Thursday, March 27, 2014


Olenegorsk Mining FIRST tonne of ore mined

Sam mine will come on line in the fall. Mine is prepared to top sewage treatment works for a year and eight months. To be implemented in the future a lot of tunnel works (total length of mining today is 4250 m).

According to the business plan Olenegorsky underground mine shall, before the end of the year to give out 100 tons of ore. And by 2009 reach a level of 2.5 million tonnes of ore a year, - said the head of the underground mine Olenegorskogo Borodin. At the moment, worked out a new long-term plan, and these figures are sure to be adjusted upwards.

Launched combine work for the extraction of ore from the deeper horizons Olenegorskogo field is the determining factor for the start of underground mining and other fields Olenegorskogo GOK.



Zaporozhye Steel Mill #39;DSS#39; in July reduced the volumes of major products. In particular, the plant has reduced production of finished steel by 1.6% compared with June to 30.9 thousand tons of steel - by 2.5% to 42.2 million tons.

According to the operative data of #39;Yuzhinformatika#39; (as of July 31, 2005), from the beginning of the year #39;DSS#39; produced 214.8 thousand tons of finished steel and 301.5 thousand tons of steel.

In general, Ukraine in July compared with the previous month, an increase in the production of basic iron and steel products: ready-rolled products - by 9.5% to 5,077 tons, pig iron - up 2.9% to 4,418 tons of steel - 2.9% to 5 743.1 thousand tons.

As reported in June at the Zaporozhye steel plant #39;DSS#39; produced: finished steel - 31.4 thousand tons of steel - 43.3 thousand tons.


A coal mine in Lugansk region in Ukraine there was a failure

As the agency Novosti-Ukraina, the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic, the incident took place on Thursday morning.

The causes of the accident has not been established.


Enakievskaya Coke IN JULY reduce the production of metallurgical coke

OAO Enakievskiy coke plant #39;in July reduced the production of metallurgical coke by 8.5% compared with June to 28.9 thousand tons. According to the operative data of #39;Yuzhinformatika#39; (as of July 31, 2005), from the beginning of the year the plant produced 253.5 thousand tons.

As previously reported, in June Enakievskiy Coke produced 31.6 thousand tons.

In general, Ukraine July 1 coke plants produced 297.1 thousand tonnes of these products, which is 4% more than in June (1,247 tons). Since the beginning of Ukrainian coke makers have released 9 735.6 thousand tons.



Iron ore prices may remain close to record levels in 2006, thanks to growing demand from Chinese manufacturers. This opinion was expressed avgusat 16 largest Canadian research firm Canaccord Capital Inc.

The growing steel production will increase demand for iron ore supply by about 8.5% to 753 million tonnes in 2006, said in a report analysts Damien Hackett, Gary Lampard and David Dattels.

This year, iron ore prices were increased by 71.5% or by 40 dol.t. Since 2001, the main factor in increasing iron ore prices is China. However, it is the largest iron ore proizvodietli company CVRD, BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto Group, can not meet the growing demand for iron ore. Deficiency of iron ore remains, and the new facilities will be introduced no earlier than 2006

According to the report, Canaccord, prices in 2006 could rise by 10%. Growth in 2007 may already be at 25%, in 2008 - by 12.5%. According to analysts from the Australian UBS AG iron ore prices in 2006 could rise to 20%, again due to the scarcity of raw materials and the growth of China#39;s steel industry.


NEW uranium deposits Niue IN THE PACIFIC

Australian company Yamarna Goldfields Ltd has entered into an agreement c exploration company Avian Mining Pty Ltd, to acquire 80% equity interest in the project #39;Uranium and Minerals#39; on the island of Niue in the Pacific Ocean, which is located 480 kilometers north-east of Tonga. The company expects to spend on carrying out works razvedrochnyh about 920 thousand U.S. dollars.

Geological modeling conducted by Avian and government scientists from New Zealand and Australia indicates a potentially large deposit of uranium ore, which are covered calcareous sediments. According Yamarna, geological model of the field allows us to assume that the uranium mineralization is manifested in the same or even greater extent as in the copper-gold-uranium deposit Olympic Dam. Currently Yamarna plans to define the scope of potential reserves, and the content of useful component, and then prepare a report on the impact of field development on the environment and Niue request for renewal of operating licenses for the exploration license for the extraction of minerals.



Karpinsk residents in the Sverdlovsk region panorama career will be surprised - the remembrance of the coal mine, to admire the beauty of which can be had with the height of the observation deck, called by the people #39;vetroduem#39;.

But fell into oblivion union #39;Vahrushevugol#39; ceased to exist and cut. And the miners were! Someone found a job in Krasnoturyinsk who Kytlyme got, well, the most successful - on Valentorsky copper mine - only today in mining enterprise. Why lucky? Because the work in such a team - a friendly, cooperative, the interested general case, where the authorities concerned about the welfare of their workers, not in words but in deeds, - a pleasure!

And it is on this company on the eve of his professional holiday - Day of Miner - I went on a tour, accompanied by Chief Engineer Anatoly Dmitrievich Sychev. The rocky road leads us along the forest to the career. Here are the top appeared in the distance Kytlymskie - Serebryanka Konzhak - indescribable beauty!

Immediately reminded PP Bazhov, his stories about the miners, a picturesque mountain Ural region. - And this is our industrial site #39;finished goods warehouse#39; - interrupted the flight of my thoughts Anatoly and nodded in the direction of multi-colored bulk, we passed. - Do you want to - you can drive up close and see. The fact that it seemed to me a pile of greenish stone, was in fact a copper pyrites - ore, containing the largest percentage of copper - up to 18%. And, too, was a mound of reddish ore, but with less of its rich content. Gray is also a great color ore, poorer - 1 percent copper.

Therefore, before sending it to the processing plant ore is mixed, it has not turned #39;densely today and tomorrow - it is empty. - That we are here and dumped all the mined ore, then to send it to the enrichment Kirovgrad - We opened almost all the ore body - said the chief engineer. - Of course, geological studies are still going on, and something in reserve we have, and therefore, there is a foundation for the future. Over the past year has changed not only the area of career. The company has acquired a brand new bus, and now workers ride in comfort. There are new radios #39;Motorola#39;, thanks to which it is easy to contact as with any crew excavator or drill press, and with any service.

The enterprise has a system of free lunch: working for 8 hours can now dine at 40 rubles at the expense of the enterprise, and those who work for 12 hours - 60 rubles. And you can order not only hot, but also to bring a packed lunch.



In the Miner#39;s Day the only museum in the Donbass mining history turns 10. On the agency #39;Parallel Media#39; to the department Information Management Lisichanskiy of the city council. The museum was created Lysychansk coal industry veterans and veterans of the Lisichanskiy of mining technical school.

#39;Since the opening of the museum with its exhibits visited by more than 60,000 people. - Said the expert division. - It#39;s not only the residents of Ukraine and our region, but also in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities, as well as Belarus, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and the inhabitants of the world - France, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Sweden, United States, Israel #39;.

The close connection with the research group of the museum support scientists Donbass Research Center of the Academy of Mining Sciences of Ukraine. Their active participation in the organization of joint scientific conferences and conducting scientific advice is essential for the successful development of research on local history, not only in Lisichansk, but throughout the Donbass.

In August 1995, the eve of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Donetsk coal basin, in a former school in shteygerovskoy Lysychansk was inaugurated Museum of the History of the coal industry (mining). During this short time has become a museum of historical and educational and research center, whose services are used by ethnographers and historians, educational institutions, organizations and institutions.


POSCO PURCHASE 128 million metric tons of iron ore from RIO TINTO

The company Posco, South Korea#39;s largest steel maker, on Thursday announced the signing of an agreement with the Australian mining company Rio Tinto for the purchase of 128 million metric tons of iron ore.

Under the contract, Posco, in order to ensure a stable income of raw materials to processing plants to be imported iron ore extracted Rio Tinto, for over 10 years, beginning in April 2007. The company Posco, which is currently ranked fifth in the world in terms of steel production, has not yet provided a calculated value of the transaction.

Thus, the company made every effort to ensure the stability of the receipt of raw materials to the Company, as the demand for steel in the world market is growing exponentially, and, accordingly, the basic components that are used in the steel industry - coal and iron ore - are gradually becoming deficient .

For 2004, Posco has spent 42.5 million tons of iron ore, 61% of the raw materials imported from Australia, 29% - from Brazil.

In order to ensure sustainable access to iron ore company plans to build a steel plant in the Indian state of Orissa, which by 2015 will be released on the design capacity of about 12 million tons of steel annually


German physicist GOT hardest material

Employees of the University of Bayreuth (Germany) synthesized the hardest known material. To get a heavy-duty carbon modification, scientists acted on fullerene powder pressure of 200 thousand atmospheres, after heating it up to 2500 degrees Kelvin.
The new structure consists of ultrafine diamond rods average length - 1 micron - 200 times larger than the average diameter. Sizes vary rods, and thus they are mixed randomly. In contrast, conventional diamond, which is traditionally considered an upper limit hardness material has a crystal lattice, i.e. carbon atoms in each direction is repeated with a predetermined interval.

However, their packaging is not the closest possible.

Material called ADNR (aggregated diamond nanorods), up 0.3 percent heavier than diamond and can withstand a tenth of heavy loads. As the inventors believe, it soon find practical application - in spite of the fact that while manufacture ADNR more expensive production or synthesis of conventional diamonds. Recall the initial substance - fullerenes - prepared in small quantities and is not used in industry.



By thirteen Sakhalin miners who declared underground strike, joined by seven others. The protest is held in the village Shahtersk in an abandoned mine, which no guards. At a depth of 142 meters miners occupied the vacant warehouse of explosives and said they did not rise to the surface as long as the miners are paid in full all arrears of wages.
The mine working 428 people, the debt to them is 34 million rubles.
Union committee mine Nikolai Ovchinnikov said: miners under the ground, there is no food. On mine there was a meeting today, the workers said the moral support of their comrades - the protesters. Miners ready to go on hunger strike, now they stay on the same water.



Thanks to new developments specialist firm Erg is now possible to achieve a significant improvement in the quality of raw materials (sand, dolomite, feldspar, etc.).

The company#39;s specialists have developed comprehensive treatment technology of raw materials, combining the technology of magnetic separation and its own industrial production of rare earth permanent magnets Nd-Fe-B.

Treatment of the product takes place in two stages: the removal of impurities by random strongly magnetic core magnetic separator series ASMK, followed by separation of weakly magnetic contaminants, including Fe2O3, with a roll of magnetic separator Series JIM.

Designed NPF Erg equipment is widely used in the glass industry. Roll separators to effectively reduce the levels of iron in the quartz sand, corundum, the silica sand, magnesium, calcium carbonate, bauxite, feldspar and other materials.


India looks forward to cooperation with Angola in MINERAL INDUSTRY

The Government of India explores the features found in Angola, the sources for the supply of rough diamonds, and encourages entrepreneurs to create a factory in Angola diamond cutting and polishing, the Minister of Commerce and Industry of India Kamal Nath (Kamal Nath), reported Press Trust of India on August 28. The Minister announced his intention during a recent meeting in India with his Angolan counterpart, Mr. Santos Gorzhelom Abrabau Piu (Abrabao Pio Santos Gourgel).

The Minister also expressed an interest in co-operation between the two countries and in respect of other minerals, including phosphates, manganese, copper and zinc. He said that the Indian government is ready to invest more than $ 1 billion. in the construction of refinery in Lobito Company (Lobito) in Angola.

K.Nath also spoke about the credit lines that are created by the government to allow a group of Rail India Technical and Economic Services (RITES) to begin large-scale projects in Angola.


The Embassy FOUND MONEY FOR THE FIRST of megaprojects.

With the deadlock was finally moved the project of the century Ural Industrial - Ural Polar in which Moscow officials flatly refused to believe. Moreover, as stated at the meeting in the Urals Tyumen deputy envoy Viktor Basargin, the developers of the project has already completed the first phase of its implementation. But most importantly - UFD lobbyists managed to release a draft of the first money from the federal budget.

So in a two-day trip to Yamal and Ugra Mr Basargin took the first investors are more optimistic. Details - in the article UralPolit.Ru.
Today, Vice Urals envoy Viktor Basargin gathered in Tyumen working group dealing with the development of the Ural Industrial - Ural Polar, presented in Chelyabinsk in May this year at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Since then, the UFD was a lot of activities on the theme of this program. In particular, these issues were discussed at the meeting of the Council at the Presidential Envoy to the Urals Federal District, which took place on August 10.

The results of the implementation of decisions taken by this council and listened to today in Tyumen.
Recall that the main stakeholders in the project Ural Industrial are Yamal, Yugra, Tyumen, Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk region. This year, these regions together with the Perm Region and the Komi Republic signed an agreement On cooperation in a comprehensive industrial development of Polar and Polar Urals based on advanced development of transport and energy infrastructure. The role of the Yamal-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi autonomous district in the mega-project is to develop the fields Polar and Polar Urals and participation in the continuation of a transport corridor linking northern resource area UFD with industrial regions in the Middle and South Urals. In particular, along the eastern slope of the Ural mountains, from Ivdel (Sverdlovsk region) to Labytnangi (Yamal), plans to build railways and roads.

Its length is about 300 kilometers.
As you know, in Yugra and Yamal has enormous reserves not only hydrocarbons, but also a variety of solid minerals. First of all, it refers to ores of ferrous, non-ferrous, precious and rare metals, as well as non-metallic minerals, among which especially stand out: the vein quartz and rock crystal, brown and black coal, bentonite and kaolin clays, building materials and other useful resources. In the plains of the Khanty installed placer manifestations of titanium, zirconium, as well as deposits of quartz sand, diatomite, and other minerals.
Projected reserves of coal deposits in the Polar and Polar Urals are estimated at 21 billion tons of oil and condensate reserves - 38 billion tons of natural gas - at 43 trillion. cubic meters of iron ore - 3.9 billion tonnes of bauxite - 21.5 million tonnes of gold - a 1041 tonne of manganese ore - 47 million tons of chrome ore - 240 million tons of copper and zinc - to 16.2 million tons. According to the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the total cost of solid minerals, which may be involved in the economic turnover as a result of the development of Polar and Polar Urals, is about $ 200 billion. According to experts, these resources are not enough for a dozen years.
The appearance of the transport corridor will in a short time and in the right quantities to deliver high-quality raw materials for large-scale industrial enterprises in Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk, Perm, who today are forced to buy it at a high price abroad or from remote regions of Russia. And the Polar and Polar Urals, will create new enterprises that modern, environmentally sound technologies will develop new fields. Total cargo, transport corridor to the south, according to the technical and economic calculations, amount to an average of 20 million tons annually. In addition, the formation of a transport corridor, along with the decision of the main tasks can be involved in the economic turnover and a number of other essential resources. For example, only Yugra has reserves of standing timber in the amount of more than 3.2 billion cubic meters.

Experts believe that the project of developing a new territory will pay for itself in 4-5 years, in 15 years it will start to make profit.
All these details were announced by representatives of the embassy and the northern governors in Chelyabinsk. Moreover, were identified and concrete steps to implement the program, which are divided into three stages: the first - the intensification of exploration work to increase the volume and the range set by the balance of deposits, the second - a feasibility study for the project, and the third - the start of construction of transport infrastructure provided the project. However, in the Ural embassy put forward a number of conditions, without which the industrial project will not work: state involvement in the project, stable rules of the game on the market in the form of stability in the legislative area of the country, as well as security of property rights, transparency and openness in business.
However, at the same meeting in May, the initiatives Urals met a good deal of skepticism by federal officials, who called the program has not worked in terms of investment. Roughly speaking, the federal government is not completely satisfied with the situation in which he would have to spend more than one billion. After all, for example, only in the territory of Khanty-Mansiysk in the development of Polar Urals will need investments of $ 1.5 billion, including in the mining industry - $ 500 million in the development of transport networks - $ 1 billion.

Federal officials did not even impressed forecasts ideologues of the project, according to which an investment return of the mineral resources sector of Ural mountain when investing in it 1.5 billion dollars over 12 years is capable of commercial output in the order of 350-400 million dollars a year, and for the full period, the amount increased to $ 4.8 billion.
There was no unity in the ranks of the Urals themselves. If, for example, the leadership of the South Ural CMI from the very beginning supported the project (according to the chairman of the Board of Directors of MMC Rashnikova Victor, he is ready to invest in raw material deposits Polar and Polar Urals, from 1 to 2 billion dollars as only transportation of iron ore from the South Urals Kola Peninsula, it costs the company $ 700 million), the Sverdlovsk large industrial business showed no significant activity. In the regions themselves and did not hurry with the release of funds. So, in June, the government has not Khanty allocate 250 million rubles for the construction of the railway Ivdel - Labytnangi and conduct complex research to identify promising deposits of ore minerals, diamonds, oil and gas.

Deputy Prime Minister Khanty Vera Dyudina not agree with the draft, stating that a clear justification requested amount is not represented.
Looking at a pace of project preparation, as well as appealing to the position of federal officials, the skeptics became known as the Ural Industrial only as stillborn project. However, as it turned out at today#39;s meeting of the working group in Tyumen, put an end to the program is not necessary. According to deputy presidential envoy in the Urals Federal District Viktor Basargin in charge of the Ural Industrial - Ural Polar Ural specialists and experts have completed the theoretical work on the first part of the program, coupled with a more detailed study of the reserves of the Yamal and Ugra deposits of solid minerals, and the federal government has allocated for this purpose 1.5 billion rubles. In addition, the program further exploration in 2006 from the regional budgets Yamal, Ugra and the Tyumen region will be allocated 350 million rubles.

Already by September 20 UFD experts will present to the Ministry of Natural Resources of the necessary documentation for the Study of the Yamal and Ugra mineral resources and, in particular, exploration of solid minerals, which become raw materials for the project. Moreover, the experts of the working group decided to start the construction of railway line - in 2007. Funding it, according to Basargina, will be held in the framework of the program Cooperation, provided the agreement signed by the governors of Yamal, Khanty-Mansiysk and Tyumen region in the summer of 2004.
With regard to specific investors, it also outlined progress. So, tomorrow Viktor Basargin with Victor Rashnikovym a two-day trip in the Yamal-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. Furthermore, as is well known, his support for the project Ural Industrial were of the leaders of the Russian railways, Yamal railway, energy companies in the face of KurganEnergo and ChelyabinskEnergo as well as foreign investors in the face of the Japanese members of the Association for Trade with Russia and Eastern Europe ROTOBO.

According to the embassy, foreigners, upon request, sent a package of documents relating to the project.