Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Livestock complexes built in the village NOVOLETNIKI Zima area

First of all livestock complex Novoletniki `` `SEC` Oka commissioned these days. Home Farm is designed for the maintenance of 369 dairy cows.

Less than a year Novoletniki in the village, located 40 km from the town of Winters, was up new livestock complex. He became a platform for the ruins of the once-existing farms farm Maslyanogorsky ``.

- This dairy unit, - says Director General of SEC `Oka` Vladimir Voloshin - designed for the maintenance of one thousand cows. It will consist of three barns, milking parlors, two calf-houses, maternity shops and sites for older calves. While the first line of one case and the milking parlor. Full completion is scheduled for the end of 2014.

The total cost of the project - 506 million rubles. Currently disbursed 177 million These funds purchased animals, machinery and equipment.

Technology of animals in the new complex as a new - Loose. Cows here contain groups in the pits. Stern has a table in the room, milking - in the hall on a modern, computerized systems.

- Such a method, - stressed Vladimir Voloshin - gives an opportunity to significantly reduce the cost of labor in the production of milk. Thus, the service first 369 cows will carry only two milkmaids, more precisely, the operators of machine milking. All in all, to work on the animal farm take no more than 25 people.

To compare - on the same farm with a traditional safety harness livestock requires personnel at least 55 people.

This investment, according to the head of the cooperative, provides not only the construction of barns, ancillary facilities and the purchase of animals, but also the purchase of agricultural equipment for harvesting and preparation of feed.

- Loose housing of cattle is used only in case of the dairy herd enough complete feed, the use of modern machinery and equipment - continues Vladimir Trofimovich. - Part of the technology, we have already bought: tractors, tillage machine, seeder, corn planter, forage harvesters, other equipment. To provide fodder apply new technology: previously used continuous silage, haylage now go on. With the prospect of an increase in dairy cattle since this year we have increased the acreage of forage crops on 2 hectares.

The purpose of this investprekta, according to Vladimir Voloshin - embroadening in SEC `Oka` herd of dairy cattle and increased milk production. Under the program, developed by the company, by the end of 2014 the number of dairy cows will increase from the current 1280 to 2.5 million heads, and increase annual milk production to 13 million tons.

A similar scheme will develop dairy complex on 400 cows in the village Tihorut Kuitun area, which belongs to the same investment project.

It should be emphasized that the acquisition of animals, machinery and equipment in the project, in terms of money spent, 50% recovered from the regional budget, which, of course, a positive impact on the development of agricultural enterprises.



The fact that at the site of the demolished market will Cherkizovskiy World Academy of struggle, was first announced in late 2010. For the development of the project to develop the former market in 2011 even been allocated 50 million rubles, and this year it was planned to start construction.

The emergence of a training center wrestlers provided by the `Fight and conquer #39;, developed by the Russian Wrestling Federation. According to the #39;Izvestia#39;, the fundamental question, which today stands before the start of construction of the center, - who and how to finance the project.

According to the head of the Ministry of Sports Vitaly Mutko, the decision to set up the World Center of struggle and made an agreement with the International Wrestling Federation (FILA) signed, is currently considering the issue of raising funds in the ambitious project. According to Mutko, considered two options: the first - looking for investors and sponsors, the second - the construction of the Academy entirely by the state.

- We do not know yet, the investment project will or will not. Or will allocate money entirely from the state budget. However, I think that the problem does not arise with investors - said #39;Izvestia#39; Mutko.

A government source told Izvestia `` that one of the sponsors on the large-scale project has already been found - this billionaire Suleiman Kerimov, who has always supported Wrestling Federation (he is the chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Wrestling Federation). Kerimov, whose fortune is estimated at more than $ 6.5 billion, owns the company #39;Nafta-Moskva and FC `` `Anji. In addition, he is co-owner `BRIC #39;and PIK.

- Kerimov - quite expected candidacy. He singled out the money for the program `Fight and conquer #39;in which construction takes place and the sports center in the Cherkizovsky market - the source.

Representatives of Suleiman Kerimov refused to comment on the situation, but the source close to the businessman said that the project is interesting Kerimov, `but accurate decisions on the amount of investments is no`.

Zamrektora Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism Yuri Baykovsky said that Suleiman Kerimov has often helped Wrestling Federation.

- Question sponsorship of the World Academy of struggle remains open. But such a project worthy of funding and support, the more that our wrestlers performed well at the London Olympics - said Baykovsky.

On the territory of Cherkizovsky market, owned by sports university, plans to build two buildings. In the administrative structure will house classrooms and conference rooms, a #39;Hall of Fame#39; and the struggle of the Russian research laboratory. The second building - the Palace of Sports in the stands at 5 million viewers, which will host the training and competition of athletes.

- According to rough estimates, the volume of investment in the project could be around $ 20-25 million - calculated Finam analyst THEIR `` Anatoly Vakulenko.

World Academy of struggle to unite all sports, methodical, scientific, institutional and innovative potential of Russia#39;s struggle gained at present in Russia and abroad.

The main focus of the Academy will be the preparation of athletes, as well as judges for the Olympic and non-Olympic fight, with the participation of leading Russian and foreign experts (trainers, psychologists, sports doctors, physiotherapists).

Besides sports center will certification and recertification of coaches and judges is carried out on the instructions of FILA international seminars, conferences and congresses.


In KUZNETSK waste-processing facility

The head of administration of Kuznetsk said at the daily briefing on the construction of a waste processing plant.

The administration of the Kuznetsk reported that last week signed a trilateral agreement on the implementation of the project between the Government of the Penza Region, the City of Kuznetsk and the investor. The facility will be built by the Irish technology with the use of modern equipment. According to Sergei Zlatogorskaya, Kuznetsk here will act as a pioneer, as far such projects in Russia has ever had.


BUILT IN DONETSK sports ground with a treadmill

Sport `Max` to build this site has spent 2.5 million hryvnia. She was already 30 in Donetsk sports ground with artificial turf.
`This site is one of the best in the city - there is also equipped with a treadmill. This is an example of public-private partnership in which businesses should help the development and implementation of socio-economic plans#39; - said Lukyanchenko.

According to the mayor, the playground will be engaged in the athletes #39;sport#39; of Max and secondary school pupils? 102 Kiev district.

Also, the mayor said that this year is scheduled to begin the reconstruction of the school? 102. According to him, it is planned to spend 9 million hryvnia.

`It will be produced wall insulation, repairing facades. Its building will be brought up to the level of the school of the future. I believe in it. This year we plan to spend 9 million hryvnia for the reconstruction of 102 schools.

Such plans are. I think with the help of the People#39;s Deputy of Ukraine Efim Zviahilsky we get the money and invest in the business, so that students learn in the comfort of `- said the mayor of Donetsk.


Industrial park in YEKATERINBURG cost 3 billion

August 22. - Sverdlovsk Oblast authorities estimate construction in Yekaterinburg objects of high technology industrial park `` University (part of the Ural Federal University, UFU) of 3 billion rubles.

Local authorities have included this project in the regional target program #39;Development of infrastructure and nanotechnology innovations in the Sverdlovsk Region, 2011-2015#39;, said Minister of Industry, Science of the Sverdlovsk region, Vladislav Pinaev Tuesday at a meeting of the Sverdlovsk Oblast Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

By 1.2 billion rubles will be allocated for the construction of the regional and federal budgets. Also, funding for the project is expected to lead the expense of the city budget, extra-budgetary funds and borrowed funds of the UFU.

For the development in the field of nanotechnology chairman of the regional government Denis Pasler decided to incorporate in 2013 in the regional program point for a grant to residents of technology parks for reimbursement of costs associated with the production and sale of innovative products.


SEMIKUPOLNY temple was built in Kharkiv on charity funds

Church of the Holy Prince Vladimir consecrated on the street Heroes of labor, which in the Moscow district of Kharkiv. This is the first of the four temples built for the City Day - August 23.

This is UKRINFORM told in the press service of the Kharkiv diocesan administration.

`The temple is built on the charitable funds, the bulk of the costs claimed Zhilstroi-Trust` 1 `. The ceremony was held himself managing Kharkov diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Archbishop of Kharkov and Bogoduhovsky Onufrii. At the temple liturgy held. Appointed rector Archpriest Anatoly (Bulgakov) `, - the press-service.

Immediately after the consecration of Archbishop Onufrii awarded the Order of the Baptism of Kievan Rus number of patrons, some of whom are members of the Kharkiv regional council.

Place in the construction of the church consecrated in 1995. Construction started five years later. The area of the temple, situated on a plot of 1 ha, - 700 m, height - 45 m Temple of accommodating five hundred parishioners built in the Ukrainian Baroque style, with seven domes.

In the next few days in Kharkov will consecrate another three temples: in honor of Our Lady of Wisdom 600 square meters, the lower chapel of the church in honor of St. James area of 120 sq.m and a temple in honor of the Holy Martyr Victor area of 130 square meters, which is territory of the Kharkiv city perinatal center.

As previously reported UKRINFORM in the Kharkiv region are more than three hundred temples UOC and half of them built in the years of Ukrainian independence.


Council of Muftis RUSSIA STANDS FOR construction of mosques all districts of Moscow

The Council of Muftis of Russia will insist on the fact that in every district of Moscow appeared on one of the mosque, said on Radio Voice of Russia `` head of the Council Ravil Gainutdin.

`In Moscow critically lacking mosques, and there are between one and a half to two million Muslims#39;, - said Mufti.

According to him, a few years ago, the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the European part of Russia, part of the construction, has developed a program for the construction of mosques in Moscow.

`This program has been submitted to the Moscow authorities and agreed upon in 2009. We have submitted their bids for the construction of mosques in different districts of Moscow. Today this program is on hold due to the fact that the revised Plan of Moscow.

But during a meeting with the mayor of the Russian capital, Sergei Sobyanin, we agreed that the application of the Moscow Mufti will be carefully studied #39;- said Gainutdin.

Meanwhile, told the Interfax-Religion `` Islamic scholar Roman Silant#39;ev, in recent years, Moscow authorities have allocated to the Council of Muftis of Russia eight sites for the construction of mosques, but no mosque built by the organization was not.

`Now the city authorities are considering the delegation of authority for the construction of new mosques in the capital of the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia, which historically belonged to all of Moscow#39;s mosques#39; - said the Islamic scholar.


TO BEGIN IN SEPTEMBER build a water park in Cherepovets

The project is the water park, which will build in Cherepovets company `Hans-Story` by means of #39;Severstal#39;, held last stage of coordination in the Office of State expertise in the Vologda region. Parties that implement the project, expect to get permission for construction of the facility at the beginning of September.
Preparations for the start of construction is almost complete. A study of soil, topsoil removed for digging the pit. For the construction of the basement will be used 368 piles and laid about 600 cubic meters of concrete.
Commented project leader Hans-Story `` Rauno Silfverhuth: `The site is fully prepared for the first phase of construction - the construction of the foundation. C obtaining a positive opinion of the Office of State expertise we start piling and concreting. The composition of the soil is familiar to us - it is similar to the ground at the site we built the Ice Palace.

Foundation work, we plan to complete in November 2012, and then immediately start the construction of the building. Mounting frame Water Park will begin this year `.
A water park, a total area of 4 million square meters, will be built in the area Zasheksninskom Cherepovets. Customer and investor of the construction of the water park is the `` Severstal. The general contractor is selected Finnish company CJSC `Hans-Story #39;, which in 2006 built in Cherepovets universal SCC#39; Ice Palace #39;on the 6000 spectators.



Resolution of the City of St. Petersburg to build an office skyscraper companies Gazprom `` and `` Gazprom Neft in the Primorye region has caused outrage not only citizens, but also drew the attention of the world body at the UN for Culture, Education and Science of UNESCO.

`` Lahti center height 472 meters can disrupt historical panorama of the city center, thus breaking the integrity of the single St. Petersburg. Currently, representatives of UNESCO `` expect the authorities to the northern capital of the official document with a conclusion about the potential impact of new buildings on the perception of objects of cultural heritage.

- Before making a decision about the construction, the city of St. Petersburg to provide a UNESCO appropriate paper. The authorities should try to prove to us that the damage caused to cultural sites would not - told Izvestia `` Chairman of UNESCO#39;s World Heritage Committee Eleanor Mitrofanov. - If you come to us too many comments from the public, then formed a special mission of UNESCO, which starts proceedings on the ground.

If there is a violation of the integrity of the historic St. Petersburg, UNESCO can take extreme measures.

- The organization can eliminate the city from the list of World Heritage sites. This is an extreme measure that can accepted organization. This was a time, it was the center of Dresden, the decision was made at last year#39;s session - told Izvestia `` official representative of Russia to UNESCO in France Victoria Kalinina. - The reason was that the Germans had transformed the historic center of the city, let#39;s say, not the best way.

Created a precedent in Germany could be repeated in St. Petersburg, when a special expert commission considers that the appearance of the historic center is extremely modified. However, Kalinin said that it `does not happen suddenly #39;before making such a decision the authorities sent numerous warnings.

Thus, if the Gazprom skyscraper `` break historical panorama of a particular area in the center of St. Petersburg, UNESCO can reduce the area of the city, which will cease to be considered as a World Heritage Site.

- I, as ambassador reminded the authorities of St. Petersburg of them to provide a report on the potential impact of the new buildings on the perception of objects of cultural heritage. As it is not in the area of cultural heritage, not in the buffer zone, no prescriptive UNESCO currently does - explained Mitrofanov. - First, we have to look at a digital representation of the possible impact of a skyscraper and make sure that everything is in order.

Representatives of the future skyscraper stated that they had received permission to build a `` Lahti center after approval of the project in the FAA `Russia` Glavgosexpertiza.

- Received a positive conclusion on July 31 of this year. In addition, adapted to the new location of the project `` Lahti center passed the procedure of obtaining a waiver from the limiting parameters for height, - said the #39;Izvestia#39; Director of Public Relations Company `Social and Business Center Ohta` `Svetlana Afanasyev. - In June of last year were held a public hearing where all interested St. Petersburg to express their comments and suggestions.

As a result of the hearing was issued an order of the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning, permitting the construction of buildings up to 500 meters on a plot in Lahti. In November 2012, confirmed the validity of this order the City Court of St. Petersburg.

Experts in the field of architecture noted that the project Lahti center is not much different from the previous version of the controversial construction of the office of Gazprom `on` Ohta. Of course, the designers changed the location of construction, but modern skyscraper will still be visible from many points, but fit into the panorama of the historic center of St. Petersburg it will not work.

- This is a repeat of the situation with Ohta center, one to one. But the construction site was moved, and the Primorsky district has not considered the historic center of the city, so there get a building permit easier, despite the fact that Russian law protected not only buildings, but also the view of the city - said the #39;Izvestia#39; professor of Moscow Architectural Institute, architectural historian Yuri Volchok.


In Moscow will construct FACTORY SATELLITE

The company producing satellites to be built in the suburban town of Schyolkovo, in addition, there will be built a scientific community, said the Moscow Region Governor Sergei Shoigu.

Thus, the head of the region supported the plans of `Gazprom Space Systems#39; (SCS) for construction in the area Schelkovskoy venture to build satellites.

According to the plans of GCS, the production will run to thousands of people for 15 years, it will be constructed on two satellites per year. The devices are intended for the development of communication systems `and` Yamal satellite monitoring systems #39;see#39;.

Shoigu instructed the head Schelkovskogo district until December 15 to submit a decision on the allocation of two plots of land for construction of the plant.

In addition, the need to allocate land for the construction of housing for employees.


Saransk WILL build a new temple

On Saturday, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill celebrated the rite of blessing the foundation stone in the foundation being built on the south-west of the church of Saints Cyril and Methodius.

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, Metropolitan of Saransk and Mordovia Varsonofy, Nicholas Merkushin and head of Mordovia, Vladimir Volkov signed a letter of blessing, after which she was placed in a special capsule and put in the foundation of the temple.
After the service, the Primate of the Russian Church, addressed the audience with the Primatial word.

- Dear Nikolai Ivanovich! Dear Vladimir Dmitrievich! Dear fathers, brothers and sisters! I cordially greet all of you and congratulations - first, on the occasion of the 1000th anniversary of the unification of Mordovia people and the peoples of Russia, as well as a historic event blessed Share certificates for the Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius.

Every time I come to Mordovia, I see a big change. Although the last time I was here just a year ago, but this year#39;s seen a change in the appearance of Saransk. But the most important thing - I see a change in the attitudes of people, I see that the people of Mordovia is becoming more united and purposeful.

Of the region#39;s low-profile, economically weak, undeveloped Mordovia has become one of the examples of the economic, social prosperity, the like-mindedness of the people, and most have to stress as the Patriarch, spiritual development. An indispensable condition for every good work is enlisting the help of God. Saints Cyril and Methodius and laid the foundations of our writings, translated into Slavic language the word of God, the missionaries were outstanding.

They laid the foundation for the development of culture - multinational and simultaneously feeding a single spiritual source of Orthodoxy. Their case is not dead, and after more than 1,000 years, we remember their names and their honor dedicate temples.

So it is a human thing, not die, not eclipsed many different kinds of large and small historical events, if the business is backed by the power of prayer and faith. Only in this way and made real progress and the human race, and society, the state and the individual.

I am aware that many today do not understand these words, many equate progress only visible development. But everyone knows that, even on good roads and comfortable homes are not fully dependent on the internal state of man, his well-being, his happiness. You can be miserable in the palace, you can hand over the lay of hopelessness and despair, living in a very comfortable city.

Human well-being - is the intersection of the spiritual and the material, and only when one supports the other, and reveals the potential of the human person, only if a person acquires happiness.

I thank God for being in Mordovia spiritual and material overlap and largely support each other. And, referring to all of you, I urge to keep the faith in your heart, do not forget God, to try to live according to God#39;s law, arguing the good and truth, without succumbing either to lie or to the temptations, no temptation, no matter all the things that today can with easy to destroy, and faith, and national identity. Keep one thing and another, and the benefit to you and your children.

Through the prayers of saints Cyril and Methodius God bless the people of this region, and all hail Saransk, Mordovia. God bless you.

Construction of the new church began recently - at the end of June. It is planned that the temple will be built by 2015.


`Thanks to such events the world becomes better`

Raisa Kashaev Saransk:

- It is very important that the celebrations in honor of the 1000th anniversary of the unification of Mordovia Russian peoples of the state include the laying of the capsule in the foundation of this temple. Without the spiritual component would be impossible is our life. The consecration of the temple - a great deal! Thanks to such events and the world around us becomes better, and the people friendlier. I am sure that young people it affects positively.

I visit churches and see that now in the service of them goes a lot of girls and young lyudey.Hochetsya wish good health - and patience - Patriarch Kirill. Let continues to do good deeds!

`Faith - the basis of our life`

Cyril Doelen, Saransk:

- Faith - the foundation of our lives. I am a believer, and for me is very important the construction of the church, which will carry the name of my patron saint. I myself live nearby.

Finish building the temple - I will walk in his service. For me is very important and the visit of the Patriarch. Glad to be a witness of a small worship with his participation.

Very pleased that His Holiness visited again Mordovia!



`Stroytransgas` shareholder is businessman Gennady Timchenko, won the biggest competition for the company `` Gazprom Neft for the construction of an oil terminal in the Arctic. Analysts have estimated that the cost of the project may reach $ 1 billion This is the first project for the company, which can be a through ticket to other Arctic tenders.

Tender `` Gazprom Neft to perform the design, supply of equipment and materials, construction and commissioning of the Arctic year-round oil export terminal Novoportovskoye field won by a consortium of companies (SCF `` `` Shelf `Institute (Simferopol), Van Oord offshore bv ( Netherlands) led by Stroytransgaz ``. `The sum of the contract Gazprom Neft` does not open. The company said that the application for participation in the tender were received from three candidates. `In` SGM, another major contractor of oil companies, RBC daily said, that the company did not participate in the tender.

Winners were selected on criteria such as #39;price, turnaround time and the possibility of future maintenance facility#39;, indicated in the message `` Gazprom Neft. According to a representative of the oil company, the preparation of a feasibility study (FS) to be completed before the end of 2012, the expected completion date of construction of the terminal - 2014.

The first step will be the preparation of project documentation, as well as obtaining the necessary permits and approvals, after which the contractor will supply the place of construction - Stone Cape - materials, equipment and technology. Capacity of the terminal will be decided on the basis of the feasibility study of the project. Then the experts will start construction works, and later begin the process of commissioning and commissioning of the terminal Arctic year-round shipment of oil from onshore New Port `` `explained` Gazprom Neft.

Raw materials will be transported from the field on a 100-kilometer pipeline. The port provides for the construction of four storage tank, the volume of each of them - 10 thousand cubic meters. m

`` Stroytransgas specializes in the construction of oil and gas infrastructure, but the experience in the construction of Arctic terminals the company does. In 2009, it became the largest shareholder of businessman Gennady Timchenko. At the time, `` Stroytransgas was loss-making company.

In 2008, the loss was 6.22 billion rubles., In 2009 it rose to 6.74 billion rubles., But in 2010 fell to 4.7 billion rubles.

To improve the financial position of the company held an additional issue of shares, sold non-core assets and reorganized. As a result, last year she got a plus, net profit amounted to 851.4 million rubles. Total cost of gas, oil and electric power projects, which involved `` Stroytransgas last year amounted to 150 billion rubles.

It Gennadi Timchenko also has contracts for the construction of oil and oil product terminals in the port of Ust-Luga, but in the Arctic offshore experience it does not work.

`` Stroytransgas now seriously loses its competitors - SGM `` and `` Stroygazkonsaltinga who pushed him in pipeline business, says CEO of National Energy Security Fund Konstantin Simonov. Clearly, the company is actively seeking new niches for business development, for example in the electricity market is planning to engage in the construction of networks. `` Stroytransgas will seek to where the interesting projects and have low competition, including in the Arctic oil fields#39;, - he says. According to him, the company has strong administrative resources, and access to projects in the Arctic and the upcoming competitions #39;Rosneft#39; s will open.

Raiffeisenbank analyst Andrey Polishchuk estimates the cost of construction of the terminal in the $ 700 million (at the rate of $ 100 per tonne), and given the difficult arctic amount could rise to $ 1 billion




STEP Company has signed a contract to build a business center area of 26.6 thousand square meters. m The customer is a company `LUKOIL-Severo-Zapadnefteprodukt`.

In August, the area 1 to Aptekarskaya waterfront (the building address, the exact location - to the south of the house 3, lit. B on the street Instrumental) began preliminary construction work. The plot area is 8016 square meters. m the second quarter of 2014 there will be built-class business center with total area of over 26.6 thousand square meters. m area of the building will be 22.7 thousand square meters. m

The project customer is the company `LUKOIL-Severo-Zapadnefteprodukt`, which will be the main tenant of the business center. Part of the building space will be rented to third party tenants.

`The design feature of the business center will be underground parking for 118 cars, as well as the construction of a covered aboveground parking for 36 cars#39; - says project manager STEP Roman Mansurov. In addition, the building provides spacious atriums, allowing visually expand the interior space. Given that the projected office building located in the historical center of St. Petersburg, in its exterior finish used traditional materials and elements of decor. `STEP perform the full range of on-site construction work`, - says Mr.


This is not the first business center Class A STEP erected in the historic center of St. Petersburg. In 2008, the company implemented a project to build BolloevCentrev Lane Grivtsova 4, and the 2005th was handed a business center `Veda House #39;on the Petrograd embankment, 20.

In addition, STEP built the industrial park projects such as the Finnish company Technopolis, business centers `Alexander`, `Phoenix`, `` Bazin, as well as the Moscow office center `Ken`.

`STEP possesses all the characteristics and suitable portfolio for such a project. I would like to thank our partners who have noted this in the course of the competition #39;- says the president, CEO of STEP Dmitry Kunis.