Monday, November 25, 2013


President plans to grow cotton in RUSSIA

Anyway, on this and other measures to support light industry the government intends to spend three times as much compared with 2012.

Industry and Trade Ministry has prepared a major program to support light industry. In the framework of the basic money, as reported MANTUROV D. V. Putin will focus on the creation of `the entire chain of products of light industry, the formation and subsidizing pre-season stocks to upgrade the technological base: the first will be applied measure of state support for the promotion of products on the market #39;.

A minister MANTUROV told President Putin that the total light industry employs about 400 thousand people. 75% of them - a woman. Market of light and textile industry is second only to the food sector with a volume of over 2.5 trillion rubles. per year (not explained what proportion occupied by Russian product).

When compared to other industries, this market is four times the market of consumer electronics and pharmaceuticals, and twice the automotive market.

D. MANTUROV noted that the light industry has a high rate of capital turnover, #39;which is also beneficial to its investment appeal#39;. In fact, an estimated turnover of this we have calculated in months, whereas in developed countries - for weeks. But the minister did not go into details.
He urged the President that the `light industry is an integral part of the development of the regional economy: The enterprises located in 72 regions of Russia. However, about 70% of the thousands of enterprises and organizations of the industry are major employers `.

In general, said D. MANTUROV, the development of light industry is a major task, both from an economic and social point of view. Therefore, in the framework of the state program #39;Development of the industry and increase its competitiveness#39;, which was adopted by the Cabinet at the end of last year, an important role is given to the subroutine for the development of light industry and textile.
Simply put - it is necessary to withdraw money from the treasury, and why is all the talk about the importance of the industry.

Get money for further development is planned in the state program so. According to this document by almost half, to 640 million rubles, increased subsidies to repay the interest rates on loans for the purchase of raw materials in the industry. Also grew subsidy repayment of interest rates on loans for the modernization - its volume increased to 225 million rubles. In general, light industry this year will receive three times more budget than in 2012. As explained by D. MANTUROV, most of these funds will be used to create a whole chain of products of light industry, the formation and subsidizing pre-season stocks to upgrade the technological base.

In addition, for the first time will be applied measure of state support for the promotion of products on the market - the relevant event officials plan to allocate 275 million rubles.

Special attention in the federal program Cabinet intends to pay key, as they say, the factors affecting the operation of the industry. That is - the raw material base. The share of raw materials in the cost of production is about 70%.

For the production of new types of competitive products must be high quality raw material, which in the country is produced in insufficient quantities, says Ministry of Industry.
This, they say, leads to a significant dependence of the domestic textile industry on imported raw materials: production of chemical fibers and yarns in Russia does not exceed 46% of requirements of domestic enterprises. At the same time, the Ministry of Industry conducted an analysis of current trends of the industry has shown that the consumption of enterprises in the industry of chemical fibers and threads, including a new generation of fibers in the medium term will increase by nearly 40%.
Tense is the situation with natural materials: 100% cotton imported from abroad, almost not produced in Russia and fine Merino wool.

D. MANTUROV, said that through the support and development of light industry ministry has set itself such a task: the creation of clusters, including those focused on providing players with domestic raw materials: cotton, wool. `This year, we have already received the first experimental crop of cotton on seven acres in the Astrakhan region, have grown quite good. Just in case I even took a show this cotton. He got out of the first yarn, technical, and, accordingly, the first fabric `- shared with the President the head of the Industry and Trade Ministry.

According to him, this is just the beginning.

Russian cotton will be used not only in light industry, but also in the manufacture of gunpowder. In addition, in the current year project will be launched to ensure the Russian domestic companies wool involving companies of the North Caucasus Federal District.
Until now, Russia srodu cotton does not grow, and no one came to mind here it farmed. By the way, this did not stop the development until 1917 the same Trekhgorka `` where Russian merchants supplied the raw materials from Asia. The merchants grew rich, the production of fabrics flourished, and it was quite competitive at the beginning of the last century Russian poet deservedly called Calico Yesenin `country`.
Just solve the problem of Industry and Trade and with sales, which he plans to produce huge quantities of the most northerly in the world cotton (still the most northerly on the land area where cotton was cultivated Uzbekistan - there the natives of cotton was introduced, by the way, Russian merchants).
D. MANTUROV seems genuinely enthusiastic about the idea of turning Russia into the cotton growing state. But he does not go in their dreams so far as to believe that a simple Russian people will prefer domestic sweatshirts imported only because of their production so much effort and money put Cabinet. D. MANTUROV said that the second task - is to maximize the presence of light and textile industry in commercial networks.

`Today, unfortunately, the percentage is very small. And we are already with the regions, with industry, with trade organizations to develop measures that will ensure maximum presence of light industry enterprises in the retail shelves. And today is changing the trading system, it is primarily aimed at empowering retail chains, major department stores, and this is the most urgent task - said D. MANTUROV. - To improve the relationship between vendors and suppliers must sign a code of good cooperation between the enterprises of light industry and distribution network: This practice already exists, in particular, the supply of between enterprises - manufacturers of food and retail chains#39;.

Translated into Russian language zhto means that shops will make a stand on the shelves of these products by the government. It can be done. But how to get buyers to look at these counters and give the money for the goods laid out on them?
Here are recipes Manturova. It is necessary to send the entire state power to promote Russian brands, #39;in particular, and Valentin Yudashkin Vyacheslav Zaitsev `.

It is clear that not all citizens will show consciousness and refuse to prefer idols D. Manturova colleagues from other countries. Well, this case is tested recipes. Making the military to buy their products, especially as there is the right decision of the government.

Enter uniforms and get students to buy the products of local factories, and those who will be a lesson in foreign slippers - the school does not start until the exceptions.

Not a word was about those Russian companies that today, without any state intervention, do things quickly disappearing from the shelves because of the great value for `Value`. The number of such enterprises is not growing, and even declining due to the increasing `to` intolerable administrative burden, and financial and other.



The development of sewing business in the capital gains momentum. Thus, light industry Astana provide a form of many law enforcement agencies of the city, the website

Natalia Timofeeva, sewing techniques of production:

`Department of Defense, the financial police, the National Security Committee, Ministry of Emergency Situations, the committee of internal troops. Coats, uniforms, parade, parade weekend, coats and shirts. In general, all fully uniforms for officers and senior middle of `.

The enterprise employs about 50 people. Sewing shop worker Natalia Abramova been working here for 13 years. Together with her colleagues, she released on 25 tunics, shirts and about 15 to 25 pants per day, not including hats and other items of military clothing.

Natalia Abramova, tailor-wagon:

`We sew jacket, tunic comes one day, when urgent work on two tunics`.

Each year, the amount of work increases sewing shop. So in 2012 the production of clothing has increased to 73 thousand copies. For tailoring of this `war #39;with orders in July 2012 was purchased about 300,000 meters of fabric and another 74,000 ordered in December last year.

Gulmira Suleimenova, master, making outerwear:

`Work every year more and more. Someone sews shirts, some pants. I just sew garments `.

Sewing room, besides the capital serves several cities of the country. Thus, the capital of military dress seamstress from Almaty, Shchuchinsk, Aktau and Atyrau. In the future we plan to open additional sewing shop on the left bank of the capital.


INSTITUTE OF TEXTILE AND LIGHT INDUSTRY Altai Technical University to be Restructured

at a meeting of the Academic Council of the Altai State Technical University named IIPolzunov decided to restructure is part of the University Institute of Textile and Light Industry (ITLP). This was announced by Acting rector of the university Alexander Sitnikov at today#39;s briefing.

According to the results of monitoring, which last year held the Ministry of Education and Science, the Institute is recognized as ineffective. And according to a letter the Ministry of Education and the Executive Committee of the Interregional Association of Economic Cooperation of the Russian Federation `Siberian Agreement` rector AltSTU was ordered until December 22 to submit an action plan for the reorganization of the institute.

Among the criteria that do not match ITLP - the number of students, which should not be less than 450, the number of teaching staff, teaching and support staff and employees, including scientific, - no less than 75 people. Now the institute is studying only 194 students, 33% of full-time teachers (at a rate of 69%), ostepenennyh - 41% (at a rate of 60%), doctors - 4.3% (norm - 10%). Furthermore, the amount of research zero.

Accreditation criteria are not met on any indicator.

`We have put together a commission and tried to figure out what the problem is. After analyzing the educational, financial and economic activities of the Institute, we have come to the conclusion that the unit of the university is really quite ineffective, and leave it in the composition, in which it now exists, is impossible. Yesterday decided to restructure the institute. His department will be transferred to the relevant departments of Altai State Technical University. Our main task now - to preserve all the employees of the Institute and students.

All of them will go into the structure of the university. Students ITLP at release will receive diplomas indicating the specialty for which they received `, - said Alexander Sitnikov.

According to the president of Leo AltSTU Korshunova, after the restructuring of the current teachers of the institute would receive more if the average salary of a teacher in AltSTU - 25 thousand rubles, or in the institute only 16,000.
`Teacher Salary consists of two parts - a rate that depends on the load, and the challenging part - that depends on the capabilities of units. Once the structure of the university, faculty immediately receive the normal rate, normal hours. Now, in some groups of 1-2 students of the Institute `- said Alexander Sitnikov.

`We do not change anything in terms of teachers, in terms of preparing students. Their transition to a new state gives the opportunity to get the best conditions `- said Korshunov.

He also said that the university was in the era of reform in 2008. Since then, 18 of the 12 departments AltSTU left. `Reform - it is a natural and necessary process#39;, - says the president of the university.


Azarov against the import of substandard goods

Prime Minister Mykola Azarov opposed the import of low-quality light industrial goods are imported. He said this during a meeting with members of the Business Council.

The prime minister said that the domestic light industry is poorly developed.

`We are on the brink! What a country with a population of 45 million, which does not produce anything in terms of light industry? Each of us here all clothing imported - shirts, suits, ties, shoes. Where to go next?

Already arrived! It#39;s time to take the most drastic measures that will allow us to rise #39;- said Azarov.

The Prime Minister stressed that the establishment of the situation is necessary not only to create favorable conditions for the development of the industry, but also to protect the country from imports of cheap low-quality products.

`There are a range of measures is needed. Not only tax, credit, but also check the quality of what we were being taken to, and significant barriers on the boundaries for low-quality consumer goods#39; - the Prime Minister added.

Recall, according to state statistics, the decline in production in the field of light industry in 2012 was 5.3% compared with 2011.


UDMURTSKIJ light industrial enterprises decreased sales in the past year 15 percent

`The influence of external markets will intensify, especially at the level of a substantial increase in the incoming Kazakh goods under the brand name products from China, Vietnam and so on. This industry republic should support not only for economic but also for social reasons. Price issue on all measures of support light industry of the country is 47 million rubles a year.

If we found the opportunity to support our businesses, we have them provided significant support to the adaptation period, they would be more willing to world market conditions#39;, - said the Minister of Industry and Energy of Udmurtia Oleg Radzivonau.

The volume of production of light industry enterprises of Udmurtia in 2012 amounted to 1.1 billion rubles, an increase in real terms by 30%. Volume growth in 2013 is planned at least 3%.


UPGRADED EKSKAVATOR Getting Started on Nazarovskoye BY

ECG 10? 177 first to be modernized, made in the framework of the investment program of OAO SUEK-Krasnoyarsk ``.

The manufacturer of a new modern electrical equipment installed on the excavator is the company `` The combined energy from Moscow. Its commissioning, installation and start-Nazarovskoye engaged in mining and installation and commissioning management. The entire repair campaign is assigned a little over a crescent.

Specialists in missed deadlines, and now 10 ECG? 177 stood in the face to the stripping section of the railway.

According to the chief power cut Nazarovskogo Vyacheslav sticky advantage of the new control system is that it is installed on a new modern base and operates on the principle of digital control. This facilitates diagnosis and, consequently, reduces equipment downtime.

Updating affected not only the electrical part of the excavator, but the driver#39;s workplace. The new chair is equipped with a remote control joystick, through which control the machine has become much easier, and is the workplace for the driver - more comfortable.

#39;Needless to say, the work was done very much in a short period of time - talks about modernizing the crew foreman EKG 10? 177 Sergei Filippov. - But now the machine pleasure to look at. And work on it has become much easier and more comfortable, and the speed of all working operations increased #39;.

How well will manifest itself in a new guise excavator, time will tell, but for now the plans next year two more units of mining equipment to be upgrading.


Johnsen TEXTILE COMPANY `` `CONTESTS became a partner FASHION AND RUSSIA` `` Exercise

Contests will be held on 20 and 19 February in the largest national exhibition - 40th Federal Fair `` Textilelegprom at the Exhibition Centre in Moscow.

The company `Johnsen Textiles` establishes for the winners and participants of contests certificates tissue TM Fitsistem for the following collections, which will be shown in September as part of the 41st Fair.

Contestants who have received certificates Johnsen `` will have the opportunity to choose your favorite fabric Fitsistem - a new generation of fabrics for outerwear, combining high quality, innovative solutions and latest trends in textiles.

Great choice, it can be:
- stylish fabric for urban outerwear (women#39;s, men#39;s, children#39;s and sports) - functional soft cloth jackets with light `` geometric texture;
- High-tech breathable fabrics for sportswear, used in adverse weather conditions;
- fashion fabric for children#39;s and teen clothing.

The company `` Johnsen for 20 years, is the largest Russian supplier of high-quality imported materials for clothing: jackets fabric, waterproof, fabric for clothing, lining, insulation, fleece, etc. In recent years, according to conservative estimates, every 20 - I have a unit of clothing produced in Russia, rebuffed from materials supplied by `` Johnsen.

Together with partners from South Korea, with the participation of experts from Europe and the U.S., the company `` Johnsen developed and brought to the Russian market in 2010, the brand tissues Fitsistem and is its sole supplier.

Recall that the 40th Federal Trade Fair and equipment textile and light industry Textilelegprom `` will be held from February 19 to 22 at the Exhibition Center in Moscow. Expert advice V competition for the award of `Fashion` Russia Vyacheslav Zaitsev lead to co-chair with Irina Ashkinadze. In the V competition for the Prize #39;Fashion Russia#39; and Buyers shows will feature: TM Viktory Sergio, TM `Dress Code - business clothes` TM Gioia di Mamma, TM Colibry, fashion house `Shamhal` TM `Kupalinka` TM Vester, TM Sky Lake, design studio #39;Edelweiss#39;, etc.


Bacteria for gold

Bacteria help to find a gold ore. Pilot survey of 11 sections of the soil profile in the area of the gold mines in China, indicates that the number of Bacillus cereus (Bacillus cereus) In the soil, rich in gold dust, and greatly increased their increase for the size of gold-bearing strata.

Studies have shown that a relatively high number of Bacillus cereus was related to the content of gold in the soil, which indicated the possibility of direct use of these bacteria as an indicator of gold mineralization in the areas of land. This system biogeologorazvedki can help geologists identify gold-bearing deposits not through expensive geological surveys for the presence of zolotosoprovozhdayuschih layers of minerals and ores, and by the abundance of cheap analyzes Bacillus cereus soil. This significantly reduces the cost of exploration work to find gold and increases the efficiency of the search by reducing the time required to search, says Dr.

Hongmei Wang of the Ohio State University, one of the participants in this study, which was presented at the 102nd meeting of the American Society of Microbiology.

With the support of the Ministry of Land and Resource and Ministry of Education of China, Dr. Wang and his staff spent biogeologorazvedkoy in the north-western region of China - Sichuan, which is very famous for its gold reserves.

Typically gold in soluble form is toxic to microorganisms as well as for higher animal forms. However, Bacillus cereus can withstand harsh environmental conditions (eg, heat, toxic chemicals, ultraviolet radiation and desiccation) is better than ordinary bacteria.

In soils containing gold, from micro-organisms that have the best chance of survival and reproduction, are just Bacillus cereus. In this study, a high number of Bacillus cereus has been found in areas containing gold ores, the gold reserves volume there were two or three times higher than the explored area in another area. The best results are obtained by intelligence, a combined test-tube assay for the presence Bacillus cereus with the methods of exploration.

Experiments on interaction Bacillus cereus with gold ions showed that low concentrations of gold does not affect sporulation Bacillus cereus. However, when the concentration of the gold reserves is enormous, sporulation Bacillus cereus is lower. In such cases you need to handle common data and based on analyzes from the neighboring areas.

This new and promising method biogeologorazvedki help mining companies to search for major gold deposits at relatively low cost and with greater efficiency. And, due to the ever increasing demand for gold in the world, and an increase in its use in electronics, will need to increase its production and to look for new gold deposits.

Contact information:

Jim Plum,, 202-942-9297, American Society for Microbiology



The course of the development of large-scale gold mining in Kamchatka can lead to environmental disaster is extremely vulnerable to human impacts river ecosystems.

The peculiarity of Kamchatka#39;s rivers, with their numerous tributaries and sleeves, is a small extent, the high flow rate and density of the river network. Due to this feature of the Kamchatka River is rich in species diversity, but it also explains the high sensitivity of these water bodies by human activities.

Strategy development and use of mineral resources of Kamchatka for the period 2009-2025, the mean large-scale mining of gold resource reserves of up to 1,200 tons and justifies the possibility of mining and processing plants with a capacity of 10 million tons and more.

Gold deposits are located on the Kamchatka Peninsula, usually located in the upper reaches of the mountain rivers in areas with high seismic activity and landslide risk, which often causes a major accident. Another important point - on the Kamchatka Peninsula virtually no geotechnical conditions for the safe disposal of waste disposal and mining enterprises. This is without taking into account the fact that the GOK and without it is classified as environmentally hazardous industrial facilities as well as waste ore cyanidation pose a serious risk to human health and of the environment, and their storage means increased security measures.

Modern technologies of storage and disposal of waste can not lead the development of ore deposits without the threat environment, and the extraction of ore with a low concentration of gold produce large amounts of waste. In the water tanks are collected cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, mercury, lead, arsenic, zinc cyanide - more than 50 kinds of contaminants including Related to I-II hazard classes.

From precipitation in the storage of waste causes the development of soil erosion and removal of pollutants into waterways and groundwater. A transportation of the ore and its treatment leads to pollution of air, soil and natural water sources due to sputtering.

These circumstances determine the unfavorable outlook in the near future for the fishing industry in Kamchatka. This situation is, unfortunately, typical of other fossil-rich regions of Russia, and the growing demand for raw materials against the irresponsible nature of environmental policy and the environmental authorities of powerlessness makes Russia one of the most vulnerable countries in terms of environmental impacts.



Recall that the November 25, 2012 at the mine `Gramoteinskaya` (Belovo, Kemerovo Region), an outbreak of gas-air mixture in the implementation of mining. The explosion of seven miners suffered burns of varying severity. Currently, all the miners are being treated in hospital.

According to Director of the settlement losses of `` SOGAZ Vladimir Kozlov, a written notice from the insurer to the company has not yet been reported. `From a customer we received verbal confirmation of the incident. If, after investigation the accident is found to be an insured event, the company will settle losses in full in accordance with the law and the terms of the contract #39;, - said Vladimir Kozlov.

`According to the NSSE, since the beginning of the year was 62 accidents in the mines, which are signs of an insured event. In respect of the mine `` Gramoteinskaya contract was made compulsory insurance under which the victims and their families will be able to get compensation from the insurance company. According to the law NSSE operational control over the timeliness and validity of insurance claims and is ready to provide all necessary assistance in the settlement of claims for the accident #39;, - said the President of NSSE Andrew St.


Recall, according to the law of OVOP, which came into force on 1 January 2012, the insurance payout for each of the deceased persons who have suffered damage as a result of the death of the victim (survivor) is 2 million. The limit of liability of the insurance company for the damage caused to the health of each victim, is 2 million. The law also provides compensation for damage caused to individuals as a result of violation of the conditions of their life (up to 200 thousand rubles.

Everyone), as well as the property of individuals (up to 360 thousand rubles.) And legal persons (up to 500 thousand rubles.).


GENERATION expensive metal hafnium and zirconium can be increased

In the State Unitary Enterprise All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Chemical Technology has been debugged new technology of rare earth metals - hafnium and zirconium, which can greatly simplify the production process and increase the volume of production of pure alloys in ingots.

Advantages of hafnium v special properties of silver-white metal v its melting point is 2230 | C, and the density is 13.35 g/cm3. Zirconium has almost the same properties of hardness and high melting point, and although his performance and lower (mp - 1855 |, the density v 6,51 g/cm3), its alloys almost equal in terms of hafnium alloys.

Therefore, these rare earth metals, particularly precious and expensive, as are the materials, control rods and the protection of nuclear reactors, electrodes and torches. Components of heat-resistant and refractory alloys based on them are indispensable for the aviation and missile technology.

However, hafnium and zirconium in pure form not found in nature and are prepared by metallurgists comprising kaltsietermicheskoe tetrafluoride recovery of these elements in the presence of additives and the subsequent removal of iodide refining additives and electron beam remelting.

This technology is not perfect, as applicable to a limited number of alloys and requires two refining operations - iodide refining and refining.

Technology that can produce any alloys also have significant drawbacks, which provide low purity of the materials obtained, which requires further purification - iodide refining - a process accompanied by an increased consumption of materials - calcium and iodine. This production is carried out under high pressure, which develops during the melting process due to partial evaporation of iodine, which leads to the necessity of carrying out the process in a bomb.

This not only complicates the production, but also leads to a rise in the cost of works.

In the All-Russian Research Institute of Chemical Technology research group - Kotsar ML, Vladimir Shatalov, V. Nikonov and GS Cheremnyh was debugged the new technology of production of the rare earth elements, which simplifies the process and at the same time increases the volume of net production of hafnium or zirconium and their alloys in ingots.

With the new technology could receive them hafnium and zirconium alloys containing 99/1 wt.% Hafnium and a 1/99 wt.% Zirconium.

Used as additives in aluminum, allows you to start the process of deoxidation in the stages of refining and smelting reduction remelting. This measure makes it possible to use as raw unsublimated tetrafluoride, hafnium or zirconium with oxygen content of 0.2-0.5 wt.% Relative to the metal which after recovery and refining zirconium or hafnium is reduced to 0.01-0.1 wt.% .

Ultimate vacuum heat treatment to reduce the nitrogen content in the resulting metal content decreases as the air adsorbed on the surface tetrafluoride approximately 4 times and then is filled with an inert gas such as argon.

This technology can greatly simplify the process of production of the rare earth elements by eliminating iodide refining operations, increase direct hafnium or zirconium and their alloys in ingot.

Contact information:

115230, Moscow, Kashirskoe., 33, VNIIKhT


Was stopped illegal mining of coal from the `` PERVOMAJjSKIJj

Stripping operations were conducted within the area of the mine office #39;Perspective `(` KhK SDS-Coal#39;) in the vicinity of the cut #39;May Day#39;.

`Coal` poachers were mining using a hydraulic excavator Comatsu PC-400. With an excavator driver arrested red-handed, and the technique is withdrawn. According to preliminary data, it is a resident of Prokopyevsk.

The driver explained that he is working for one night. For his work he had to pay unknown people.

Employees of the police department `` Rural Inter-Municipal Department of Internal Affairs `Russia` Prokopevsko conduct an administrative investigation and set the name of the owner of the equipment.



The total amount of investment, which will direct its development of mining enterprises Khabarovsk territory before the end of 2012 will reach 8 billion rubles, said the head of the regional subsurface natural resources ministry Nicholas Ishchuk. In accordance with the task of increasing the volume of gold set by the Government of the Territory, the company continues to invest its own funds in the development of new deposits, equipment upgrades and exploration.

For example, in 2012, construction began on the field GOK White Mountain in the St. Nicholas area. The design capacity of processing, as well as on the new Albazino GOK, there will be about 1.5 million tonnes of ore per year, and annual gold production will reach 3 tons Display Works at design capacity in 2014

There are a number of potential sites where exploration work completed today. First of all, we are talking about the layers of Light in the Sea of Okhotsk and Kutyn in Tuguro-Chumikansky areas that develops Polymetal. Is ready to work on the deposits Durmin in them.

Lazo, now there is an active search for an investor.

Good results, according to Nicholas Ishchuk, obtained Ulchsk area on the gold deposit Delken. The facility is valued for federal funds, and in 2013-2014. will be put up for auction.

Good prospects are opening up for the tin industry. With the arrival in 2009 of the investor#39;s investment in the face of Russian funds started the modernization of production facilities in the tin-mining Sunny and Verhnebureinskiy areas. To date, the investor has invested in the regional economy of about 1 billion rubles.

`In particular, much has been done in terms of modernizing equipment in the field in Pravourmiyskom Verhnebureinskiy area. In the future it is planned to build a new mine, which will produce up to 2 tons of tin in concentrate per year. Construction will begin in 2014, but by this time to address a number of important infrastructure issues related to transportation access areas `, - Mykola Ishchuk.

The province is actively continuing exploration. Over the last year the volume of investments in exploration totaled about 2.2 billion rubles., Including 1.9 billion rubles. - Own funds of subsoil users, 176 million rubles. - The federal budget and 159 million rubles. - Foreign investment.

`Now Nanai area of ongoing exploration for copper and gold ore field Malmyzh. The work is an American company Amur Minerals. The facility is very promising, and the conclusions of the experts, there is possible to open a large deposit of copper.

The stockpile has estimated `- said the head of the regional subsurface MNR.

Exploration in the region is also carried out 39 Russian companies, including both highly specialized exploration firm, and mining exploration units. The efficiency of exploration over the past five years has a positive balance.

One of the promising directions of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Khabarovsk Territory is strengthening the development of mineral resources that were previously absorbed poorly. First of all, we are talking about large deposits of iron, apatite,


`` JUzhkuzbassugol Launches New lava AT MINE `` Alardinskaja

The average monthly load on the lava will be 150-160 thousand tons of coal. Lava 06/01/21 was the second longwall working for the mine `Alardinskaja`: the current lava 3-32 monthly issue of 90 million tons of coal. The main consumer of coal mines are the `` Alardinskaja smelters Eurasia.

In the construction of lava were involved in the whole collective force of the mine. Preparation of a new stope was carried out in compliance with all standards of industrial health and safety, have made the necessary tunneling, mining and capital, decontamination works. After about 12 km of mine workings, to perform complex assembly work, resolved issues airing.

The new lava installed modern equipment made in Poland, England and Germany.