Friday, April 4, 2014


`Textile` TCHAIKOVSKY: Released first meters on the new hardware.

The first meter of fabric produced at the new plant for coating, purchased by Tchaikovsky `` textiles in February of this year. Cloth, fabric became a pioneer for mattress covers - PolyProtect FR 100A. Was applied to the fabric waterproof coating film `1` climate.
Due to the increasing number of orders for fabric coated textiles `` Tchaikovsky decided to increase its production capacity in this product category segment. New Italian setting Uniroll SP TM (producer - Rollmac) is intended for film coating Climate `1` and `2` The climate, which give the unique properties of tissues by moisture and windshield. This latest equipment to ensure the highest quality of products and allows to produce 150-200 million meters of fabric coated in a month.
During the month the installation and commissioning of new equipment, now it is running at full power.



The festival took place on the show, where designers presented Kirov ecological clothes. Including designers showed samples of `bad` costumes made of plastic and rubbish, the authors intentionally made them unattractive that would show material harm to the environment.

Event organizer Olga Shakleina said that the world#39;s theme of eco-fashion and eco-fashion is becoming more and more popular, more and more designers produce eco-friendly line. Leading fashion designers are so carried away with the idea of protecting the environment, which began in Paris every year to conduct an ethnic fashion show. In Russia, however, the topic is just beginning to gain popularity.

Dresses and suits demonstrated at a fashion show eco-friendly clothing is not only adults, but also very young fashionistas. The basic material for the collections are natural materials and natural fabrics: cotton, silk, linen, and recycled waste.

In addition to the show at the festival grounds were organized master classes: painting on an exclusive eco-bags, as well as for the production of tissue ethnic dolls.


26 - 27 September 2012, held the 4th TEXCARE FORUM RUSSIA IN MOSCOW

International forum of modern technology industrial laundry, dry cleaning, professional cleaning and textile service will be held at IEC Crocus Expo `` in Moscow on 26 - 27 September 2012. The world-famous brand exhibition Texcare appeared on the Russian market in 2009 in the format of an international forum on the equipment and technologies for dry cleaning, washing, cleaning and textile service. The forum for the first time in Russia, along with a discussion of relevant topics branch dry cleaning and laundry industry was represented a new direction in the development of Russian business - Textile Service, better known in Russia under the name of rent and hire textiles.

The objectives of the Forum:
- overview of the situation on the market of dry cleaning and laundry industry;
- the creation of a positive image about the service textile service as a new direction of business development;
- promotion services for textile rental and car in the hospitality industry and industrial plants that use working clothes;
- showcasing the latest developments and know-how in chemical cleaning and laundry industry and the provision of services to the western textile service Digging;
- Fostering consumer demand for textile service using the service and the formation of a full-fledged market services for textile rental and car.

In Texcare Forum Russia 2011 was attended by leading Russian companies working in the field of textile service, such as the Master Cleaning (CottonWay), BleskInCare, Procter and Gamble, `CC` VashHotel, the International Committee for the care of textiles CINET, as well as leaders of the Russian market of chemical cleaning and laundry industry: GK `Diana` Tekskepro company, the company `partner` Koblenz and many others.

Texcare Forum Russia to become a unique interactive platform for the development of a new business, share experiences, establish new business contacts and effective cooperation between Russian and foreign market participants chemical cleaning, industrial laundry, cleaning and textile service.



13-14 April, representatives of Pskov world of fashion and textiles will travel to Riga at the international exhibition of textile, clothing and leather goods `Intertextil Balticum`. This event is a key event in the fashion industry in the Baltic States. The exhibition is unique: each year it brings together leading industry experts, manufacturers and sellers of a wide range of garments, home textiles, lingerie, leather goods, accessories, apparel, equipment manufacturing and garment accessories from Latvia and other countries.

Organizer of the trip Pskov entrepreneurs and executives of the industry made of Commerce and Industry of the Pskov region. As the correspondent of the Business Information Center, the event will bring together local producers of apparel and accessories, as well as trading companies, realizing the textile and other products in large stores of the city - `Maximus#39;, #39;Imperial#39;, other shopping complexes.

One of the main purposes of the trip Pskov - familiarity with the exhibition. The event promises to be extremely interesting as the list of participants (among them - the well-known brands of the fashion world) and by events. Final of the competition `Miss and Mister Latvia-2011 #39;contest for young fashion designers, shows the latest achievements of local designers, international guests and Latvian clothing manufacturers - all guests will be able to see the exhibition.

Among the new projects `Intertextil Balticum` - Wedding Salon, which will be presented all necessary for an important event in the life.

During the exhibition, the organizers invite entrepreneurs to take advantage of professional online platform to expand business links - contact exchange, enabling informed about your business, find suggestions of other participants and advance appointments with potential partners. Matchmaking is valid until April 12 with direct communication, and during the exhibition, participants will be able to pre-prepared private talks at the Business Center Exhibition Centre.

In addition, during the exhibition organized by the Forum for the first time will be the fashion and textile industry Nordic and Baltic countries - `Sustainable development and new markets#39;. The Forum will be attended by our fellow countrymen - CCI President Vladimir Zubov and Chief Financial Officer Company Pskov garment factory `` `Slav Edward Borisenkov a report entitled` The current situation and prospects for development and international cooperation garment industry Pskov region `.

Join exhibition visitors from Pskov region and has already been completed, but if you wish, and if there is an open visa, even today you can apply to participate in the `Intertextil Balticum`. This can be done by phone (8112) 79-34-43, 79-34-41, 66-00-52 or by e-mail: Contact: Tatjana Troshkova.


MOLDOVA ready to deliver in the Lipetsk region QUALITY TEXTILE

Moldova intends to strengthen ties with the Lipetsk region. In the region arrived Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Andrew Negutsa.
Trade and cultural relations with other countries, Moldova has long suffered from the unstable political situation in the country. About two years in Moldova could not pick a president. In March, at last, was elected head of state.

Now the former Soviet republic is actively developing external relations. Including in the Lipetsk region.
Familiarity with the Lipetsk region Andrei Negutsa began in the Chamber of Commerce. Cooperation agreements with CCI of the Republic of Moldova have already concluded in forty regions of Russia. This is the second visit of guests from countries of the former Soviet Union in the Lipetsk region.

In February, develop links with our region visited by representatives of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Andrew Kozoderov, deputy head of the administration of the Lipetsk region: `In external turnover Lipetsk region is very dynamic. Over the past six years it has grown tenfold and now stands at $ 6.2 billion. The first line is countries such as Germany, France and the United States.

Italy - the undisputed leader. But developing ties with former Soviet republics.
In the Chamber of Commerce Ambassador met with Lipetsk businessmen, told them about the political and economic situation in Moldova, on the possibilities of further development of trade relations. While trade between the republic and the region is small. Lipetsk region supplies to Moldova steel and white goods.
Andrew Negutsa, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Moldova to the Russian Federation, `We do not want to continue to tolerate this state of affairs. When 8 million in turnover last year - is the export of the Lipetsk region in Moldova, and about 30 thousand dollars - the export of Moldovan here, that is the import of the Lipetsk region. We believe that the opportunities in Moldova, and the Lipetsk region more. `We want to discuss.
Anatoly Pinnacles, president of the Lipetsk Chamber of Commerce: `For us, the Republic of Moldova has always been special. This solar republic, where the grapes where there is fruit. There#39;s a powerful industry, there is a very powerful trade `.
Moldova can become an active supplier not only fruits and vegetables, but also quality textiles. According to Andrew Negutsa, the country appears more and more businesses are tailoring brands. Patterns and deliver raw materials from Italy.
Negutsa spoke not only about the development of trade and economic ties, but also cultural. Prior to the visit of a special economic zone of the Ambassador visited Lipetsk Pedagogical University, where he was introduced to the history of the region. But the special economic zone `guest` Lipetsk particularly impressed.
Andrew Negutsa, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Moldova to the Russian Federation, `Here is everything - and space, and in the documents, and in all of these communications, absolutely everything. We were given two daddies with documents - one we#39;ll give the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Moldova for the study, and one will leave us to more deeply understand the essence of what is being done #39;.
Fruits, vegetables and other goods Moldovans are going to present at the fairs in Lipetsk in the days of the Moldovan culture in Russia this fall. And representatives of the Lipetsk business offers a friendly country in May to the economic forum.


Altayskoye enterprise to increase deliveries of fabrics in Buryatia

The Republic of Buryatia is interested in supplying cotton produced Altai now ZAO BMK `` Melanzhist Altai. The announcement was made during a visit to the republic#39;s leadership in the Altai region.

Currently, light industry of the Republic is mainly represented by the factories for the manufacture of products made of wool (pure wool fabric, drape, cloth, felt boots, etc.) and clothing enterprises. But the cotton fabric in Buryatia is missing. This market can be mastered Altai now.

Moreover, that `Melanzhist Altai` cooperates with 10 Buryat companies, supplying fabrics, clothing and home textiles.

Recall that in 2011 the volume of production at the Company `BMC Melanzhist Altai` decreased by 27.7% - up to 737 million rubles. Reason for the decrease in production is the lack of direct supply by the state orders the Russian Defense Ministry.

In order to reduce dependence on defense orders now working to expand the range of civilian products manufactured at a garment factory complex, which in 2011 celebrated its fifth anniversary. Recall that `` Melanzhist Altai is the largest producer in the Altai region of sewing and textiles.


FROM weaving mill in the business center

Hot topic - convert an abandoned factory premises in the creative and business space. In 2010, a former cotton-spinning manufactory `new` in the Bypass canal, it is also a former textile factory named Anisimov was to become an art center `Weavers#39;, but then almost immediately rejected the idea.

Instead, they decided to launch a powerful reconstruction and loft as an office and exhibition space. All finishing work completed by the end of winter.

On the territory of the Weavers `` will house three photo studio, an architectural firm, airbrush studio, dance school, art school, showroom copyright textiles, as well as shops. While not all tenants tell about his move. Prepare surprises.

By the end of winter in the room turn around the company, which will occupy 4,000 square meters. And just planned to hire out 7,000 square meters.

The first retail space in a former factory will be opened on February 15 of this year.



According to leading companies in the textile industry of Pakistan, thanks to the policy of zero rate of taxation of the textile industry of Pakistan adopted the federal budget, for the next financial year, the textile industry is expected to grow by 25-30%.

Leaders of Pakistan Knitwear Manufacturers Association (PAPT) believes that the government should do more to increase exports of textile industry.

They called on the government to continue the operation of financing schemes such as the #39;Musharaka#39; (Musharaka) and #39;Modaraba#39; (Modaraba), to provide financial support to the textile industry in the creation of energy-generating plants to meet the specific needs of textile enterprises.

In the next financial year, presumably sector jerseys provide the country with a profit of $ 1.8 billion, however, production in all sectors of the textile industry will experience a lack of energy.

The leaders called for the textile sector to assist the Government of Pakistan to the company Sui Southern Gas (SSGC) has increased gas supplies. The company ECC, in turn, has given permission for the establishment of power plants in the maquiladoras.

Also, the government should allocate funds for the construction of treatment plants for the textile industry, working for export. Pakistan - a country producer of cotton, the company must provide the exporting cotton fiber equipment that produces competitive products, as reported



While manufacturers and end customers cotton expect that the cotton crop this year will be a solid, which stabilizes the market is more fundamental. However, the global economic downturn and there can make their own adjustments.

Specifically, in Karachi textile exports in the first week of January fell 4.7% y / y, reaching only 5.96 billion dollars, as the prices for the calculations were last year.

For textile manufacturers in general are now quite favorable situation with cotton prices, experts say.


In 2011, Tajikistan has increased exports of footwear, VETBLYU, gray fabric and yarn

Export of various kinds of industrial production in Tajikistan has increased along with the export of primary aluminum and cotton that make up the lion#39;s share of the export potential of the country. On this, transmits Avesta.Tj said at a meeting with the Minister of Energy and Industry Sherali Gul.

According to him, if earlier, the republic exported mainly aluminum and cotton, but last year began exporting shoes, vetblyu (semi-finished hides), gray cloth, yarn, fittings and other industrial products.

`For example, exports of footwear began in Russia. However, so far, industrial products exported in small quantities#39;, - he said.

Chapter Minenergoproma also said that in 2011, special attention was paid to the processing of raw materials within the country. `In the past year, have established processing of hides and wool. This work contributed to the creation of three new companies in the industry. The total number of enterprises for processing of hides and wool has reached 8 factories with an annual processing capacity of 2.2 million pieces of animal skins#39;, - said Gul Sherali.

#39;Two years ago, the country had processed only 75 thousand pieces of skins. In 2010, 236 thousand units, while last year the figure has reached over 1.3 million units. The volume of wool processing has reached 447 tons.

The number of new businesses could increase if our businesses were able to get a loan at low interest rates. However, a loan with a 36% per annum will not stand no company manufacturer `, - said the minister.

This situation, according to him, has forced producers to sell vetblyu, and used the money to buy production and processing equipment. `In addition, there is the issue of export of raw hides (without processing) smuggled. Although the export of unprocessed hides completely banned `, - concluded the head Minenergoproma.



Cell material
The fabric used in the regeneration areas for centuries and has never lost its relevance. It gives the house character, sets the mood. Satin, lace and batiste make a house a sentimental and sensitive. Corduroy and velvet - warm and cozy. Brocade, damask and moire - the brilliant and even ceremonial.

Tweed, tapestry and fine wool - refined and rigorous. Voile, tulle and muslin - a cheerful and a little giddy.

The variety of range of modern interior fabrics is amazing. Combining these or other materials can be found solutions to meet virtually any style, from the classical to the postmodern. Each style is characterized by the choice of textiles.

For the classics - it#39;s silk or tapestry fabric soft tones with a distinctive pattern. For modern interiors - it#39;s either natural fabrics, shading design refinements, or materials produced by new technologies - double, with the inclusion of straw strands or metallic threads with a laser cutting through or chameleon effect.
If the room needs a lot of air and light, it can create a feeling with light, airy and transparent fabrics. For those who prefer shade and silence can isolate themselves from the rest of the world dense and heavy curtains. Sometimes the recovery environment requires quite a bit - a few pillows in bright colors that will attract the attention of the most successful sites of interior and will help hide imperfections.
Fabric - very mobile material. Unlike many of the other elements of the interior it can be easily controlled ``: change the drapery, the location, and the fabrics. It allows you to update textiles environment without subjecting it to radical changes.

But if you do not want to spend the extra money and constantly changing, such as curtains, the choice of fabrics for the interior must be approached carefully.

Window Curtain
Let#39;s start with the selection of curtains, or window curtain. Curtains can consist of a single light fabric (tulle, organza, voile) and of the whole composition (eg, tulle curtains and a variety of decorative elements).
By choosing the curtains, in addition to the interior style should be taken into account room size, ceiling height, the scenery outside the window, the location of fixtures, etc.
`Fabrics with horizontal stripes widen the` wall `narrow room with vertical -` `raise a low ceiling - the head of the design studio of the Company` ADC `Oxana Lebedeva. - The bright fabrics make the room more spacious, dark - more chamber. It is undesirable to use a very small figure in the great hall, and very large in the tiny spalenke `.
The fabric should not merge with the interior. It is better that it was the tone lighter or darker. The color of curtains and drapes chosen to match the upholstery, and not under the wallpaper as wallpaper change more frequently upholstery.

Should pay attention to the practical, operational properties of tissue: the good have a dust-repellent impregnation, do not shed, do not fade, do not shrink.
Floor-length curtains benefit from the large amount of material, they will look just short because of missing some three centimeters. In order to maximize the curtain looked impressive, should guide the tailoring of a simple rule: the finished canvas, stretched fully, should be 2.5-3 times as wide eaves.

Not a door, and curtain
Although in French means #39;curtain#39; door, it is a curtain for a door or window is made of heavy material. It consists of a curtain or two vertical panels, and the top is complemented by a horizontal blade, which is called the pelmet. To this can be added: fringe, brush, edging, glass beads, ribbons, etc.

In other words, the curtains - this door or window drapes.
Species and many variations of curtains, for example, three-layer, dual-layer and single-layer, decorative and functional. Decorative hangings for the most part are used as interior decoration and do not perform any more functions. But combine the functionality of an element of decor and function of shading windows. The window can be executed any one or more tissue close to or contrasting color.

Depending on the fabric layering creates an atmosphere of luxury or restraint. Well draped muslin, transparent synthetic fabrics, materials, high density. Fabric with contrast lining can be wrapped around the cornice, fixing them surround wiring.

Effectively looks attached to the eaves sari bright colors.

Every room of your decorations
The fabric should be appropriate to the room. `For the bedroom is better to use thick fabrics quiet tones - recommends Oxana Lebedeva. - Curtains will be better protected from the sun by using a light-tight blackout lining. In addition, all lined curtains look spectacular. They have an additional texture and volume #39;.
Choice of fabric in the nursery depends on the child#39;s age and design subjects. The material from which made the curtains in the nursery should be clean, easy to care for, not to gather dust on itself. The children can combine fabrics of different colors, decorating them with toys, sew applique, decorate beads, colors, etc.

Oksana Lebedev believes that this room does not get involved in expensive, high-end fabrics, because the curtains are rapidly becoming obsolete. What was good for a five-year kid can absolutely do not hold a first grader.
It is impossible to give unambiguous guidelines for choosing curtains in the living room. This room is both a business card at a house party, and the room where the whole family gets together for a joint recreation. Selection of fabric depends on the overall style decision and personal preferences of each family member.

The general recommendation is the fact that the fabric must comply with the room in style, be resistant to fading, suitable for specific functions (underline the beautiful view outside the window or, on the contrary, to hide everything from the public eye), and combined with the rest of the furniture of the room.
The fabric should always look good, both day and night. For example, a muslin cloth, back-lit by sunlight, has the effect of frosted glass. In the evening, the curtains, the room lit up, become opaque and create a unique atmosphere of comfort.

`` Clothing for wall
Not only radically change the interior space, but also to create a grand, luxurious atmosphere, allows the tissue covering the walls. It is very different than wallpaper, appears in the light of chandeliers and lamps. Fabric creates amazing visual effects. Such, for example, in which it seems that there is a sort of textiles separately from the wall.

It seems that for skillfully illuminated drapes hiding a secret room.
The mobility of tissue can not finish respond to attacks, displacement of walls, building settlement. For this painting, you can hide the defects of any wall or hide the pipe.
Draping effect occurs due to heavy fabrics, which are barely noticeable wrinkles and create a unique garment `` room. Strengthen the impression of a woven wall covering panels help, well located on the walls. Designers recommend to use the panels to complete story: it can be landscapes or still lifes.
Fabrics used to create wall coverings can be homogeneous, which include natural or synthetic fibers, or mixed, wherein accordingly, these fibers are successfully combined. To create a high-quality and natural fabric wall coverings are typically used, sisal, flax, jute or cotton. Artificial tissues are often presented viscose or acetate fibers, which are produced using wood pulp.
Care is simple canvas. To eliminate random spots can be a detergent. In addition, the fabric has its own protection: special layer that prevents contamination of the web. Such a finish can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner only twice a year, once every two years to carry out `` dry cleaning.

If you have any unwanted spots you can use regular towels or wash away the stain with water. Furthermore, there are no restrictions on the use of washing powder or a hydrocarbon solvent.
To cloth trim had served for a long time and pleasing to the eye, when it is least necessary to monitor the temperature in the room and the humidity. Thus, the temperature should not exceed 15 ˚ C, and the humidity - about 80%. The room can be wiped off.
You should also be taken with special attention to the study of the recommended adhesives. List of selected tissue adhesives that can be used during installation, the instructions of the web.
The use of tissue covering the walls does not preclude mounting them on lights or other decorative elements. But it is necessary to pay attention to signage.


PRO #39;ATA#39;

ATA `` - is not only already half-forgotten brand of textiles, but also clothing factory, which has become a national symbol. Exhibition dedicated to the history of the ATA `` - production history, the story of one family and a big dream - to pass in the Tel Aviv Museum of Eretz Yisrael until the end of March.

Existed for 50 years, the factory closed in 1985, having become a symbol of success, a social experiment, fashion, khaki and defeated ideas. After the story left a lot of memories, movies, photos, documents, poems and songs.

Tissue extracted from the silky white paper covered with glass windows, done a lot of research, released a documentary film about the founders of the factory family - the family Mueller - and about the production, and the name `ATA` s label with turn-down collar shirts migrated to the museum catalogs.

In the factory, #39;ATA#39; is not only intertwined strands of yarn, but the thread of Zionist ideas, social structure, financial insights, economic illusions.

Workers considered #39;ATA#39; their home - Erich Mueller built factory with dormitories, gardens, a polyclinic. `I` ATA was a hundred of shops. This factory wore the whole country, workers, soldiers and youth movements, has been the official supplier of the IDF, and before that - British police. `` ATA defined corporate identity at the time - what we call style, Ben-Gurion University. The famous symbol of Israel - Srulik, drawn by cartoonist Dyushem in 1954, wears the ATA `` - short, wide pants, shirt, `covariance tembl`.

The history of the factory #39;ATA#39; is inseparable from the history of Israel. One of its co-owners - Erich Müller - a native of Moravia (later he was joined by cousin Hans) came to the country in 1934 from Vienna. Open exemplary Jewish textile production he conceived back in Russia, where he spent seven years in captivity, having got there during the First World War as a soldier army of Czechoslovakia.

Once sighted than the other fellow, Mueller time immigrated to Eretz Israel in Kfar Ata and opened a branch of the family business, which existed in Moravia in 1885.

In 1935, the factory `` ATA was the largest textile company in the Middle East. `` ATA wore the entire working class of Eretz Yisrael, then constituted the majority of the population. Already in 1936, the factory began to send their products to Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. With the creation of the State of Israel #39;ATA#39; became the official supplier of uniforms for the IDF.

In 1955, began to increase competition from other textile factories, and it was decided the dismissal of workers, which led to a big strike in 1957. After the Yom Kippur War, khaki began to gradually go out of fashion, lost their social status. Since 1964, the ATA `` changed several owners, Fashion Collection, but for the 70 th year lagged far behind the European fashion, and in 1985 the factory gates were closed completely.

A sad story, but the spirit of #39;ATA#39; was strong and kept on display, memory, in photographs, posters, advertisements, dresses, form which factory produced more for the British police, historical documents and cartoons.

A special section of the exhibition are works of photographer Anne Rivkin-Breen, who in 1962 was invited to document the lives of the workers #39;ATA#39;. Rivkin-Breen was known as a photographer of a series of books about the children of the world - it was the most popular books for children of Japan and Lapland. In her photographs, and indeed in the very fact of its invitation to the factory affected the European tradition of respect for the craft.

Overall, Rivkin Bryn left behind 50,000 photos that were donated to the Central Zionist Archives in Jerusalem.

The exhibition#39;s curators have divided it into two main parts: the first part is devoted to the history of the factory itself and the Müller family, their world view, which united economic pragmatism, liberal Zionism and social education. Second - fashionable clothing brand #39;ATA#39;.

ATA exhibition `` - the story of production, fashion and dreams#39; will continue until March 30.

Museum working hours: Sunday to Wednesday - from 10.00 to 16.00 on Thursday - from 10.00 to 20.00 on Fridays and Saturdays - from 10.00 to 14.00.

Museum website -
Address: Tel Aviv, Ramat Aviv, st. Haim Levanon, 2.



The exhibition will be held from February 23 to 26 at the International Exhibition Centre `` Novosibirsk Expocentre. It is the largest trade show in the Urals and part of the exhibition project for the development of the national market of textile and light industry `Russian textile and fashion week` (`concern Rostextile / Textilexpo).

The exhibition `Textile and Fashion` created optimal conditions for the demonstration of production, new products coming season, the efficient exchange of experience in the technology, study of assortment, price monitoring and the establishment of new contacts.

`Our business in this region, there are two major trade partner. But we want to expand their business opportunities. This region - a perspective for the company. We want to show to show our potential, to explore trading conditions Novosibirsk #39;, told in the marketing department of the company.

The company for the year increased exports by 12%. With nearly 90% of the yarn company is exported, in 2012, `` Poles#39;e expects to increase exports by 13% due to the ready-made knitwear. At show experts will present about 50 models of knitted collections.

All the rest - on drives and directories.

By the way, Novosibirsk rapidly developing as a center of wholesale and retail trade. One of the main factors influencing it, is its central position in the system of settlements in Western Siberia and the proximity to the borders of Kazakhstan and China. In Novosibirsk, more than 7,600 permanent trade enterprises, including more than 2,300 industrial shop.

With a difference a week after Novosibirsk Polessye `representatives#39; travel to Moscow for the Federal Trade Fair Textilelegprom` `, which will be held from February 28 to March 2. `The federal Fair in Moscow, we never miss it and try to show the maximum range. Participation is always giving its result #39;, says the marketing department. In Moscow, Russia Exhibition Centre (Hall 75) at the Society `` Poles#39;e stand 24 meters, allowing you to show nearly 200 models of knitting (spring, autumn and school collection) and sign lucrative contracts for the year ahead.

The company actively participates in exhibitions and in the Republic of Belarus. With its participation from 22 to 25 will be held in Minsk on February 8, International Exhibition 2012 #39;Childhood#39;, which will be presented to children and school jersey from Pinsk. With each passing year it becomes more chain stores business.

Already in the beginning of March in Vitebsk opens another company store `` Pinsky jersey.