Thursday, December 26, 2013


`` Kuzbassugol, JANUARY-MAY extracted 740 THOUSAND. T COAL

Kuzbassugol issued in May to the surface 338 tons of coal, the press service of the company. Covered more than two thousand mines. Total production from the beginning of the year amounted to 1.8 million tonnes leader in coal mine management remains Anzherskoe.

Miners preparation areas were almost 11 miles of mine workings. From the beginning, the miners were given out to the surface 740 tons of coal, 65 million tons more than planned, and went almost 5 km of mine workings, exceeding the planned target at 400 meters.


In the Chelyabinsk region LICENSES ISSUED 58 for subsoil

The Ministry of Industry and Natural Resources of the Chelyabinsk Region conducted a seminar #39;On the Procedure for granting the right to use subsurface resources in response to changes in the law on mineral resources#39;. This was reported UrBK provincial ministry of industry and natural resources. The seminar subsoil acquainted with the new procedure for obtaining licenses for the development of deposits of minerals.

On January 1, 2005 in the Chelyabinsk region there were 775 licenses for subsoil use, of which 214 - on exploration and production of common mineral resources. For four months in 2005 and reissued issued 58 licenses, including 11 - to common minerals. Were three of the competition and one auction for subsoil use.

Additions to the consolidated budget of the Chelyabinsk region of the tax on mining exceeded 67,332,000 rubles.


MOSCOW earn on sale Zabaykalskie SUBSURFACE

Regional budget does not receive any money from the sale of rights to use the fields. Thus, in the Chita region for 5 months of this year were 11 auctions for large deposits. The most profitable of them began to bid for the right to use Bystrinski polymetallic deposit Berezovsky and iron ore deposits. Winner - OOO GRK Bystrinskoye , a subsidiary of MMC Norilsk Nickel has paid a license fee 701 million rubles, and the winner of the second - the Chinese Company Mining Company Luneng will pay 315 million rubles.

Under the new law, more than 1 billion rubles, the proceeds from the sale were sent to the federal budget. Recall: up to 1 January 2005 to the regional treasury remained at least 10% of the amounts received by the auction house.


Bioelectronics EXCEEDED IN POWER AND CAPACITY conventional electronic devices. An ultrafast, low-cost ORGANIC RAM.

Researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles have created an organic memory, which is cheaper and faster than the one that is currently in use, and also stores information for a long time after the power is turned off.

The results of research conducted under the supervision of Professor Yang Yang of the Department of Materials Research at the School of Development and Applied Science them. Henry Samuel, will be presented at the International Conference on Synthetic Metals in Shanghai on June 29.

According to Young, these devices have great potential for use in personal computers, digital cameras and other electronic devices, because of their lighter weight and faster response speed. This memory is of 3 million times faster than a conventional random access memory and its production is cheaper.

Memory arranged in three layers. The base layer of the metal film is in the middle between the layers of organic films. This package is connected to the two electrodes.

A positive voltage is applied to activate the device.

The information remains in the memory even after power off. In testing the device information in memory after a power failure persisted for several days to weeks. So that the device can be used for applications where it is important to store information that is in memory, but sometimes lost when a system failure or power failure. New memory of these problems does not.

Information from the memory effect when you turn on the power. This is equivalent to the erasing process.

Organic memory operates on the principle of electrical bistability - the phenomenon in which the object shows two states of different conductivity at the same voltage. Since the two layers are made of organic material and show electrical bistability new memory called organic bistable device (Organic Bistable Device (OBD)).

In addition to the ability to overwrite and save the information to the power failure, the usual operation of the apparatus as memory important for practical applications.

More than 3 million write-erase cycles were carried out on our OBD with good rewritable characteristics, Young said.

Electrical bistability in organic materials has been studied in the past and she is credited with different properties. The main difference of our OBD - the presence of the cast within the organic film metal layer, Young said.

In fact, the electric device bistability can be observed only when the metal layer has a certain critical thickness. When the thickness of the metal layer is too large, or the layer itself is generally not available, the bistability phenomenon disappears, Young said. The experiments were performed on metals: aluminum, silver, gold and copper.

However, the formula for the optimal composition of the central layer of the metal is still in the research stage.

Contact information:

David Brown,, 310-206-0540, University of California at Los Angeles


REDUCE THE COST OF OIL PRODUCTION WILL A NEW STRUCTURE The foaming to kill the well, which has reduced the time of their master.

In the North Caucasus Research and Design Institute of Natural Gas in Gazprom created a foaming composition for killing wells, which is specifically designed for the conditions of abnormally low reservoir pressure, mainly distributed in the Russian oil fields.

Until now used in oil production fluids to kill the well, which has a low magnification and as a result a high density low blocking and high capacity filtration layer to it. This ensured a reduction in the natural permeability of the producing formations after release and ultimately lead to increased exploration wells.

V is the low magnification ratio of the volume of foam caused by the foaming liquid that is used as a foaming production waste isopropyl alcohol (CPIA) comprising low molecular organic substances having a low surface activity, which in turn increases the density of foam formed and does not effectively kill at abnormally low reservoir pressures (ANPD).

New foam-forming composition for killing wells, created the North Caucasus Research and Design Institute of Natural Gas, consists of foam concentrate based on an aqueous solution of lignosulfonate agent, a foam stabilizer - a hydrocarbon liquid, solid - a filler plant and water phases - an aqueous solution of calcium chloride, which contains as said mixture of particulate filler germs three day lignosulfonate barley powdery reagent.

This structure allows to achieve a result through which: increases its multiplicity and as a consequence reduced density while maintaining the sustainability indicators (stability), increased blocking properties of the composition and decrease its filtering into the formation by increasing the rate of formation of low-permeable filtration barrier, and maintains the natural permeability of the productive recovery after the release, which reduces development time and leads to lower costs of production, which in Russian conditions, so give oil at relatively high cost.

Any cost savings will play into the hands of Russian exporters of oil and it is important for the long term, when in times of adverse market conditions world oil prices reached the limit of cost. It was in this period of low prices ($ 8-10 per barrel), Russia gained the crisis in August 1998, as oil sold almost at cost or at a loss.

Contact information:

355035, Stavropol, street. Lenin, 419, OAO Gazprom SevKavNIPIgaz


Severstal Resources INVEST 250 MILLION. DOL. In the coal mining on Zhernovskaya FIELD

Mine is May Day, part of the Severstal Group, won the right to develop a coal deposit Zhernovsky. Reserves of categories B + C1 coking coal grades GZhO, combustible and at Zhernovsky F-3, according to preliminary estimates, is 170.2 million tonnes winner of the auction must conduct reconnaissance area, to build the first stage of the enterprise capacity of at least 1.5 million tons of coal per year not later than 90 months from the date of state registration of the license, and the second stage capacity of at least 3 million tons of coal a year - no later than 126 months. At the start of a one-time payment of 800 million rubles. and the auction step of 40 million rubles. the total amount paid for the license was 840 million rubles. In the auction, except for Mines Day, participated Stoilensky and NLMK.

According to the director general of Severstal-Resource R.Deniskina, the construction of a new mine at Zhernovsky-3 will require four years and $ 250 million. investment in the planned capacity of 3-5 million tonnes of coal a year. Perhaps, on the site will be built enrichment plant.


`` Evrazrudy to spend 36 million rubles for exploration KAZSKOGO DEPOSIT

JSC Evrazruda (a division of Evraz) plans this year to invest 36 million rubles. to conduct exploration on Kazskom iron ore deposit in the Kemerovo region. In the past, for this purpose has spent more than 11 million rubles. According to the results of geological exploration will be decided on the advisability of investing renovation project Kazskogo mine, which, inter alia, provides for the completion of which began in the 1990s, the construction of the skip of the complex. June 1 Kazskogo branch of the miners have already started sinking fast on the horizon, -160 m. Until the end of October to overcome the drifter section of about 900 m of mine workings. Their total length of 2.3 thousand meters after the completion of tunnel works will begin drilling exploratory wells in order to determine the contours of the ore bodies.

Drilling operations will be completed at the end of this year. Intensive exploration of promising ore reserves has allowed the company to create more than 40 new jobs.


The Government of Algeria invites bids for a iron ore deposit

The Algerian government announced the open international tender for the development of iron ore deposits are located in the south-east of the country. It is reported that the city of Algiers, a special information point, where interested individuals can get detailed information on ore deposits. According to official data, the operation of this type of information to support the planned November 5. O Gara Djebilet deposits and Mechri Abdelaziz already known for several decades. The rapid growth of global demand for iron ore and rising world prices have stimulated the Algerian government to seek investors willing to develop these deposits.

According to the National Agency for mining at the Ministry of Energy and ore resources, ore deposits are estimated at 3 billion tons of iron content in the ore hovers around 52-57%. Extraction could be open method. However, the transportation of the ore difficult - areas of occurrence of rocks removed for 1600 km from the Mediterranean coast of the country and at least 300 kilometers from the Atlantic.

In this situation, you can use the ore for the needs of steel plants, especially since natural gas deposits are located in the area of 550 km. One of the potential bidders will be the company Mittal Steel, which has unit Mittal Steel Annaba (Algeria#39;s largest steel plant and ore miner in the north-east of the country).


COAL RESERVES deposits in the Urals are depleted

Recoverable reserves of coal mining enterprises UFD will last for a period of 2 to 66 years.

Almost all of the proven reserves in the District of coal delivered to the balance to be concentrated in Khanty-Mansiysk, Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions. In general, this 1 billion 959.5 million tons. Of these, 269.8 million tons are distributed mineral reserve fund.

Unapproved reserves are estimated at 619 million tons of coal.

Local miners are unable to meet the needs of industry and energy UFD in coal - it has to purchase in the Kuznetsk and Ekibastuz basins. At present, most of the coal deposits in the Urals almost worked out. Reserves remaining plots are small, that defines the high cost of production.

In particular, the cost of 1 ton of coal mine Volchansky Sverdlovsk region is about 200 rubles, on mine Bulanashsky - 1800 rubles. In the Chelyabinsk region by open-pit mining costs about 340 rubles per ton, in the mines - 570 rubles. According to geologists, the priority attention of the State to the oil and gas industry development infringes several raw materials base of the Urals for solid minerals.



This was announced by Chief Geologist, Northern State regional exploration companies#39; Pivnichgeologiya #39;Basil Prikhodko, which we asked to comment on the information circulated yesterday, the Internet edition New Region - Crimea#39;.

The article dealt with the resumption of the Canadian company North Star Diamonds in the fall exploration for diamonds in the Ukraine, which the company allegedly conducting since 1995.

According to Vasily Prikhodko, none of the foreign companies are not involved and not involved in prospecting for diamonds in the territory of Ukraine. This process involves only three domestic geological enterprise - SGRGP #39;Pivnichgeologiya#39; KP #39;Kirovgeologiya#39; and CP #39;Yuzhukrgeologiya#39;.

However, he added Vasily Prikhodko, it is possible that in the future the search for diamonds in the potentially diamondiferous areas of Ukraine may join the world-renowned group of companies De Beers, formerly held here small works of research character. Negotiations with the Ukrainian exploration sector on this issue have been conducted since last year. But to talk about any specific projects or timing of the start of their implementation yet.

The representatives of the De Beers Group has the desire and determination to work in Ukraine, but a number of problems while preventing mutual cooperation.


SEA BOTTOM rich in natural resources and valuable Microbes

Only about 5 percent of the seabed of the planet is less studied in detail. Meanwhile, the minerals on Earth has remained small. The ocean is the bottom, which is two thirds of the planet, keeps unimaginable reserves of raw materials and dragmeta.

In this case, the mass of the unknown still pose a vast system of natural underwater areas near the bottom of the sea, fed by hot springs, which produce not only valuable minerals, but also provide habitat for unique microorganisms living at such high temperatures.

This view of the seabed made geologist and geophysicist Peter A. Rona from the Department of Geological Sciences at the Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences at the State University of New Jersey. Ron - consultant on mineral resources of the seabed, the United Nations, he spent over 40 years in the study of the oceans. He issued a brief overview of his work in progress Resources of the seabed (Resources of the Seafloor) In the international journal Science on January 31.

One of the discoveries of the Rhone - a rich mound of metal the size of two and a half miles, located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. At least 50,000 years mound collected in a variety of combinations of metals - copper, iron, zinc, gold and silver. These ores were produced by jets of hot springs of metal-rich sea water, he said.

Before the discovery of plate tectonics on the oceans thought of as a large bath, says Ron. Now we know that the Earth#39;s crust, most of which lies on the ocean floor, broken into tectonic plates that move and their movements cause extraction of high temperatures and material from the mantle to the surface of the planet. As a result, under the ocean floor has accumulated most of the mineral world, the true scale of which we have no idea.

When the cold, dense seawater seeps through cracks in the tectonic plates kilometers deep into the oceanic crust, it reaches hot layers in the mantle. Contact of the cold water and mantle causes sharp increase in pressure of the substance on the same fracture discharged again onto the surface of the cortex to the ocean bottom, carrying a stream of hot gases and the water temperature can range from 100 to 400 degrees. So there are underwater hot springs.

When the hot flows of matter reaches the cold sea water, minerals cooled, compressed and create structures on the seabed, such domes. In addition to the formation of domes, minerals, hot water and minerals provide the environment and energy for those who love high-temperature microbes living at the bottom of the bottom, and are the most resistant life forms known to us. These microbes contain enzymes and bioactive compounds that can be used in our industry and way of life for human DNA fingerprinting by his fingerprints to create detergents, techniques for the conservation of food, ways to search for oil and gnawing at the creation of pharmaceuticals.

And when all the land-based natural resources run out, people should pay attention to the ocean floor, where are the countless storehouse of raw materials and precious metals.

Contact information:

Bill Haduch,, 732-932-7084, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey


PROBLEM SOLVED IN RUSSIA producing gasoline from petroleum gases RAW

In the Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis. Topchiev Sciences have developed environmentally friendly technology to produce synthetic motor fuels from gas hydrocarbons with a high yield of the final product (90% and higher yields pure gasoline). This problem is the production of liquid products for different purposes of gas hydrocarbons for many decades, dominates the minds of researchers almost all industrialized countries.

Needless fuel line conversion of hydrocarbon gases, as economists say, is at the limit of profitability and can not compete with fuels derived from petroleum. At the same time, it is emphasized that the fuel market can take any amount of gasoline and other motor fuels, while market capacity is limited by other chemical products. The instability of oil markets and the constant threat of a strike (as in Venezuela), the war (as in Iraq and Kuwait), as well as the imminent depletion of world oil reserves, said the need to consider the possibility of switching to other raw materials in the production of gasoline.

In addition, the cost parameters for motor fuel in remote and inaccessible areas, and the environmental problems associated with the large number of associated gas is often flared, especially on offshore platforms, an aspect of the environment in light of the possibility of using synthetic motor fuels is their advantage to fuels of oil on the exhaust gas purity.

For these reasons, in the last years of the XX century, interest in the industrial use of petroleum hydrocarbon gas as a raw material for the production of motor fuels has received a new impetus in a number of industrialized countries, including Russia.

However, hitherto for producing synthesis gas used is almost exclusively the conversion of methane with steam in the presence of oxygen in a nickel-based catalysts CH4 + H2O = CO +3 H2.

This process has two major drawbacks: its power and the fact that its implementation requires the creation of a special plant for the production of oxygen. This not only places a heavy burden on the economy, but also increases the technical risk. For example, it is known that in 1997 one of the plants for production of synthetic fuel destructive explosion occurred at the plant the production of oxygen.

In the presence of oxygen reactions occur to generate heat. As a result of such a reaction in the synthesis gas is appreciably amount of carbon dioxide, and in some cases the ratio CO/CO2 close to two.

To address the first of these shortcomings by energy-intensive steam reforming reaction of methane conversion with steam (or, as it is sometimes called steam reforming) are combined in a single unit with the power producing partial response (partial) oxidation of methane with oxygen. This combined process is called auto-thermal reforming. But it still led to a rise in the cost of the final product.

A method for producing synthesis gas in a process of partial oxidation of methane were trying to develop in firms Texaco Inc. and Royal Dutch / Shell Group. However, the process required higher temperatures (1200-1500 | C) and pressure (150 atm), and as a powerful oxidant in industrial installations have to again use the oxygen that is not reduced risk of such production.

In addition, gasoline get low quality or high, but very expensive. And at every stage of the final product required the use of high purity raw materials only. This requires large costs for its preparation and purification complexity flowsheet.

Success in the qualitative development of this direction has been achieved scientist Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis. Topchiev Academy of Sciences, which developed a technology capable of providing at the most simple and cost-effective scheme of high-cleaner gasoline with a good yield of the final product that meets future requirements of Euro-4 standard, which will be introduced in 2005.

The essence of the method of producing gasoline is as follows.

First pressurized synthesis gas containing hydrogen, carbon oxides, water remaining after receiving unreacted hydrocarbons and containing or not containing nitrogen ballast. Then, by condensation of the synthesis gas is recovered and water was removed and then the gas phase is carried out, one-step dimethyl ether synthesis catalyst. The thus obtained gas mixture without isolating it from dimethyl ether under pressure is passed over the modified high silica zeolite for petrol and cooled gas stream for discharge gas.

Synthesis gas is carried out in various ways, for example, during partial oxidation of hydrocarbons under pressure, affording the possibility of catalyst recycling without additional compression. Alternatively prepared by catalytic reforming of hydrocarbons with steam or by autothermal reforming. When this process is carried out while feeding air, oxygen enriched air or pure oxygen.

There have been tweaked, and other options.

Thus is possible to obtain a yield of gasoline fraction and 90%, and the yield of dry gas (C1-C3) was 8.5%. Environmentally harmful emissions by orders of magnitude smaller in the technology, while in their composition are no toxic components such as benzene, and durol isodurol. These results are of great ecological value, taking into account the fact that trends in fuel requirements for gasoline engines are characterized by limiting the permissible content of aromatic hydrocarbons.

Contact information:

Address: 117912, Moscow, Leninsky Prospect, 19

Phone :: (095) 955-42-27

Fax: (095) 230-22-24


REGIONAL COAL COMPANY will be disbanded

According to the chairman of the Independent Miners#39; Union of Donbass Nicholas bagpipes, April 14 at a meeting of a specially created committee of Parliament on uglepromu was decided to reorganize the coal industry. It would be to disband the regional coal companies - Donetsk Coal Coke Company, Lugansk coal company - and establish on the basis of former coal holdings and associations of public corporations. Thus, the structure of the coal industry will be as follows: Ministry of Energy - NAC Coal of Ukraine - JSC. According to Nicholas bagpipes, the corresponding order of the Minister of the reorganization is to be signed in May.

In this regard, as the requirements of miners who carried out a protest rally in Makeyevka, partially satisfied, the unions agreed to suspend its further actions to promote the protest. At the same time, Nicholas bagpipe said, #39;we are satisfied when everything is legally formalized, so the action just stopped. April 5 Makeyevka rally demanding early solution of problems of association Makeevugol. The rally was attended by about three thousand people.

The meeting was conducted in accordance with the decision of the conference of representatives of the personnel outside entity Makeevugol. Earlier, on March 16 Conference decided to request the Ministry of Energy to cancel the order of 18 August 2004 on the establishment of SOE Donetsk Coal Coke Company and its inclusion in the GP Makeevugol. In addition, the conference demanded that the Minister of Fuel and Energy I. Plachkov recreate GP Makeevugol as a company with a single production complex, returning the number of its member companies.

The conference also demanded that the Ministry of Energy and National JSC Ukrainian Coal to stop the rash actions to reform the industry and eliminate by coal companies.