As clothing makers have started this year?

- Unfortunately, the index of textile and garment production for the I quarter showed a decline and reached 93.2%. For some items there was an increase. For example, in the textile industry increased production of natural silk and linen fabrics, nonwovens and finishing tape.

Clothing makers increased production of women#39;s dresses and sundresses, suits, hats.

- What is the procedure for reducing the import duties?

- First of all, it should be noted that import duties have been fully cleared. For example, the reduced import duty on silk fabrics from 5 to 3%, wool and cotton - from 15 to 10%. Stipulates a reduction in import duties on clothing. In this case, if earlier installed and absolute duty, such as children#39;s clothing - 20%, and also provides for duty per kilogram (on children#39;s clothing - 2-3 euro per kg). There were frequent occasions when applied both duties.

Now the duty on children#39;s clothing will be set only for the kilogram - 1.3 euros. It remains to import duties on shoes 0,34-1,5 euros per couple, previously there were 2 euros per couple. For clothing for adults, it is reduced from 20%, but not less than 2.3 euros per kilogram, up to 15%, but not less than EUR 1,88-2,25 per kilogram.

To increase domestic production of woolen fabrics reduced the import duty on wool from 5 to 3%, and raw hides and crust is entered duty of 5%. For all positions a transitional period from 1 year to 4 years.

On the one hand, sewers, it would seem, can rejoice lower duties on fabric, because the majority of products we sew from imported material. But there is no joy, because ultimately the death of the textile industry drags and clothing.

- And what about the prospects of Russian Industry and Trade Ministry of light industry?

- According to ministry estimates, due to the reduction of duties on shoes losses amounted to 1.2 billion rubles, clothing - 0.7 billion rubles, knitwear and textiles - 0.5 billion rubles. Thus the total loss will exceed 2 billion rubles.

Ministry of Industry expects a decline in production by 5-10% decline in Russian production by 14-15%, reducing the share of Russian products on the domestic market up to 10-15%. In view of these facts can be transferred or closing facilities. The latter may lead to a reduction in the number of employees by 25-30%.

As you can see, the forecast Minpromtorga not inspire optimism.

Now our goal is not just to survive. We need to change the marketing strategy of brand promotion, optimize costs. The task of the Russian state - to assist in the promotion of Russian brands, as is done abroad.

In addition, we ask to assist in the purchase or long-term lease of production facilities by garment workers who opened the production after the mass privatization of factories.


TURKISH MEBELSHIK entering the Russian market

In the Chamber of Commerce delegation was received by the Vice-President of CCI Georgi Petrov. Welcoming the guests, he said that Turkey is an important trade partner of Russia, in connection with which the House pays close attention to the establishment and strengthening mutual trade relations between the two countries.

Prospects of cooperation with business associations in Turkey in the Russian Chamber associated with the further expansion of industrial cooperation, the development of regional contacts. Georgi Petrov also said that Russian companies of furniture industry in the process of profound modernization. But some have already completed it and establishing mutually beneficial contacts with Germany, Italy, Romania, and other global leaders of the industry.

As told members of the Turkish delegation, the Chamber of Commerce of Mush was established in 1963 and currently has about three million members. The basis of the economy of the region - agriculture, but are not limited to the region#39;s specialty. The main vector of development is selected industrial production, in particular, furniture and textiles.

To do this, at the end of the 1990s, the region#39;s Mush has established a special industrial zone, as well as an industrial center. As part of the government#39;s economic stimulus plan, investors in the development of this region get the most state aid. Among the measures announced - reimbursement investor for social insurance, exemption from payment of 50% of taxes.

Support is provided by the CCI and of Mush and the Chamber of Crafts, Office of special industrial zones in the region of Mush and Development Agency of Eastern Anatolia. Therefore, the basis of the delegation that arrived in Russia amounted to fourteen chapters of furniture and textile companies in the region.

Russia and Turkey have a solid historical foundation for cooperation. During Soviet times, the difference of economic systems did not prevent our specialists to take an active part in the construction of many infrastructure projects in Turkey.

Russian-Turkish cooperation is developing today in many areas, including energy, metallurgy, light industry and chemical, automotive, agriculture. Today, the volume of Russian exports to Turkey is $ 6 billion, while imports from Turkey - $ 24 billion. Russia is the second largest trade partner of Turkey.

In 2011, the turnover of the Russian-Turkish trade amounted to 31.8 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 26.2% over the previous year. In the I quarter of 2012, bilateral trade reached $ 8 billion, up 1.6% compared to the same period in 2011.

Russian exports is dominated by energy, metals and their products, while imports from Turkey - machinery, equipment and means of transport, food and textiles. Bilateral trade balance is in favor of Russia - in 2011 it amounted to 19 billion dollars.

Important is the tourism sector. In 2011, Turkey was visited by about 3.5 million Russian tourists, which is 12% more than in 2010. Actively developing investment cooperation. Total volume of Turkish investments in Russia reached $ 6 billion.

The total volume of Russian investments in Turkey - about $ 4 billion.

Cooperation between Russia and Turkey is characterized by a number of mutually beneficial contracts. So, in 2010, Mechel OAO `` acquired 100% stake in Turkish group `` Ramateks, selling metal. In March 2011, a start-up of a sheet rolled in Iskenderun, built of `Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works#39; (MMK) and the Turkish company` `Atakash.

At present OJSC NLMK `` is considering the possibility of building a full cycle of metallurgical enterprises in the city of Zonguldak, of `IN` `Technostroyexport involved in the construction of the dam and power plant` `Deriner River Chorukh capacity of 670 MW in cooperation with the Turkish-Swiss consortium. `OAO Power Machines#39; completed the project HPS` `Torul River Harsit capacity of 100 MW in cooperation with the Turkish company` `Baytur and Western firms. Mosmetrostroj of `` constructs water supply for supplying Istanbul with water from the Melen River. At the same time, the Turkish company `Sark` establishes manufacture of leather products in Tver, Kostroma and Galich area.

According to the head of the Turkish delegation, cooperation potential is far from exhausted. Access to the Russian market of Turkish furniture and textile businesses easier to start with Russian regions, said Shihmus Sinedzhem.


In Ashgabat hosts the International Textile Exhibition

June 2 at the Exhibition Centre opened the International Exhibition of `Progress and prospects of development of the textile industry of Turkmenistan #39;, organized by the Ministry of Textile Industry and Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan.

To participate in the exhibition in Ashgabat was attended by representatives of more than a hundred textile companies from Russia, the U.S., Japan, Germany, Canada, Turkey, Switzerland, Belgium and other countries, and also foreign designers - Vyacheslav Zaitsev (Russian) Kuralaj Nurkadilova (Kazakhstan) .

Their products at the exhibition are numerous textile complexes built in recent years in various parts of the country - The Mary garment factory `Jenisch` Turkmenabat garter enterprise metropolitan clothing association `Akhal` Geoktepe, Kaahka, Ruhabadsky textile complexes and others. Broad palette exhibited their products - and it finished textiles and denim, and headscarves, and samples of cotton fabric, cotton yarn and silk fabrics keteni and panne, silk fiber, samples of sheep#39;s wool.

The foreign sector exhibition presents numerous foreign companies that demonstrate samples of high-tech equipment for the textile industry - spinning, weaving and dyeing machines, sewing machines. Among the participants - the company `Trutzschler`, `Schlafhorst`, `Their`, `Oerlikon` (Germany), `Marzoli`, `Savio` (Italy), `Rieter`, `Bezema` (Switzerland).

On the first day of the exhibition the display of collections of Turkmen and foreign designers.

Textile exhibition will run until June 4.



Eurasian Economic Commission is going to find out the cause of growth in the 263 times the imports of footwear from Kazakhstan to Russia in 2011 and the first quarter of 2012, told reporters at the sidelines of the forum `Customs and business` Minister for Trade ECE Andrew Slepnyov. `Maybe there#39;s some kind of` investment project - suggested the minister.

One of the possible reasons for the growth of imports of products of light industry, and in particular shoes, formerly called the increase in supply from China. Total for 2011 - the first quarter of 2012 in Russia was imported shoes for $ 50 million, according to the Interfax ``.

`There are problems with the presence of the border guards of the partner countries on its external borders and the exchange of information between customs services - not only in Kazakhstan but also in Russia and Belarus#39;, - says Slepnyov.

Belarus and Kazakhstan will be able to maintain higher import duties on certain goods, for which Russia cut rates in line with the commitments to the WTO, also said Andrew Slepnyov. The Russian side has made to ECE updated Common Customs Tariff (CCT), which takes account of import duties in connection with the preparation for accession to the World Trade Organization. Slepnyov explained that in order to maintain a higher tariff, the country concerned will have to make an application for use on a temporary basis, up to six months, with a possible extension of increased rates for themselves.

`The decision will be taken by consensus of all three countries, and of course, in this case important mechanism Administration` - added Slepnyov. According to him, the regime of exemptions provided, including the agreement on the application of WTO rules in the Customs Union.

InfraNews: Naveryaka this increase in imports had previously noticed in the network Tsentrobuv, store Mattino, well and in boutiques in the wholesale markets `Gardener`.


Poor-quality products from abroad

From the beginning, experts in consumer protection had 367 inspections, which had resulted in 413 offenders. Most counterfeit products in light industry, mainly among clothes, shoes, toys, cosmetics and perfumes. Usually substandard products imported to Ukraine from abroad.

This was reported in the 061 state administration.

`The problem is in the fact that most people do not know their rights, and even more - how to protect them. Therefore, advocacy work in this area should start from school by teaching children. That inspection should address both clarifying legislation consumers and the protection of the rights of producers#39;, - says deputy head of the State Administration Peter Goncharuk.

Since the beginning of the year banned the sale of low-quality products that do not meet the standards, the amount of 2.2 million hryvnia, and endured 67 regulations to ban the sale of goods that are dangerous to consumers.


Nizhegorodtsev bring their products to wholesale fair LIGHT INDUSTRY

Federal Trade Fair for light industry will be held in Moscow (VVC) on September 1, RIA Time `N` in the Ministry of Investment Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Nizhny Novgorod region will be represented by their own exposure. Apart from Nizhny Novgorod, the exhibition will feature the Volgograd region, and the Stavropol region.

Geography fair participants - Russia, Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Spain, India, China, Kyrgyzstan, North Korea, Latvia, UAE, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Korea, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Turkey, Turkmenistan , Uzbekistan, Ukraine, France, Switzerland, Estonia, Japan.

The total exhibition area - 59,050 square meters. meters. About 84% of exhibitors are small and medium businesses.

Visitors to the fair `` Textilelegprom are industry experts and trade on the basis of which registration was more than 37,000.