Friday, January 17, 2014


Managed to develop cost-effective technology electrical discharge machining the surfaces of solids

Researchers of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research could improve the efficiency of electrical discharge machining of large and complex the profile of solid surfaces, including internal, with low power consumption devices.

This achievement can be used to improve the wear resistance, the formation of discrete zones of high-temperature superconductors doping, deposition of metal nanoclusters on the surface of semiconductors and dielectrics, as well as the modification of the properties of thin-film products, and many other areas.

?With the application of electrical discharge machining produce metal layers on a solid surface, cutting and forming depressions of various geometric profile |, say the authors of the development - SN Dmitriev, VF Reutov Reutov and IV, JINR. ? For this purpose, electrodes are used in various fields - disc, rod, tube or wire. In general, these electrodes are used for makroobrabotki, i.e. have a size (diameter, thickness) of at least tens to hundreds of micrometers. Therefore, the area one time (during the period of a single pulse) treatment of solid surfaces is more than 100 mkm2. In addition, the existing makroelektrodami difficult or almost impossible to handle the internal surface of the parts and the surface of the complex profile. |

At present, due to the intensive development of nanotechnologies in the field of problem solving Microengineering, micromechanics, microelectronics, etc., the question of micro surface treatment, thin film products, as well as ensembles of surface modification of nano-metal clusters or sub-micron diameters and high density.

Modern methods of treatment remain a range of shortcomings that limit the further development of nanotechnology.

They are:

  • the absence of stick electrodes and the Bole sub-micron diameter nanomikronnogo,
  • impossibility of applying the nano metal clusters or submicron dimensions given density onto the surface of solid bodies,
  • difficult to implement automatic deduction given electrode gap,
  • complexity precision scanning procedure of the object on the surface of the electrode, particularly in its complicated profile machined surfaces,
  • Availability complicated and energy-consuming equipment for the realization of high levels of electric field at the electrodes, especially for forming the arc discharge,
  • inability to control the weight of conveyed material in the electrode spark erosion, especially if physical contact to electrode.
Therefore, the main task was the need to develop mnogosterzhnevyh electrode nano-or submicron diameter, which would eliminate the possibility of these shortcomings.

Dmitriev and his colleagues managed to solve this problem and improve the efficiency of electrical discharge machining process by handling large and complex the profile of solid surfaces (including domestic) and a low power consumption of the equipment.

The principle that lies at the core of their technology is the use of metal replicas of track membranes made on the basis of the known method used for electron microscopy analysis of profiles etched channels in the membranes of track, first used as a system mnogosterzhnevyh electrode (SMSE) nano-and submicron diameters for electrical discharge machining of solid surfaces.

As the material metal replica (MR) may be any of pure metals or alloys thereof capable of electroplating. And the process can be carried out in any environment (vacuum, liquid or gas) that does not create difficulties and costs of creating some special conditions.

This technology provides the control and reproducibility of the size, volume and density of the metal nanoclusters on the surface of the object being processed, enables a simultaneous treatment of large areas of any geometric profile including internal cavities and allows for the electrical discharge machining thin film objects, with minimum energy consumption and low flow rate of the electrode material.

Contact information:

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

141980, Moscow region., Dubna, JINR, Ch. engineer, IN Meshkov



The scientists of Bryansk State Engineering and Technology Academy developed a method of processing cutting tools used in the metalworking, woodworking and pulp and paper industries, which increases their durability.

It has long been known that the magnetized tool increases its resistance to wear and tear (MT Galey, etc. The influence of magnetic field on the resistance of high-speed tools. - Machines and tools, | 4, 1981, p.31, 32).

Known methods of materials processing in the magnetic field, the source of which is a tool for processing, have drawbacks that do not allow you to control the magnetic lines of force in the incisor are technical difficulties in the management of the magnetic field, and also require the need to consider the cross-section of the constituent elements of the design to ensure effective inductance values.

With modern technology tools magnetization in a pulsed magnetic field exposure and processing, no local directional hardening, the need for some combination of the size of the processing tools and magnetizing coils, resulting in the expansion of their range. And also, in the course of this treatment requires long time for aging and technologically sophisticated equipment due to high costs.

The scientists of the Academy - PAMFILOVA EA, PG Pyrikovym and Ruhlyadko AS managed to form in the area of tool wear (cutter) optimal (favorable) set of mechanical and tribological properties.

They were able to achieve these figures that in the normal process, the magnetic field strength are set up state of magnetic saturation tool material, magnetostrictive vector compressive stresses normally orient the plane of propagation of cracks, since the respective deformation of the cutting part of the tool, and a magnetic field acting on the tool carried continuously. For example, the magnetic field strength at hardening of carbon tool steels are installed within the 1100-1300 kA / m, made of alloy - 1400-1600 kA / m, and from high-speed - 1700-1800 kA / m

Induction of the magnetic field in the tool material is possible to provide a known manner, for example, an electromagnet in contact with the cutting tool or a solenoid encompassing the cutting zone. In the latter case, direct contact between the coil and the cutting tool does not happen, and the induction of the tool material is provided through the air gap, the researchers said.

Strengthening toughness and wear resistance of steels is because the magnetization in ferromagnetic (instrument) of the material at the expense of directional orientation of free electrons is a process of displacement of domain boundaries (crystals), which consists in the growth of the volumes in which the magnetization is oriented close to the direction of the field due to the change of neighboring domains, as well as the process of changing the direction of the spontaneous magnetization of individual domains by rotation of the magnetization vector.

This characteristic also increases dispersibility of the crystallographic structure by securing the friction surface alloying elements increase the hardness, toughness, fatigue resistance, tensile strength of the tensile strength and flexural heat intensity of the friction zone in a direction of magnetization. This combination improves the wear resistance of the material in the area of instrumental magnetization state scientists.

Thus, determining the magnitude and direction of the external load F on the tool during cutting and installing the light of this position of the magnetic field lines in the magnetization of the tool material (the magnetization direction), it is possible to form in areas of wear favorable combination of mechanical and tribological properties.

The results of the analysis tool life depending on the technology of the hardening increases on average 15-25% compared with the known methods improve durability.

Contact information:

Bryansk State Academy of Engineering and Technology

241037, Bryansk, Ave Stanke Dimitrov, 3, BGITA



CAMERA IN HANDNoveysheedostizhenie electronics - monochrome tsifrovayafotokamera WRIST CAMERA WQV-1, released by Casio, is built into the watch. Unikalnayarazrabotka allows direct obektivfotokamery for different purposes, up doispolzovaniya her for espionage.

Of course, onaproektirovalas for easy-perenosaiz for its small size, which make-44h52h16 mm and the weight of it all in #39;32 and neyzhidkokristallichesky display on a small - 20x20 mm, with screen resolution of 120x120 pixels.

The resulting fotografiyaotrazhaetsya on display. Carrying izobrazheniyaosuschestvlyaetsya infrared portkompyutera. Pictures can communicate in videdvuh formats: JPEG or BMP.

Pretty prilichnyyobem internal memory kotoryysostavlyaet - 1MB odnovremennonakopit allows up to 100 shots. Convenience is also misrepresented that each picture will be soprovoditnebolshim comment (up to 24 characters), with pomoschyukotorogo can then be found among sotninuzhny frame of interest.

Meals obespechivaetsyaza through the standard batteries - CR2032.Rasschitano that if ezhednevnofotokameru use no more than 1 minute, the stock energiihvatit for at least six months.

The basis of this tsifrovoyfotokamery chtoostavlyaet producers out of competition - this is, of course, tipprodukta - two in one. That is, pomimofunktsii camera, the device works and kakobychnye electronic clock showing the time and date.


Heat Sensitive Polymers opens a new direction in the production of coatings and labels that change color with the temperature changed ...

Imagine that a fire door will have the ability to change color when it is hot, that football players wearing T-shirts that tell the coach when the player is too tired and out of breath, that the road itself automatically indicates the color of those areas which are covered with ice and slippery, or that the packaging of a sudden lose all their paint and discolor when they were stored at room temperature for too long, and their shelf life has expired. Fiction? Not any more.

At the University of Rhode Island, chemists Brett Lucht, Bill Euler and chemical engineer Otto Gregory are working to make these products a reality.

Scientists are developing a heat-sensitive polymers that change color depending on the temperature change. To date, they have successfully created a polymer which changes color from red to yellow at +82 | C (temperature at which a person would get burns), and other higher temperatures.

In the course of their activities one company interested in creating a new coating for cookware that will change its color when it is hot. This polymer has been created, but he broke up with him again, bringing to the high temperatures. But research in this area continued.

Have passed since the successful placement of the polymer in the plastic, from which it can not be removed. This discovery is important for the food and pharmaceutical industries and will develop a completely new type of packaging for the goods and medicines, which will change its color depending on the expiry date.

All that we have created to help protect people#39;s development from burns consumption of spoiled food and medicines, Lucht said. For example, packets could be milk mark which discolored if the packet is a long time at room temperature.

Funding for this project is provided by KM Scientific, URI Foundation and the URI Transportation Center, which develops applications for security of polymers. Polymers may be added to the set of different products, including plastic, paint, ink and rubber.

These technologies can be widely used in the automotive and car tires, which would be when heated in the sun would change automatically the color to a lighter rubber, thereby reducing the heating of tires on one side of the car and avoid the occurrence of a dramatic change in pressure in the chambers of the wheels on different sides machine. This is very important from the point of view of safety on the roads, where road transport is the most dangerous and disaster in the world.

Potential areas of use of these polymers are endless. It all depends on our imagination. In general, these products could warn people that they are potentially hazardous conditions.

Lucht Eiler now working to develop polymers that change color at low temperatures and which make a single color transformation from ideal temperature during hot red and blue at low temperatures. Other bright colors are also being developed by researchers. And Gregory has focused its work on search polymers evenly scattered throughout the material.

Contact information:

Todd McLeish,, 401-874-7892, University of Rhode Island



You feel unstable on two legs? Vibrating insoles in your shoes will cause random noise, enhancing weak neural signals from the feet to the brain, which keep a person balance equilibrium when it is in the upright position.

When someone leans in any one direction, the pressure on the sole of the foot on that side increases. Typically, the nervous system responds to these changes automatically by activating the muscles of the legs, and automatically corrects the position of the person in balance. But in some people, especially the elderly, the system equilibrium is sometimes broken, and nerve signals sent to the brain, can cause either a stronger response, or belated. As a result, a person can lose their balance and fall.

This condition is also common, and when a person is in a state of intoxication.

Jim Collins and his colleagues at Boston University, wondered, could the people with impaired coordination to benefit from the resulting stochastic (random) resonance - an effect that makes the weak signal more easily detected when it occurs on a background of random noise? Researchers have built a platform that vibrates at random, and asked for volunteers to try to resist it. From the change in force fluctuations platform, they found that the stochastic fluctuations increase the reaction arising from people#39;s feet, and help people to maintain balance.

When the platform was then vibrate more gently, the reaction of stabilizing the feet of the people to be less in every direction, even though they can not consciously feel the change in motion. This is evident in the difference between older and younger participants in the experiment twenties people.

The increase in information coming from our feet, helps us to improve balance control of body balance. In this sense, standing on wobbly mount bare feet, a person is more stable than in the shoes as best experiences? Footing |.

The nervous system is very quick to learn to ignore the signals are stable, so if you create a device that would give the signal gain to the soles of our feet, it would work only if the information was true nature of noise.

Previously, scientists have expressed the idea that the human nervous system produces its own noise to help with the tasks of balancing. But the research team for the first time Collins has proved that additional artificial random signals can enhance the balance of equilibrium.

Now scientists hope to create a vibrating insoles that could be worn in your shoes people with poor coordination of movements. But this will somehow solve the problem of food such insoles for shoes because the hang heavy set of batteries or accumulators v stupid thing.

If scientists find a way to rationalize the power supply batteries or other locations, such as on the body or in a pocket, then these insoles will help people with canes to walk normally again.

Contact information:

Claire Bowles, claire.bowles @, 44-207-331-2751, New Scientist


DEVICE DESIGNED FOR sparing treatment for advanced cancer

Russian inventor has been created a device that allows you to enter fitosostavy drugs directly into tumor tissue of patients and with great effectiveness to treat cancer at later stages. Treatment is carried out therapeutically and avoids surgery and negative consequences of each course of chemotherapy.

In the treatment of tumors is almost impossible to get to tumors located deep in the body, the effectiveness of the treatment is not possible to control and evaluate the time duration of the procedure. And at the last stages of cancer, with the development of metastasis, surgery is considered useless and ill fated.

Russian inventor Taranov LI, with the assistance of Isayev Yury Viktorovich was developed device for the treatment of cancer with high efficiency advanced tumors. The device allows for treatment due to the full implementation of a malignant neoplasm of specially selected anti-cancer drugs are not of chemical origin. Treatment time is calculated individually for each patient.

In the treatment of toxic materials are not used, which allows to exclude the treatment of adverse side effects that arise during the course of chemotherapy.

This is achieved by the fact that the electrodes of the device through the installation of a hydrophilic material, wet anticancer drugs, which are mainly used in dissolved silver water given concentration of activated sea buckthorn juice and aloe, fermented flower honey, is applied to the patient#39;s body on both sides of malignancy. Then an electric field and supervise the implementation of drugs in the body. Monitoring is carried out on the value of the value of the current and the time of the procedure, the minimum value is calculated individually for each patient based on measuring the distance between the electrodes and the magnitude of the potential difference between them.

Drugs administered to a patient, are selected so that ions are formed in solution, having both positive and negative charge.

The device has been clinically tested on human volunteers:

Example 1. Patient AA, born in 1947. From history: severe inflammation in the oral cavity. Severe swelling, slurred speech.

After histological examination was diagnosed - adenocarcinoma of the submandibular salivary glands. The patient began treatment at a hospital, where he had a course of radiation therapy, but the positive results it has not given. From the proposed major operation to replace the lower jaw refused.

After the four treatments with the introduction of iontophoresis to tumors silver water solution in a given concentration of activated sea buckthorn juice and aloe, fermented flower honey was produced pronounced positive effect. Histological studies of the presence of malignant cells did not show.

Example 2. Patient LJ, born in 1956. Observed in the Cancer Center. NN Blokhin. Revealed a malignant neoplasm of the breast stage III. Was prepared for the deletion of the breast, chest muscles and surrounding lymph nodes packages.

After learning about the possibility of sparing method of treatment, the patient refused surgery and consented to the proposed course of iontophoresis with the introduction of the solution in the area of neoplasms in a given concentration of silver water activated aloe and buckthorn juice, fermented flower honey. Pronounced positive effect appeared three weeks later. Complete recovery occurred after 7 months.

EXAMPLE 3. Sick LI, born in 1935. From history: in the middle of the forehead above the left eyebrow rounded education 2.0-2.5 cm dark color with a homogeneous dense structure with a new formation of filamentous directed toward the nose. After a call to the oncologist, and the analysis revealed that the tumor is malignant, and diagnosis - melanoma forehead.

Treatment of tumors with the use of iontophoresis solution to a given concentration of silver water activated juices herbs antitumor activity (sea buckthorn and aloe, fermented flower honey) has led to positive results. After the first treatment the tumor has decreased by more than half. A total of three treatments, then was barely noticeable trace in the form of a dark spot and a diameter of 5 mm.

Analyses showed the presence in it of malignant cells.

Contact information:

123430, Moscow, Pyatnickoe w., 23, Apt. 92 Yu.V.Isaevu


On the mill `5000` in `KOLPINO metkombinatu Severstal` SAINT-PETERSBURG) pre-commissioning work on the plant CONTROLLED COOLING OF METAL

On broadband mill 5000 Rolling Shop N3 Kolpino Severstal (St. Petersburg) pre-commissioning work on the plant controlled cooling, designed and delivered Institute of metallurgical heat (Ekaterinburg). According to ABN (, the press service of Severstal, corresponds to the capacity of the plant design capacity of the mill - 850 tons of metal per year.

Setting the controlled cooling (UCO) mill 5000 - this is a unique and one of a metal project that implements the Severstal in the reconstruction of wide-strip. It is fundamentally different from traditional technical circuit when given mechanical properties of the metal rolling past ensured by special regimes for plants termootdeleny rolling mills. In the case of such a scheme, the cost of the necessary equipment for termootdeleniya mill 5000 is estimated to have amounted to about $ 30 million on the options selected Severstal, UCO, specially designed for thermal hardening of the metal in the rolling mill, will provide a wide range of operating modes thermomechanical treatment: quenching directly after rolling heating sheets up to 50 mm, and rolling regimes intercooled peals - sheet thickness of 100 mm. UCO mill 5000, which will be operated in automatic mode, is an improved, more modern analogue of the controlled cooling of the pilot plant, commissioned in OAO Izhora plants in 1992. and allowed to carry out the necessary tests for obtaining the desired characteristics of the metal through the use of different modes of controlled cooling.

Moreover, unlike their foreign counterparts UCO Severstal has a great set of features in the technology of thermomechanical processing of metal. The full development of installation greatly enhance the ability of the long production of Severstal on output for key customers steelmaker - shipbuilding and energy industry. Thus, starting with the FEC at the end of 2002.

Grades products produced LPC N3 for shipbuilding expand by 1.5 times - up to 25 different brands sudostaley.


Hospital wards are connected to the Internet and digital television

Patients British hospital admissions for long term, will have access to the latest developments of computer technology and communication systems. November 11 UK Department of Health officially announced the launch of #39;PatientLine#39;, providing patients with access to the Internet, digital TV channels and international telephone lines.

According to the #39;Kingston Hospital NHS Trust#39;, funded the establishment of #39;PatientLine#39;, to the end of November, computer terminals will be equipped with 555 beds in seven hospitals in the country. System services will be paid. Presumably, full Internet access would cost to patients under the age of 60 years in 3.20 pounds per day, and patients older than that - half the price. The cost of outgoing phone calls will be similar to national rates, but the relatives who want to communicate with the patient will have to fork over the extra 0.5 pounds per minute.

Payment #39;PatientLine#39; will be carried by magnetic cards, which can be purchased directly in hospital.

#39;In today#39;s world of Internet, digital television and telephony have become an inherent part of the life of almost every man - said in an interview with#39; Air Force #39;chief coordinator#39; PatientLine #39;Jim Gluver. - And people are being treated in hospitals, have every right to have access to them. #39;



Researchers at Loughborough University (Loughborough University), central England, have developed a non-invasive method for monitoring the blood flow to the tissues of the body.

In the future, the new contactless technology can be used to monitor the activity of the heart, evaluate the overall condition of the patients during surgery and in the treatment of wounds and burns.

A team of researchers led by Professor Peter Smith (Peter Smith), the researcher Vincent Crabtree (Vincent Crabtree) and graduate student Ching Sharon (Sharon Cheang) has created a new device based on the use of optoelectronic technologies. Technology used today PPG (photoplethysmography) allows, thanks to a special detectors to monitor the condition of blood flow based on the degree of light absorption by cells of body tissues. #39;The use of this technology has always created problems in the study of difficult areas of the human body - said Peter Smith, a professor of photonic technologies and Head of Department of Electronic Technology at Loughborough University. #39;If the patient moves, it distorts the signal. Contactless system PPG even worsens the situation because the detector begins to react to extraneous light sources#39; - adds the professor.

It was therefore necessary to develop a means of adjusting signal.

Based on a series of experiments, the research team established a link between the movement and receive signals. The research results helped to create the appropriate light source, a detector system and computer programs that not only allow you to determine how traffic will affect the signal, but also automatically correct it.

The new technology will allow for more accurate studies in situations where contact with the skin is undesirable or impossible, such as burns and lesions of the peripheral arteries.

In addition, the new technology will help improve the diagnosis, early warning of diseases, the development of more accurate schemes of therapeutic treatment.

Research conducted by Professor Smith in 2000 as part of Gatsby Innovation Fellowship Scheme, became the basis of development of practical application of the new technology. Together with commercial partners, the company Stuert Medical Devices, the researchers will conduct trials of a unique system of remote monitoring in the clinic PPG Stirling Royal Infirmary, in Scotland, under the supervision of a specialist in the field of vascular surgery, Richard Holdsworth (Richard Holdsworth).

Kuling Ray (Ray Cooling), news editor of LPS

According to the materials


TYUMENSKY EQUIPMENT: There is no analog

Factory Nephtemach (Tyumen region) has developed a unique equipment to measure the well flow rate - block the installation of Technology DEBIT 40-1-3000 with a larger cage for three-way switches flow. Total volume - from 2000 to 3000 cubic meters per day. Analogues of such a facility is not yet in Russia, said

Block Technology Installation DEBIT 40-1-3000 is designed to measure in automatic and manual modes of fluids (oil, water) and gas produced from wells. The scope of application of the system are encapsulated collection of oil and associated gas in oil fields in the Tyumen region and other oil-producing regions with similar climatic conditions. On request the installation is completed with a control unit for seven wells on the flow switch.

Currently two units already shipped Sibneft.


NEW ultra-precise and ultra-sensitive DEVICE FOR POWER RESOURCES OF ANY BATTERIES DESIGNED Russian specialists

NEW ultra-precise and ultra-sensitive DEVICE FOR POWER RESOURCES OF ANY BATTERIES DESIGNED Russian specialists

In the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces to them. Peter the Great was a precision device designed to determine the energy source batteries of any type.

This unit, created by a group of researchers of the Academy - Kapelko KV, Krylov SK, RN Bulanov and Zorinetsevym VV, allows measurement of the reactance battery corresponding to the determined value of the degree of its charge (energy source).

Feature of innovation is the increased accuracy of the state of charge of the battery, compared to the existing Russian and foreign counterparts.

The device comprises an oscillator sinusoidal voltage, one terminal connected to the measuring current through the reference resistor and - the battery, and the other terminal - to the battery and via a capacitor - to the voltage meter. The driving voltage generator digital infralow frequency, which is also integrated in the device is provided with two additional terminals, digital current and voltage meters comprise valves bodies zero, counters, inverters and voltage-code common clock generator.

Known analogs apparatus for determining battery energy resource, determine its density of the electrolyte, the charge-discharge cycles, etc., are not applicable to all types of electrochemical systems and time-consuming to perform. This device allows measurement of all types of batteries and difficult to manufacture.

The closest the technical embodiment is the U.S. state detection device charger battery by measuring its phase parameter that contains the coupling capacitors, the reference resistor, amplifiers, voltage references, measuring the phase parameter. But this device does not have such a high accuracy and sensitivity, as a device developed VA Strategic Missile Forces. Peter the Great.

Increased accuracy and sensitivity of the batteries energy resource value of its reactance is v? Horse | Russian researchers.

A distinctive feature of the device that the device does not measure the phase angle and the reactance batteries corresponding to a specific value of the degree of charge.

Contact information:

103074, Moscow, Kitaygorodsky pr-d, 9/5, the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces to them. Peter the Great.

Phone: (095) 298-34-50, 298-39-09, fax: (095) 298-39-17



In search of non-polluting energy sources environment, often talk about the great prospects of hydrogen fuel. Currently, the majority of the hydrogen produced from fossil fuels, such as natural gas, using a multistage high and processes. But chemists at the University of Wisconsin-Medisonskogo able to develop new and effective process by which it is possible to produce cheap hydrogen fuel directly from the tops of the plants.

This source of hydrogen is nontoxic and nonflammable, and therefore it can be safely transported in a conventional container as a dry solid material.

In an article published Aug. 29 in the journal Nature, authored a research scientist Randy Cortright, a graduate student Rupa Davda and Professor James Dumesika, describes the process by means of which the glucose, which is the source of energy used by the majority of plants and animals, is converted into hydrogen, carbon dioxide and alkanes with hydrogen gas is 50 percent of the product composition. A purified molecule, such as ethylene glycol and methanol, is almost completely converted into hydrogen and carbon dioxide.

This process does not affect global warming, because it is neutral, says Cortright. Carbon dioxide is produced as a by-product, but the biomass plant that grows in the fields for the subsequent production of its hydrogen feedstock will absorb that amount of carbon dioxide released in the next year, transforming it into carbon.

Glucose produced in large amounts, for example in the form of corn syrup (from maize starch), but may also be made from sugar beet or cheap biomass waste paper mill, cheese whey, corn, or wood waste topper.

Hydrogen will be the higher, the greater the amount of purified glucose molecules can be prepared from the feedstock. Therefore, unnecessary waste biomass may be the most economical and effective material for energy production.

We believe that we can make improvements to the catalyst and the reactor, which will increase the amount of hydrogen that we get from glucose, said Dumesik. Secondary gas product acyclic saturated hydrocarbons (alkanes) can be used as a power source for internal combustion engine or as a solid oxide fuel cell. And requires very little additional energy to run the process.

Since this process chemists developed at the University of Wisconsin-Medisonskogo occurs in the liquid phase and at fairly low temperatures (up to +227 | C), hydrogen is produced without the need of water evaporation. This technique is improved in comparison with the production of fuel ethanol or other conventional methods for producing hydrogen from fossil fuels based on phase evaporation and converted to its processes.

Also, such low temperatures at which it is possible to obtain the hydrogen fuel, - the result of very low concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO), which allows the desired fuel element through the full sorting of hydrogen at the first extraction process. A small amount of CO in the hydrogen fuel minimizes the drawbacks, that stood in the way of using this fuel cell in practice. The reason was that the high concentration of CO is withdrawn from the low-temperature surface electrode system of fuel cells.

Estimates of future volumes of hydrogen fuel that can be produced by waste biomass plants, have shown that this process can serve as an efficient production of clean and cheap electricity.

Before the final adjustments of the technology researchers to be more perfect this process. Platinum catalysts which run the entire reaction on the hydrogen generation are very expensive and must find new combinations of catalysts to obtain higher amounts of hydrogen of more concentrated solutions of biomass wastes containing sugar.

Contact information:

  • James Dumesic (608) 262-1095,;
  • Randy Cortright, (608) 265-9026,;
  • Jim Beal (608) 263-0611,;