Thursday, January 16, 2014



Two research projects of scientists from Virginia Tech will develop new sensors for the detection of pathogens, some DNA, as well as to improve the properties of molecular devices for electronic applications. For these purposes they have received grants from the National Science Company.

The area of research is in the nanoscale (a nanometer is 10,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair). Scientists v Massimiliano Di Ventra of the Physics Department of Virginia Tech, with the assistance of physicists and chemists Randy Heflin, Kevin Van Cott, explores the nanoworld through computer simulation and complex applications in the field of optics, thin-film technologies and analytical biochemistry.

Sensor Technology

Heflin and Van Cott trying to develop new types of sensor for detecting the presence of biological objects - such as pathogens, DNA or biological compounds or environmental sample.

The newly developed system does not require labeling DNA samples atoms. The method built on the basis of the unique optical properties of the sensor platform to be more sensitive, more reliable, and will continue to provide high capacity (in order to search for thousands of genes at a time).

The purpose of the project is also to provide a self-assembled film nanometric thickness, especially those films which have nonlinear optical properties, which can be used for frequency doubling of the laser beam in the medium.

Self-assembling films grow additional layers of two different materials. One of these two materials specifically selected to impart nonlinear optical properties. Another material - is largely an adhesive.

The sensor works on the principle that biological molecules interact through very accurately tracked reactions at the molecular level.

Molecular electronics

The problem that arose in modern electronics based on silicon technology is that it has reached its physical limits to the possible number of transistors that can fit on a single chip. The greater the number of transistors on a chip is placed, the higher processor performance is achieved.

Therefore, the challenge is the need to come up with alternative solutions. This direction is busy Di Ventra. Electronic devices based on molecular wires could solve the problem.

V The molecules are the smallest possible device and you can put more of them on a single chip.

However, before actually researchers can rivet molecular wires in electronics, they must understand the properties of electron transport. This is what scientists are busy project. Their goal is to understand how electrons behave when traveling short distances - just a few atoms.

When an electric current is passed through the device, the current can vary within its mean value. If these oscillations, known as noise are too high, such a device can not be used practically. That is why it is important to understand the role of the current oscillations in molecular devices.

This research will allow scientists to develop a revolutionary way of creating materials and products, which will significantly increase the throughput speed of the electrons and will not allow further progress to stop the development of electronics.

Contact information:

  • Dr. Heflin - 540-231-4504 or, ~ rheflin /
  • Dr. Di Ventra - 540-231-8729 or, ~ diventra /
  • Dr. Van Cott - 540-231-4257 or, or htm


Create the first easily customizable PLASTIC MAGNET, working at a fairly high temperature superconductivity by the standards.

Cheap, flexible electronics and better storage of computer data. All this can be achieved if the development receives an ultralight plastic magnet, developed by scientists at Ohio State University.

With colleagues from the University of Utah researchers have developed a plastic material that acquires the properties of the magnet when it is directed at the blue light laser. Lighting green spectrum modifies this effect.

Although until the possible applications is still very far away, this technology could develop and improve the magneto-optical recording system and data erasure.

Plastic magnets v is not new, they have already been developed in many institutions. And yet obtained before Magnets - insensitive, and received at the State University of Ohio - the first material which is superior magnetic properties of conventional magnets in 1.5 and works with the record high temperatures for this kind of magnets. The functions of the magnet shown at a temperature of 75 K (about -200 | C).

This temperature, which is close to the values for which the work modern high-temperature superconductors, which is a key factor in enabling the development of commercial applications of this technology.

The magnet has been developed as a result of 25 years of collaborative works between Arthur Epstein, a professor of physics and chemistry, director of the Materials Research Center at Ohio State University, and Joel Miller, a professor of chemistry at the University of Utah. They described the properties of a magnet in his article in Physical Review Letters.

Although our ordinary notions of the operating temperature of the magnet is quite cold and far from the room, this is the first step to building the future of mild forms of electronics.

Now that proved the feasibility of making magnets from organic or plastic, we can use what we know concerning organic chemistry to further improve its properties, Epstein said. Perhaps someday we can even improve the technology so that it will operate at room temperature.

The plastic magnet is made of a polymer in which there tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) combined with manganese ions (atoms of manganese removal of electrons).

Epstein and colleagues have made a powder of manganese ions in the thin film TCNE. Once they have been charged a six-hour continuous material flow blue laser beam, the magnetic properties of magnetic acquired at 150 percent of its normal level, and kept them in the dark.

Green laser light reversirovoval this effect by reducing the magnetic properties of the material up to 60 percent of its normal level.

Why light has such an impact? Researchers believe that the different wavelengths of blue and green light makes TCNE molecules in various ways to change its shape.

As soon as one molecule in the magnet changes the shape, changing its magnetic properties, and it encourages neighboring molecules to carry out the same transformation. In other words, v is it? Domino effect |.

Around the world, scientists and engineers are working to develop a better way to store computer data, based on light and magnetism. In theory, such a system would work magneto faster and much more efficiently than traditional electronics. Easily customizable magnet would be a more reliable source of information storage, as would not depend at all on electricity.

Information on the disc recorded and erased only by the magnetic properties.

Since the new magnet operates at a temperature of 75 K, this device may be used if it is placed in a regular or special refrigerators pour liquid nitrogen. Today, liquid nitrogen is less than milk v about $ 2 per gallon. However, such applications are still far from practical implementation.

Need to improve the properties of the magnet to a higher temperature before it goes on the ways of its commercial application.

Contact information:

Arthur J. Epstein, (614) 292-1133; Epstein.2 @


PRECISION-UHF Transmitter, to work stably in the specified frequency range, WAS developed by Russian scientists.

The Ryazan State Instrument-Making Plant - a subsidiary of the Military-Industrial Complex MAPS designed transmitter microwave signals, which gives optimum power output in a specified frequency range and providing a reduction in the amplitude and phase noise, which allows its use in high-precision not previously applied areas of technology - radar, radio , radio navigation.

The invention relates to a microwave transmitters and amplifiers and can be used in radar, radio navigation, and other areas of technology.

A disadvantage of today#39;s microwave transmitters is that in the frequency range have no matching optimum for the input power. For this reason, in certain points of the frequency range in which the input power is not enough, while in others it is redundant.

Background to the practical application of microwave sources suggests that their use in high-precision navigation instruments is limited. Specifically, Doppler radar strict requirements to the noise level at the transmitter output. And to reduce the amplitude and the phase noise of the input power TWT should be optimal.

In the operation is unacceptable to regulate the input power attenuator manually, so when using pin - attenuator adjustment can be performed automatically, but pin - parasitic crosstalk attenuation affects that are generated by external electric and magnetic circuits. As a result, at the entrance there is a microwave amplifier parasitic modulation of the input power.

SUE RSIME specialists - Lebedev VM, Suvorinovym MI, Puzikova AD, Zelenyuk YI and Kolodko GN was developed microwave signal transmitter which gives the optimum power output at a predetermined frequency range and provides reduction of the amplitude and phase noise. These advantages allow the use of this transmitter in areas of high - radar, radio navigation.

This object is achieved in that for the optimal input power supply to the amplifier input microwave and reduce noise at the input and the output of the microwave transmitter between the second output of the oscillator and the control input of the attenuator included pin-frequency discriminator and a discriminator controlled by a current source. Problem current source - to provide DC stabilization through pin-attenuator and, consequently, to stabilize the input power and reduce noise microwave amplifier. Managing a power supply is provided from the discriminator that generates a frequency-dependent voltage current control pin-attenuator.

Manage optimum input power is automatically and with sufficient speed.

This transmitter may operate in continuous or pulsed mode. The use of technical solutions in practice will expand the range of operating frequencies of the transmitter, which is currently constrained by the terminal microwave amplifier.

Contact information:

390000, Ryazan, st. Kalyaeva, 32, SUE RSIME, otd.149,


Zelenyuk Yuri I.

(0912) 77-23-27

Pospelov Vladimir Vladimirovich

(0912) 29-82-88

Oleg S. Lieberman

(0912) 24/01/06



AviakompaniyaKraseyr decided to supplement its vozdushnyypark due to unusual liner, brand kotorogoTu-134CX.

The difference from obychnogopassazhirskogo plane in this model staloumenshenie seats. There are only 28 in tomchisle two more posh salon VIP (for ochenvazhnyh persons).

By creating such a tipsamoleta, Krasair decided to enter a new market dlyasebya services - business aviation market.



China planiruetpolnostyu learn the latest technology, fiber-optic communications network. The newest line budetsozdana specifically for the Internet, spropusknoy of 10 Gbit / s. Etimproektom now engaged in Chinese провайдертелекоммуникационных services - the company China Unicom.

Equipment stolmasshtabnogo project (total length novoyoptovolokonnoy network will be more than 3000 km) postavitkompaniya Nortel Networks, which was zaklyuchenkontrakt the amount - more than 13 million U.S. dollars.

After zaversheniyastroitelstva, it will be the backbone dlinnayakommunikatsionnaya in Asia, kotorayamozhet of its length compared soznamenitoy the Great Wall of China. Polosapropuskaniya such a network will transmit at the same time poney about 130,000 telefonnyhperegovorov or 192 channels of television.

But for a country kakKitay, with more than 1.3 billion people - this relationship, chtokaplya at sea. However, the development of Chinese setisvyazi just beginning and not планируетсяостанавливаться there.


Light is close to the infrared range can repair retinal damage.

Numerous cases of poor-quality vodka poisoning, which in large quantities are still in our country, as a rule, affect vision. For example, in cases of poisoning with methanol, a person goes blind and restore his sight until now was impossible, because of the death of mitochondria in the cells of the retina. But now, it seems, found a method of treatment of blindness and regeneration of cells of the retina, which is exposed to light with a wavelength of 670 nanometers.

The emergence of the laser not only led to the rapid development of science and coil techniques, including medicine and especially in ophthalmology, but new problems in the same sector. It was found that one and the same beam can harm as well as cure. It all depends on what kind of device it emits.

Ophthalmologists are more and more cases of retinal damage state the eyes of the people under the influence of the laser. Bright and eye almost invisible in the infrared radiation coming from the laser beam in contact with the eye may cause damage to the retina and cause blindness. But it is a laser beam.

U.S. Agency for Research Design (Advance Research Projects Agency) funded research to find treatments for people whose eyes were damaged by lasers. A lot of U.S. military already have experienced it?

Charms | high-tech, mostly helicopter pilots.

If infrared technique works at home, it may cause damage to a wide range of eye diseases.

But with directed and proper use of infrared light can heal all kinds of injuries and wounds, and is already considered questions about the treatment of their mouth ulcers in children undergoing chemotherapy.

In the late 1990s, studies on cells in the laboratory have shown that near-infrared rays can increase the range of activity of the mitochondria are responsible for the food inside the cell and its vital functions.

Treatment requires a high intensity light, but instead of lasers, the scientists used a powerful light-emitting diodes. Lasers tend to damage cells, whereas such diodes can emit light which is less harmful to the cloth (New Scientist, 25 September 1999, p 20). Now, Harry Whelan, a neurologist from the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, and colleagues tested the diodes on the extent of damage to the eyes.

In the study, the results of which are announced in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the rats were given high doses of methanol, which caused their blindness. This material was converted in the body into formic acid - poison which takes mitochondrial activity. Within hours, the cells of the retina of rats were left without power and optic nerves began to die.

As a result, the animals were completely blind in one to two days.

However, when the eyes of rats irradiated by light with a wavelength of 670 nm for 105 seconds at 5, 25 and 50 hours after they are blinded by methanol, 95 percent of the rats returned again vision. Especially noteworthy is that the retina of these rats looked exactly the same way as in normal rats that were not blinded. As a result of irradiation has been some regeneration of tissue, and neurons, axons and dendrites reconnected and restored vision.

The research results have raised the hope that it will be possible to cure and people from previously considered incurable blindness caused by the death of mitochondria under the influence of poison. Scientists believe that the laser retinal damage, other than areas where the cells were completely disrupted, can also be treated this way.

Harry Whelan has tested his method on 30 children suffering from mucositis, painful side effect - a consequence of the course of anticancer chemotherapy. The children had painful sores in the mouth and throat and was unable to eat or drink. Treatment by this method are eliminated mucositis and is now used to prevent it.

The results of these studies have been published in the journal Clinical Laser Medicine and Surgery in December last year. It has been approved and is now undergoing further testing in hospitals.

What is not yet clear exactly - it is how light stimulates healing. But Britton Chance of the University of Pennsylvania showed that about 50 percent of near-infrared light absorbed by mitochondrial proteins - chromophores. Whelan and his colleagues think that light increases the activity of the chromophores, called cytochrome-c-oxidase, which is a key component in producing energy in the cell.

Contact information:

Claire Bowles, claire.bowles @, 44-207-331-2751, New Scientist



Scientists from calculated, ka # 1082; make a bundle , laser diameter # 1088; lot less th , f the length of lights # 1086; Wave. This Llazerna # 1103; needle | has , colossal # 1080 chroma , w, with the help of m You can receive # 1080 The images in E kroobektov, Ct # 1072 prescriptive and arr , inf abatyvat # 1086; rmatsiyu with high , oh density create nan # 1086; elements.

For a long time n # 1086, assumed that cos , so give UT # 1080 second laser beam , it is impossible, but scientists s Institute of Laser # 1085; oh physics until showed that obstacles Ct # 1076; ect not, if used , polzovat YaV # 1083; enie To do this, # 1072 suitable op cal media # 1072, in which the coefficients , refractive coefficient # 1084; tion beam increase , increment a to p # 1086; DENTAL power , and optical # 1079; radiation.

Such an environment m # 1086, and can serve as Well Liquids, for # 1084, er, carbon disulfide # 1086, d, and solids ; about, including straight ozrachnoe Stack # 1083, Fr. When Power # 1100; beam reaches is the critical # 1075, about the values for ; this liquids # 1076; esyatki Creep , TT, and for hard tel x units of m # 1077; gavatt inside , forming a medium # 1090; Xia something like ; lens which stronger and with # 1080 flax compresses beam. Practically beam can again # 1088; take in that environment where she proish # 1086; DIT.

But if the diameter # 1088; beam will bl isocosts to the length of # 1083; us light, it is , of not occur # 1077; t Why? It is believed t # 1077; oretiki of in such cases # 1093; should throw s usual pr # 1077; dstavleniya and p onyat that she # 1076; ling wave of light , that can menyat # 1100; Xia. Therefore, compression # 1077; beam on the size of ME # in 1085, it bigger one mic eter, and the Treatment # 1079; uetsya Ligla | la # 1079; ernogo radiation tion with a huge # 1080 chroma th.

Power semi # 1095; ennoy needle with only too great # 1072. It is important that if k # 1085, and the input OUTPUT , and be laser # 1079; radiation distribution , Gödel on Friday # 1085, with a diameter # 1085; For example, 10 mic # 1086; meters, then you , it can progress # 1073 Yt concentrated , Chen circled p # 1072 details Dimensions of l ; ish 0.3 micrometers # 1088, and so that the intensity , the intensity of laser # 1088; radiation and I will rise bo # 1083; her than a thousand , times. Scientists even for # 1076; umalis how can , zhno lower t # 1088; ebovaniya to O , one Power # 1080 laser.

According to Professor # 1077; quarrel Nicholas Rozanov, heads # 1074; oditelya Theorem , cal work # 1090; probably have nk # 1088; lower laser , eg needle-polar # 1080 measures through the floor # 1091; conductor with LKB Antes pits # 1080; |, for each layer # 1086; torogo lay out N atoms are different # 1099 x elements.

But this is all theory # 1080 I, in practice n , the Land laser eye # 1075; lu | no use # 1087 ytyval. Scientists have only # 1075, Ready-to-resh ayuschemu experts # 1080 cop who , early planning # 1072 out in Laser Research , oh physics already in 2002 year, under the leadership # 1086; dstvom Vladim Ira Yashin. EU institutions # 1090, s very powerful Laser mouth # in 1085, a nd, and the physics of , try it on # 1088; Various media: a # 1073 ychnye fluids and glass, air x. Here they Poggi # 1076; flushes a lot of labor of clarity.

In addition to the dangerous # 1089, five of destruction environment at high # 1082, their capacities, n ; can Učka times # 1074; Aliwal on n , eskolko Lnite # 1081; |, and this is bude # 1090, is not ideal and , chap. Scientists believe # 1090, that in the initial , Stage exp # 1077; ify them over , about ogranichits # 1103, the beam size , and 0.3 micrometers # 1085, on the achievement of a , ven these values # 1085; s will p , evolyutsionnym # 1080 Changes in an , oblasts, where at changing laser # 1088, s.

Information for # 1103, contact:

Author news: # 1058; Atiyah Pichuga , on,, Moscow, 267-54-18, # 1040; gentstvo LInfo , rmNauka |


The Russian scientists managed to get CRYSTAL 30mm size and good optical quality, which has been successfully will be used in the laser.

Russian chemists, researchers learned how to grow crystals of the complex oxide composition Y2Be2SiO7, a promising material for optoelectronics, which can also be used as a crystalline medium for laser crystals.

?Oxide crystals doped with chromium ions (Cr4 +), are interesting as the active medium for tunable in the near-infrared region of the spectrum (1.3-1.5 m), and how to work on the effect of the saturable absorption passive valves one-micrometer lasers. Therefore, to activate the Cr4 + ions are optimal crystalline environment in the crystal structure which contains an item with tetrahedral coordination |, say the authors of the development - Kutovyi SA, Kuz#39;micheva GM, VL Panyutin and A. Oleynik

?Well-known today Cr4 +-doped laser media are forsterite Mg2SiO4 and garnet Y3Al5O12, the structures of which, along with tetrahedral contains octahedral sites, which includes chromium ions readily with the usual formal charge Cr3 +. The content of the Cr4 + crystals are usually very low. For example, in a total content garnets chromium ~ 1% at. typical concentration of tetrahedrally coordinated Cr4 + are only a hundredth of the concentration of Cr3 +, occupying octahedral sites. |

Researchers have developed a method for preparing a composition of the oxide Y2Be2SiO7, crystallizing in the structure of the family of melilite, which was obtained by the Czochralski method, similar to other complex oxide - skandoboratu lanthanum, which determines the possibility of industrial production of crystals with a diameter of 15 mm and a length of 30 mm of good optical quality crystal growth vessel 3 at the following conditions: nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere cultivation - N2/O2 relative volume concentration of 98/2 (vol.%); 40x2x40 mm iridium crucible, the melt surface temperature about 1650 | C; priming - iridium rod, the drawing speed 1 ,5-3 mm / h speed shaft 10 rev / min, the growth chamber insulation - ceramic Al2O3, ZrO2.

Earlier, in previous studies [SF Vartram CRYSTAL strusture ° F Y 2 Be 2 SiO 7. / / Sristallograrhisa Asta, V. 1969, v.25, p. 791-795] has already been described ways of getting Y2Be2SiO7. Then polycrystalline samples Y2Be2SiO7, were synthesized in air at +1350 | C. for 100 hours, of stoichiometric amounts of oxides of yttrium, silicon and beryllium, previously pressed into a tablet. The obtained single crystals of size 0,15 x0, 15h0, 2 mm were obtained by gas transport SiO2 on the surface of the rod BeO-Y2O3 Globar furnace, in which bricks are used as the insulator of SiO2.

But these polycrystalline samples and single crystals of such a small size that can not be used as a medium for laser crystals.

Therefore, the researchers set out to develop a method for obtaining v large complex oxide composition Y2Be2SiO7, crystallizing in the structure of the family of melilite.

SUMMARY Russian researchers developed method consists in the fact that as starting materials for the complex oxide of formula Y2Be2SiO7 used high-purity oxide powders of yttrium, silicon and beryllium in a weight ratio of the following: yttria - 76,21-67,22% silica - 17 ,89-12, 98% beryllium oxide - remaining content up to 100%. After mixing powders of high purity, the mixture was compressed into tablets of 30 mm diameter. Tablets themselves calcined in a muffle furnace at a temperature +1195-1205 | C for 19-20 hours, after which they were placed in a crucible and melted crystal is grown from a melt surface temperature +1645-1655 | C Czochralski method.

Thus, the scientists were able to obtain crystals with a diameter of 15 mm and a length of 30 mm of good optical quality, which determines the possibility of industrial production of these crystals and their use as a crystalline medium for laser crystals.

Contact information:

109507, Moscow, ul. Fergana, 28/7, kv.262, GM Kuz#39;micheva


KNOW-HOW - ball motor

Figure A - David Stein and Gregory Chirikdzhian created a new spherical motor which can be used for automated production lines, robotics and interactive computer mouse.



Spherical motor consists of a bowl filled with the usual active magnets, and above the saddle, also of electromagnets that can be activated by signals from the computer (Figure B).

Gregory S. Chirikdzhian (Figure C), one of the inventors of the spherical motor is a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering Association of the Institute of John Hobkinsa.

David Stein (Figure D), who is also the co-inventor of the engine, is a doctoral student in the same division.

Figure E shows a close-up as active magnets attached to the inner sphere. The picture shows the F displayed inside of the engine, where the solenoids are activated computer. These magnets make permanent magnets active located in, move and change position, thereby rotating sphere.

Photos were taken by Keith Weller.


DESIGNED SMALLEST MIKROTSEP THAT capable of driving devices at a considerable distance from the micromotor.

Mikrotsep that its structure is similar to a bicycle chain, except for the fact that each of its member could easily fit on a human hair, was made at the Department of Energy Sandia National Laboratories (Sandia National Laboratories).

The interval between the centers of the chain links - 50 microns (for comparison, the diameter of a human hair - about 70 microns).

As separate set mikrotsep axles can rotate the engine (depending on the size shestirenok star-mounted on axle, the device does not require the deployment of a plurality of tiny MEMS motors in the area from each other.

?If it were necessary, all the thrusters would occupy much space on chips |, says Sandia technician Ed Vernon, received a patent for this technology silicone mikrotsepi.

Mikrotsep makes it possible to drive the device located at a considerable distance from the micro-motor, saving considerable space on the chip.

Mikrotsep author says development may be used in the microchamber, which can find application in medical and security services.

Silicon mikrotsep with 50 units designed to convey the driving force from the rotating axis of the micro-motor, like a scheme used on the machines weaving mills. Chain system does not require any oscillatory motion back and forth, which exist in the flywheel and the transmission lever rotation and allow continuous or intermittent rotation of the motor axis.

Vernon produced mikrotsep, not mikroremen because, despite the fact that the silicone straps are tough and flexible, they produce too much of the transmission of rotational speed and the speed of the motor speed can not be adjusted. In this case, each link mikrotsepi able to strictly follow the cycle of rotation, repeated after 52 level, without creating any pressure on the motor shaft and the displacement of its center of gravity.

The longest distance communication connecting rod and the transfer of motor functions of the axis of the micromotor, which is supported by reducers, is not more than 500 microns. Mikrotsepnoe unit will develop the capability to design longer periods.

Contact information:

Neil Singer,, 505-845-7078, Sandia National Laboratories



Is the fifth generation of German speakers Cantius comes on the market. The main objective of the new series - save firm lines sound and still provide maximum merge with any interior.

At this point in the line Cantius five models: floor 612, 512, 412, 212 bookshelf, center channel 312c. All speakers are used Cantius carbon mid / bass drivers and tweeters with silk domes.

The top floor-standing speaker 612 is made by a three-way circuit with two 220-mm woofers, two midrange speakers with a diameter of 150 mm and 25 mm tweeter. Its peak power is 250 W, and the frequency range extends from 28 Hz to 30 kHz. We should also mention the very high sensitivity speakers - 92.8 dB.



A beautiful sound in all senses of the adjective provide new outdoor stereo speakers Dutch company PIOSound. Golden Eagle model expands the range of electrostatic completely (without an integrated subwoofer) speakers, which was launched model Eagle.

Eagle and Golden Eagle - floor models, fits in well with any decor and features a range of unique technological and engineering solutions. For example, the separate panels to emit high and low frequencies, allow to significantly increase the sound pressure developed by, lower distortion and improved compatibility with amplifiers. The emitting polarized membrane made in Holland by deposition of conductive nanoparticles.

Specifications Golden Eagle:

The size of the radiating surface: 1520x350 mm
Frequency response: 38 - 22000 Hz
Rated power: 150 W
Impedance: 4 ohms
Sensitivity: 86 dB
Dimensions: 1880x430x370 mm
Weight 38 kg.


Digital Amplifier TEAC AI-501DA

The integrated amplifier TEAC AI-501DA user easy audio system are structured on the basis of the computer PC / Mac, which is to add a couple of columns. Behind the facade of a micrometer dial VU, aluminum handles and a toggle switch is hiding the most advanced digital technology. Characterised by the output stage of class D power of 2 x 90 watts at 4 ohms (1 kHz, THD 10%), the model is able to receive the signal with the parameters up to 24 bit / 192 kHz digital inputs and a USB interface in asynchronous mode.

For high quality sound chip unit responsible Tenor, precision clock generator reduces jitter, and built-in DAC 32 bit / 192 kHz. Toroidal power transformer provides clean power, and aluminum body panels TEAC AI-501DA reduce vibration and symbolize belonging to the upper class device.



The company has developed a Beyerdynamic headphones Custom One Pro, which allow you to listen to music online. This is the first model of a new series of Custom. Under the interactivity refers to the ability of these headphones to change the sound of analytically calibrated to sound a bit bright, and vice versa. Not less than just changing the style and headphone using a commercially available design kits, giving them a new look just a few movements.

Even if such a possibility is not very interesting to you, rest assured you will be able to use it at any time, no matter how long it takes from the moment of purchasing the device.

Tool for adjusting the sound is a special slider that opens and closes the opening bass reflex (ported) on the ear cups, thus changing the sound characteristics of the four stages. When the ports are closed, membrane transducer, under strict control, analytical sound plays. With each movement of the slider port is opened wider, that every time adds a new level of bass.

In fact, changing the position of the slider, you will gradually turning a Custom One Pro headphones from open to closed type. In the same way removes all external stimuli: the sound of the engine, the noise of the street, etc.

In the Custom One Pro uses proprietary professional 16-ohm speakers with a high level of efficiency and maximum volume 116 dB.

The original model sold in matt black and red version, however, the manufacturer offers a wide range of optional interchangeable accessories: rings, covers and cushions for the ear cushions, padded headband that are available not only at the time of purchasing the device, but also at any other time of purchase. A few simple steps you can change the appearance of headphones on your own.

Custom One Pro is now on sale for $ 199.