Tuesday, January 21, 2014


UKRAINIAN designers managed to create a set of #39;ZEBRA#39; PROTECTION upper hemisphere TANK FROM DIFFERENT MEANS OF

Long confrontation projectile and armor at this stage still leaning toward weapons. Currently in service around the world already have a ready-made antitank weapons hit the frontal armor of the tank thickness of more than 1.5 meters. However, significant progress in the protection of the upper hemisphere of the tank with the threat of its destruction from the air have made Ukrainian designers. The result is a complex?

ZEBRA | to protect the upper hemisphere (the tower or engine room) for the most massive of the T-72. Design features of the complex can use it as a screen infrared enemy tanks using infrared surveillance equipment or homing ATGM, and a special set of unique coating reduces the ability to detect enemy tanks radar facilities.

Planes and helicopters equipped with ATGM today afflict much of the advancing armored targets and defending enemy. On the basis of these situations, the protection of the upper hemisphere of the tank can significantly change the situation on the battlefield and reduce the loss of armored vehicles.

Today, with the air tank is clearly detectable on the battlefield objective. All the efforts of the designers of armored vehicles to reduce the silhouette of the tank to reduce the lesions were not successful. As a result of the constructors of the tank, but got a low silhouette, but significantly increased its area. And the thickness of the armor?

Ceiling | formidable tank reaches only 30-60 mm.

Conducted analysis of actual combat set a new goal of the Ukrainian defense constructs the upper hemisphere of the tank with the threat of its destruction from the air. According to the requirements of the military, the equipment should be hung on the tank and not interfere with the operation of all machinery and armament of the tank. It was also limited by the ability to change the silhouette of the tank.

As a result of our work, created a complex? ZEBRA | to protect the upper hemisphere (the tower or engine room) of the T-72. Design features of the complex can also use it as a screen infrared enemy tanks using infrared surveillance equipment or homing ATGM.

It is also essential that the new equipment has a protective coating such as unique? STEALTH |, which reduces the ability to detect enemy tanks radar facilities.

Complex? Zebra | made as attachments to mount on the additional hardpoints, powered by the onboard network of the T-72. Complex equipment of the tank can be carried out by the crew in the field.

In this complex can be upgraded today all models of the T-55 and T-72.

Managing disclosure of additional armor is made from the tower commander. Power element of the drive are squibs, which are electrical and mechanical control.

If necessary, exit the tower crew through hatches, the elements are automatically set to the original transport position.

Today, we are carrying out work to improve the complex, the possibility of supply of new equipment from other models of armored vehicles.

Contact information:

Scientific and Production Enterprise LVALAR |.


UKRAINIAN scientists have developed a `SET` curtains masking TANKS FOR EMERGENCY

The tank is now the main goal on the field of battle. To defeat such an important goal in many armies of the world have created a huge amount of anti-tank weapons that successfully provide burning through armor thickness of up to 1.5 meters. In fact today is not even really a multi-layered armor that will be hard to hit modern antitank weapons. Particularly vulnerable tank on the march, when it is properly detected by helicopters and planes, and alone can not actively oppose the enemy from the air.

There is only one opportunity to prevent the defeat of the tank in such circumstances - is to disguise it so that the enemy was difficult to identify him or just to put anti-tank weapons equipped with electronics.

Arsenal concealment of funds for the tank today is large and diverse. However, the basic element of all kinds of camouflage systems is still the same cryptic network, developed over a century ago. In some armies of the world, in addition to masking the network has used foldable artificial trees and shrubs. Most of these funds are also stretched and laid out the crew of the tank while it is stopped or digging in the area of fighting.

As many overseas studies, even in the best case to disguise the tank with modern facilities you need at least 15-20 minutes. It is these 15-20 minutes and there in the conduct of actual combat.

Given the new demands of the modern battlefield, Ukrainian scientists have developed a fundamentally new set of camouflage tank in the extreme shortage of time. Certainly, the new facility will not nor should replace the existing masking agents, but only be a complement to the specific conditions of modern warfare.

The high efficiency of the complex is shown on the march, in intelligence or ambush, using tanks. It was under time pressure increases the need for such equipment. The complex allows for extra camouflage tank in a matter of seconds compared with minutes to tens of minutes and the traditional methods of concealment.

Tests showed that the new complex provides camouflage tank in the 150-200 times faster than conventional systems. To perform this operation using the complex there is absolutely no need for the crew to leave their armored vehicle. Masking takes just 3-5 seconds.

Structurally, the new facility can be hung on tanks T-55 or T-72 all models and versions. Installation of the equipment is made by the crew of the tank in the field. Management triggering complex is made by one of the members of the crew of the tank turret.

Furthermore, there are redundant control system in case of power system side of the tank.

To mask uses a special camouflage net, made by special technology. Network size single use 23 to 23 meters. For use in the desert, forest, rocky terrain or other conditions of warfare, camouflage net has respective different color options and textures.

It is also interesting that the new network mask, not only from a visual target detection, but also hides the object in infrared light makes it difficult to identify and target specific devices.

Structurally, the entire complex is made block-based mechanics, electrical. To ensure the masking effect of a network of pyrotechnic fires back and stretched. The force of the powder gases throw the anchor to which is attached network.

If you fall to the ground anchors, anchor chain is stretched and secured by hiding the real shape of the tank.

Challenges in the design of such a complex was very design and exterior shape of the tank. Located on the surface of structural elements hindered the proper disclosure of the network. Special attention is required radio antenna of the tank, which rises above the main surface of the tank at 3 meters.

However, all of the complex issues have been resolved Ukrainian scientists.

This complex has undergone field testing on a real tank T-72. At this time held his revision and modernization. Developed variants of the complex for armored personnel carriers, trucks, launchers and more.

Contact information:

Scientific and Production Enterprise LVALAR |.



Small kolichestvatonkodispersnoy natural clay mogutsluzhit getting dlyaokruzhayuschey environment friendly and inexpensive plastmassovyhizdely with improved специализированнымисвойствами, scientists say ГосударственногоУниверситета of Pennsylvania (USA).

Nemnogoprirodnyh adding clay to plastics, izmenyayutnekotorye of their physical svoystv.Nesmotrya that scientists now mogutupravlyat chemical vzaimodeystviemmezhdu clays and some polymers, the process of physical changes in vsehplastmassah svoystvnanometricheskimi fillers may be the most interesnymnapravleniem in research.

Adding clay mozhetsdelat less permeable plastic dlyazhidkostey and gases; refractory ibolee more stringent. Low pronitsaemostsdelaet plastics like PET (polyethylene terephthalate) v standard plastic, kotorayaispolzuetsya a spill in the plastikovyebutylki soft drinks and takzhepiva and wine. With the addition of glinyplastikovoe bynapitki products are protected from exposure to oxygen.

With drugoystorony, a small amount will not affect the glinistogoveschestva проницаемостьпластмассовых products.

Adding clay to smesyampolimerov not such a simple process, polymers and clay are mixed as bad as oil and water. However, if certain glinaobrabotana organicheskimpoverhnostno-active agent, an inert clay allows sostavkotorogo luchshesmeshivatsya with polymers as pomogaetsmeshivatsya oil soap and water, then clay mozhetbyt included in the final product.

Inexpensive and clean method boleeekologicheski proizvodstvaogneupornoy plastics help in konechnomschete to save people#39;s lives. Poskolkudobavlenie umenshaetvosplamenyaemost plastic clays in plastics, the method may have togdadanny universalnoeprimenenie as production glavnoyognezaschitnoy supplements.

Currently, the use himikivynuzhdeny бромсодержащийогнезащитный composition plastics kotoryypri liberates toxic combustion gazy.Ispolzovanie clay v is zelenayaalternativa tehnologiyam.Kogda modern polymers combined with clay in ihstrukture after calcining clay obrazuetobzhigovy storoneplastmassy outer layer which insulates the material is raised.

Natural clays vnastoyaschee time the most used, because they are necessary for proizvodstvabolshogo number of products. However, because of their synthetic clays osobennyhsvoystv may be used in kachestvedobavok производствевысокотехнологичных products as naprimerv biomedical and kosmicheskomoborudovanii.

Natural clays, bentonite and montmorillonite, which uzheseychas used in paints, zaschischayuschihot percolation in cosmetic products to prevent skin shine and vfarmatsevtike. As the Office for the Supervision of food posanitarnomu produktamii drugs already approved ihispolzovanie United States, so there is no nikakoyproblemy to include natural clays vsostav plastics that go into kontakts food, medicines, beverages, iliplastmassovymi products used vbiomeditsinskom equipment.

Polymeric glinistyesmesi which contain only 1 to 5% of clay are фактическинанокомпозиционными. Adding vsmes polymer clay does not change obychnogoprotsessa production and obrabotkiglinistogo polymer.

The clay can be added naposlednih stages of polymer processing bezizmeneny in current tehnologicheskihliniyah. Thermodynamics upravlyaetnanometricheskoy vpolimere clay dispersion and minor amounts of additional clay nenuzhdayutsya oborudovanii.Izgotoviteli zhesamoe can use that equipment and calculations set as in the conventional production process.

While natural clay isinteticheskie provide bolshievozmozhnosti for plastics, uchenyerassmatrivayut opportunity primeneniyanovyh nanocomposite vpolimerah inclusions. These supplements will soderzhatmetallicheskie nanochastitsyvmesto and ceramic clay. These require ultramalyenapolniteli razlichnyhpoverhnostno-active substances iobespechivayut greater variability vsvoystvah.


Researchers to create materials from the silk, which may one day heal wounds and simultaneously serves Materials for bulletproof vests.

A material which can be stretched by three times to six times the size, while maintaining the hardness, stiffness and elasticity, and can also easily be biodegradable and biocompatible. Such material is invaluable as a costume for a successful and rapid healing of wounds or as a band for pregnant women.

Researchers at Cornell University say they have made significant progress in establishing a base polymer of silkworm silk, which has better properties.

According Dotsevi Sogah, professor of chemistry and chemical biology at Cornell University, they have developed in the laboratory of materials which have properties that greatly exceed natural. Sogaha graduate student, Osman Rathore, the results showed the effects of polymerization of peptide building blocks, based on the material of natural silk from the silkworm, August 27 at the national meeting of the American Chemical Society in McCormick, Chicago. The theme of his speech entitled: Novel biomolecular materials based on silkworm silk.

In the 1950s, Nobel laureate Linus Pauling deduced the structure of the basic structure of silkworm silk. Within the crystal structure of silk attended regular folding protein that is made by the action of amino acids in which the molecular chain periodically transformed, creating an adaptive properties of this material. Group Sogaha actually bypassed the action of amino acids, thereby creating a molecular hybrid composite structure of natural and artificial structures. Natural silk molecules were combined with synthetic molecules in hard and soft consistency.

Artificial molecules were obtained from a large database of materials, including polyethylene oxide, polypropylene oxide, polyethylene and nylon. Thus chemists Cornell University created new materials which are extremely flexible, a large tensile strength and are soluble in water.

For example, the average tensile load (before the destruction of the integrity of) materials in laboratory tests was found to be 300 percent of normal size, and one sample was able to stretch out a 600 percent!

The scope of the material extensive. They#39;ll likely be in the textile industry, where its adaptive capacity and the elastic force required to create a bullet-proof vests. Biomedical use may be possible to create a material counterpart of the human biological system (artificial leather). Hybrid silk films could be used as Biosuit for normal wound healing of burns and injuries.

Very durable, lightweight, pressing and do not cause allergies, could be created maternity belts, which on one hand will protect the fruit from any physical exertion and injuries, and the other will not give much stretch and dangle belly during pregnancy.

Another investigated the possibility of using v is the creation of a hybrid silk that could be absorbed indefinitely. Such a surface would be invaluable for experimentation and research.



Have you every weekday standing in the road transport to and from work, keeping at the same time for different handrails on buses, trolleybuses, trams and metro. And you did not think of those whose hands were on the same handrail before your? And those porch railing on the stairs, pipes payphone or subway entrance doors, not to mention the constant daily rustling of hands money paper bills?

And then these same hands during a break you take a sandwich and start eating it?

Kim Lewis, newly appointed professor of biology at Northeastern University in Boston, worked with other scientists on this issue, with the goal to weaken our fear of microbial infections. In their research, scientists have developed a protective surface - covalent attachment N-alkylated polymer technology (4-vinyl pyridine) (PVP), which is (only) on the glass surface can serve as a disinfectant component for several types of harmful bacteria, when exposed to it.

Lewis, along with scientists from C. Tiller, Jason Liao and Alexander M. Klibanova found a fairly narrow range of N-alkylated PVP compositions that allow the polymers retain their ability to kill bacteria on dry surfaces. This is the first projected surface, which showed itself in the ability to kill the microbes in the absence of any liquid medium.

Previous efforts aimed at the creation of such surfaces, have failed because, according to the researchers, the polymer chains were not long enough and flexible enough to penetrate the bacterial membrane (protective shell of their cells). Their polymer consists of a long linker that allows the N-alkylated pyridine group poison prevent bacterial protection.

Such surfaces kill 94% of the bacteria (with chemical treatment 99% of the bacteria are killed). The purpose of development is to develop a technology of all surfaces (metal, rubber and glass) capable of killing pathogenic bacteria.

Contact information: Emily Donahue; ed@pr.neu.edu; 617-373-5720; Northeastern University


Sparing X-Ray

A method for obtaining high-resolution X-ray images

Russian physicists have found a way to reduce the radiation dose while visiting X-ray study. To do this, construct a device not much different from the usual set in each hospital. New method of X-rays is based on a fundamentally different property of X-rays passing through the object.

As a result, the pictures are much more contrast and radiation dose can be reduced to a few dozen times.

It has been exactly one hundred years since Roentgen won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of a new type of radiation. People have learned to use the property of X-rays penetrate through objects and show their internal structure. Although X-rays harmful to living organisms, however, this is the only way to diagnose many human diseases. In one picture we recruit fluoroscopy dose of 60 mR, and the X-ray yields 500 mR, which is comparable with the annual rate derived from natural background. Is it possible to reduce the radiation dose while visiting X-ray room?

It appears possible, dozens of times.

In the 90-ies of XX century physics Victor Inga and Elena Belyaevskaya organized in St. Petersburg, x-ray laboratory. They are examined by X-ray crystal defects.

In one experiment, scientists have noticed the pictures pattern nylon cloth, which was wrapped around the crystal. So they accidentally discovered a very simple way to get the contrast x-rays. The first experiments, of course, carried out on non-living objects.

Before put radiation source, for example, a plastic capillary, followed plate set of the silicon single crystal under strictly defined angle. X-rays passing through the plastic, slightly refracted, and the ones that did not touch the subject, remain straight. Crystal behind the object under study, reflects from its surface both types of rays refracted and undiffracted on the photographic plate.

The denser any part of the object, the stronger they are refracted rays, and the picture will be a bright spot. Accordingly rays on the path which costs nothing, reserve the dark background.

Thus, scientists from St. Petersburg have discovered a new way to get x-rays. This method utilizes the effect of refraction, whereas the conventional X-ray absorption v rays.

X-rays passing through our body is absorbed by different parts of it in different ways. Bone, consisting of calcium, and therefore more dense, delay radiation is stronger in the photo they will match the bright place. Soft tissue contrast, the rays pass well and leave dark spots in the picture.

But then the picture would be difficult to distinguish between areas characterized by low density, such as soft tissue, blood vessels and lymph nodes. A new method gives a very contrasting pictures, he distinguishes between objects similar in density, because the silicon chip detects the slightest deviation rays, even from objects the size of 10 microns.

Scientists soon realized that the new method may be useful in medicine. X-ray machine, built on this principle will differ little from the usual. All its parts v standard, commercially available on the stream.

However, to introduce innovation in the Russian inventors failed, X-ray lab burnt, her owners had left to try his luck in America. Fortunately, there are still too new to have been slow to use. So Russia is still possible to get a unique method.

Our phase contrast method is effective in the diagnosis of early forms of cancer. We took pictures of a thin slice of the female breast and got a picture metastases, - says Vladimir BUSHUEV, Professor of Solid State Physics, Moscow State University, one of the authors of the patent. It was he who developed the theory of the method and solved the problem of three-dimensional reconstruction of the internal structure of the object.

In his view, the invention can be used in other devices, such as customs introscopes.

Author news: Tatiana Pichugin
Source: Agency InformNauka,
Contact information: tel.: (095) 267-54-18, pitchugin@mtu-net.ru



Kemerovo authorities demanded to stop the work, which took place on the site of a former cinema #39;Aurora#39; at the intersection of Boulevard Builders and Moscow avenue.

Recall one of the major companies of the regional center bought it last year and decided to do here shopping and entertainment complex. His feature, which immediately cheered local moviegoers, was to become a cinema hall, where you can watch movies in IMAX. For this project to be a screen, the height of which is comparable to the five-story house (read more ).

In the spring of the territory of the former cinema has been fenced, and residents of nearby houses began to pay attention to the renovation began.

In early August, the city administration appealed to the court. As follows from the case, the authorities demand to stop all work on the reconstruction of the building, as the merchants of this was not obtained permission.

The owners of the building with the requirements disagree. They do not argue with the fact that they do not have permission for reconstruction. But it is claimed that no work was not carried out, and just trying to find out the condition of the structure.

Further proceedings on the case is scheduled for next week.



Georgy Poltavchenko, the governor of the Leningrad region, said that the German company MAN will launch production of trucks in St. Petersburg next year. MAN vehicles in second place in sales of heavy trucks in Russia.

Today, MAN has received all necessary permits from the city government documents for the construction of car plant in the south of St. Petersburg in the industrial zone of Shushary.

Poltavchenko said that the automaker had questions related to possible changes in federal legislation, including the relevant fees for the disposal of old cars, but now investors have already got all the answers.

Thus, the plant will be the seventh MAN now in the city, where the cars are collected foreign car makers. In St. Petersburg are the company#39;s plant Ford, Scania, Hyundai, General Motors, Nissan and Toyota.

The governor assured the German side is that side of the project will be given the maximum possible support. He expressed the hope that the company will start production within the time specified in the contract.

Capital investment in the project is 25 million euros. At first, the plant plans to collect about 6,000 trucks a year.


IN MOSCOW FOR TWO YEARS DENIED IN CONSTRUCTION More than 9 million square feet. Meters of real estate

As a result of the revision of investment contracts in Moscow over the past two years, decided to stop the construction of more than 9 million square feet. meters of real estate, said the mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

`Only in the historic center accounts for 1 million 300 thousand square meters. m `- said Sobyanin on Wednesday, speaking in Moscow City Council an annual report on the activities of the city government.

He stressed that for two years managed to stop the demolition of historic buildings and uncontrolled building downtown Moscow offices and shopping centers.

`Parallel, the government of Moscow is finalizing regulations that are legally banned from the devastating invasion of the city center. Already approved schemes of high-rise building restrictions and limits of protection of cultural heritage `, - said the mayor.

In addition, he said, developed modes of land use and urban development regulations within the Boulevard Ring and the end of 2014 will be similar regulations in all Moscow in the old pre-revolutionary borders.

The mayor noted that one of the objectives of the Moscow authorities - the plans for the rehabilitation of the historic center.

Thus, according to Sergei Sobyanin in 2011-2012 by the city budget repaired 350 houses facades in the center of Moscow, completed landscaping Boulevard Ring, the additional funds for the repair of museums, theaters and concert halls.

`The plans for the coming years is the restoration of a number of other monuments. At the same time, the budget can not take care of all the expenses for the conservation of historic buildings `- said Sobyanin.

In this regard, he said, this year held its first auction in the leasing emergency monuments at a symbolic price of 1 ruble per square meter.

`It#39;s only the first steps in 2013, this work will become a much larger scale #39;- said the mayor.


NEW YORK TO BUILD 426-meter skyscraper

More recently, we told you about the tallest building in New York One57 - 90-storey skyscraper 306 meters tall, the completion of which is scheduled for 2015, and now he had a more than worthy competitor.

The height of the new skyscraper, which will be located at 432 Park Avenue, will be 426 meters!

Buy an apartment in it will afford only the wealthiest people of the city - according to the experts, for the six-bedroom penthouse with a total area of 767 square meters, located on the 95 floor of the building, wishing to pay about $ 82.5 million!

In total, the new skyscraper will be 147 luxury apartments, the total cost of which will amount to a whopping $ 2.43 billion!


MANHATTAN recognized as the most expensive place to live in the U.S.

Center for Social and Economic Research has published a list of U.S. cities with the highest cost of living in the country.

The rating is based on more than 60 different criteria, such as the cost of buying and renting housing, consumer goods and services, food, health care, transportation, education, public utilities, and more.

According to the survey, the most expensive place to live in the United States was recognized as the historical center of New York City Manhattan.

Also in the top three most expensive cities to live entered the New York borough of Brooklyn and the state capital of Honolulu, Hawaii.

One of the cheapest cities in the U.S. was named Harlingen - a small town in Texas, where the cost of living is almost three times lower than in Manhattan.

The first seven of the most expensive places to live in the United States is as follows:

1. Manhattan

2. Brooklyn

3. Honolulu

4. Frisco

5. San Jose

6. Queens

7. Stamford



Recently, a deluxe Palace Suite at Emirates Grand Palace was recognized with the prestigious World Travel Awards in the best apartments around the Middle East region.

For one night in a luxurious room with total area of 7319 square feet of the guests will have to pay $ 14,000!

This room has a dining room, living room and three huge bedrooms, each of which has access to a private balcony.

Each room has a 50-inch LCD flat-screen TV and a system of #39;smart home#39;, allows you to control lighting, air conditioning and built-in multimedia technology with a special touch screen.

Room is decorated with expensive marble, which was brought to the hotel from 13 different countries around the world and is furnished expensive Italian furniture.

Guests who choose to spend the night in the room Palace Suite, access to a private butler and personal chef who will cook menus, individually developed in accordance with the wishes of the client.

This room is often stayed the most famous celebrities, politicians and millionaires.

Aim to spend at least one night in the apartment Palace Suite at Emirates Grand Palace, to plunge into the world of luxury at the highest level.



Leaders of the new nature park `Ak-Cholushpa` in the Altai Mountains has announced a tender for the construction of four cordons and tourist sites, the contract price of nearly 2 million rubles, according to the website of public procurement.

According to the tender documents, the order is designed for small businesses. The public auction will be held on November 19. The objects must be built before the end of 2012.

New nature park `Ak-Cholushpa` was created in the Altai Mountains in October last year to protect the rare natural landscapes Chelushmanskoy valley from the huge uncontrolled flow of `wild` tourists who can destroy this place.

In the natural park, as the report says, should be built four cordon `Katu-Yaryk`, `Kyrsay`, `Pazyryk` and `` Chulyshman, as well as several tourist sites. At the cordons will be ayily, gazebos, cabanas, fences, hitching post, toilets, kiosks, and the cordon `` Chulyshman still pond, sauna, camping and storage. Parking lot equipped with tables, benches, shelters, toilets and solid waste sites.

`As long as we` close `the most problematic areas in the park. Pay special attention to Chulyshman because here the greatest flow of tourists. Plan to guide them in specially designated parking space for `- said the park#39;s director Alain Maikova.

According to experts, Chelushmanskoy Valley grows 27% of plant species and lives 41% of the animals listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Altai, in addition, there are many ancient burial mounds - including the famous Pazyryk mounds, which are historical monuments and unique heritage of the Altai people . In addition, as the close proximity of the steppe and alpine altitude zones, as here, it is very rare in the world.

Natural Park `Ak-Cholushpa` area of 168,000 acres located in the eastern part of the territory of the Republic of Altai Ulaganskiy area, it consists of three clusters - the largest Chulyshman `` on the south bank of the Teles lake, `` Kalbak in the Malaya Kokoro and smallest `` Pazyryk south-east of the village Balyktuyul in Pazyryk.

Currently, the park is in the process of becoming. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) this year highlights the development of the park 9,000,000 rubles in the Climate Project. The main visitor center `AK` Cholushpy already being finished in the village Ulagan, its cost - nearly 5 million rubles.