Thursday, February 13, 2014



The head of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool, met with activists of the dissolved non-commercial dacha community Nayyral ``. The conversation was held with the participation of heads of ministries of industry and energy, land and property relations, as well as representatives of the district administration of Tyvaenergo `` and `of` Tivaenergosbit.

The meeting was initiated by the head of the region once during one of the workshops in the village of Kaa-Khem he was approached local residents to provide assistance in resolving their protracted problem. It turned out that in the past two years the people of NTDs Nayyral `` live without electricity. It#39;s about two thousand people.

However, of the 446 suburban areas, only about 150 are officially registered.

According to residents dacha community, transformer substation and power networks have long worn out and are orphaned, its power is not enough for the two thousandth of the population. In turn, the leadership of `` Tivaenergosbit in their official letters said that after the repayment of the debt in full supply of electric power will be restored as soon as possible.

Wealthy people do without centralized power at the expense of diesel generators and solar panels, but the rest not afford it can not.

To solve the problem, the partnership indefinitely reorganize and, in the end, was eliminated for each resident the opportunity to sign an individual contract with the electric utilities, and not depend on the total counter. The problem remained unsolved due to the lack of opportunities to make these regions in the property, on the grounds that the district authorities do not, according to the residents needed assistance.

As representatives of country society, they turned for help to the administration of Kyzyl area, but local leaders are not simply delayed the solution of the question, but remained indifferent to the problems of families left without electricity in their homes. Meanwhile, according to them, life without electricity became unbearable for young children and students, especially in the winter when they were unable to make the lessons in the afternoon and tried to write in their notebooks in the evening by candlelight. Women who met the head of the republic in the village of Kaa-Khem, with tears in his eyes began to ask for help.

Sholban Kara-ool set a date for the meeting on October 27.

The conversation was pretty tough. Prime Minister has publicly stated that all the problems have arisen mainly through their own fault people. Frankly, not many have been allocated land illegally secured infrastructure and possibly in exchange for bribes, which were given to unscrupulous leaders.

But the problem escalated to the limit, he agreed, it is time to move forward.

It is worth noting that the criticism of the head of the republic agreed Irgit Elvira, who lives in the neighborhood for almost twenty years: #39;The inability to work together to solve problems, lack of cohesion, mutual suspicion and accusation of dependency - is our main drawbacks hindering the solution of the problem. We have to learn to overcome these shortcomings and to act within the law #39;.

Minister of Industry and Energy of the Roman Kazhin-ool to demand Prime Minister expressed his readiness to join the issue, but the main hiccup, he said, is not only the accumulated debt of tenants to energy, but the lack of legal status of the land owners.

Following the meeting Sholban Kara-ool set the task in a short time to ensure optimum temporary connection to the electricity supply to all residents of the neighborhood during the proceedings. Should be necessarily taken to every resident of the society to repay the debt with the possibility of extending the payment for 2-3 months. In order to ensure a stable supply the Minister of Land and Property Relations Salim Kyzyl-ool requested as soon as possible to deal with the status of the land on which is located a holiday village, and to consider the possibility of their transfer to the category of towns with the ability to build individual houses.

Administration of Kyzyl district ordered to register the owners of suburban areas for the presence of the necessary documentation that will register the land in the ownership or lease. In addition, an agreement with JSC `` Tyvaenergo maintenance of distribution networks located in the suburban community on a lease and operating agreement Electrofacilities.
The results of the report to the Prime Minister demanded up to October 31.