Friday, December 27, 2013


Solovki DETECTED thermal anomalies and high zinc content

Was the conclusion of a team of scientists led by the Director of the Center for Environmental Studies PSU, Professor, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Yuri Shvartsman. In the framework of the Barents Region specialists from a dozen research organizations and several universities, including MSU and LSU have access to unique images of the cosmos made with foreign, particularly American satellites. Attracted the attention of ecologists accidental ones in the Arkhangelsk region, which have a #39;patchy development#39;, that is, removed from the cultural and industrial centers. However, Solovki, according to Schwartzman, they chose on a whim.

After two seasons of research experts have received an offer to create and implement a program of environmental monitoring at the Solovki-2003-2007#39;s. #39;. Alas, at the federal level, it is not yet approved, but is financed in equal parts by the Museum of the archipelago and foundations. According to the map of convective heat flow, at Solovki has the highest removal of heat from the interior, lockable from space. This and other factors have allowed scientists to name archipelago thermal anomaly. In general, it is recognized as a clean area.

Unless noted that the high content of zinc, which modern science does not refer to the number of man-made.