Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Azerbaijan reveals 30 new deposits of precious metals and minerals

As a result of geological research in the last 3 years in Azerbaijan revealed 30 new deposits of precious metals and minerals - said on 24 June, the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Huseyn Bagirov.
According to Bagirov, 4 of them are gold deposits. Gold deposit in Chovdar Dashkesen is the greatest of them, - said the Minister. With foreign companies are negotiating about the development of this field. In the past, the field was carried out evaluation work. According to the evaluations, reserves are reserves of all identified gold deposits in Azerbaijan.

Foreign companies are also showing interest in the gold deposit Bashkend in Nakhichevan, whose reserves are estimated at 300-350 tonnes. Azerbaijan currently has a contract for the development of gold deposits. Under the contract, signed August 21, 1997 between the State Concern #39;Azergyzyl#39; and RV Investment Group Services LLS (51% - Azerbaijani side, 49% - American), 9 provides for the development of gold deposits in Azerbaijan with preliminary reserves 400 tons of gold, 2500 tons of silver and 1.5 million tonnes of copper.

However, the three fields remain under Armenian occupation (Gizilbulag, Soyudlu, Vejneli fields) in Zangelan and Kelbajar districts.