Friday, November 22, 2013


ICE IN ARCTIC melting faster

Melting ice in the Arctic over the past 20 years has increased and is now three times faster than in the 1990s.

This conclusion is contained in a report prepared by a group of scientists from 26 research laboratories in different countries, which used data from NASA and the European Space Agency, and the results of the ice reconnaissance aircraft.

The journal Science, published a report on the study, notes that this is the most accurate to date assessment of the state of the ice cover in the Arctic.

As a result of melting ice in the Arctic and on the Danish island of Greenland ocean levels rose in 1992 by 11.1 millimeters. In general, over the past two decades, he rose by about 0.5 cm.

Other reasons for the increase - warming ocean water, melting mountain glaciers, and changes in groundwater levels as a result of mining. The report expressed particular concern about the decline in the Greenland ice sheet, which is now five times faster than it was 20 years ago.

Scientists have long warned that the Arctic ice could someday disappear and the consequences will be very serious. This will accelerate the warming of the planet, including as a result of the enhanced greenhouse effect under the influence of methane emissions in areas where previously was the permafrost.

At the same time, the reduction of the ice cover in the Arctic extends mining, in particular the development of offshore oil and gas fields, as well as the use of the region#39;s maritime routes.


Coal mining IM.TIHOVA BEGIN IN 2014

In the Company `Mine after. SD Tihova `(located under the Company` Coke-Mining #39;, related to the Group COKE), construction of the surface complex and the launch of the new equipment. Maintained capital development and production of the first lava. Of the 28,500 meters of completed 7674 m, of which c beginning of 2012 until the beginning of November - 4322 running meters.

The maximum depth of mining from the surface is 120 meters.

Total investment in the construction of the mine named SD Tihova, considering the cost of a license was about 5.7 billion rubles (about 183.5 million U.S. dollars).

In 2012, the works on the reconstruction of temporary modular buildings and residential complex completed construction of a discharge fan installation. Included in the complex system of heating the surface of the object, the repair shop of mining equipment and production and the local Fire Station.

For underground development at the mine. SD Tihova used seven tunneling machines. With the mine `` Butovskaya arrived extra roadheader DOSCO (UK).

For transportation in mine workings are three diesel-hydraulic locomotives. Also on mine there are seven belt conveyors. An agreement with a group of FAMUR (Poland) for the manufacture and supply of main conveyor belt Pioma 1,400.

To ensure mining compressed air in the mine installed modular compressor stations with compressors DAN 200SHM.

At the time of launch of the first startup complex at company `Mine after. SD Tihova `will work 1,075 people. Today, of the 689 staff units actually occupied by 476.

Start of production at the mine. SD Tihova scheduled for 2014 with the aim of reducing construction time and reduce the volume of mining operations decided to make a run mine in three stages. The first start-up complex includes an autopsy, the training and testing of the first unit of the reservoir?

23. Production capacity at this stage will be 1500 tons of coal per year. Launch complex provides an autopsy, preparation and launch of the second stope on a layer?

26 and exit at a production capacity of 2.1 million tons of coal a year. On the third stage of the autopsy will take place, the preparation and launch of the third stope in the second block of the formation? 23.

According to plan production capacity will reach 3,000,000 tons of coal per year.


Mining in the Kaliningrad Region reduce

The volume of industrial production in the sphere of production of fuel and energy resources in the Kaliningrad region for the year decreased by 7.5%. Volumes of mining of other minerals declined in January-October 2012 compared to the same period last year to 18.9%. This data is provided by Rosstat.

Accordingly, reduced shipping and extracted materials of energy - by 11.2%, to 16.2 billion rubles. for the first 10 months of 2012, the other - by 29.5%, to 1 billion rubles.

Also in the past year decreased employment in the field of mining in the Kaliningrad region - by 6.8%, to 1.8 million people. Declined slightly compared to last year and the financial performance of the industry. Thus, the balance of profit and loss in January-September totaled 3.45 billion rubles., Which is 24.5% less than in the same period last year.

Receivables companies working in the field of mining, increased by 79.2% to 8.1 billion rubles. `` Overdue accounts receivable increased by 2%, to 45 million rubles. Also in the same period increased by 39.6% payables - to 2.03 billion rubles.


Belarus interested in a partnership with Indonesia

As BelaPAN press service of the Belarusian government, the prospects for scientific and technical cooperation and possible joint projects discussed at the December 3 meeting in Minsk, First Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Vladimir Semashko and Chairman of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences Lukman Hakim.

As the first deputy prime minister, Belarus has a strong scientific, technological and industrial potential and is interested in a partnership with Indonesia. `Successfully running our science, especially in selhozotrasli - said Semashko. - We have completely solved the problem of food security, food supply have made one of the main items of export `. This year the Belarusian export agriculture should reach $ 5 billion by 2015 - to grow to 8-8.5 billion dollars.

Belarus offers Indonesia its developments and technologies in the agricultural sector, as well as cooperation in the engineering industry, including in the production of agricultural machinery.

In addition, the Belarusian scientists are ready to cooperate with Indonesian colleagues in the field of bio-and nanotechnology, pharmacology, laser technology and space industry. Indonesia `- this is one of the fastest growing countries. We have much to learn from each others#39; - the first deputy prime minister.

In Minsk today signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the Indonesian Institute of Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in the field of scientific and technological cooperation. This document should serve as a basis for joint projects, said Semashko. According to him, the Belarusian government is ready to assist in their implementation.

Scientists of Belarus proposed Indonesian colleagues more than 30 projects for joint implementation in the various fields of science and technology.

According to Lukman Hakim, Indonesia - a fast growing country with rich reserves of minerals and natural resources, which is interested in the scientific-technical cooperation with Belarus. The priority areas it considers cooperation in the field of agriculture and engineering. The parties are also exploring partnership opportunities in the field of bio-and nanotechnology, space industry.



Environmental aspects of ore deposits discussed in the government of the Kamchatka region. The meeting was chaired by the deputy chairman of the regional government representatives of the Regional Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, mining enterprises, social organizations, RPN, industry research.

The meeting discussed issues of environmental safety at work mining ventures in Kamchatka, the environment, the ratio of natural and man-made factors of influence on the environment of Kamchatka.

As the Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir region Galitsin, such activities contribute to the development of a constructive dialogue between all stakeholders, the social responsibilities of subsoil and environmental safety in the development of ore deposits, openness and transparency in the mining sector in enforcing the standards and requirements of environmental legislation. `We - the inhabitants of Kamchatka, so interested in its sustainable economic and social development while providing a supportive environment and maintaining ecological security in the region #39;, - said Deputy Prime Minister of the Kamchatka region.

According to the results of the extended meeting adopted a resolution according to which the development of mineral resources in the region is recognized as a necessary and inevitable part of the socio-economic development of the region and the Far East. The ecological nature recognized as a priority in the development of mineral resources.

Public Chamber of the Kamchatka region with the Legislative Assembly recommended a legislative initiative on the adoption of the order of the public environmental control. Regional Ministry of Natural Resources recommended quarterly to inform the public of the results of environmental monitoring.

Mining companies operating in the region - to optimize the system of industrial environmental control and monitoring, to ensure the provision of quarterly results to the supervisory authorities and the regional Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.


FOR ILLEGALLY Syrset extract minerals

In Sysertskoe#39;s criminal investigation into the unauthorized use of mineral resources. How to tell the `` UralPolit.Ru today, December 5, the press service of the Prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk region, the damage from illegal mining was more than 26 million rubles.

On appeal to the prosecutor asked the locals. They complained about the illegal quarrying. During the inspection, law enforcement officers found that a 4.5 km north-east of the village of October there are four open pit depth of about four meters. The work on the excavations carried out using an excavator and bulldozer.

The soil was taken out several heavy vehicles. It was found that the use of natural resources was carried out illegally, without licenses.

The Department for Subsoil Use UFD noted that the damage from illegal mining was more than 26 million rubles. Individuals involved in the extraction of soil, were caught in the act, arrested technique.

Materials testing aimed at investigating authorities for further action. November 28th municipal department of the Interior Ministry `` Sysertskiy a criminal case under article `` Illegal business. The prosecutor#39;s office monitors the progress of the investigation of the case.


Southern Kuzbass since 2012 has extracted 5 MILLION TONS OF COAL

Slash `` Krasnogorsk entering the branch of Southern Kuzbass ``, `subsidiary of Mechel Mining #39;, since the beginning of 2012 has extracted five million tons of coal.

On the extraction of the five millionth ton of coal Krasnogorsk `cut` from the beginning of 2012 the team excavator Komatsu PC-2000 under the leadership of Sergei Syromotina reported on November 27. In the past, the company has overcome this milestone anniversary on December 7.

In addition, almost 11 months of 2012 on the section `` Krasnogorsk processed about 34 million cubic meters of rock.

To carry out plans to cut production Krasnogorsk `18` is used excavators, 6 drilling rigs and 13 bulldozers. Including this year have been put into operation a new rig D 50 KS, loader Komatsu WA-600, Komatsu GD825A grader and excavator Komatsu PC 2000. It is expected that in 2013 the company will go EKG-18 excavator, loader Caterpillar Caterpillar 988 H and 834 H, Cat D10T bulldozer.

#39;The achievement of high production performance was made possible thanks to the experience and professionalism of the entire team, the stable operation of equipment as well as skilled and competent management of the production process. I am sure that one of the flagships of our company - Krasnogorsk `cut` is to achieve high performance and in the future #39;, - said the Managing Director of Southern Kuzbass `` Victor Skulditsky to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation for the hard and fruitful work to all workers of the section `Krasnogorsk `.



The Committee on the agro-industrial policy of the Federation Council welcomed the proposal of the Yakut deputies mammoth tusks equate to mineral resources. At present, a very profitable commercial production of mammoth bones is not regulated by normative acts. In fact, it is a shadow business, which all turned a blind eye.

The authorities of Yakutia has repeatedly taken steps to ensure that the fishery to enter into the legal mainstream. However, these attempts were unsuccessful, according to the Russian newspaper ``.

Yakut deputies hope that the next bill will be prepared to wait for their different fate. It it is a question of amendments to the Federal Law #39;On Subsoil `. In particular, the area containing the mammoth tusks, asked to be referred to subsoil areas of local importance.

The Federation Council document presented by the Chairman of the Standing Committee on Land Relations, Natural Resources and Ecology of the parliament of Yakutia Athanasius Sofroneev. He spoke in detail about the situation that has developed around the production of tusks.

The deputy noted that the tusks of a mammoth common in the Arctic territory of the Khanty-Mansi and Yamal-Nenets autonomous district, Krasnoyarsk, Magadan region, Chukotka and Yakutia. Experts estimate that more than 80 percent of these resources are concentrated in Yakutia.

A similar conclusion was made on the basis of specific research. The fact is that at the end of the last century in Yakutia were held the first and only national and international practices Exploration on fossil mammoth bone. According to the material received, the potential resources of mammoth tusks in Severoyakutskoy provinces can be up to 450 thousand tons.

At current prices, it is - more than half a billion dollars.

- Fishing for mammoth tusks after long neglect came to life in the 90-ies of XX century and was characterized by the complete absence of legal regulation at the federal level and national - said Athanasius Sofroneev. - At the initiative of the President of Yakutia Vyacheslav Shtyrov in 2005 was passed Republic Act `Regulation of use and disposal of special natural resource - fossil remains of the mammoth fauna #39;. This allowed legalize fishing, increase in crude production, create up to 30 small businesses and up to 200 additional jobs in the arctic regions of Yakutia. Increased severance tax revenues to the budgets of all levels, and use of the resources of fossil mammoth ivory has been ordered and close as possible to the rules of subsoil use.

However, as noted by the deputy, in 2007, on the basis of the protest action of the local prosecutor#39;s office of the law was suspended. Meanwhile, mammoth ivory continues to enjoy strong demand in the domestic and foreign markets as a raw material in the bone-cutting and jewelry manufacturing. At foreign auctions cost of collection material reaches $ 1,200 per kilogram.

Athanasius Sofroneev stressed that mammoth tusks are not included in the `National Classification of mineral resources and groundwater #39;, in connection with what kind of minerals are not. And the federal law #39;On Subsoil `there are no rules governing the production of ivory as a mineral resource. It is only on the collection of specimens from the collection of paleontological ``. However, in 2011, according to statistics, the tusks were sold more than $ 11.2 million rubles. This is the only official data that takes into account only the collection of the collection of raw materials on the basis of licenses issued.

How many tusks are exported `blind #39;, nobody knows.

- Thus, to date, under the guise of collecting fossil mammoth bones as paleontology, collection of material is a real commercial production of raw materials, - concluded the deputy.

The authorities of Yakutia offer two ways to regulate the fishery. The first - to amend the Law on Subsoil ``, securing the authority to order such sites for the subject of the Russian Federation.

- The second way - the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation and the Government of Yakutia, mammoth tusks attributed to common minerals - said Athanasius Sofroneev.

In this case, both methods involve the inclusion of mammoth tusks as bioliths in the National Classification of mineral resources and groundwater. While valuable raw materials to minerals not classified.


Transport problems need to be addressed FIRST

Record producer and exporter of coal in Russia should not be misleading. At the international conference `Coal Russia and CIS` Head of Energy Research Institute of Natural Monopolies (IPEM) Alexander Grigoriev made a presentation #39;The Russian coal industry: export `pause#39; and` prospective risks.

At the beginning of his speech, Alexander Grigoriev noted that this year the Russian coal industry with high probability again set a record for key performance indicators. Thus, according to expert forecasts, production in 2012 will be 350 billion tons, the supply to consumers - 310 billion tons, including exports - 124 billion tons, however, as noted by the speaker, the international price of thermal coal in 2012 dropped significantly in October accounted for about $ 90 / t (October 2011 - about $ 130 / t).

As Alexander Grigoriev, global decline in coal prices is a definite cause for concern. For example, if the price on FOB Russian steam coal, which provides cost-effective supply of around $ 90 / t, the equivalent figure for Australia is $ 45 / t At the same time, according to the expert, the price of Russian coal significant proportion of the cost of shipping to the port ($ 30 / t, Australia - $ 5 / t). As the speaker noted, the transport problem today is a major limitation of the coal industry in Russia.

Next, Alexander Grigoriev noted that exports are a major engine of growth of the coal industry in Russia and its #39;Achilles heel#39;. The speaker highlighted the following key risks for the industry: tightening environmental regulations in the countries of Europe, #39;decarbonization#39; power, input non-coal generating capacity in the EU - nuclear power, renewable energy, thermal power plants with natural gas, focus on Asia `cheap` charcoal, making China the risks of importing in the coal exporter, the growth in coal exports from the U.S., as a consequence of #39;shale gas revolution#39;; further rise in prices of coal transportation through the territory of Russia.

Alexander Grigoriev drew the audience#39;s attention on the fact that without the development of the domestic coal market further strengthening of the Russian coal industry looks problematic. According to the expert, you need to prepare for increased competition in the global market and as a response to develop the domestic market: to stimulate the increase of labor productivity in coal companies to develop the market of products of coal chemistry, as well as to orient the domestic power for the construction of coal-fired power plants.


In the Chelyabinsk region derailed cars with coal

According to updated information, damaged three legs of the contact network and the railway line. The dead and injured is not.

To the scene sent two rescue and recovery train YUUZHD with art. Chrysostom and Art. Chelyabinsk, the task force squad FGKU `5 of the Federal Fire Service for the Chelyabinsk region`, `task force PKU CMC Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Chelyabinsk region #39;, as well as strength and resources of the territorial emergency management subsystem.

Passenger trains from Chelyabinsk and Ufa hosted on bypass routes.

Schedule of trains on routes YUUZHD will be brought later, through the information resources of the South-Ural Railway.


In Prokopevsko POLICE AGAIN intercepted ILLEGAL coal mining

Fields of mine named Mary Kosogorova Prokopyevsk again came under the scrutiny of the police. In November, there was detained a group of persons involved in illegal coal mining. A month later, the situation repeated itself.

At this time the works were opened in two places. Located next generation of both coal is mined.

Police officers arrived at the illegal coal mining, have found that the work carried out with the help of two excavators. The rock was transported in five trucks. At present, all the equipment seized and is in custody.

Ignoring the obvious signs of illegal activity, organizers said they are engaged in land reclamation, and even provided the staff of the Anti-Economic Crimes and Corruption documents allegedly authorizing this kind of environmentally beneficial activities.

Currently, this information is verified by the police. If the authenticity of the securities is not confirmed, the hackers for illegal subsoil face administrative responsibility.



According to the results of the tender is planned to conclude the lease on the park in the amount of 1,500 units of the transfer in the first quarter of 2013.

The minimum lot size is set at 50 gondolas, the initial level of supply should not exceed 850 rubles per night excluding VAT, with such routine maintenance at the expense of the landlord.

The final stage of the tender to be held in the last days of the year.