Friday, March 7, 2014



Divide the space key and assign it to the function of the left side of the face (Backspace) decided professionals with Microsoft, cproektirovavshie shown in the illustration keyboard Sculpt Comfort Keyboard. The new input device is oriented to work with Windows 8.

According to the manufacturer, the decision on the division of the keys was taken on the basis of research. Statistics show that 90% of typing on the keyboard using only the right side of the space bar, clicking on it with your right thumb. The left side of the key is not used, and nothing takes place.

Choice for her face, too, is dictated by the function of the statistics: allegedly, Backspace - the third leading down a key on the keyboard.

Other features include a convenient form of products, availability of Windows 8 hot keys and a wireless connection. To operate the keyboard requires two elements of AAA. The area occupied by the product on the table, is 455 x 192 mm.

In the online shop manufacturer term appears Sculpt Comfort Keyboard on sale labeled as #39;soon#39;, but the price is just - $ 59.95.

Yes, it is clarified that the binding function Backspace to the left of the space bar - optional. You can leave her and the usual destination.


SET UP A SPECIAL VALVE FOR PLASMA AND JEWELLERY super-fast sealing of cracks in housings of synchrotron

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy#39;s Brookhaven National Laboratory and Argonne National Laboratory have received a U.S. patent (| 6,528,948) for a device that prevents the flow of air into the vacuum of about one million times faster than doing it the mechanical valves currently in use.

A new device called a plasma valve has been designed according to a study funded by the U.S. Department of Energy.

In a synchrotron accelerates electrons orbit of constant radius, increasing the magnetic field at the time of determining this radius, and a constant frequency of the accelerating electric field. In this vacuum can circulate in the synchrotron ring for hours on a very high energy flows.

But when the vacuum stability in the rings is broken, the air flows with great force fly into the flow of electrons, and quenched his energy. Therefore, the faster the loss of vacuum is eliminated, the less damage will be done to the walls of the Rings, streams of electrons and their own experiments to accelerate.

The need for such a rapid valve that eliminates such violations has led engineers to study the potential of plasma arcs, as previously modified electric welding equipment. A team of researchers at Argonne National Laboratory in cooperation with a group of scientists from Brookhaven National Laboratory brought to mind the use of plasma technology valve.

Unlike conventional valves, plasma valve has no moving parts and components and does not require much maintenance, and establishes a vacuum / air overlay much faster. He is also completely non-destructive. On the contrary, the existing ultra-mechanical valves can bring damage to the machinery when used.

When the valve is activated by the plasma, the ionized gas or gas of charged particles, limited electric and magnetic fields, fills tight cracks in the wall of the synchrotron. As the plasma reaches a certain temperature and density parameters, it separates from the vacuum pressure to be deprived of pressure.

When the vacuum is broken, the plasma arc is ignited in less than one nanosecond in the plasma valve. The external structure of the valve consists of a hollow, water-cooled copper cylinder disposed between the three cathodes and a hollow ring at the opposite end of the anode cylinder.

Plasma valve is heated to 15 000 | C, which makes the ionized atoms and molecules face around the crack penetrated the air so quickly that the ions block any air molecules which might pass through the plasma valve.

Researchers from around the world are now studying different fields of application of the knowledge gained on the basis of these research scientists.

For example, attempts are being made: To study fine structure of computer chips, which in turn will create a more efficient computers; develop techniques for more rapid decrypted virus genome to create on the basis of more effective drugs, to investigate the properties of magnetic materials in order to make more better recording devices, explore the nature of corrosion to develop new methods to prevent it.

Contact information:


Created a device that provides 100% protection CONTAINERS OF COMPOSITE OF STATIC ELECTRICITY.

In Perm Scientific and Production Association was founded Spark means providing reliable electrical connection between dissimilar materials consisting of mobile nodes tanks to protect them from static electricity.

The technical problem that was solved in NPO Iskra was to create a simple, robust, reliable electrical connection between the components of tanks to bring them to the same electrical potential and the exclusion of structural attachment points to be plated component, which changes during the work capacity of its shape, size and the other having relatively moving parts.

In contrast to all known analogs new device allows a full guarantee to preserve the machine is working metalization the design.

This technical result is achieved due to the fact that in the known device between the components comprising a conductive element and its mounting components, electrically conductive element is structurally resilient, for example in the form of a plate spring having one end fixedly mounted on one part of the container, and the other is divided into several parts of the elastic. Each of these parts is pressed by the elastic force of the conductive layer of the composite parts, such as plastic shell, while having the capacity of changing the shape, size and relative movements.

Through this simple structural element of the conductive metallization having a plurality of elastic contacts and one mount is excluded structurally complex, unreliable mount on the part of the vessel having a relative move and change their shape, size.

Results in a significant simplification of the metallization, while improving the reliability and stability of the electrical connection between the components.

Experimental tests showed tanks full guarantee to preserve the machine is working metalization the design.

Contact information:

614038, Perm-38, str. Acad. Vedeneyeva, 28, JSC NPO Iskra

Phone: 7 (3422) 72-80-19, fax: 7 (3422) 72-58-98, 72-67-54, E-mail:


Yakutia scientists have developed a technology KEEPING COLD YEAR-ROUND, worked on natural COLD GROUND permafrost.

In Yakutsk Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture SB RAAS have developed emergency economic principle of frozen food storage with the use of natural cold accumulated in permafrost regions, where for the first time managed to maintain a year-round low temperatures (below-9C).

It is known that for a long time if kept frozen foods, increases their cost in implementation. V The reason the cost of energy for the maintenance of artificial cold freezers. The way to reduce these costs v using natural cold soil in the permafrost of Siberia.

It is now widely used underground refrigerators of various designs in the thickness of frozen ground with the accumulation of the winter cold by forced natural ventilation, with lining the inner surfaces of ice or through natural ventilation cellar in winter, bookmarks, water ice and heat insulation by soil bunds and with a waterproofing device through a clay castle.

But despite the ample use of cold permafrost, still has not been able to achieve gruglogodichnogo cycle to maintain low freezing temparatur. In particular, in the summer in the cellars of the glaciers, internal temperatures rise above from -9 | C to -5 | C in August and September, as well as high costs for the construction and equipping of a clay castle. Therefore, at this time it is necessary to pull products from the freezer and use them, or placed in artificial refrezherator.

This led to a rise in the cost of work on food storage and reduce the period of storage.

If it were possible to lengthen the shelf life of frozen food in the refrigerator for longer to maintain sufficiently low temperatures (-9oS and below) in the refrigerator, as well as to reduce the capital costs of the refrigerator by simplifying the waterproofing, it would be commissioned eternal freezers running without any sources of energy, which reduced the price to stoiomst storage products and would make great stocks without further appreciation of the products after a long period of storage.

All of this made in Yakutsk in the Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture SB RAAS. The new technology is a natural freezer, developed by engineers of the Yakut Institute of Agriculture is that around the underground part of the refrigerator, the battery having a floor, ceiling, walls lined with water ice, equipped with a system of natural ventilation, at a certain distance from the side walls, arranged in a ground loop teplogidroizoliruyuschy . Teplogidroizoliruyuschy circuit is a structure of heat-insulating material in combination with a sheet or surface waterproofing. This circuit has a depth of burial equal to or below the floor level of the refrigerator-battery.

As a result, the soil between the contour and the side walls of the refrigerator, the battery acts as a battery of the winter cold. In the summer teplogidroizoliruyuschy circuit slows the heat input from the outside contour of the heated soil in the soil around the side walls of the refrigerator accumulator, the accumulated winter chill, thereby increasing the shelf-life of low temperatures inside the refrigerator-battery.

Combining the underground part of the refrigerator, the battery with the device insulating circuit eliminates the device works on a clay castle, thus reducing costs for the construction of the cooler-battery.

Contact information:

677013, Yakutsk, st. Bestuzheva-Marly, 23/1, Yakut Institute of Agriculture, Department of STI



In the Research and Production Companies Uralaviaspetstehnologiya developed thermal spray coating technology methods, in particular to the thermal spray coating of Ni-Cr-B-Si on the details of the martensite steels followed by heat treatment. New methods of coating will increase the hardness of the coating and base material, and to improve the properties of the operational components.

Until now, the coating of steel parts, including thermal spraying, it was not possible to solve the problem to prevent cracking and increasing the hardness of the coating and base material parts that would strengthen the operational properties of the coating and the details of the whole.

This problem was solved by the Scientific and Production Companies Uralaviaspetstehnologiya. Their technology basis in that preheating is carried out first to 400 parts 500C, melting in the air and subsequent heat treatment which, in contrast to the existing methods is carried out in two steps - first parts kept at a temperature of 50-150C below the martensite start temperature conversion in 1-2 h, and then the temperature was raised at a heating rate 8-12 ° C / min to a value corresponding to the maximum speed austenite decomposition process. After allowed to stand for 2-3 hours, then cooled to room temperature at a rate of 1-2 ° C / min.

During the test parts with the new coating, after melting at 200-220 | C they showed increased hardness of the coating as well as the base material. The subsequent release of details at 670-690oS to reduce the level of residual stress as a result of the uneven heating phase hardening and the difference of the coefficients of thermal expansion of the base material and coating.

The new coating technology in comparison with known analogs provides elimination of cracking of the coating, increasing the hardness of the coating and base material, and also improves the properties of the operational components.

Contact information:

450039, Ufa, ul. Rural-Bogorodskaya, 2, OOO NPP Uralaviaspetstehnologiya

Tel. / Fax: (3472) 38-16-59, 38-16-81, 00-14-82, E-mail:


The blackest of black

Scientists at the National Physical Laboratory announced the creation of a new technology The Ultra commercial production of coatings, which represent one of the darkest of the lowest reflectance of the surface ever created.

Work optical equipment depends on the quality of the materials used in their manufacture. For precision measurements in the ultraviolet, infrared and visible regions of the spectrum, the best receiver radiation and minimizing stray light is critical.

Studying the effects of different methods of chemical etching on various compositions of nickel-phosphorous alloy, the researchers have come up with the most effective to date commercially available black coating. With reflectance as low as 0.35% in the visible region of the spectrum, covering, called Ni-P black - because it is based on the nickel-phosphorous alloy, can be widely used in areas such as radiometry, spectroscopy, optical metrology and within industries for the production of protective coatings and aerospace industry.

Its effectiveness in the detection, and to reduce stray light in tools known. Until recently, the nature of this process has not been fully understood, and the growing demand for a more effective surfaces with a low-reflection prompted the scientists of the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex, UK, to conduct the first in-depth study of properties of these coatings.

And the very first results of a new bear fruit more perfect type Ultra Black coating.

One of the advantages of this new material is that it can withstand cryogenic temperatures. Coatings based on nickel-phosphorous compounds will receive materials even higher quality to be almost closer to absolute black, which so far is a relative concept, and yet unattainable. In addition to increasing the accuracy of the optical measurements, one of the biggest benefits to manufacturers and users of optical equipment will be a reduction in the size and weight of optical instruments. All this will be possible thanks to the results of a more effective coverage.

Previously managed to create The Ultra plate is not more than 3.1 cm2. Now the plate can be made in sizes up to 12 cm2, which make them a viable alternative for a broad range of existing applications.

In addition to all these Ultra Black coatings do not grow as rapidly as compared with conventional painted surfaces, and then the painted surface as a cracked at higher temperatures, the new cover are not affected.

Because of these excellent properties of aging, longevity of optical instruments will be calculated for decades, that is extremely attractive and cost-effective alternative to modern instruments.

Contact information:

Noor Kheir,, 208-943-6937, National Physical Laboratory



Events around the world say that the terrorists seek to destroy not only the cars with important representatives of the government, but also to seize them as hostages. So today riveted the attention of developers not only to the police weapons, but also protect vehicles from possible terrorist attacks.

The special services developed many tactics to prevent the tragic events. The basis of these techniques is one rule - get away from the affected area and destroy the enemy. One can only imagine how difficult it is to destroy the enemy by firing from inside a moving car at high speed.

Even the opening of doors and hatches for conducting return fire also poses a threat to passengers armored supercar.

In Ukraine, complexes of defeat? Radius |,? Veer |, Fortus | that are powerful and effective defensive weapon.

The system is designed for the psychological impact and the defeat of the enemy in the event of approaching vehicles (protection of special vehicles, government vehicles, cars, UN representatives, bank vehicles for the transport of valuables, etc.).

The most effective complex in its application as intended in the event of threats by terrorist groups capture the crew inside the vehicle. The complex can be used when stopping the car, and when it moves at high speeds. The control panel is located inside the vehicle.

The complex has an independent power supply independent of the vehicle#39;s electrical system. Effectiveness of the system is greatest when finding the enemy in close range, and if it is impossible to fire tenured weapons without opening the doors and the interior of the hatches.

The system is mounted on the vehicle under his head or any other place of the car body and invisible to attackers. The design of the complex and features of the combat use prevents damage to the vehicle while firing such weapons. Defeat the enemy produces about 280 striking elements on one side. At this density fire terrorists simply not be good.

Complexes can not only equip oneself with steel shrapnel, but a rubber bullet caliber and stun grenades.

Contact information:

Scientific and Production Enterprise LVALAR |.

E-mail:, contact: Director of Enterprise v Artsikhovsky Valery I..


The Russian researchers RECEIVED SILICON of 1.5 times more resistant to radiative forcing than MADE usual way.

In the Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys Ltd. in conjunction with researchers Sapfirem developed a technology for the production of silicon-resistant, resistant to radiation and temperature fields. Created on the basis of these materials, semiconductor devices are functioning in the fields of ionizing radiation: in space, nuclear reactors, etc.

The technical result, which the researchers have made is to increase the lifetime of the minority charge carriers, reducing the spread of the electrical resistivity and the volume of a single crystal silicon maintaining these parameters in multicomponent external impacts during manufacture and operation of devices based on it in power electronics.

Similar advantages resistant silicon n-type conductivity is after processing polycrystalline silicon p-type conductivity by the floating zone melting mnogoprohodyaschey with the introduction of the molten zone temperature stabilizers with certain concentrations of impurities. After cooling to room temperature with a precision of neutron transmutation doped silicon single crystal is obtained n-type conductivity with the concentration of phosphorus in excess of 1.5-2 times the level of the residual concentration of boron.

As impurities temperature stabilizers were used rare earth or transition or isovalent elements.

Crystals grown by conventional semiconductors, silicon in particular, contain a large amount of impurities and defects, which are effective interaction during heat treatment and radiation effects lead to a major change in the electrical properties of semiconductors (the lifetime of nonequilibrium charge carriers, the concentration of free charge carrier mobility, etc.) and reduced reliability of the semiconductor device in extreme conditions and environments.

New technology makes it possible to obtain resistant silicon, which keeps the most important electrical parameters in multicomponent external influences.

And the additional doping impurities in the form of rare earth, transition or isovalent elements with concentrations of 1013-1014 cm-3 can significantly raise the thermal stability of the crystals in silicon.

These heat-stabilized admixture, such as rare earth elements form a silicon stable complexes with various residual impurities (O, C, S, etc.), most of which is displaced in the doping as volatile compounds.

During testing of semiconductor devices based on the new drug-resistant silicon elucidated the advantages that having a specific resistance of 12 kO × MSM and the lifetime of minority carriers more than 1,000 ms, are on the order of 1.5 higher resistance to radiation damage, and more than twice as high accumulated charge compared with a conventional silicon devices with similar parameters.

Contact information:

119991, Moscow, V-49, GSP-1, Leninsky Prospect, 4, MISA, Osis


Develop effective methods of monuments PROTECTION AGAINST CORROSION

In Intarsia Ltd. have developed an effective method of protection against atmospheric corrosion of a metal surface. This technology is particularly ideal for the protection of metal monuments and monumental buildings, but may be applicable to other purposes, such as protective coatings for cars.

In an atmosphere of modern cities, especially large, aggressive media content has increased significantly. Therefore, the surface of the monument, made of metal, are ever-increasing atmospheric corrosion. Existing methods for protecting metal monuments are no longer effective enough and are not able to provide the required degree of long-term protection against corrosion, the nature of which has recently changed significantly. It is known that in non-industrial atmosphere (for example, in rural areas) on the surfaces of monuments made of copper alloys for 80-120 years, slowly growing so-called benign patina, and the process of its formation stops.

In modern large-scale urban atmosphere on the surface of copper alloy is formed by wild or malignant, patina, which does not form a dense layer and loose fibers fractured, allowing contact of the metal with the atmosphere, whereby the process of destruction of the metal continues.

Furthermore, there has often been such types of corrosion as bronze disease (swine or copper), which produce basic copper chloride - run cyclic chain reactions involving copper, oxygen and moisture of the atmosphere, resulting in a continuous intensive corrosion breaking surface authoring . And with frequent perepatinirovaniyah in reaction formation of a new patina involved more and more copper from the original surface, which leads to more and more of its smoothing, that is, to an increasing distortion of the author#39;s relief.

Existing substances, so-called corrosion inhibitors, which should, in principle hinder its development, the reality does not have the desired effect. And all because they are quickly washed off the surface of the metal monuments water precipitation, are destroyed by ultraviolet radiation and other factors caused by the influence of the environment.

Therefore, one of the remaining two efficient methods of protecting metal surfaces against corrosion is the process applied to these metallic coatings or layers, referred to as sacrificial. This layer protects the surface of the monument, isolating it from the weather, with very corroded and eventually destroyed. Such coatings can be applied in various ways, for example electroforming.

But still another problem remained unsolved v how to apply this method of application in the case of large sites?

Another efficient method of applying a protective metal layer can effectively handle large objects, is sprayed metal powder, e.g., by plasma or flame spraying. However, in the coating obtained by spraying coating of the structure is more or less porous.

A porosity of the protective layer is a deficiency that must be addressed. Porosity does not allow obtaining a coating having sufficient barrier properties, since this coating does not prevent the contact with aggressive media object to be protected, and moreover, due to the presence of pores has a high specific surface area and relatively quickly destroyed.

A new way to protect the metal surface sites, from the effects of atmospheric corrosion, providing a more reliable and long-lasting protection, developed in Intarsia LLC.

Their technique relies on the fact that during the deposition of the protected metal surface of the metal powder in the form of a thin porous layer, a porous layer of sprayed powder is impregnated with a special corrosion inhibitor sprayed metal.

If this is the porosity of the deposited layer itself is not used as a drawback, but as a positive factor, which allows to keep the corrosion inhibitor. Inhibitor, getting into the pores of the layer is securely held therein, which prevents the impact of atmospheric factors through the pores of the metal and increases the durability of the coating as an inhibitor because of its inhibitory properties, prevents heavy metal monument and destruction of the coating material, reducing the rate of destruction of multiple layer coating. The amount of inhibitor, such a layer retained by several orders of magnitude greater than that which can be deposited on the surface of the layer without the monument.

As a result, protects metal surfaces, in particular, the surface of the monument, a much longer it will resist atmospheric corrosion and service life of the protected products to increase. A method for coating the surface of the monument to the rise and mezhrestavratsionny period.

The thickness of the deposited layer may be from powder of a micron to several hundred microns, such as from 0.1 microns to 900 microns, but the recommended developer - from 20 to 200 microns, with the optimum of about 50 microns. The thickness of the layer depends on the size of the object (the monument) and the author#39;s plastic surface. The smaller the monument and the more subtle details of the image are, the smaller is the permissible thickness of the layer, and vice versa. Particle size of powder, of course, should not exceed the thickness of the layer.

The particles of powder have dimensions of not more than half the thickness of the layer, in particular not more than 25 microns for powder coating layer thickness of about 50 microns.

At inhibitor impregnated evaporated easily applied powder layer additional material providing barrier protection, for example a polymer coating. Under a layer of barrier protection is meant a continuous layer of material impervious to weather and insulating them from the protected object. This barrier layer provides added protection of the object and an additional increase in protective coating durability.

The porous surface of the deposited layer is very well keeps barrier method of protection (eg, polymer coating) applied to its surface.

Notably, spraying of the powder of the protective layer can be carried out in any known manner allowing to apply the desired thickness of the powder layer with the desired adhesion, or the entire surface at desired locations. It is usually necessary to apply a uniform thickness layer of powder over the entire surface, but the thickness of the deposited layer and can also vary. Spraying can be done, for example, by means of devices such as plasma torches, gas-flame burner, arc Metallizator and detonation-gas guns.

During the test the plates of copper, copper-tin bronze and steel protective layers were applied by new technology. Test plates covered by traditional methods of protection against corrosion. Then all the plates were subjected to cyclic ultraviolet light, positive and negative variable temperatures, irrigation sulfurous acid, cyclic test of sulfur dioxide, salt fog, and other factors over time equivalent to a particularly hard (GOST) to the atmosphere of industrial metropolis for 17 years.

After this time it was found that the coated plate is not changed its appearance and were not destroyed, while the surface of the control samples were completely covered with corrosion products.


STARTS CONSTRUCTION SET FOR BIOMEDICAL 4 billion rubles in the Kirov region

Ceremonial laying of the first stone in the construction of complex biomedical `` Nanolek, investment in which will be about 4 billion rubles, was held in the village of Kirov region Levinta Thursday.

The project envisages the creation of a village production of vaccines and medicines based on nanotechnology and nanomaterials. Biomedical complex should provide a full cycle of development and production of pharmaceuticals for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, endocrinology, infectious diseases, and diseases of the nervous system and digestive system.

On Thursday, the governor Nikita White, CEO Nanolek `` Michael Nekrasov and project manager of RUSNANO `` Roman Sychev sealed appeal to future generations in a capsule, after which the builders laid the capsule in the foundation of the complex.

`The products we are going to produce, indeed, the future of medicine ... The two companies#39; RUSNANO `and` `Epidbiomed going to invest in a range of about 4 billion rubles. In 2017, we should come out on drug trafficking at 10 billion #39;- said at the presentation of the project Nekrasov.

He said that in 2013 the equipment will be installed and will be ready for production use. Further planned licensing and production of initial batches.

It is assumed that the production of biotechnological products will be held at the end of 2014.

`Why Kirov region was chosen for this project. There is a biotech frames, there is a Medical Academy and the Vyatka State University, which has a biology department `- said Nekrasov.

According to him, the new plant will employ 450 people.

`For us it is important that we do not consider the project as an end, but a basic element of our biotechnology cluster #39;, - said the governor.

He added that the Kirov region takes a serious commitment associated with the engineering of the transport infrastructure. The head of the region said that with the `` RUSNANO is working on several projects that are in various stages of implementation.

RUSNANO project manager `` Roman Sychev thanked the governor and the Kirov government for its support of the project, the speed with which addressed many of the issues.


In Moscow will be built temples in honor of the Holy Martyr Metropolitan Volodymyr of Kyiv

The temple in honor of the Holy Martyr Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kiev and Galich, designed for 500 people, will be built in the Moscow district of South Butovo on the street Marshal Savitsky, ow. 22-24.

The announcement was made during the retreat July 14, 2012, which had a program-curator of the `200` from the Moscow Government adviser on the construction of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, VI Resin, First Deputy Chairman of the Financial and Economic Management of the Moscow Patriarchate monk Nicodemus (Kolesnikov), reports

Local residents strongly support the construction of the shrine. `The temple at this site will help elevate not only the territory, but also the souls of men! We turned the terrible pages of history, but we must not forget those who suffered as a result of terror, giving their lives for Christ `, - convinced the future parishioners who have met the curators#39; Programs-200`.

Metropolitan Volodymyr (Epiphany) was shot by the Bolsheviks in 1918 at the walls of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and became the first martyr of the Russian Church of the twentieth century as a bishop. He was an outstanding preacher and an active church figure. Lord of all his forces dedicated education Russian people discovered numerous missionary courses, created a variety of educational and charitable institutions, hospices, orphanages, organizing school.


Plans to build on the Yamal Peninsula of perinatal centers

Noyabrsk. In Yamal construction of a modern perinatal center. Has now been fully completed monolithic structure of the building of a new perinatal center to be built in Noyabr#39;sk.
Started decorating, installation of utilities and ventilation. In the construction materials are used, corresponding to all the modern sanitary requirements for medical institutions, the press service of the county.
The total area of the building will be 21 thousand square meters. m In the District perinatal center will have five floors, including the basement, which will house the administrative and economic, dairy unit, pharmacy stores, laundry. The four floors of the building will house a consultative-diagnostic, obstetric, gynecological, pediatric units, the separation of fetal surgery and pediatric intensive care, as well as the clinical and genetic laboratory. The center provides an opportunity to nurse babies with extremely low birth weight.
To receive medical care, family planning, and pass examinations in the new center will be patient with all of Yamal. According to experts, with the opening of the center will be completely solved the problem of lack of space in the urban maternity hospital.
Today, at the site employs about 250 people. Working in two shifts, they are planning to carry out all the plans on schedule. Complete construction of a large object by 146 places in 2014.

Recall all the work financed from the regional budget.
Our reference. To ensure quality health saving residents on the Yamal implemented activities under the program of modernization of the district health system for 2011-2012, which provides for the implementation of the order of half a billion rubles.
It should be noted that more than 50% of the activities of the program last year was aimed at childhood services, and the amount of funds was 216 million 244 thousand rubles. In 2011 it was purchased 405 units of modern equipment in the current year will be purchased by another 286.
From the budget is implemented Peripheral Target Program `Construction of Health for 2011-2015 #39;. As part of the planned construction in cities and towns YANAO 20 health facilities (perinatal center, a maternity hospital, cancer center, the center of AIDS, TB and psihonarkologichesky clinic, children#39;s clinic, emergency medical facilities, local hospitals and outpatient clinics).