Monday, November 25, 2013


President plans to grow cotton in RUSSIA

Anyway, on this and other measures to support light industry the government intends to spend three times as much compared with 2012.

Industry and Trade Ministry has prepared a major program to support light industry. In the framework of the basic money, as reported MANTUROV D. V. Putin will focus on the creation of `the entire chain of products of light industry, the formation and subsidizing pre-season stocks to upgrade the technological base: the first will be applied measure of state support for the promotion of products on the market #39;.

A minister MANTUROV told President Putin that the total light industry employs about 400 thousand people. 75% of them - a woman. Market of light and textile industry is second only to the food sector with a volume of over 2.5 trillion rubles. per year (not explained what proportion occupied by Russian product).

When compared to other industries, this market is four times the market of consumer electronics and pharmaceuticals, and twice the automotive market.

D. MANTUROV noted that the light industry has a high rate of capital turnover, #39;which is also beneficial to its investment appeal#39;. In fact, an estimated turnover of this we have calculated in months, whereas in developed countries - for weeks. But the minister did not go into details.
He urged the President that the `light industry is an integral part of the development of the regional economy: The enterprises located in 72 regions of Russia. However, about 70% of the thousands of enterprises and organizations of the industry are major employers `.

In general, said D. MANTUROV, the development of light industry is a major task, both from an economic and social point of view. Therefore, in the framework of the state program #39;Development of the industry and increase its competitiveness#39;, which was adopted by the Cabinet at the end of last year, an important role is given to the subroutine for the development of light industry and textile.
Simply put - it is necessary to withdraw money from the treasury, and why is all the talk about the importance of the industry.

Get money for further development is planned in the state program so. According to this document by almost half, to 640 million rubles, increased subsidies to repay the interest rates on loans for the purchase of raw materials in the industry. Also grew subsidy repayment of interest rates on loans for the modernization - its volume increased to 225 million rubles. In general, light industry this year will receive three times more budget than in 2012. As explained by D. MANTUROV, most of these funds will be used to create a whole chain of products of light industry, the formation and subsidizing pre-season stocks to upgrade the technological base.

In addition, for the first time will be applied measure of state support for the promotion of products on the market - the relevant event officials plan to allocate 275 million rubles.

Special attention in the federal program Cabinet intends to pay key, as they say, the factors affecting the operation of the industry. That is - the raw material base. The share of raw materials in the cost of production is about 70%.

For the production of new types of competitive products must be high quality raw material, which in the country is produced in insufficient quantities, says Ministry of Industry.
This, they say, leads to a significant dependence of the domestic textile industry on imported raw materials: production of chemical fibers and yarns in Russia does not exceed 46% of requirements of domestic enterprises. At the same time, the Ministry of Industry conducted an analysis of current trends of the industry has shown that the consumption of enterprises in the industry of chemical fibers and threads, including a new generation of fibers in the medium term will increase by nearly 40%.
Tense is the situation with natural materials: 100% cotton imported from abroad, almost not produced in Russia and fine Merino wool.

D. MANTUROV, said that through the support and development of light industry ministry has set itself such a task: the creation of clusters, including those focused on providing players with domestic raw materials: cotton, wool. `This year, we have already received the first experimental crop of cotton on seven acres in the Astrakhan region, have grown quite good. Just in case I even took a show this cotton. He got out of the first yarn, technical, and, accordingly, the first fabric `- shared with the President the head of the Industry and Trade Ministry.

According to him, this is just the beginning.

Russian cotton will be used not only in light industry, but also in the manufacture of gunpowder. In addition, in the current year project will be launched to ensure the Russian domestic companies wool involving companies of the North Caucasus Federal District.
Until now, Russia srodu cotton does not grow, and no one came to mind here it farmed. By the way, this did not stop the development until 1917 the same Trekhgorka `` where Russian merchants supplied the raw materials from Asia. The merchants grew rich, the production of fabrics flourished, and it was quite competitive at the beginning of the last century Russian poet deservedly called Calico Yesenin `country`.
Just solve the problem of Industry and Trade and with sales, which he plans to produce huge quantities of the most northerly in the world cotton (still the most northerly on the land area where cotton was cultivated Uzbekistan - there the natives of cotton was introduced, by the way, Russian merchants).
D. MANTUROV seems genuinely enthusiastic about the idea of turning Russia into the cotton growing state. But he does not go in their dreams so far as to believe that a simple Russian people will prefer domestic sweatshirts imported only because of their production so much effort and money put Cabinet. D. MANTUROV said that the second task - is to maximize the presence of light and textile industry in commercial networks.

`Today, unfortunately, the percentage is very small. And we are already with the regions, with industry, with trade organizations to develop measures that will ensure maximum presence of light industry enterprises in the retail shelves. And today is changing the trading system, it is primarily aimed at empowering retail chains, major department stores, and this is the most urgent task - said D. MANTUROV. - To improve the relationship between vendors and suppliers must sign a code of good cooperation between the enterprises of light industry and distribution network: This practice already exists, in particular, the supply of between enterprises - manufacturers of food and retail chains#39;.

Translated into Russian language zhto means that shops will make a stand on the shelves of these products by the government. It can be done. But how to get buyers to look at these counters and give the money for the goods laid out on them?
Here are recipes Manturova. It is necessary to send the entire state power to promote Russian brands, #39;in particular, and Valentin Yudashkin Vyacheslav Zaitsev `.

It is clear that not all citizens will show consciousness and refuse to prefer idols D. Manturova colleagues from other countries. Well, this case is tested recipes. Making the military to buy their products, especially as there is the right decision of the government.

Enter uniforms and get students to buy the products of local factories, and those who will be a lesson in foreign slippers - the school does not start until the exceptions.

Not a word was about those Russian companies that today, without any state intervention, do things quickly disappearing from the shelves because of the great value for `Value`. The number of such enterprises is not growing, and even declining due to the increasing `to` intolerable administrative burden, and financial and other.