Friday, March 7, 2014


Yakutia scientists have developed a technology KEEPING COLD YEAR-ROUND, worked on natural COLD GROUND permafrost.

In Yakutsk Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture SB RAAS have developed emergency economic principle of frozen food storage with the use of natural cold accumulated in permafrost regions, where for the first time managed to maintain a year-round low temperatures (below-9C).

It is known that for a long time if kept frozen foods, increases their cost in implementation. V The reason the cost of energy for the maintenance of artificial cold freezers. The way to reduce these costs v using natural cold soil in the permafrost of Siberia.

It is now widely used underground refrigerators of various designs in the thickness of frozen ground with the accumulation of the winter cold by forced natural ventilation, with lining the inner surfaces of ice or through natural ventilation cellar in winter, bookmarks, water ice and heat insulation by soil bunds and with a waterproofing device through a clay castle.

But despite the ample use of cold permafrost, still has not been able to achieve gruglogodichnogo cycle to maintain low freezing temparatur. In particular, in the summer in the cellars of the glaciers, internal temperatures rise above from -9 | C to -5 | C in August and September, as well as high costs for the construction and equipping of a clay castle. Therefore, at this time it is necessary to pull products from the freezer and use them, or placed in artificial refrezherator.

This led to a rise in the cost of work on food storage and reduce the period of storage.

If it were possible to lengthen the shelf life of frozen food in the refrigerator for longer to maintain sufficiently low temperatures (-9oS and below) in the refrigerator, as well as to reduce the capital costs of the refrigerator by simplifying the waterproofing, it would be commissioned eternal freezers running without any sources of energy, which reduced the price to stoiomst storage products and would make great stocks without further appreciation of the products after a long period of storage.

All of this made in Yakutsk in the Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture SB RAAS. The new technology is a natural freezer, developed by engineers of the Yakut Institute of Agriculture is that around the underground part of the refrigerator, the battery having a floor, ceiling, walls lined with water ice, equipped with a system of natural ventilation, at a certain distance from the side walls, arranged in a ground loop teplogidroizoliruyuschy . Teplogidroizoliruyuschy circuit is a structure of heat-insulating material in combination with a sheet or surface waterproofing. This circuit has a depth of burial equal to or below the floor level of the refrigerator-battery.

As a result, the soil between the contour and the side walls of the refrigerator, the battery acts as a battery of the winter cold. In the summer teplogidroizoliruyuschy circuit slows the heat input from the outside contour of the heated soil in the soil around the side walls of the refrigerator accumulator, the accumulated winter chill, thereby increasing the shelf-life of low temperatures inside the refrigerator-battery.

Combining the underground part of the refrigerator, the battery with the device insulating circuit eliminates the device works on a clay castle, thus reducing costs for the construction of the cooler-battery.

Contact information:

677013, Yakutsk, st. Bestuzheva-Marly, 23/1, Yakut Institute of Agriculture, Department of STI