Tuesday, December 31, 2013


AHLSTROM ANNOUNCES NEW coated paper to produce high quality LABEL

Paper Extrachrome X3 shows exceptional gloss and white and very easy to be sealed. This material is ideal for wine, spirits, perfumes, cosmetics, gourmet food and personal care products that need common label.

Paper Extrachrome X3 also provides a hassle-free Polygraphists hewn, and to the manufacturer - the perfect behavior of labeling machines.

Material produced at the company#39;s Kauttua, Finland, can be sealed by offset, flexo, letterpress printing and lacquering expose varnishes, are fixed under the action of ultraviolet rays.

Recall that the unit LabelPack company Ahlstrom manufactures specialty papers for flexible packaging, self-adhesive label materials and damp.





According to X-Rite spectrophotometer many desktop is not quite sophisticated. After a survey of experts and users of the various color measurement devices, X-Rite designer created a series of high quality desktop spectrophotometers that demonstrate leadership of the American firm X-Rite color measurement in the industry.

Standards of accuracy, precision and functionality

Premier 8000 Series sets new standards of functionality, clarity and accuracy for measurements. The special technology of fixing images, two-sided load (front and rear), working in transmission and reflection, unparalleled ease of use and compatibility with portable spectrophotometers X-Rite Premier make 8000 an excellent solution in the industry of color measurement. Premier 8000 Series includes two models of different capacity: 8400 and 8200.

The inner surface of both cars made from the original reflective material SpectralonR, which guarantees the accuracy of the spectrum and a long service life.

Key features include:

· Precise fixation of the sample

· Horizontal and vertical positioning device

· The possibility of placing several samples

· Docked with portable spectrophotometers X-Rite

· Durable, maintenance-surface SpectralonR

· Multi-sample holder with humidifying function, customizable platform leveling samples

· Internal and external protection

· Automatic UV calibration

· 3 the size of the lens aperture: 4.0, 8.0, and 19.0 mm

· High-quality flash light - xenon

· Interface USB (plug-and-play)

· Powerful computer software X-Rite Color Master with optional configurations defined by the user.




Xerox Corporation announces sales on the Russian market of CIS countries new color LED Printer - Phaser 7300. This model is the successor to the more rapid the Phaser 2135, while possessing significantly better print quality, and other performance data. Thus, the widest range on the market full-color printing devices Xerox, which presents three different printing technologies, added a new unit, which will be actively competing devices from other manufacturers in this segment of the market




American researchers have shown that 1000-bit digital images can be stored in the Atama single molecule. The research team of scientists has completed the University of Oklahoma.

Scientists were able to capture the image on the hydrogen atoms in the liquid crystal molecule affecting it an electromagnetic pulse, which contained 1,024 radio frequency. With the impact of other pulse, frequency content of which has been slightly altered, the researchers were able to read information from the molecule.

The new technology is called molecular picture. Its authors believe that further research in this area will store huge amounts of data in a tiny space.

However, a scientist named Fang Bing (Bing Fung) said the magazine New Scientist, that their development are on the most-most first step staircase leading to the dominance of molecular information technology, as researchers have yet little is known about the scheme of the proton interaction.




During the exhibition, Polygraphinter-2002 on the bench Yam International demonstrated the process of making water-washable photopolymer flexo plates TOYOBO Cosmolight on a dedicated processor TOYOBO.

An independent jury and numerous experts have appreciated the opportunity photopolymer flexo plates TOYOBO. In particular, the clarity of dots in the range of 2 to 98%, spot uniformity and sharpness Inverted elements, sharpness, and excellent reproduction of halftone images, and text size of 2 points. An important fact is that the elution is not the data plate using any solvent solutions, and when exposed to a solution of water and detergent.

As a result, the drying time is reduced to 20 - 30 minutes, and the overall manufacturing process flexographic form is not more than 1 hour of varying thickness!

Also noted the high environmental situation around the flexographic platemaking production based on the plates and the processor TOYOBO, in which there are no harmful fumes and organic alcohols and hydrocarbons (representing solvent solutions). The problem of disposal of waste water to the polymer is completely solved by a specialized water wash process TOYOBO.

The range of photopolymer flexo plates TOYOBO Cosmolight includes 5 types of plates of varying hardness and thickness with different characteristics from 1.14 to 3.18 mm. Plates resistant to both water, alcohol (with a maximum of 30% ethyl acetate), and UV-curable inks and a run length to have 1 million printed impressions or higher. Also available is a specialized type of CLV for coating plates.

Water wash flexo forms of technology really is a big step forward in the improvement of the process, increase productivity, and reduce the environmental cost of finished forms. This fact is confirmed by numerous tests and use for many printing companies around the world.




The Canadian company NovaGold Resources Inc. continuing exploration belonging to her gold-copper porphyry deposits Galore Creek (Galore Creek) in Alaska. The main objective of the company is to increase the density of the exploration network and transfer a substantial portion of reserves category indicatred (alleged) in the category of measured (confirmed). An ordinary counting the reserves in two versions. At a cutoff grade of 0.5% copper equivalent total reserves (categories measured + indicatred) amounted to 353.3 million tonnes of ore with a grade of 0.45 g / t (159 t Au), copper - 0.72% (2.548 million tonnes of copper), silver - 5.29 g / t (1869 m silver).

Resources - 348.5 million tons of ore with a gold content of 0.54 g / t (188 t of metal), copper - 0.5% (1.742 million tons), silver - 5.41 g / t (1885 m). Total reserves and resources of 347 tons of gold make when delineating mineralization at 0.35% copper equivalent total reserves (categories measured + indicatred) calculated in the amount of 516.7 million tonnes of ore with a grade of 0.36 g / t (186 t Au), copper - 0.59% (3.048 million tonnes of copper), silver - 4.54 g / t (2,346 t silver). Thus, in the second embodiment reserves of gold, copper and silver greater, respectively, at 27 tonnes, 500 tonnes and 477 tonnes of ore - at 163.4 million tonnes, or 46%, ie almost in half. The second option of counting the resources the field are 578.3 million tons of ore with a grade of 0.42 g / t (243 t Au) gold resources to reserves - 429 tons (82 tons more than in the first version). The company Novagold Resources Inc.

2005 intends to drill at least 50 tys.pog.m wells. General estimation of reserves and the development of field development project (which will be under the control of Hatch Ltd.) Is scheduled to perform in the 2006 pre-supposed that the deposit will be mined from open pit mining to 60 tons of ore per day.



Prognosis for the third quarter of this year does not promise anything good is the world#39;s steel producers. Prices continue to fall, demand is low, and stocks products for consumers and traders reduced too slowly. Very pessimistic, in particular, set up Latin American exporters slabs. In the second quarter, they were, on the whole, to keep the cost of their products at the same level (about $ 450 per ton FOB), but in July predicting a significant drop in quarterly contracts - from 20 to 50 dollars per ton, compared with the level of the April-June. In the spot market, semi-finished products from the countries of the CIS has not traded above U.S. $ 400-420 per ton FOB in connection with a weakening market HRC further decline in June looks very likely.

Chinese slabs were delivered in late May in East Asia at the rate of not more than $ 460 per tonne C F. On the market trends sheet steel eloquently decision of the Japanese company Tokyo Steel Manufacturing reduced prices for a wide range of flat products at 5-10 thousand yen per ton (about 46-92,5 dollars) for the June deliveries. At the same time, the cost of hot-rolled coils for internal users will be reduced to about 62 thousand yen per ton (U.S. $ 574) with shipping. Prices for flat steel continued to fall throughout East Asia.

The cost of exports from the CIS countries, Taiwan and China in late May did not exceed 530-550 dollars per ton C F (HRC), competition from Japanese and European suppliers hit by the price of high-quality varieties to less than $ 600 per tonne C F. Heavy plates Korean and Japanese production is still quoted at 740-750 dollars per ton C F, but the producers of these countries have expressed growing dissatisfaction with the growth of Chinese exports. According to experts, the supply exceeds the demand is stable, and in the foreseeable future, prices will fall. More stable is the situation on the market of long products. Rebar, wire rod and long products of Russian and Ukrainian production in mid-May fell to 380-420 dollars per ton FOB, billet - to 320-330 dollars per ton FOB, but behind this reduction was suspended. Western companies are gradually prolong the current prices for the third quarter, hoping that the seasonal increase in demand for construction steel compensates for depression in the construction industry in the U.S. and Western Europe.

However, most experts expect another recession in the third quarter and believe that steelmakers need to continue to decline in production in order to reduce excess product on the market. In professional circles, continuing a lively debate about the prospects for the second half of the year. The main optimistic while playing Danny Di Micco, head of the American company Nucor, who believes that the turning point will be reached this summer due to stock-outs consumers and relatively high rates of growth of the U.S. economy.

The Russian Severstal believe that it will soon be replaced by the stabilization of the decline, and the average price level will be approximately the same as last year. At the same time, experts of British consultancy MEPS do not expect immediate future absolutely no good. According to them, the price will fall, at least until the end of the year due to weak demand in Western countries and the violation of the balance of the Chinese export market.

In the EU, growth in steel consumption will be celebrated only in the 10 new member states (and, by 4.7%), but the total demand in the EU countries, they account for less than 15%. After the May drop in world market prices of scrap metal seriously shines the June. At the auction for the sale of packaged scrapped automobiles in the United States at the end of May, it was reported decrease the level of the index AMM Factory Bundles for $ 60 per long ton (1,016 kg) - about the same as the previous month.

Thus, the value of this index, which reflects the cost of traditionally most expensive scrap dropped to $ 155 per long ton - just three months, prices have collapsed twice. Obviously, after this collapse, and the price of other varieties of scrap: demand for these raw materials in the United States are now minimal, and the yields are rising, as is usual in the warmer months. Perhaps something similar will happen in Western Europe, where there is almost a similar situation: the lack of interest in new purchases of many consumers with the inevitable expansion of the volume of deliveries. In late May, the export price of European material HMS?

1 are, however, at the level of 200-210 dollars per ton FOB, but in June, they seem to fail below 200 dollars per ton. The same applies to the same quality 3A of the CIS. So far they have been delivered to Turkey and the Mediterranean countries are at prices of about 210-225 dollars per ton C F, but keep the price of lowering in June will be very difficult, if not impossible. In Asia, the market activity is low, traders also do not show much zeal, so that prices go down slowly and are currently the highest in comparison with other regional markets.

Prices for 3A in late May reached U.S. $ 235-250 per tonne C F. However, the prospects are not encouraging and that shows the weakening of the Japanese market. Local varieties of H2 scrap in late May, has already supplied to neighboring countries at prices below $ 200 per tonne FAS. At the same time, the price of iron ore, according to many Western specialists, though reduced in 2006, but still remains high - at least to the level of the recession in 2006 is obviously not going to happen. In this regard, the leading metallurgical corporations in Western Europe and East Asia are increasingly interested in a transfer of smelting capacity in countries such as Brazil and India, where there are large reserves of iron ore and relatively developed infrastructure.

Last week it was announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the largest Brazilian (and the world), iron ore producer CVRD and leading Korean steelmaker Posco. Partners are going to build in Brazil smelter 7.5 million tons of slabs per year for further delivery to Korea. In addition, first emerged about another project CVRD, which refers to the capacity of smaller companies only 1.5 million tons per year. The project cost is estimated at $ 750 million, of which 10% of the Korean company is ready to invest Dongkuk Steel, claiming 50% of the production of the new plant. So far Dongkuk buys abroad more than 2.4 million tons of slabs.

Along with the Koreans, the interest in the Brazilian project exhibit and companies from Italy.



The Indian government has taken a step, after which the price of paper and aluminum may increase. It is planned that these two sectors will no longer be the key to set sboek coal. For companies such as Hindalco, Nalco, Balco and Sterlite Industries may mean an increase in coal prices.

Now Coal India and its seven subsidiaries sell coal at prices ranging from 270 to 1,870 rupees per tonne, depending on the quality. The government has officially stated that if both sectors will cease to be the key, then the market it will mean an increase in the price of coal on the market by at least 15%. Coal India insisted on the exclusion of these sectors for the reason that they are not strictly infrastructure for the industry. This proposal was discussed by the Ministry of Coal Industry, Prime Minister#39;s Office and the Cabinet Office.

Manual aluminum industry said that #39;logic must be applied even to the cement sector, which requires the identification of key categories. Most of the coal consumed aluminum plants used to produce electricity for their own needs. More than 70% of the country#39;s coal is consumed by the energy sector, but the head of the coal industry claim that they have to pay the bills, put up by the market, as the prices of the final product of these industries are not controlled.

If the sector of aluminum and paper will no longer be the primary, it will be the second step to the dictatorship of the market price after the auctions, which Coal India has put in as a test. The government is already thinking about how to enable Coal India and its subsidiaries to sell 5% of its products to consumers through electronic auctions. In 1996, the government lifted restrictions on the prices of certain types of non-coking coal, coking coal and semi / weakly coking coal, according to rediff.com.



Ukraine offered to American companies to participate in the development of uranium deposits, TPP reconstruction, exploration and production of oil and gas. This was reported on Friday, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko during a meeting with U.S. Secretary of Energy Samuel W. Bodman, said the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers. During the meeting, Tymoshenko said that Ukraine has already received more than $ 280 million for the program to improve nuclear safety at nuclear power plants.

In turn Samuel Bodman said the U.S. government is prepared to provide assistance to Ukraine, including counseling, to develop a strategy of energy supply. In addition, as stated Tymoshenko, Ukraine offers U.S. companies to participate in oil and gas exploration and reconstruction of power plants. Ukrainian Prime Minister noted that Ukraine has sufficient coal reserves, but power plants with outdated equipment, which does not allow the full use of coal.


China imports less copper

China, which consumes nearly one-fifth of the total copper in the world, for the first quarter of 2005 has acquired a 15% decrease of the metal than in the previous year, as the prices according to official figures reached a record high. In March, imports of refined copper fell 3.4% compared with February to 105,803 tonnes, which was 8.9% less than that predicted traders. In the first three months of 2005, China imported 328,777 tons of refined copper, 15.4% less than in the same quarter last year.

A certain amount of copper set at bonded warehouses in China was imported into the country last month - when world prices were higher than the prices in the domestic market - and were directed to other Asian countries. For comparison, in March at the London Metal Exchange copper reached record highs and the most up April 12 - 3338 USD.



Diamond miner Trans Hex said yesterday that the project capital increase in the $ 6 million has been approved for the joint venture in Laurica Lucapa, Lunda Norte Province (Angola), in which the company has a 35% share. The project is a partnership between the Angolan state-owned diamond company Endiama (40%), the two Angolan companies, Micol (12,5%) and Som Veterang (12,5%) and the company Trans Hex. At the presentation of the annual report of the company Llewellyn Delport said that mining companies Laurica remains stable at a level of 96 000 carats a year, in spite of the heavy rains in January-March. It was generally sold 98,000 carats at an average price of $ 300 per carat. The cost of production of one carat is 242 dollars.

However, Mr Delport said that the planned modernization, along with other efforts to increase production and reduce costs, should significantly improve the cost structure. In the future, he expects that by the end of the level of production will rise to 100,000 carats per year, and monthly production - up to 14,000 carats by March next year. Six million dollars have been allocated from internal resources association Laurica, and will be used for the purchase of new production equipment, third-washing plant and adjustment works.

Ordering the equipment has already been made and the commissioning is also installed, according MINING WEEKLY.


KIMBERLEY first deal

Australian mining company Kimberley announced the commission of the first sale 3,371 carats of diamonds from the processing of regolith (top layer of 1.5 meters) at the mine Ellendale Pipe 4. The average price of goods on the sale amounted to US $ 121 per carat, while a feasibility study conducted in November 2004 showed that the price should be about US $ 87 per carat. Diamond miner Kimberley is one of growing manufacturers. It is also one of the few companies who have successfully completed the development of the status of geological exploration companies to autonomously functioning diamond mining company.