Friday, November 22, 2013


Belarus interested in a partnership with Indonesia

As BelaPAN press service of the Belarusian government, the prospects for scientific and technical cooperation and possible joint projects discussed at the December 3 meeting in Minsk, First Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Vladimir Semashko and Chairman of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences Lukman Hakim.

As the first deputy prime minister, Belarus has a strong scientific, technological and industrial potential and is interested in a partnership with Indonesia. `Successfully running our science, especially in selhozotrasli - said Semashko. - We have completely solved the problem of food security, food supply have made one of the main items of export `. This year the Belarusian export agriculture should reach $ 5 billion by 2015 - to grow to 8-8.5 billion dollars.

Belarus offers Indonesia its developments and technologies in the agricultural sector, as well as cooperation in the engineering industry, including in the production of agricultural machinery.

In addition, the Belarusian scientists are ready to cooperate with Indonesian colleagues in the field of bio-and nanotechnology, pharmacology, laser technology and space industry. Indonesia `- this is one of the fastest growing countries. We have much to learn from each others#39; - the first deputy prime minister.

In Minsk today signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the Indonesian Institute of Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in the field of scientific and technological cooperation. This document should serve as a basis for joint projects, said Semashko. According to him, the Belarusian government is ready to assist in their implementation.

Scientists of Belarus proposed Indonesian colleagues more than 30 projects for joint implementation in the various fields of science and technology.

According to Lukman Hakim, Indonesia - a fast growing country with rich reserves of minerals and natural resources, which is interested in the scientific-technical cooperation with Belarus. The priority areas it considers cooperation in the field of agriculture and engineering. The parties are also exploring partnership opportunities in the field of bio-and nanotechnology, space industry.