Thursday, December 26, 2013


PROBLEM SOLVED IN RUSSIA producing gasoline from petroleum gases RAW

In the Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis. Topchiev Sciences have developed environmentally friendly technology to produce synthetic motor fuels from gas hydrocarbons with a high yield of the final product (90% and higher yields pure gasoline). This problem is the production of liquid products for different purposes of gas hydrocarbons for many decades, dominates the minds of researchers almost all industrialized countries.

Needless fuel line conversion of hydrocarbon gases, as economists say, is at the limit of profitability and can not compete with fuels derived from petroleum. At the same time, it is emphasized that the fuel market can take any amount of gasoline and other motor fuels, while market capacity is limited by other chemical products. The instability of oil markets and the constant threat of a strike (as in Venezuela), the war (as in Iraq and Kuwait), as well as the imminent depletion of world oil reserves, said the need to consider the possibility of switching to other raw materials in the production of gasoline.

In addition, the cost parameters for motor fuel in remote and inaccessible areas, and the environmental problems associated with the large number of associated gas is often flared, especially on offshore platforms, an aspect of the environment in light of the possibility of using synthetic motor fuels is their advantage to fuels of oil on the exhaust gas purity.

For these reasons, in the last years of the XX century, interest in the industrial use of petroleum hydrocarbon gas as a raw material for the production of motor fuels has received a new impetus in a number of industrialized countries, including Russia.

However, hitherto for producing synthesis gas used is almost exclusively the conversion of methane with steam in the presence of oxygen in a nickel-based catalysts CH4 + H2O = CO +3 H2.

This process has two major drawbacks: its power and the fact that its implementation requires the creation of a special plant for the production of oxygen. This not only places a heavy burden on the economy, but also increases the technical risk. For example, it is known that in 1997 one of the plants for production of synthetic fuel destructive explosion occurred at the plant the production of oxygen.

In the presence of oxygen reactions occur to generate heat. As a result of such a reaction in the synthesis gas is appreciably amount of carbon dioxide, and in some cases the ratio CO/CO2 close to two.

To address the first of these shortcomings by energy-intensive steam reforming reaction of methane conversion with steam (or, as it is sometimes called steam reforming) are combined in a single unit with the power producing partial response (partial) oxidation of methane with oxygen. This combined process is called auto-thermal reforming. But it still led to a rise in the cost of the final product.

A method for producing synthesis gas in a process of partial oxidation of methane were trying to develop in firms Texaco Inc. and Royal Dutch / Shell Group. However, the process required higher temperatures (1200-1500 | C) and pressure (150 atm), and as a powerful oxidant in industrial installations have to again use the oxygen that is not reduced risk of such production.

In addition, gasoline get low quality or high, but very expensive. And at every stage of the final product required the use of high purity raw materials only. This requires large costs for its preparation and purification complexity flowsheet.

Success in the qualitative development of this direction has been achieved scientist Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis. Topchiev Academy of Sciences, which developed a technology capable of providing at the most simple and cost-effective scheme of high-cleaner gasoline with a good yield of the final product that meets future requirements of Euro-4 standard, which will be introduced in 2005.

The essence of the method of producing gasoline is as follows.

First pressurized synthesis gas containing hydrogen, carbon oxides, water remaining after receiving unreacted hydrocarbons and containing or not containing nitrogen ballast. Then, by condensation of the synthesis gas is recovered and water was removed and then the gas phase is carried out, one-step dimethyl ether synthesis catalyst. The thus obtained gas mixture without isolating it from dimethyl ether under pressure is passed over the modified high silica zeolite for petrol and cooled gas stream for discharge gas.

Synthesis gas is carried out in various ways, for example, during partial oxidation of hydrocarbons under pressure, affording the possibility of catalyst recycling without additional compression. Alternatively prepared by catalytic reforming of hydrocarbons with steam or by autothermal reforming. When this process is carried out while feeding air, oxygen enriched air or pure oxygen.

There have been tweaked, and other options.

Thus is possible to obtain a yield of gasoline fraction and 90%, and the yield of dry gas (C1-C3) was 8.5%. Environmentally harmful emissions by orders of magnitude smaller in the technology, while in their composition are no toxic components such as benzene, and durol isodurol. These results are of great ecological value, taking into account the fact that trends in fuel requirements for gasoline engines are characterized by limiting the permissible content of aromatic hydrocarbons.

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