Thursday, January 30, 2014


Buddhists ask the president of the Sverdlovsk PROTECT THEIR CHURCH OF DEMOLITION THREAT

Buddhist temple Shad TCHUP Ling, located on the top of the mountain Kachkanar Sverdlovsk region say the threat of its demolition company `Evraz Kachkanarsky Mining` (part of Evraz Group SA ``).

In one of the social networks Buddhists reported that officials have issued Sverdlovsk holding a license for mining leases for the development of mineral deposits in this area, and now the company speaks about the inadmissibility of the monastery being here.

`Monastic community in the face of eight people who have devoted their lives building the monastery, facing the threat of eviction, and above all religious, residential and farm buildings, create them by hand for 17 years, under the threat of demolition #39;- written by Buddhists.

According to them, the land is not owned holding company, and, in addition, in the territory occupied by the monastery, no minerals. Buddhists believe that the coexistence of a future career and monastery on the territory of the discussion is possible for the holding of this need only review the draft of a new career, to the monastery#39;s land area does not fall into the zone of future developments.

Representatives of the community posted on the Internet are two options the letter addressed to Russian President Vladimir Putin offered to all caring and support them.

In turn, KGOK points to the legality of their actions.

`Law on Subsoil directly obliges the company fully select the entire ore falling within this contour, or face harsh sanctions, including revocation of the license` - `the agency Interfax-Ural` in the department of media relations company.

According to the source, the deposit was explored in the 50-ies of the last century. When the Ore Reserve has been known monastery on Mount Kachkanar was not.

The company noted that these buildings are located directly in the field of mineral resources and, consequently, the area where the work will be carried out. According to the law, in which case any buildings, not to mention about living people banned because it is unsafe.

The plant is ready to help with the transfer of the monastery and other buildings in the other place, but this issue should be discussed in conjunction with the City, as well as living in these buildings people.


VS Industry Ministry `black diggers#39;

Illegal mining in the southern Urals has reached critical proportions. At the same time, among the licensees running only one-third. This was announced yesterday, October 10th at the regional meeting of the heads of municipalities of the Southern Urals, the Minister of Industry and Natural Resources of the Chelyabinsk Region Vladimir Pavlov. He urged the mayors to do geological control on their territories. experts believe that the `` illegal diggers are due to complicated procedures for issuance of permits, as well as due to prolonged lack of control in this area.

Yesterday, October 10, held in Chelyabinsk regional meeting with the heads of municipalities. It voiced the problematic issues associated with the production of common minerals in our province. Conducted by specialists of the Ministry of Industry of the monitoring showed that the illegal mining in the region is in a critical condition.

At the beginning of October 2012, according to the ministry, 337 remain valid licenses for subsoil use. The actual mining operations are only 102 organizations, often with serious violations in this area. In the first nine months of this year, 237 directed the relevant notices, suspended 53 and revoked 19 licenses.

`The situation is aggravated by the fact that bona fide mining companies have competitive pressure from illegal miners` - said Minister of Industry and Natural Resources of the Chelyabinsk Region Vladimir Pavlov. According to him, because of the massive nature of the violations in the Southern Urals law enforcement agencies have established an interagency task force to combat illegal mining. `But with the municipalities no work in this direction is, - said Mr. Pavlov. - They are not only indifferent to the facts of illegal extraction of common minerals, but they are often hidden. And this despite the fact that according to the law #39;On Subsoil#39; executive body of local self-government has the right to suspend the presence of violations of geological work `.

In the example of the minister cited the situation in the vicinity of Karabash where illegal mining platy quartzite is more than five years. Plunder the approximate amount of the mineral is 50-60 cubic meters per day, the amount of 150-180 thousand rubles. Neither MET nor any other tax payments from such production in the region and the city budget does not do that.

As told Vladimir Pavlov, the administration Karabash issue permits to conduct ground works and enters into contracts for landscaping, which indicate that the payment is made to the executor assembled on site with stone. #39;Almost all the sites are in direct view of the administrative buildings. Limestone is transported along the only road that runs through the city - said Vladimir Pavlov. - A similar situation with uncontrolled extraction of minerals formed in Miass, Sosnovskoye and Chebarkulsky areas `.

The Minister Vladimir Pavlov proposed to the heads of municipalities to intensify geological control on their territories. In his opinion, it is necessary to hold monthly raids on geological control on a quarterly basis, in order to provide information interaction of the regional Industry Ministry of the actions undertaken. And also lead the work on spatial planning within the constraints of mining assets.

Experts in the South Urals mining believe that companies that develop career #39;in black#39;, appear as due to the long approval procedures required documents and high rental value of the land, and because of the fact that for a long time this area no not in control.

`The right to inspect entrepreneurs working in the field of mining, municipalities have until July of this year. Prior to this a long time, this segment remained virtually unchecked that unleashes unscrupulous companies - says the head of the city district Karabashsky Vyacheslav Yagodinets. - We conduct monthly monitoring activities in mining. On the grounds of the city managed to install almost complete order in this area.

Each holder of a license to mining has already signed a contract with the Authority to lease land, designed the other necessary documentation. Regularly made to the regional taxes and the federal budget, and the city budget - rent for the land #39;. For two months of payments to the budget Karabash, according to Vyacheslav Yagodintsa have increased by almost 150 thousand rubles a month.

Producing companies in Karabash flagstone illegally, according to the head of the city, not now. `Before, most licensees violated the licensing terms - he explains. - Today, as part of the law #39;On Subsoil `we were able to force them to fulfill licensing agreements#39;. The businessmen, who did not respond to advocacy, administration Karabash together with the regional Ministry of Industry intends to withdraw the license. `After our tests under hardship licenses are now four companies - added Vyacheslav Yagodinets. - A few more of these solutions Ministry of Industry experts are preparing on their own initiative #39;.

`I think the violations in mining operations occur to a greater extent because of the long procedure of registration of the necessary permits, - says Director of the Company` UralBuildIndustry `Michael Tel#39;nov. - Upon receipt of the license and before the work requires a minimum of two years of financial, documentary and temporary investments. Apparently, not every company the strength to bear it. Besides working with natural resources implies considerable overhead costs such as rent of land `.

However, experts have noticed that in the business of mining in addition to time required to process the documents is another important problem - the complexity of working with the Railways. `In our field, it is very difficult each company individually to lobby for their interests in the government, and even more so at the level of the carrier-monopoly Russian Railways, - says Mikhail Tel#39;nov. - We are in the market to rubble in 1999. As practice shows, in addition to rail all the problems are solved. About 70-80 percent of the value of crushed stone, sand and other non-metallic materials for the consumer are just shipping costs. To facilitate interaction with the Railways and power structures in Russia created a lot of associations such as the Association of Career Urals `` and `all-Russian union Nedra`.

Work alone is very difficult. I think the authorities should pay attention to this problem `.

More respondents site suggested that perhaps the authorities are exaggerating the scale of violations. #39;For a long time I communicate with many YUZHNOURALSKY, Urals and Russian companies and associations working in the field of non-metal industry - continues Mr. Tel#39;nov. - Of those who are engaged in illegal mining, heard, but to face them so far failed `.



In the Chelyabinsk region Illegal mining has acquired a mass character - the reason is that the municipal authorities fail to implement the powers transferred to them by the geological supervision, reports news agency `Access` with reference to the minister of industry and natural resources of the region, Vladimir Pavlov.

So, in Karabash for more than five years there has been illegal extraction of limestone that is conjugate to the actual damage of the deposit of quartzite flux (strategic raw materials of dual-use). Plunder the approximate volume of 50-60 cubic meters per day. In this case, no such tax payments from the budget of the production area and the city did not do that. `Administration Karabash to these papers are issued permits to conduct land operations, contract to landscaping, which provides that the payment is made to the executor collected at the site a stone`, - said Vladimir Pavlov.

In Miass in the Lower Atlyana are also being illegal mining limestone. Kremenkulskoe field of building sand in Sosnovskoye area turned into a garbage dump waste on the territory Fedorovsk field stone work for a long time passed without a license in the area of distributed production Chebarkulsky sandy gravel with disabilities.

According to Vladimir Pavlov, this situation is due to the fact that in June 2012 on the organization of the powers of supervision over mining operations were transferred to the municipal level, but they are not currently implemented. `Almost none of the municipality not adopted the organization and implementation of geological control over the use and protection of mineral resources, the authorized body is not defined. The exception is one of Ust-Katavsky Borough `, - said the minister.

He noted that the first half of 2012 to the budget of the Chelyabinsk region received income from taxes on mining operations in the amount of 373 million rubles. Compared with 2010, revenue growth was 45% in 2011 and 79% in 2012. `This growth could be higher if the bona fide mining companies did not have the competitive pressure on the market from the illegal miners`, - said Vladimir Pavlov.

Add that up raids conducted regional Ministry of Industry, was initiated 11 administrative cases. The monitoring was established critical condition with illegal mining. Given the massive nature of the violations in the region, to curb illegal mining, an interdepartmental working group, comprising representatives of law enforcement agencies and law enforcement.


In Volgograd rally against nickel mine near Voronezh

October 14 decided to support the Voronezh residents of Volgograd. The action started with the motto - `Volgograd against nickel mining in the Black Earth!`. According to local media, today#39;s rally were videotaped.

- Social movie will be shown at the Festival `art film #39;, which will begin in Volgograd, October 26, and will be replicated in social networks. More about the campaign can be found here - reported Volgograd media.

Recall that before the rally in support of Voronezh were a number of regions. The Russians sure: extraction of nickel at Voronezh lead to environmental disaster, as happened in Norilsk. Their city is one of the most polluted in the world.


PRESENTED INTEL ATOM D2560 dual-core processor

Atom family of processors from Intel joins created in compliance with the 32-nm technology standards D2560 chip with a clock speed of 2.0 GHz, which has two cores Cedarview architecture Saltwell.

Debutant has 1 MB of cache L2, support and instruction SSE2/SSE3/SSSE3 `friends` with technology HyperThreading. He is willing to work with single-channel RAM DDR3-1066, up to 4 GB, integrated graphics with a core clock of 640 MHz and is characterized by a TDP of 10 watts.

On the market this CPU will take a position on the model D2550. Its release will lead to exclusion from the range of processor D2700. The price of a novelty when buying a batch of 1,000 copies is set at $ 47.



MICROSOFT LAUNCHES A NEW COMPUTERMicrosoft Corp. after many years of development is to the public his own version of the computer, which, together with a traditional mouse and keyboard controlled more and handle.

In the company of Bill Gates assured that their handheld computer will give the ability to download information in several ways: the data can be typed with the arrow keys, and a writing process as smart screen is able to recognize handwriting.

It is expected that the new Tablet PC will be presented to the public in two versions.

Computer one modification looks like a conventional lap-top, but the screen can be rotated so that the user can write on it, as in the ordinary paper. Another kind of Tablet PC is different from the first in that it smart screen is separate from the keyboard and system unit.

Computers Tablet PC can be used in hospitals

Both versions use the new program Windows Journal, allow users to either store the information entered into the computer in handwritten form or convert your handwriting into text. The program can distinguish between hundreds of options handwriting. However, the first time Windows Journal can learn to 60-80% of the written word, and as you get used to the characteristics of the style by percentage will grow.

On launch day in the UK Tablet users will be able to test new handheld computers, made by several companies - Fujitsu, Toshiba, Acer, HewlettPackard and Research Machines - and using wireless technology Bluetooth.

This is a replacement to traditional lap-topu, and not an addition to it, - said Neil Laver, one of the managers of Microsoft in the UK.

According Lavera, a major plus Tablet PC is that it can be used in situations where the use of the keyboard is impossible. However, now, Microsoft is warning that users will have to wait before the new system will operate without interruption.

Microsoft#39;s new brainchild has already found application not only at the level of ordinary people. Graduation Ceremony of the Tablet PC for the mass market does not take place by chance in a London hospital: in the company of Bill Gates believe that the ability to enter handwritten information into the computer speed up the completion of hospital charts and will help in some surgical operations.

Cost Tablet PC initially scare potential buyers, both at the individual and at the corporate level. The novelty is about 3 thousand dollars. It is much more expensive than conventional lap-top and even more highly popular handheld computers.

Before Microsoft is not an easy task - in the past several attempts to combine in different ways to a Pocket PC input fails. In 1998, Apple abandoned the project Newton, and IBM - from Crosspad.


IBM has the most powerful servers with the new processor POWER4 +

eServer p650 is the first server that contains the latest 64-bit microprocessor, POWER4 + - which is manufactured on 0.13 micron process, and contains more than 180 million transistors. On p650 will be installed POWER4 + c chip clocked at 1.2 and 1.45 GHz. At the request of IBM, POWER4 + chips consume a third less energy than the latest CPUs Sun UltraSPARC III with the same clock speeds.

eServer p650 is a powerful and affordable system of the middle class to perform applications such as supply chain management, CRM, and others. This server can neayti use in many organizations - ranging from small and medium-sized companies to the larger units; industrial enterprises. p650 is designed to work with the operating system, AIX 5L, but at the same time in separate sections may be running Linux.

Based on site X-bit labs




The unique linguistic software for translators Ectaco developed in the St. Petersburg branch of the American company, and the development of the design for the UT entrusted with the infamous Lebedev Studio. The new gadget will be available in only one and a half years, but now there is information on its unique characteristics.

The main feature of the Universal Translator is a two-way voice interface: machine detects told the owner of a phrase and then gives her voice translation. Something like we have repeatedly seen in works of fiction. The developers promise that UT will correctly recognize the different characteristics of pronunciation, and the high quality of the translation provided by the fact that the built-in dictionary contains whole sentences, ie, to understand the context of translated words.

Since the addition of others, not directly related to the transfer of functions is not strongly affect the cost of development and production unit, it is not surprising that the translator will fit well as an organizer, alarm clock, calculator, currency translator, and finally the game. However, the developers have decided to save money on your keyboard device: it will contain a limited set of multi-character keys (like a cell phone), but for convenience I use the analogy of T9 (for the recognition of Russian representatives Ectaco, the corresponding software was originally developed for another project, but not disappear as good ).

The design of the UT, there are more original elements - for example, the volume control is carried out by a special ring, which frames the round display. More detailed information on the appearance of an interpreter can be found at Lebedev Studio.

Thus, it remains to be patient and start saving money for a new toy (according to some estimates, it will cost no less than $ 200). Well, the most impatient can buy the latest models of electronic translators now. In Topmene.



The Japanese unit of Taiwanese company introduced a new video card Leadtek WinFast A280LE TD-based GPU nVidia GeForce4 Ti4200 with protocol support AGP 8x. This new card is available in two models: the model WinFast A280LE TD MyVivo equipped with DDR video memory of 128 MB, and the model WinFast A280LE TD - 64 MB.

Main technical characteristics of video cards:

Chipset: GeForce4 Ti4200 8x

GPU clock speed of 250 MHz

Video RAM: 64 MB or 128

The frequency of the video memory: 444 MHz

Video Memory Bandwidth: 8 GB / s

RAMDAC, clocked at 350 MHz

Analog Video Interface: 15-pin D-Sub

Digital Video Interface: DVI-I

TV-out (in the model WinFast A280LE TD) or multi-connector VIVO c video input and output (in the model WinFast A280LE TD MyVivo)

Video card WinFast A280LE TD MycVivo and WinFast A280LE TD will go on sale in Japan in mid-November 2002 with an estimated retail price of 26,000 yen and 23,000, respectively (about 217 and 192 U.S. dollars).




Rover Computers has started production of a new model of LCD computer Windrover DN MT7. Architecture desktop LCD computer all-in-one is used in the models AT7, AT8, AT8 (S): PC, in fact, is placed in the stand LCD display, and a computer model Windrover Twin block is made even in the form, and let compact, but a separate module.

Windrover DN MT7 offers users a different view of the concept of desktop LCD computer: on your mind this device is no different from a conventional laptop. Advantages of this approach - ease of transport and transfer computer from place to place. Windrover DN MT7 for those users of mobile computers that the lion#39;s share of time working at a desk, occasionally carry a laptop from office to home and very rarely work on the road.

The system uses the Intel Pentium 4 processor with a clock frequency of up to 2.6 GHz and RAM DDR SDRAM capacity from 128 to 1024 MB. The large 15-inch LCD screen with a resolution of 1024x768 ensures a comfortable working environment. A built-in AGP4x 3D/2D/DVD-videoakselerator - performance of video applications. For storage of video RAM allocated array of 16 to 64 MB, which is set by the user.

Windrover DN MT7 a built-in floppy disk drive, hard drive capacity from 20 to 60GB, as well as one of the drives 24x CD-ROM, 8x DVD-ROM or 8x/24x/8x/8x DVD-ROM/CD-RW Combo. Built-in communication (K56.6Flex V.90-faks/modem and Ethernet 10/100 LAN-adapter) make it easy to connect to the Internet or a local network. A wide array of ports, which includes 4-port USB, digital port IEEE1394 (FireWire), video output S-Video, digital audio S / PDIF, ensure convenience connecting various peripherals.

Windrover DN MT7 intended primarily for use on the desk. Therefore, the main source of food for him is a universal AC adapter. However, in case of need, you can purchase an optional external battery module Smart Li-Ion 2000 mAH capacity for autonomous operation.

The suggested retail price for this model starts at $ 1195 (for the configuration DN MT7 P4-1.5G/128/20000/CD/LAN100/Fm/NoBattery/W #39;XP, $ 1315 for the configuration DN MT7 P4-1.5G/128/20000/DVD -CDRW/LAN100/Fm/NoBattery/W #39;XP).

Source: own information



TABLET PC FROM FIC PLATFORM TABLET PCNovember 11, 2002 the Taiwanese company First International Computer (FIC) is a Tablet PC SlateVision Platform Tablet PC. According to calculations the manufacturer, the new tablet will be able to attract significantly more customers than its competitors when its price will drop from $ 2,000 to $ 1,400. Assistant vice president of FIC Network and Information Equipment John Phan believes that the price of tablet computers in excess of 50,000 Taiwan dollars (about 1,400 U.S. dollars), is able to stop many potential buyers.

According to him, at present, the high price of tablet SlateVision due to extremely low supply of components. A prerequisite to solve this problem is to construct a rigid system integration suppliers. Fang believes that low-cost version of the Tablet PC to hit the market in the second half of 2004, when the release of accessories for the Tablet PC will more manufacturers. President of FIC Network and Information Equipment Jin Sheu said that the computers on the Tablet PC platform significantly exceeded those of his predecessors, as a web tablet, because they use powerful processors, and they are able to simultaneously perform a number of different tasks. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the FIC Ming Zhe Chen stressed that the tablet computer - is a separate product that is not a complement to a PC.

In his own experience, thanks to the Tablet PC, he has saved up to 80 percent of working time, which he would have spent to perform the same tasks on a standard laptop. Manual FIC has high hopes for tablet PCs Tablet PC and expects next year to make a profit in the amount of five billion Taiwan dollars (about 144.5 million U.S. dollars), accounting for about 10 percent of the total annual profits of the company. The company currently produces two versions of FIC Tablet PC with 10.4-inch displays: SlateVision FT800 and SlateVision FT933-based Transmeta TM5800 c processor speeds up to 1.0 GHz.

In May-June 2003 FIC plans to launch two new models of tablet computers based on processors Intel Banias: from 10.4 and 12.1-inch displays. Each model will have a built-in keyboard.



The first model, ViewSonic V110 will be a 10-inch monitor weighing about 1 kg and cost $ 999. 15-inch version called the ViewSonic V150 weighs 4 kg and its estimated price of $ 1,299. Both monitors have built-in support for IEEE 802.11b protocol for local area wireless networks, known as Wi-Fi.

A user who has the disposal of a pen, will be able to use the display with an active screen for surfing the Internet or access to data such as e-mail and digital photos.

So-called smart displays, which had previously called Mira, running the operating system Windows CE for Smart Displays. This OS is built on the basis of a system for handheld devices Pocket PC. Microsoft is working with nearly a dozen hardware makers, developing models or producing goods for sale in the United States, Europe and Asia in the coming year.

ViewSonic will be one of the first companies that issued the hardware for the new OS. It will supply the displays with the access point that connects to the PC via USB and transmits the data to the smart display. Each unit also comes with an updated version of Windows XP Professional, which allows use as a monitor wireless displays.

This version of the OS includes support for remote desktop protocol, which allows data transfer between PC and smartdispleem.

Each device from ViewSonic runs Xscale CPU with 400 MHz and equipped with lithium-ion batteries that provide continuous operation of the monitor for 4 hours. In addition, each model has a built-in microphone, headphone jack and USB-port for connecting a keyboard or mouse. Like the tablet PC, presented at last week#39;s iron partners Microsoft, smart displays have handwriting recognition and on-screen keyboard.

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