Tuesday, January 21, 2014



Small kolichestvatonkodispersnoy natural clay mogutsluzhit getting dlyaokruzhayuschey environment friendly and inexpensive plastmassovyhizdely with improved специализированнымисвойствами, scientists say ГосударственногоУниверситета of Pennsylvania (USA).

Nemnogoprirodnyh adding clay to plastics, izmenyayutnekotorye of their physical svoystv.Nesmotrya that scientists now mogutupravlyat chemical vzaimodeystviemmezhdu clays and some polymers, the process of physical changes in vsehplastmassah svoystvnanometricheskimi fillers may be the most interesnymnapravleniem in research.

Adding clay mozhetsdelat less permeable plastic dlyazhidkostey and gases; refractory ibolee more stringent. Low pronitsaemostsdelaet plastics like PET (polyethylene terephthalate) v standard plastic, kotorayaispolzuetsya a spill in the plastikovyebutylki soft drinks and takzhepiva and wine. With the addition of glinyplastikovoe bynapitki products are protected from exposure to oxygen.

With drugoystorony, a small amount will not affect the glinistogoveschestva проницаемостьпластмассовых products.

Adding clay to smesyampolimerov not such a simple process, polymers and clay are mixed as bad as oil and water. However, if certain glinaobrabotana organicheskimpoverhnostno-active agent, an inert clay allows sostavkotorogo luchshesmeshivatsya with polymers as pomogaetsmeshivatsya oil soap and water, then clay mozhetbyt included in the final product.

Inexpensive and clean method boleeekologicheski proizvodstvaogneupornoy plastics help in konechnomschete to save people#39;s lives. Poskolkudobavlenie umenshaetvosplamenyaemost plastic clays in plastics, the method may have togdadanny universalnoeprimenenie as production glavnoyognezaschitnoy supplements.

Currently, the use himikivynuzhdeny бромсодержащийогнезащитный composition plastics kotoryypri liberates toxic combustion gazy.Ispolzovanie clay v is zelenayaalternativa tehnologiyam.Kogda modern polymers combined with clay in ihstrukture after calcining clay obrazuetobzhigovy storoneplastmassy outer layer which insulates the material is raised.

Natural clays vnastoyaschee time the most used, because they are necessary for proizvodstvabolshogo number of products. However, because of their synthetic clays osobennyhsvoystv may be used in kachestvedobavok производствевысокотехнологичных products as naprimerv biomedical and kosmicheskomoborudovanii.

Natural clays, bentonite and montmorillonite, which uzheseychas used in paints, zaschischayuschihot percolation in cosmetic products to prevent skin shine and vfarmatsevtike. As the Office for the Supervision of food posanitarnomu produktamii drugs already approved ihispolzovanie United States, so there is no nikakoyproblemy to include natural clays vsostav plastics that go into kontakts food, medicines, beverages, iliplastmassovymi products used vbiomeditsinskom equipment.

Polymeric glinistyesmesi which contain only 1 to 5% of clay are фактическинанокомпозиционными. Adding vsmes polymer clay does not change obychnogoprotsessa production and obrabotkiglinistogo polymer.

The clay can be added naposlednih stages of polymer processing bezizmeneny in current tehnologicheskihliniyah. Thermodynamics upravlyaetnanometricheskoy vpolimere clay dispersion and minor amounts of additional clay nenuzhdayutsya oborudovanii.Izgotoviteli zhesamoe can use that equipment and calculations set as in the conventional production process.

While natural clay isinteticheskie provide bolshievozmozhnosti for plastics, uchenyerassmatrivayut opportunity primeneniyanovyh nanocomposite vpolimerah inclusions. These supplements will soderzhatmetallicheskie nanochastitsyvmesto and ceramic clay. These require ultramalyenapolniteli razlichnyhpoverhnostno-active substances iobespechivayut greater variability vsvoystvah.