Thursday, February 13, 2014


At DneproGES setting a new three-phase transformers

In this case, has been replaced by phase-conductor shielded 13.8 kV, re-oil receiver, fire extinguishing system.

Along with the replacement of the transformer, the extended repair of hydraulic GA-8.

Old water cooling system transformer dismantled, which will significantly improve the environmental performance of the equipment.

Technical specifications of the new transformer allow further savings of more than 350 million kWh of electricity annually.


`` Lenenergo has installed more than 10,000 smart electricity meters

Thanks to the intelligent devices of Lenenergo `` can obtain accurate data on the consumption of electricity and its capacity as a mode on-line, greatly reduce commercial losses of electricity and reduce the operating costs of metering points.

In electrical networks of OJSC Lenenergo `` in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region Bole install 10,000 smart meters. Counters in real time by GPRS-channel will send the specialists of the data on the volume of electricity transmitted and its quality.

This will allow for continuous monitoring of compliance with quality standards, improve accuracy and simplify data exchange with distribution companies.

These devices are installed in leading European and Asian power grid companies. A unique feature of smart meters - the possibility of feedback. The counters can not only transfer, but also to take the data and settings can be changed remotely using a computer and special software.

System `smart` account called smart meters are combined into a single information network. Such a network is designed specifically to provide accurate measurements and data on energy consumption of household and commercial consumers.

Today, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives to promote new projects is undertaking a comprehensive review of the project of building a modern production equipment for #39;smart metering#39; in the territory of Russia. OAO Lenenergo `` became a partner of the Agency in the implementation of the project increase the availability of energy infrastructure. It is planned that the innovative equipment, issued in Russia, will also be used in JSC Lenenergo ``.


Three regions of Buryatia is de-energized

At 10.49 Kotokel included substation and Turk. At 11:00, electricity Baikal area fully restored.

Barguzinsky area and Kurumkansky areas are powered by gas turbine station.

The reason for disabling specified. On-site work specialists of the branch of IDGC of Siberia `` - `` Buryatenergo, FSKEES of `` R MES Siberia, operational groups and Kizhinginsky Barguzinsky Garrison District Fire Department.


MES SOUTH WILL mobile electrical laboratories

Until the end of October this year, a branch of JSC FGC UES `` - Trunk Power Grids of the South will go four modern portable electrical laboratory. They are used for testing and diagnostic equipment substations, transformers and, in particular to measure insulation resistance of the contacts, and transformer winding equipment.

The new laboratories are implemented on the basis of Volkswagen Crafter vans and equipped with modern facilities - in particular, the installed gas-insulated high-voltage instrument transformers, analyzers, vibration signals and many others Control measurements carried out with the help of specialized software, and control over them - for the multimedia menu.

In the mobile laboratories all conditions to ensure the safety of employees. There is a safety ground, operate the system locks the doors and emergency shutdown laboratory. Special baffle prevents exposure of personnel of high voltage test set.

Mobile electrical laboratory acquired MES South as part of the Federal Grid Company to build a modern system of diagnostics of power.



Recall that the prosecutor#39;s office said the Volgograd region evasion OOO LUKOIL-Volgogradenergo `from` execution of a court decision on the renewal of hot water Krasnoarmeyskiy residents of the district. In this regard, the press service of the company `LUKOIL-Volgogradenergo` reports that the company continues to provide social facilities and the city is preparing to supply to the public.

OOO LUKOIL-Volgogradenergo `` has repeatedly drawn the attention of the population and local authorities on the huge debt of municipal operators for delivered energy. So, for example debt MUP Volgograd `utilities#39; (CBM` `WSS) to OOO LUKOIL-Volgogradenergo` `is 440 million rubles. In addition CBM `utilities` unless proper piping specifications and health standards that threatens the life and health of the population.

In this situation the restriction of heat supply is a necessary measure due to the presence of technical debt and the unwillingness to accept public operator of hot water.

`We do not understand why there is still government organizations that monitor the activities of utility operators do not put things in order in this area and have not solved the problem of non-payment. However, in a responsible, we will supply hot water socially significant objects as long as it is possible from a technical point of view #39;, - said General Director of OOO LUKOIL-Volgogradenergo `` Igor Stefanenko.



Koltsovo Kurumoch and among the ten largest airports in terms of passenger traffic in Russia.

At present, all three airports undergoing extensive modernization program of passenger terminals and the station square, increases throughput terminals. The need to improve the cost efficiency of the invested funds, it was decided to change the electricity supplier and the conclusion of new energy supply contracts on favorable terms for the airports.

Cooperation with the Company `IES Energosbyt` will significantly reduce the cost of energy consumed and energy-saving measures in conjunction with modern construction technologies, proven in Koltsovo and actively used in Nizhny Novgorod and Kurumoch will contribute to the creation of efficient and comfortable air terminals in the regions. The planned volume of electricity consumption Kurumoch Airport is 17 583 thousand kWh per year, Strigino - 7,480 million kWh / year, Koltsovo - 36 325 thousand kWh / year. Energy supply contracts for new airport started in September and October 2012.

CJSC IES Energosbyt `` - the sole executive body for the marketing sector CJSC Integrated Energy Systems `` - Russia#39;s largest private energy company. In the management circuit JSC `IES Energosbyt` includes 6 regional energy companies in Russia, the business covers the regions of the Urals and the Volga region. Clients supply companies are more than 10 million individuals and about 62 thousand legal entities.


Nazarovskoye TPP SET fish protection structures

Completeness and quality of work for the construction of fish protection system pump station No. 1 confirmed a special committee composed of technical experts stations, as well as state inspector Nazarovskogo inter-district department of the State of control, supervision and protection of water resources.

Fish protection structure designed to protect the fish from entering the water intake plant. It is a volumetric hydraulic `` screen, whose actions are to provide a barrier to the water intake area, fish repellence by special nozzles ejecting water under pressure. The device is made by the project developed by the Institute of `` Hydroproject, and fully complies with the regulatory requirements for the performance of such structures.

The construction costs of fish protection structures on the shore pumping station No. 1 Nazarovskoy power plant amounted to more than 14.3 million rubles.

It is worth noting that currently rybozagraditelnymi devices are equipped with all the pumping stations surface water intakes at power type of Krasnoyarsk Krai in the group `Siberian Generating Company`.
Nazarovskaya power plant, one of the largest electric utilities in Krasnoyarsk Territory, is always concerned about the environmental and ecological well-being area. At the power plant to actively promote clean technologies, works on modernization and commissioning of modern equipment with high environmental parameters. Considerable funds are allocated for environmental protection.

Total for environmental protection Nazarovskaya planned a power plant in 2012, about 95.8 million rubles. With these funds, the station intends to implement in the current year, more than 20 environmental measures. These include measures for the rational use of water resources and protection of water bodies, as well as the reconstruction and rehabilitation of ash dumps, repair gas cleaning equipment.


POWER UNIT Khabarovsk TEC-3 switched to GAS

`` Of DHA has invested in the implementation of priority investment project #39;Modernization of Khabarovsk CHP-3, transformation of the natural gas burning boiler unit? 4 `more than 350 million rubles. The project was implemented in the existing station in a short period of time - 7 months from initial design to be included in the network.

Contractor is the Open Society `Khabarovsk repair and installation company`.

Upgraded unit uses Sakhalin gas that of `` DHA is under contract with the operator of the Sakhalin-1 `` - `company` ENL. Since the beginning of the autumn-winter 2012/2013, power unit? 4 will be able to work as a gas, and coal.

As the CEO of DHA `` Michael Shukaylo, translation unit at the gas has a significant environmental and economic benefits. Since TEZ-3 provides the power and capacity of the interconnection network in the Far East and is a wholesale market for work stations are special requirements. Gasification unit?

4 allows you to remove the existing restrictions on the simultaneous operation of all four power units, increases the stability of its work makes it possible to maneuver the use of two types of fuel, increases the reliability of power supply, and will connect to the district heating constructed residential areas in the northern district of Khabarovsk.

During the gasification boiler unit No. 4 was additionally equipped with modern automatic control systems for gas operation. This not only allows you to control and regulate its operation in automatic mode, but also significantly improves the reliability of the station as a whole.

The use of gas will increase the efficiency of the upgraded equipment, reduce harmful effects on the environment, improve the working conditions of staff CHP.

In the future investment plans of DHA `` - convert to gas two of the five oil-fired hot-water boiler Khabarovsk CHP-3.

4th power unit was put into operation in December 2006, and it is equipped with modern process control systems at work on coal. Translation of gas is this link CHP-3 most justified, as it will allow year-round to keep the work of a highly efficient energy equipment using environmentally friendly and economical fuel.

TEZ-3 is one of the largest thermal power station of the Far Eastern Generating Company, has a total installed electrical capacity of 720 MW and a thermal capacity of 1640 Gcal / h.

Закрытие скважины

Закрытие скважины

Решение об остановке работ, наблюдении и возможном закрытии скважины относится к компетенции бурильщика. В соответствии с полученными от супервайзера инструкциями, если возникают малейшие сомнения, он должен без колебаний закрыть скважину. В случае появления предупреждающих признаков необходимо установить наблюдение за скважиной после:
·          остановки вращения бурильной колонны
·          установки первого замка бурильной трубы примерно в метре над ротором (чтобы иметь возможность легкого развинчивания и обеспечения закрытия трубных плашек),
·          остановки насоса в последнюю очередь чтобы сохранить влияние  потерь давления в кольцевом пространстве на забойное давление.
Различные процедуры в соответствии с предписаниями по стандарту API RP59 рассмотрены ниже.

При установившемся состоянии скважины

После наблюдения в течение 1/4 часа, убедившись в надежности различной информации (в частности, это касается типа предупреждающего признака), супервайзер может восстановить циркуляцию и текущие операции, сохраняя бдительность. Указанные 1/4 часа даны лишь в качестве примера, так как время наблюдения может быть дольше, учитывая особые условия конкретного бурения (характеристика залежи, тип используемого бурового раствора, тип пластового флюида).

Если в скважине есть поглощение

Циркуляцию следует вести с малым расходом, чтобы сохранить заполнение кольцевого пространства буровым раствором, контролируя при этом расход на выходе (при необходимости, заполнить кольцевое пространство водой).

Если скважина переливает

В зависимости от обстановки и проявления пластового флюида, может понадобиться прямое осуществление этого этапа без предварительного наблюдения. Существует два метода:

Процедура плавного закрытия скважины

Для реализации этого метода дроссель в ходе операций бурения открыт. Положение задвижек дроссельной линии и дроссельного манифольда должно обеспечить наличие полностью открытой схемы, за исключением коренной боковой задвижки (закрытой) на дроссельной линии.
а)  Открыть коренную боковую задвижку
б)  Закрыть превентор (обычно, универсальный),
в)  Постепенно закрыть дроссель
г) Зарегистрировать изменение ркп и рбк
в течение около 15 минут, за которые состояние залежи восстановится и давления стабилизируются.



Preparatory work for the repair of the dam Peveksky go according to plan, approved by the Government of Chukotka. To date, the general contractor for repairs JSC Scientific Production Association `` CIT is preparing for the implementation of the main phase of repair work on the dam.

`At this stage, we are engaged in a complete set of equipment for carrying out these activities, and issues of transporting it to Pevek`, - said Head of R D NPO `KIT` Basil Komarov.

In addition, the dam of the reservoir Peveksky conducts engineering company RusHydro `` VNIIG. Vedeneev. They relate to the elimination of filtration (leaks) in the body of the dam. Experts `` RusHydro has already spent geophysical survey of the dam.

At this stage, pass survey work, the completion of which will be developed further design solutions for the overhaul of the dam.

In return for saving the maximum water level in the reservoir is on the delivery of water tankers chaunskoy CHP organizations and enterprises of the region. Under the supervision of the administration of the district is considering the issue of Chaun delivery of desalination plants on chaunskoy CHP.

According to the working group of the Commission on the prevention and elimination of emergency situations and ensuring fire safety in the administration of the municipal district of Chaun simultaneously with ongoing activities Chaunsky subsidiary SE CHAO `` Chukotkommunhoz started preparing the water intake at Lake Goose.

Also from the city of Arkhangelsk sea to urban settlement Pevek delivered nineteen 20-foot containers of bottled drinking water, which is more than 300 million liters, which is available in stores for retail sale.

Funding overhaul Peveksky dam at the rate of more than 195 million rubles held in the framework of the regional target program #39;Development of the infrastructure of the Chukotka Autonomous District 2010-2014#39;.

Dam on Peveksky reservoir provides water to the city and polar chaunskoy CHP was built in 1970. The only major accident at the construction was recorded two years after it was built. As a result of the planned activities in the current year is supposed to create a ground ice sheet, which will prevent leaks of hydraulic structures.


In the East Asian RUSSIA found ancient TEXTILES

Not everyone knows that one of the best-studied sites of ancient man - a cave in the Primorsky Krai, near Dal#39;negorsk. The cave Devil Gate in 1973, Soviet scientists among a large number of fragments of stone artifacts, pottery, bones and shells found charred pieces of fabric. As published in the June issue of the journal Antiquty Russian-American study, they were woven 9,000 years ago, that is, they are two thousand years older than previously thought.

New dating does `` oldest seaside mats textile pattern in East Asia and among the first in the whole of Eurasia, told the publication study leader Yaroslav Kuzmin, a senior researcher at the Novosibirsk Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS.

According to scientists, the mats and nets, fragments of which were found in a Ferris gate is from 8800 to 9200 years. The oldest is now considered artifacts from Nahal caves near the Dead Sea Hema - radiocarbon analysis allowed us to estimate their age at 11,000 years. However, the radiocarbon method is not reliable in the study of microscopic tissue samples.

For such purposes requires accelerating the mass spectrometer, which analyzes fragments, a thousand times smaller than conventional radiocarbon dating. Abroad, there are several dozen laboratories equipped with such a device, but in Russia, until recently, there was not one.
`The oldest textiles in Asia`

As a result of cooperation between the Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Russian Academy of Sciences with the experts from the Laboratory of accelerator mass spectrometry U.S. National Science Foundation at the University of Arizona, Russian scientists were able to use foreign spectrometer for the dating of fragments of tissue. The results of their analysis were surprised: `The finds from the caves of Devil#39;s Gate is the oldest preserved textiles in Asia, as well as one of the earliest in Eurasia! #39;- Says Kuzmin.

New dating back several thousand postpones the time of appearance of textiles in the Far East, and suggests that advanced inventions, among which in ancient times were treated articles of vegetable fiber, could appear not only in the developed of farmers and pastoralists in the Middle East, but also in seemingly ` `primitive hunter-gatherers of Siberia.

In the future, the latest scientific equipment will be available to Russian scientists at home. `Now at the Center for collective use of` `Quaternary Geochronology of the Novosibirsk Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences was created and debugging runs Russia#39;s first accelerator mass spectrometer #39;, - concludes Kuzmin.



The head of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool, met with activists of the dissolved non-commercial dacha community Nayyral ``. The conversation was held with the participation of heads of ministries of industry and energy, land and property relations, as well as representatives of the district administration of Tyvaenergo `` and `of` Tivaenergosbit.

The meeting was initiated by the head of the region once during one of the workshops in the village of Kaa-Khem he was approached local residents to provide assistance in resolving their protracted problem. It turned out that in the past two years the people of NTDs Nayyral `` live without electricity. It#39;s about two thousand people.

However, of the 446 suburban areas, only about 150 are officially registered.

According to residents dacha community, transformer substation and power networks have long worn out and are orphaned, its power is not enough for the two thousandth of the population. In turn, the leadership of `` Tivaenergosbit in their official letters said that after the repayment of the debt in full supply of electric power will be restored as soon as possible.

Wealthy people do without centralized power at the expense of diesel generators and solar panels, but the rest not afford it can not.

To solve the problem, the partnership indefinitely reorganize and, in the end, was eliminated for each resident the opportunity to sign an individual contract with the electric utilities, and not depend on the total counter. The problem remained unsolved due to the lack of opportunities to make these regions in the property, on the grounds that the district authorities do not, according to the residents needed assistance.

As representatives of country society, they turned for help to the administration of Kyzyl area, but local leaders are not simply delayed the solution of the question, but remained indifferent to the problems of families left without electricity in their homes. Meanwhile, according to them, life without electricity became unbearable for young children and students, especially in the winter when they were unable to make the lessons in the afternoon and tried to write in their notebooks in the evening by candlelight. Women who met the head of the republic in the village of Kaa-Khem, with tears in his eyes began to ask for help.

Sholban Kara-ool set a date for the meeting on October 27.

The conversation was pretty tough. Prime Minister has publicly stated that all the problems have arisen mainly through their own fault people. Frankly, not many have been allocated land illegally secured infrastructure and possibly in exchange for bribes, which were given to unscrupulous leaders.

But the problem escalated to the limit, he agreed, it is time to move forward.

It is worth noting that the criticism of the head of the republic agreed Irgit Elvira, who lives in the neighborhood for almost twenty years: #39;The inability to work together to solve problems, lack of cohesion, mutual suspicion and accusation of dependency - is our main drawbacks hindering the solution of the problem. We have to learn to overcome these shortcomings and to act within the law #39;.

Minister of Industry and Energy of the Roman Kazhin-ool to demand Prime Minister expressed his readiness to join the issue, but the main hiccup, he said, is not only the accumulated debt of tenants to energy, but the lack of legal status of the land owners.

Following the meeting Sholban Kara-ool set the task in a short time to ensure optimum temporary connection to the electricity supply to all residents of the neighborhood during the proceedings. Should be necessarily taken to every resident of the society to repay the debt with the possibility of extending the payment for 2-3 months. In order to ensure a stable supply the Minister of Land and Property Relations Salim Kyzyl-ool requested as soon as possible to deal with the status of the land on which is located a holiday village, and to consider the possibility of their transfer to the category of towns with the ability to build individual houses.

Administration of Kyzyl district ordered to register the owners of suburban areas for the presence of the necessary documentation that will register the land in the ownership or lease. In addition, an agreement with JSC `` Tyvaenergo maintenance of distribution networks located in the suburban community on a lease and operating agreement Electrofacilities.
The results of the report to the Prime Minister demanded up to October 31.


Light industry enterprises PMR presented their products at the traditional exhibition-fair

On Sunday in the capital of Transnistria, a recreation park #39;Victory#39;, events were held on the occasion of the Day of Light Industry.

As the correspondent of #39;New Region#39;, an award ceremony and celebration of the best workers in the industry, in the summer the park was the site of variety shows festive program - presentation and demonstration of new clothes of the largest enterprises in the industry, music room.

`Light industry - one of the closest to the consumer and customer industries. Because of this people of our country have the opportunity to dress comfortable, beautiful, fashionable and profitable #39;, - said Deputy Prime Minister Maya Parnassus.

She noted that the light industry enterprises improve production technology, improve the range and quality of its products. On behalf of the President and the Government of the Republic congratulated Parnassus light industry workers with their professional holiday.

The event was attended by representatives of the national and municipal governments, leaders of enterprises of light industry Transnistria, hundreds of Tiraspol.

According to the tradition in the park, an exhibition and sale of products of Transnistrian enterprises of light industry - textile concern Tiroteks `` `Odema clothing companies`, `Olympus`, `` Intertsentrlyuks, shoe factories Floare `` `` Tighina, Danastr `` `Softshuz `and others.