Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Copper prices reached a record $ 3,700 a ton.

Copper prices are updated on Friday historical peak, reaching a value of $ 3,700 per tonne against the depreciation of the dollar and fears of supply disruptions, traders said.
The dollar fell to a three-month low against the euro at $ 1.2537, making the copper is quoted in dollars cheaper for non-dollar market.
Traders said that the previous peak of $ 3,670 was set earlier Friday due to buying metal investment funds, which allowed the largest global market of non-ferrous metals begin to conquer new heights.
Today#39;s fall in stocks of copper on the London Metal Exchange (LME) at 2,425 tons and falling inventories in Shanghai for 3,228 tons of feed per week rally of copper today, but the recent volatility of the dollar and energy prices are likely to make the market even more nervous, - said William Adams, analyst at Basemetals.com.
LME stocks now account for 65,525 tons. This is much higher than the July 31-year low of 25,525 tons, but much less than the stock level of 100,000 tons in September 2004.



Ukraine in January-August 2005 has reduced coal production - the only type of fuel, produced in sufficient quantity in the country - up to 51.597 million tonnes from 53.714 million tons in the same period in 2004, from the data of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy.
Production of steam coal for the needs of energy companies for eight months of 2005 rose to 29,599 million tons from 29.284 million tons and coking coal used in the manufacture of steel products decreased compared to the same period last year to 21,998 million tons from 24,430 million tons.
At the end of the last year Ukraine increased coal production to 80.140 million tonnes from 79.310 million tons in 2003. Production of thermal coal rose to 43.042 million tonnes from 41.801 million tonnes in the previous year, while production of coking coal decreased to 37.098 million tonnes from 37.509 million tons a year earlier.
To improve the efficiency of the coal industry in July of this year, Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko signed a decree on the allocation from the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the new ministry - the coal industry.
In August, a new ministerial post was appointed a former Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy Viktor poplar.
With the formation of the branch of the Ministry of the Government of Ukraine has decided to liquidate created in 2004, the state holding national joint-stock company Coal of Ukraine, which included dozens of coal-mining, processing and construction enterprises.



On Sakhalin, 18 miners, a week ago in the face to a depth of 142 meters and refused to come to the surface-to-maturity debt on payment of wages, continue to protest.

As reported on Monday by the regional prosecutor Yuri Denisov, two of them are from the bottom up abandoned mine bankrupt enterprise Miner and headed to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk to a meeting with Governor Ivan Malakhov.

On the fact of non-payment of wages, and abuse of office prosecuted, detained in the temporary detention Uglegorskogo District Department of Internal Affairs is the bankruptcy trustee company Tatyana Dmitrieva, - said the prosecutor.

He also told RIA Novosti that victim status while 50 are considered employees of more than 400, in the course of a criminal investigation circle of victims may be extended.

The victims are recognized by those who are not receiving a salary from June to August 15 this year, - said Denisov. The investigation has found evidence of illegal transfer of rental and sale of property companies.

The bill goes to the millions of rubles, - said the prosecutor. Most of the proceeds, which were used to pay down the company#39;s debts, including salaries, have yet to score mine office.

Total wage arrears since 2002, as the company was in receivership, reached 34 million rubles.

Moreover, the revealed facts such as mined coal sold at below cost price, which is also increasing the company#39;s debts, - said the regional prosecutor.

For example, at a cost of one ton of coal in 1000 - 1000 $ 100, it was sold to other undertakings and costs 600-700 rubles.

In the course of a criminal investigation confiscated all the documentation carried out financial audits, checks all contracts with other economic entities, - said Denisov.

I would also like to clarify that the miners did not conduct a hunger strike, organized food and medical care, but the conditions in which the past week the protesters are not conducive to health, - said the prosecutor.

Denisov and the Vice-Governor of region Sergey Sheredekin down in the face to a depth of 142 meters and met with the miners, told them about the work and asked them to come to the surface, but the miners refused and said they would be underground until full repayment of wage arrears.


IN UKRAINE recreates the Ministry of Coal Industry

Ministry of Coal is the main body in the system of central executive authorities to ensure the implementation of the state policy in the coal industry.
Yushchenko ordered the Cabinet to ensure that all necessary new structure to define a list of objects of state property to be passed to it in control.
Meanwhile, the government introduced the concept of Yulia Tymoshenko out of the crisis in the coal industry until 2030, providing for an increase in production of salable coal from 60 to 110 million tons. Program introduced the first Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy Viktor poplar. According to him, the concept involves three phases: 2006-2010, 2011-2015, 2016-2030 years.
At the first stage, up to 2010 it is planned to increase coal production forecast to 90.9 million tonnes compared with 80.1 million tons of coal extracted in 2004. For this it is necessary to increase production capacity from 91.5 to 105.8 million tons due to reconstruction of existing coal plants. In addition, since 2006, provides for resumption of construction of three new mines. The implementation of this phase of the program will, by 2010, to provide a fully the needs of Ukraine in the energy coal and 87% of the demand for coking coal.

It is assumed that 4.6 million tonnes of coking coal to be imported. The volume of exports of anthracite coal will amount to 5,000,000 tons.
The second phase of 2011-2015, designed in two versions. The base provides for an increase in coal production by 2015 to 96.5 million tons with an increase in production capacity of up to 112.2 million tons. The second - a more ambitious option - provides coal to 110.3 million tons with an increase in production capacity of up to 122.5 million tons.

According topolova, variants differ in the size of investments in the investment industry. In this case, the basic version provides 2015 full maintenance needs of Ukraine in the energy coal and 89% for coking and provides for the need to import 4.2 million tonnes of coking coal. This option provides for the introduction of 8.8 million tonnes of new capacity through the completion of the construction of three new mines, and also provides a bookmark in 2011 four new mines.

The second option provides full maintenance of Ukraine, as in the energy and in the coking coal and thus the possibility of exporting 6.6 million tonnes of thermal coal. This option provides for the introduction of 20.2 million tonnes of new capacity, the laying of four new mines in 2007 and the introduction into service until 2015. The concept also includes favorites with three more mines in 2014.
The document also provides for a gradual reduction in government funding of the coal industry and an increase in private investment and equity investment companies, and then the privatization of the mines, their privatization, regardless of the level of profitability of the enterprises. Now more than 80% of mines owned by the state.
The concept also includes reform of the governance structure of the industry. At present, the coal industry employs 167 mines and 3 of the section. Arrears of wages to employees of the coal enterprises amounted to 320 million hryvnia ($ 64 million), the total liabilities of the coal enterprises - about 10 billion hryvnia. ($ 2 billion).
The former Ministry of Coal Industry was abolished ex-President Leonid Kuchma in January 2000.



As reported today #39;Rosbaltu the press service of Norilsk Nickel , the First Deputy General Director - Director of Mining and Metallurgical Directorate of#39; Kola MMC #39;appointed Alexander Rumin.
#39;These assignments are dictated by the need to further improve the management structure and the production aspects of the Kola. We are convinced that the rich management and production experience appointed executives will maximize the achievement of the company#39;s development strategy #39;, - said Deputy General Director - Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of MMC Norilsk Nickel Ralph Morgan.
Eugene Potapov graduated from Irkutsk State University, #39;Civil Law#39;. He began his career in Irkutsk, in the inter-republican lawyers. From April 2001 to April 2002, he held senior positions in OAO Tulunsky coal mine #39;and of#39; Tugnuisky coal mine #39;(structural divisions of OAO SUEK).

From April 2002 to March 2005 was in leadership positions in OAO Kuznetsk Metallurgical Combine #39;and of#39; Evrazruda #39;included in the Company#39; Evraz #39;(Russian industrial group of companies managing assets in the metallurgical and mining industries, Moscow).
Alexander Rumin - a graduate of the Ural Polytechnic Institute #39;metallurgical engineer. Working career began at the Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Combine them. AP Zavenyagin worked konverterschikom, apparatchik, hydrometallurgy, master, senior master. Consistently passed almost all the stages of the personnel ladder, in April 2000, he became Deputy Director General of OAO Norilsk Mining Company #39;Technical Development - the chief engineer.

In 2002 he was appointed first deputy director - first deputy chairman of the Polar Division of MMC Norilsk Nickel. From April 2004 - Advisor to CEO #39;Norilsk Nickel#39;, from December 2004 - General Director of #39;Kola MMC#39;.
JSC Mining and Metallurgical Company Norilsk Nickel - the largest in Russia and one of the largest companies in the world for the production of base and precious metals. It accounts for over 20% of the world#39;s nickel, more than 10% of cobalt and 3% of copper. In the domestic market share of OAO GMK Norilsk Nickel accounts for about 96% of the total produced in the country of nickel, 55% copper, 95% cobalt. #39;Nickel#39; is among the leading Russian industrial companies - 4.3% of Russian exports is accounted for by MMC. The company#39;s share in Russia#39;s GDP is 1.9% in the volume of industrial production - 2.8%, or 27.9% of the share of non-ferrous metallurgy. Enterprise #39;Norilsk Nickel#39; engaged in prospecting, exploration, extraction, refining and metallurgical processing of minerals, production, marketing and sale of base and precious metals, non-metallic minerals and production for their own use of electricity and thermal energy production building industry.

The main shareholders are Mikhail Prokhorov (CEO #39;Norilsk Nickel#39;) and Vladimir Potanin.



According to the Federal Minister of Industry and Resources, Ian MacFarlane, Australia will have a secure agreement on the supply of uranium to China for 12 months.

McFarlane, at a conference in Philadelphia, said that China, despite the safety agreement, may use Australian uranium for nuclear weapons. They are only interested in power, - said in an interview with McFarlane Australian Associated Press.


Mechel `` ANNOUNCES CHANGE YOUR Full company name.

Mechel (NYSE: MTL) announced the change of its full corporate name to Open Joint Stock Company Mechel.
As the general director of JSC Mechel Vladimir Iorih, we are pleased that it is now in the name of the company to better reflect the vertical integration and the historical roots of Mechel.

The structure of Mechel integrating two major business segments: mining and steel, so it is logical, according Ioriha, remove from the name of the word, emphasizing the importance of only one of them.

Mining has always been and continues to be the backbone of the company, and the recent acquisition of a significant number of new license areas develop coking coal, as well as reliable results for the mining segment in 2004, emphasize its importance for us, said Iorih.



Imports of Russian diamonds Israeli companies accounted for half of all of Israel#39;s imports from Russia in 2004 (440 million USD).

Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor Ehud Olmert (Ehud Olmert) discussed the possibility of importing rough diamonds with Alexander Nichiporuk, president of the Russian state diamond company ALROSA. Both sides expressed their interest in the elimination of all barriers to the supply of rough diamonds to Israel, as well as the Russian minister expressed the hope that a growing number of Israeli companies to buy rough diamonds in Russia.

Will resume at the signing of the official record today as part of a joint Israeli-Russian Committee. Mr. Olmert said that the memorandum on export of rough diamonds from Russia to Israel will be a significant impetus for the Israeli diamond industry and will help solve the problem of diversification of sources of raw materials.

The problem of the supply of raw materials became difficult when the company De Beers failed to increase the supply of rough diamonds to Israel, according GLOBES.


Azerbaijan reveals 30 new deposits of precious metals and minerals

As a result of geological research in the last 3 years in Azerbaijan revealed 30 new deposits of precious metals and minerals - said on 24 June, the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Huseyn Bagirov.
According to Bagirov, 4 of them are gold deposits. Gold deposit in Chovdar Dashkesen is the greatest of them, - said the Minister. With foreign companies are negotiating about the development of this field. In the past, the field was carried out evaluation work. According to the evaluations, reserves are reserves of all identified gold deposits in Azerbaijan.

Foreign companies are also showing interest in the gold deposit Bashkend in Nakhichevan, whose reserves are estimated at 300-350 tonnes. Azerbaijan currently has a contract for the development of gold deposits. Under the contract, signed August 21, 1997 between the State Concern #39;Azergyzyl#39; and RV Investment Group Services LLS (51% - Azerbaijani side, 49% - American), 9 provides for the development of gold deposits in Azerbaijan with preliminary reserves 400 tons of gold, 2500 tons of silver and 1.5 million tonnes of copper.

However, the three fields remain under Armenian occupation (Gizilbulag, Soyudlu, Vejneli fields) in Zangelan and Kelbajar districts.



Company De Beers, BHP Billiton, AK Alrosa and DGI Group Israeli diamond Dan Gertler (Dan Gertler) are in talks about the development of the diamond industry in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Republic has a great potential for finding diamond fields, despite the lack of infrastructure and the long-running civil conflict, which officially ended two years ago, but may flare up again, which is a deterrent to foreign investors.

A small-scale diamond mining in the country spread, but only a small area has been studied with the use of modern technology. A local company Miniere de Bakwange (MIBA), 80% of which is owned by the state, and the rest - Belgian Sibeka, whose majority shareholder is De Beers, would like to expand the study to belong to her area of 78 thousand square meters. km in the province of Kasai-Oriental.

According to Gustav Luaba (Gustave Luabeya), the head of MIBA, negotiations are under way for the establishment of joint ventures with major mining companies, in particular, discuss the details of ownership, financing and management of future joint venture.



Corp. #39;fuel elements#39; - the only company that produces natural uranium in Russia. According to its vice-president Stanislav Golovin, uranium mining deal with three subsidiaries of the corporation: Priargunskoe himichskoe mining association in the Chita region, mining method which produces 3 tonnes of uranium per year, ZAO Dalur #39;in the Kurgan region and JSC#39; Khiagda #39; in Buryatia.
Now the last two years to give the company 200 tons in five years on each of them is set to produce natural ISL up to 1 million tonnes after 2010 is planned construction of new uranium mines. Construction of large enterprises on uranium mining is possible on the basis of deposits in South Yakutia, where in the 70s were discovered and explored, but then put in a reserve powerful reserves of natural uranium. Preliminary estimates for the project will end by the end of 2006 production will be mine way, the main construction will begin after 2008, and the first uranium from mines is planned for 2015 Stocks of these deposits will last for 50 years.

Prospects for new discoveries of uranium is in Karelia and Eastern Siberia.


AGE OF THE EARTH MINERALS AND ROCKS not detected correctly

New research geologists from different countries have shown that the earlier measure the age of rocks and minerals using the isotopes of uranium and samarium were incorrect. The opening force of scientists not only to count the age of the Earth, but also to reconsider many of the physical model.

Geochronology (dating of rocks and minerals) is necessary for researchers to understand the temporal sequence of processes occurring on Earth. For the dating of the events of early history of the planet used isotopes - variations of the same chemical element with different numbers of neutrons in the nucleus.

Many of unstable isotopes of elements: for a specific period for each isotope (a few nanoseconds or hundreds of thousands of years, depending on the stability of the isotope) is its decay into lighter elements. Geochemists to determine the age of rocks or minerals by measuring the ratio of radioactive isotopes found in the samples.

Previously it was thought that the ratio of the isotopes uranium-238 (238U) to uranium-235 (235U), equal to 137.88, the same everywhere. To calculate the age of the sample was sufficient to establish the ratio of these isotopes of uranium in the rock. However, recent research specialist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the British Geological Survey (British Geological Survey) gave new results.

In his work, described in the journal Science, scientists rely on high-precision measurements of concentrations of uranium isotopes in the minerals belonging to different eras and found in different regions of the world, including found at the bottom of the ocean and learned from meteorites.

The basis of the study was the analysis of 45 samples of zircon. This mineral was one of the first that were formed during solidification and the subsequent formation of the surface of our planet. Zircon tugoplavok and almost not affected by weathering processes, and thanks to contain uranium is ideal for use in radiometric dating.

The result of the analysis was to obtain a new isotope ratios of uranium 235 and 238, which, as it turns out, is 137.818 +0.045.

The new index will help to refine the age of the samples, the previously set. At first glance, the small difference between 137.88 and 138.82 may in fact represent a significant revision of the age of various breeds. Reduction of age will be greater, the older the rock or mineral.

For example, for the Earth, which is about 4.5 billion years old, which means #39;rejuvenation#39; of 700 000 years.

`The discovery will allow not only more accurately assess the age of the samples, but also multiply our knowledge of many other processes and events in the history of the Earth #39;- says Chenet Blair (Blair Schoene), a geologist at Princeton.

Revision of geochronological indicators taken and the other team of scientists, consisting of the representatives of Japan, the U.S. and Israel. This group specified speed life of another isotope - samarium-146 (146Sm). Samarium - heavy shiny metal that is produced in stars and in its pure form is not found on Earth.

The isotope samarium-146 decays to another metal neodymium-142 (142Nd), which is used for the dating of the samples.

The half-life of samarium-146 was tested four times in the last 60 years, and each time I receive different results. Last physics have converged on the record 103 5000000 years. However, scientists have suspected that this value can also be true.

At this time, researchers have in the reactor samples samarium-146, separating it from the isobars - other isotope with mass number 146 by mass spectrometry accelerator. Measurements were made on the superconducting linear accelerator ATLAS, located at the Argonne National Laboratory (Argonne National Laboratory).

The resulting figure was half-life of 68 million years, which is about 34% less than previously thought. It turns out that the previous dating based on the decay of samarium-146, a deviation from the correct value by millions of years of age!

`Samarium isotopes is so important for the dating of the new data lead us to revise some of the existing physical models associated with the age of the Solar System #39;- concludes Philippe Collon (Philippe Collon), Associate Professor of the University of Notre Dame.



Company for mining operations in space, in particular - on asteroids, was established in the United States.

Planetary Resources - the name given to a fantastic initiative, which, however, is considered feasible Google executives Larry Page and Eric Schmidt, a two-time space tourist and former Microsoft executive Charles Simonyi, the head of NASA missions to Mars Chris Lewicki and dozens of other famous persons .

Among them we should mention and one of the founders of the private developers competitions spacecraft Ansari X-Prize Peter Diamantis. As well as the famous director James Cameron, whose participation in the project is interesting because of its recent blockbuster #39;Avatar#39; just yet built on the idea of mining on another planet. Let us hope that in reality the result of future expeditions for resources will not be as disastrous as in the film.

In the first phase of the new company#39;s experts, hardened work in the space program NASA, limited to the study of near-Earth objects for the development of the concept of extraction of uranium, gold, iron, nickel and other valuable items and transport them to Earth.

Project participants do not dispute the long-known fact that the original such expeditions are insanely expensive and not simply unprofitable, and did not even pay for itself. But only at first - a few decades, things will change.

Theoretical studies have allowed NASA to calculate the shipping cost to lunar orbit useful asteroid with a diameter of 7 meters. To date, it would cost $ 2.6 billion unprofitable experts concluded. But after a decade of transportation cost can be reduced by hundreds of times.

More - more.

In addition, the benefits of the project depends not only on the material resources - research in this direction will move forward all the space program - and only existing and planned.