Friday, December 27, 2013


Coal mining enterprises RUSSIA IN JANUARY-APRIL 2005 supplied the 93.1 MILLION. TONS OF COAL

Russian coal mining enterprises in January-April 2005 put consumers 93.1 million tons of coal. According to the operative data of GP CDU TEK, supplies increased by 1.5 million tonnes, compared with four months of 2004. Of which were exported 24.5 million tons.



The U.S. company ExxonMobil offered SOCAR compensation of $ 27 million for failure to continue exploration work on the prospective structure Nakhichevan in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea. At a press briefing to journalists in Baku SOCAR President Natik Aliyev, reports KZ-today. In particular, it is a refusal to drill the second exploration well in the contract area, as provided for mandatory minimum work program for the project.

The reason for failure is that the first exploration well drilled on this structure in 2002, found no commercial hydrocarbons. Negotiations on this issue are in the final stage. The last remaining step.

I think that we agree. The compensation of about $ 27 million - that is their offer and we#39;re working on it - said Mr. Aliyev. Contract type Production Shearing Agreement (PSA) for the exploration and development of prospective structure Nakhchivan was signed on 1 August 1997, ratified on December 5 of that year.

Equity participation of the parties in the contract are as follows: SOCAR-50% and ExxonMobil - 50% (operator). A similar situation is with the contract for the exploration and development of prospective offshore structures #39;Zafar - Mashal#39;. In this case, ExxonMobil also refuses to drill the second exploration well in view of the poor track record of drilling the first well drilled in 2004.

However, according to Mr. Aliyev, the negotiations on compensation for the project has not yet begun. The PSA contract for the development of prospective structure #39;Zafar - Mashal#39; was signed on 27 April 1999. Participants in the project are SOCAR - 50%, ExxonMobil - 30% (operator), ConocoPhillips - 20%. State Oil Company of compensation for failure to continue exploration in the contract areas are not new, and to date there have been five projects, 4 of which included the exploration and development of prospective structures and units in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea (#39;Lankaran-Talysh-Deniz-Deniz#39; - the operator TotalFinaElf), #39;Absheron#39; - operator Chevron, #39;Kurdashi#39; - the operator and Agir #39;Yanan Tava - Ateshgyah - Mugan-Deniz#39; operator Japan Azerbaijan Operating Company.

In addition, the British Ramso paid compensation for the failure to continue to work on the project of rehabilitation, exploration and development of onshore block #39;Muradkhanli#39;.



Report on the development of China#39;s coal industry, compiled and published by the American Institute Battelle, was made public at the end of last week. According to the study, commercially available coal reserves exceed one trillion tons, while in 2002 the level of its production totaled 1.39 billion tons - a third of world production. Production index increased by 26% compared with the previous year.

The industry employs more than six million people working more than 2000 mines with a capacity of over 100,000 tons of coal a year. The report focuses on the contribution of China to #39;confusion#39; in the global coal market. It indicates that while over 1990 figures annual growth was more modest, then the beginning of the XXI century, they immediately gave way to a more substantial. In 2000, China exported 55 million tons of coal, and in 2001 the volume of exports increased to 85.9 million tons.

In the same year, China became the second largest exporter of coal in the world. After the fall in exports in 2002, followed by a significant increase in its bringing the figure to 93.85 million tons in 2003. Subsequently, China has opened the doors to foreign investors and developers in order to ensure the implementation of its expansion program. The latter includes more mechanization of mines, building new mines and power plants in parallel with the growth of the transport infrastructure.

The report discusses important issues such as the structure of the industry, the investment climate, the location of large mines and their consumers information about the largest coal producers, subsidies for coal mining, railway and port infrastructure, as well as the demand for coal in the country and abroad. China#39;s share of global emissions of carbon dioxide is expected to 11%. The report also contains a proposal to investors about China#39;s construction of 16,000 km of new railways to transport coal, according to Mining Weekly.



The Ministry of Mineral Resources of the Republic of South Africa announced the preliminary statistics showing that the volume of diamond mining in South Africa in 2004 reached a record high of 14.4 million carats. Compared with 12.8 million carats in 2003, an increase of 11%, with the largest production in the mines of Kimberley and Venetia company De Beers. With the growth in production, the continued depreciation of the dollar against the rand and rising prices by 14% in 2004, the cost of production, according to preliminary estimates, rose to $ 1.1 billion last year, according to Mining Weekly. Of the 86 license holders on production and exploration activities in 2004, 18 kimberlite was mined, 47 developed alluvial deposits (placer), and 21 diamonds mined in the marine environment. Production of kimberlite was about 13 million carats (or 90.3%) of the total, which is much higher than the amount in 2003 to 11.4 million carats - the result of increased production in the mines of Kimberley and Venetia company De Beers.

The contribution of diamonds from alluvial deposits in the total production is 1.33 million carats, quite a bit higher than the amount in 2003.


Solovki DETECTED thermal anomalies and high zinc content

Was the conclusion of a team of scientists led by the Director of the Center for Environmental Studies PSU, Professor, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Yuri Shvartsman. In the framework of the Barents Region specialists from a dozen research organizations and several universities, including MSU and LSU have access to unique images of the cosmos made with foreign, particularly American satellites. Attracted the attention of ecologists accidental ones in the Arkhangelsk region, which have a #39;patchy development#39;, that is, removed from the cultural and industrial centers. However, Solovki, according to Schwartzman, they chose on a whim.

After two seasons of research experts have received an offer to create and implement a program of environmental monitoring at the Solovki-2003-2007#39;s. #39;. Alas, at the federal level, it is not yet approved, but is financed in equal parts by the Museum of the archipelago and foundations. According to the map of convective heat flow, at Solovki has the highest removal of heat from the interior, lockable from space. This and other factors have allowed scientists to name archipelago thermal anomaly. In general, it is recognized as a clean area.

Unless noted that the high content of zinc, which modern science does not refer to the number of man-made.


CHILEAN mining company EASY to perceive a tax on mining ore

According to Chilean media, held a meeting of representatives of the government and the mining companies about the newly introduced tax on the extraction of ores fundamental differences have arisen. The representatives of mining companies opposed the measure, arguing that it increases the cost of companies, although they do not plan to leave the third country in the world in the production of copper. The company Placer Dome Inc., The fifth largest gold producer in the world, today announced that the introduction of the tax would have an impact on the company#39;s decision regarding the implementation of a new large-scale project for the extraction of copper and gold. #39;Approval of the tax, of course, brings some clarity to the situation, however, does not bring us joy, because the additional taxes the additional costs every working mine in Chile#39; - reported in Placer Dome Inc.

The decision to impose the tax was adopted last week by the Congress of Chile. The tax rate - floating, ie the amount of tax depends on the amount of ore: 0.5% operating profit of the company if the annual sales equivalent ore production 12 thousand tons of refined copper and gradually increase the tax rate to 5% increase that to 50 thousand tons / year. Mining companies consider legislation with several amendments, having regard to the introduction of a similar tax in neighboring Peru and the example reported that the introduction of a tax on the extraction threatens new investments in Chile, whose economy is so dependent on the well-being of high extractive sector. However, the introduction of the tax is the lesser evil compared with last year#39;s cancellation of the Congress of revenue producing companies percent of profits from the sale of additional volumes of ore. We are counting on these amounts, and they are painted in our budget #39;- according to officials of the mining company Kinross Gold Corp.

According to company estimates, the overall level of taxation of the mining sector in Chile will increase from 35% to 38.5%, which is equivalent to 0.6 cents per pound of copper ore mined in 2006-2007., And since 2008 - 1 cent per pound . Similar calculations of cost increase and lead miners of gold and other minerals. Vince Borg, the Speaker of Barrick Gold Corp., Launched the implementation of a major project on the border of Chile and Argentina, said that there is an agreement on fiscal stability. The Chilean government guarantees constant tax conditions for the implementation of the project. However, the company has the right (and may take a decision) to agree to the new taxation halt.

A tax on the extraction of ore found approval among the mass of the population of Chile, which has long expressed dissatisfaction with the low level of tax on the extraction of non-renewable mineral resources of the country.


China is expected to coal shortage

According to experts, by 2010, China will consume 2.2 billion tons of coal, which will cause a shortage of 330 million tons#39; capacity and the scale of China#39;s coal industry in the future will not be able to meet the market demand in the country. The lack of supply will be the main problem #39;- Hyanzheng said Wang, deputy. director of the State Administration of Work Safety. At present, China produced 1.67 billion tons of coal. Only 1.2 billion tons were produced in compliance with safety regulations.

By 2010, coal production could reach 1.87 billion tons of 87.4% of energy reserves in China - coal, which the Chinese has long considered the main source of energy. In the coal sector in the country is still full of problems: the irrational structure of the industry, the high cost of production and high risk. To save the situation, the government began to diversify the structure of energy supply, strengthen supervision of safety in coal production and optimize the utilization of coal products.


WHERE MOST mine gold?

Gold mining is becoming increasingly important for the initiative HIPC (poor countries with large debts). Over the past 10 years, the volume of production in these countries has increased significantly, according to a report presented yesterday by the World Gold Council. The report, compiled with the support of the industry, said that developing countries own 72% of the gold mined in the past year. Over the past decade, gold mining in developing countries has increased by 50%, ahead, so the results of the leading gold producer in the world South Africa.

The largest increase in production observed in the bit n initiatives? RL, where s1994 to 2004 gold production increased by 84%, as reported by MiningWeekly, referring to the news agency Reuters. In 2004, the global volume of gold mined totaled 2,464 tonnes, according to consultants Gold Field Mineral Services.

Because of the increasing dependence of the production of H? RL on gold exports also increased significantly, despite the fact that precious metals are one of the main exports - about 8% of all exports of goods in 2003.



Today Sakhalin Governor Ivan Malakhov, held a meeting on the issuance of licenses for coal, which announced a strategic approach to the further development of the coal industry. The meeting was attended by the heads of regional and federal authorities related to environmental and fuel-energy complex. The Governor expressed his concern that the coal industry Sakhalin region there are small businesses that do not have sufficient capacity for self-development and improvement of technology, full compliance with environmental requirements, uncompetitive in the international market due to low production volumes and relatively high production costs.

He noted that the competitive environment in this area of the economy in Sakhalin has already been created. - Today, coal enterprises issued licenses is sufficient to fully meet the needs of our domestic market and export opportunities, even taking into account the future growth of the shipping capacity of ports of Sakhalin - the governor said. Ivan Malakhov said that the auction commission responsible for issuing licenses to mine coal deposits should represent the interests of the regional authorities. To this end, decided to strengthen the representation of regional authorities as part of the commission.

As for the suspension of licenses of existing businesses that do not fulfill the conditions stipulated in the licensing, the governor said: - I am glad that the license can be suspended only by a court decision, because I do not want too much power over the producer officials. Ivan Malakhov instructed the Department of the fuel and energy complex and housing and communal services - to develop a strategy for the development of the coal industry on Sakhalin Island in the work of issuing licenses for mining.


CHITINSKY COMPANY will produce 3 tons of gold heap leaching

May 24 at a meeting of the administration of the Chita region was approved quota of JSC Mine Aprelkovo on production in 2005, 200 kg of gold deposits in Pogromnoe Shilkinskaya area. As the correspondent of IA REGNUM in the Regional Energy and Natural Resources, the company will extract gold from the ore is quite rare for a Trans-Baikal by heap leaching. Exploration of the deposit Pogromnoe spent artisanal gang Spark. As a result of the approved reserves in the amount of 1,948,000 tons of ore and 3,080 kg of gold.

After that was established JSC Mine Aprelkovo. Work to begin gold production is tentatively in August-September of this year. The method of heap leaching is used to extract gold from the poor ores with low gold content. In the Chita region, this technology is used by only a few companies.

Among them Zabaikalskiy mine (mine Delmachik) and the section on Solkokon Bogomolovskom gold deposit. In August of this year should be started trial production at the mine Ksenevskaya that Itakinskom gold deposit. Ready to start production on a similar Amazarkanskom field, but financial constraints do not allow to get started.


In Donetsk Oblast liquidate an unauthorized 69 COAL MINING

In the Donetsk region in 5 months 69 eliminated the so-called kopanok - places unauthorized coal mining. According to the facts filed 84 criminal cases of illegal miners have seized more than 80 tons of coal, as well as equipment for 200 thousand hryvnia. This was yesterday at a briefing in Donetsk chief of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Donetsk region, Mikhail Klyuev.

According to him, today revealed Copanca only in the evening and at night. Massive development kopanok suspended, now have melkoochagovy character, - said Klyuyev. At the same time, he noted that it is difficult to draw the organizers of the illegal mining. Performers hold up relatively easily. Not slept a night, sat in wait.

But organizers who are working on a mobile phone, it is difficult to catch - complained Klyuyev. At the same time, he stressed that the work of the police to curb the illegal development of mineral resources continues.


South Africa PLANS to centralize SALE rough

Department of Minerals and Energy, South Africa intends to establish a central trading organization that will purchase some (as yet undefined) of the country#39;s rough diamonds and sell them to small local diamantaires and companies that emerged as part of the Better Business blacks (#39;black economic empowerment #39;). According to the statement Abe Mngomezulu (Abe Mngomezulu), the representative of the ministry responsible for the mineral policy and investment promotion, diamond producers, including De Beers and local yuniornuyu company Trans Hex, the legislation will be obliged to sell diamonds to the organization. A.Mngomezulu also said that the government intends to then implement more productive idea about how to keep the country most of the South African rough diamonds to contribute to the rise of the local cutting industry. This will be possible after the adoption of the amendments to the law on diamonds. He added that this will be the policy support for small companies and companies partly or wholly owned by black entrepreneurs.

South Africa intends to ask the first-class international companies if they agree to work in the country for these conditions.