Wednesday, January 22, 2014



Russian scientists from Institute of Steel developed technology of flame retardant coatings that are designed to protect the structure during thermal exposure 1000 | C. for 30-60 min.

Developed fire retardant coatings and plastic compound thickness of 2.0 ... 2.5 mm protect structures from fire heat above 200 | C for 15 minutes, three times longer than that of foreign counterparts (the U.S., France, UK).

For longer-term protection for 30 ... 60 min. may apply the same fire-retardant materials thickness of 5 ... 8 mm.

These coatings can be applied in the construction and decoration of public buildings, residential construction, transportation of all kinds, fuel storage facilities, warehouses, on a special equipment.

Scientists have debugged a series of formulations of paint and plastic compositions, produced pilot batches and mastered the technology of industrial production and manufacturing facilities.

The developed material is non-toxic and meets all international environmental safety requirements, it received appropriate? Permissions MOH |.

The technology is protected by two patents of Russian patents: | 2091424, | 2091424, priority for international applications: A11720SN2860/96 and A11720SN2861/96 from 20.11.96, the

Additional information is available from the developer: Institute of Steel, E-mail:, 127411, Moscow, ul.Dubninskaya, d.81-a, tel. (7-095) 484-63-61, fax. (7-095) 485-43-95.


NEW COMPOSITE ceramic matrix based on silicon carbide is able to resist the crack propagation

French company Sos#39;ete Nas#39;onal #39;D#39;ehtjud Eh De Konstrjuks#39;on De Moter D#39;avias#39;on (SNEKMA) has developed a new composite material is a ceramic matrix having improved properties, in which the protection against the penetration of cracks to interphase layer between fibers and the matrix is more effective than all existing materials.

Such composite materials with a ceramic matrix are used in various fields, such as in aircraft and aerospace, where necessary Thermostructural their properties, providing the ability to form structures during thermal exposure. That is, when they are required ability to form structural elements because the mechanical strength, in particular due to the flexural strength, tensile and impact strength that is significantly higher than the strength of products made entirely of ceramic, and also its ability to maintain the mechanical properties at high temperatures, which can reach 1500 | C or higher temperatures.

A new composite material based on technology from the company Sos#39;ete Nas#39;onal #39;D#39;ehtjud Eh De Konstrjuks#39;on De Moter D#39;avias#39;on (SNEKMA) researchers: Guzharom Stephen, Cayo Alain, Bertrand Sebastian, Rene Payet and Jean Charvet -Luc contains the fibrous strengthening member is made of fibers composed mainly of silicon carbide (SiC), and an interphase layer between the fibers of the reinforcement and a ceramic matrix.

The fibers of the reinforcement are long fibers containing less than 5 at.% Residual oxygen and have a modulus of 250 GPa, and the interphase layer is firmly connected to the fibers and the matrix so that the tensile strength at a cut within the interphase layer and at the level of the links fibers with an interfacial layer and the interfacial layer with the matrix values would be above the set within the matrix.

The characteristics of the new material are available in the interphase layer, which may provide communication with the fiber and matrix in the choice of fibers which can ensure the preservation and maintenance of a strong bond with the interfacial layer.


Russian scientists have developed SVETONAKOPITELNAYA EFFECTIVE SYSTEM

The Institute of Chemistry of the Far Eastern Branch of the RAS have been developed svetonakopitelnye system based on the donor-acceptor compounds that can be used as molecular elements of computer systems in molecular electronics as materials for dosimetry, as coatings for greenhouses, as the treatment and prevention materials for medicine.

?Svetonakopitelnaya system - a system that has in the structure of the donor-acceptor moieties electronic structure which allows through light emission colonize unoccupied orbital (electron traps) with the fixation of this phenomenon in a long time. The subsequent depletion of traps leads to charge recombination, accompanied by the release of light energy. |

Svetonakopitelnye existing system or have a sufficiently high rate of recombination of separated charges, which so far can not be reduced, either because of the use of ionizing radiation in them lead to the rapid destruction of the source material.

The Institute of Chemistry of the Far Eastern Branch of RAS svetonakopitelnuyu was decided to develop a system based on the donor-acceptor compounds by changing the number of trap states of the molecules of the donor-acceptor compounds in the course of their education.

Formation svetonakopitelnyh systems based on the donor-acceptor compounds containing rare earth elements, is achieved by exposing it to a differentiated luminous radiation in the formation of these compounds.

A method of obtaining svetonakopitelnoy carried through the reaction of the starting components of the system under irradiation with light of a particular wavelength. For this purpose, light with a wavelength lying in the range from infrared (2700 nm) to near-ultraviolet (200 nm).

This region of the spectrum provides the transition of electrons in the valence electron shells of atoms and molecules, which leads to changes in the synthesis of trap states of the molecules responsible for svetonakoplenie.

And by changing the composition of light, control the number of trap states formed, ie, control the amount of stored energy, and the exposure time is determined by the flow of a particular chemical process.

Scientists have first proved that the formation of molecular donor-acceptor compounds differentiated in terms of light radiation leads to the fact that depending on the wavelength of optical radiation used for the compounds of the same chemical composition change of the stored energy, which is manifested by varying the lightsum thermoluminescence.

Check the luminescence spectra were performed on a spectrometer SDL-1. Thermoluminescence of samples were recorded on a setup consisting of a thermostated cell with temperature sensors and heater. The heating rate in thermoluminescence was O. 3 K / s. Thermoluminescence spectra were recorded using a standard amplifier-based unit FL-BP, the FEU-79 with a record on dvuhkoordinatsionnom potentiometer.

UV irradiation was carried out with unfiltered light of the lamp DRT-250, and using filters to create the same intensity of light emission needed for comparing and analyzing the results, use the lamp DKsSh-200.

The new system can be used in the synthesis of new systems based on fototermochuvstvitelnyh organometallic molecules which are used as molecular elements of computer systems in molecular electronics, and which are capable of molecular fotopereklyucheniyu when reloading visible light of different wavelengths, and in Biophysics and Biochemistry, as model systems fotoregulyatornoy of phytochrome.

Contact information:

690022, Vladivostok-22, Prospect 100-years of Vladivostok, 159, Institute of Chemistry, FEB RAS


WHEN we get rid of icicles?

Those who are familiar with the problem every winter icicles and cautiously looking over the rooftops of these buildings and hanging? Swords of Damocles |, understands that it is vital to address this problem. But she never properly resolved, and every winter someone will die from falling icicles on his head.

And the problem is not solved because of the low efficiency and the risk of the event by knocking down icicles from the roof. The output and the solution was suggested by one Muscovite.

The existing fixtures or can not be applied for multi-storey buildings, which in most major cities, and, in addition, they require the preparatory work for the installation of a cable, or they pose a threat to the safety of the worker and no element of fixing the ice. In the latter case, a little-hunting knock the icicles at the risk of their own lives. And climb on the roof and shoot down the slippery icicles manually is safe.

If there was an effective and safe means for removing icicles, then the problem could be solved more efficiently.

The inventor of this safe and effective tool for knocking down icicles became Muscovite Mikhail Markovich Faybushevich. His device removes icicles from the eaves of the roof without damaging the coating can reduce the operating costs of these activities and improve the efficiency of removal of ice build-up.

His device consists of a handle with a handle, tip and a knife, and is equipped with the tip attached to the strut and anchor braces fixed to the parapet fence, and the knife is made with a console attached to the tip, and the anchor is a curved strip of water-resistant material disposed on the roof, and the tip strut and console are connected to each other with the ability to change the position of the knife.

Moreover, it is important to think about the content into roofs, for chipping ice certainly damaged coating. Therefore, it is important to fix the icing on the site of its formation as long as it does not melt away naturally. This device solves this problem.

To remove icicles worker, who himself is behind the parapet railing and puts icing on the device and tells him the return of translational motion in which the tip glides over the ice, and the motion itself, a knife chop off an icicle. After that, working with the device moves to another location.

And when preparing the device for calls depending on the slope of the roof and the thickness of ice edge length and angle of the console knife chosen to kick the knife comes as close to the outlet of the roof overhang. This knife is repositioning itself in the workplace and takes less than 5 minutes.

The new device is easy to use, portable, and maintainability.

Contact information:

123480, Moscow, ul. Panfilov Heroes, 1-5, kv.244, MM Faybushevichu


New materials based on higher-quality stainless steel powder

A significant breakthrough in the technology of powder stainless Swedish researchers have carried out HEGANES AB. The new powder is based on obtaining a powder of stainless steel sheet by spraying water and has improved compressibility. The products obtained from this powder have improved mechanical properties.

It is known that the sputtering process is the most common technique for producing a metallic powder. This spray can be described as splitting the flow of liquid (superheated) metal fine droplets and their subsequent freezing into solid particles of a size typically less than 150 microns.

Spraying water became commercially viable since the early 1950s, when it was applied to obtain powders of iron and stainless steels. Currently, water atomisation is the dominant technique for high-volume metal powders with low production costs. The main advantages of this technology are dominated production costs low, sufficient sintered strength is not able due to irregular shape of powder particles, microcrystalline structure, high degree of supersaturation, the ability of forming metastable phases, no macrosegregation and that the particle microstructure and shape can be adjusted by changing the modes sputtering.

Its essence lies in the fact that during the water atomisation process a vertical stream of liquid metal cross sprayed jets of high pressure water. Liquid metal droplets solidify without the formation of a second fraction and settle at the bottom of the spray tank. The tank is often purged with an inert gas such as nitrogen or argon, to minimize oxidation of the powder surface.

After dewatering the powders are dried and in some cases annealed, whereby occurs at least partial reduction of oxides formed on the surface.

However, have not been overcome until now is the lack spraying water in the oxidation of the powder surfaces, wherein this disadvantage is even more pronounced when the powder contains easily oxidisable elements such as Cr, Mn, V, Nb, B, Si, etc.

As a result, the possibilities of subsequent refining of water-atomised powders are very limited, and the conventional way of producing stainless material (% Sr12 content) of a water-atomised steel powder usually requires very pure and accordingly very expensive raw materials e.g. pure scrap or selected scrap.

On this line was permanently stopped the progress of the development of this area.

There have been attempts to use instead of spraying water spraying gas. However, powders obtained by spraying gas require hot isostatic pressing (HIP), whereby the products obtained from this type of powders are very expensive.

Later transferred to the oil atomisation process for producing steel powders, wherein oil is used as atomization medium. This method is superior to conventional spray water in that it does not occur oxidation of the steel powder, i.e. there is no oxidation of the alloying elements. But it had the drawback consisting in that during spraying the resulting powder is carburized, that is, the diffusion of carbon from the oil to the powder and the subsequent step is to perform decarburization.

As a result, the process of spraying oil was less acceptable than the process of spraying water from the point of view of ecology.

And, recently surprisingly found that stainless steel powders can be obtained from a water-atomised powder from a wide variety of inexpensive raw materials, such as ferrochrome sarbure,
ferrochrome suraffine,
pig iron etc. In comparison with the stainless steel powders obtained by conventional water atomization method, the new powder has a much less impurities, particularly in regard to oxygen and to some extent sulfur after sintering. A low oxygen content allows to obtain a powder with a metallic gloss instead of the brown green color, which is inherent in stainless steel powder obtained by conventional water atomization method.

Furthermore, the density of green bodies prepared from the new powder, was significantly higher than the density of green bodies prepared from conventional powders obtained by spraying with water.

It succeeded in obtaining new important properties such as strength and elongation, the final sintered components prepared from the new powders. Another advantage was that the sintering process can be performed at lower temperatures than conventional temperature, in practice, allowing increased flexibility in choosing furnaces. Reduced cost and energy consumption and reduced wear on the furnace lining and atomising nozzles.

Thus it is possible to use less expensive chromium containing raw materials, the number of species which can be applied significantly increased.

Last major breakthrough, researchers carried out the recent Swedish HEGANES AB.

They managed during the spraying process water to adjust the carbon content to a value which is determined by the expected oxygen content after the spraying process. Thus, the expected oxygen content after spray determined either empirically or by taking a sample of the melt before the atomisation.

Swedish researchers were able to obtain a powder having improved properties are all similar to those mentioned above. The essence of these technologies lies in that the resulting carbon-containing powder, water-atomised, annealed at a temperature of at least from 1120 | C to 1260 | C under optimal 1160 | C.

Obtained based on this technology annealed powder as well as the water-atomised powder comprises 10-30% weight percent chromium, 0-5% molybdenum, 0-15% of nickel, 0-1.5% of silicon, 0-1.5% manganese, 0-2% of niobium, 0-2% titanium, 0-2% of vanadium and at most 0.3% of inevitable impurities and the optimum version - 10-20% chromium, 0-3% molybdenum, 0.1 - 0.3% silicon, 0.1-0.4% manganese, 0-0.5% of niobium, 0-0.5% titanium, 0-0.5% of vanadium and essentially no nickel or alternatively 7-10% of nickel.

New powder showed the best quality, in comparison with all existing analogues. The oxygen content in it substantially reduced during the annealing process to influence the content of nitrogen was positive. It contains less slag inclusions than conventional powders and the mechanical properties of the new materials showed a high density, strength before sintering and springback.

Moreover, the annealed powder incorporates fewer small particles (45 microns) that constitute only 10% of the total weight as compared to 30-35% of the total weight of conventional powders grade 410Ref. And then the powder particles have a high gloss.


A NEW PLASTIC MATERIAL insensitivity to ultraviolet

Dutch company LUDVIG SVENSSON INTERNATIONAL BV was created a new type of plastic coating that is resistant to UV radiation. Damage to any type of support material, it will extend its service life under direct sunlight, be it film for greenhouses or awnings and blinds, and other materials that are prone to fading.

To extend the life of such films a known method of application of light stabilizer in the form of hindered amines (HALS-stabilizers). These are very good stabilizers for thin films to be used for a long time.

But the hindered amines are highly reactive and react rapidly with the resulting decomposition products, and moreover, they are alkaline. For this reason, they are easy to react with foreign substances which come into contact with the film and, in particular, acidic substances such as sulfur-based compounds, chlorine, bromine. And because some greenhouses such chemicals are widely used to protect plants from various diseases and insects, when sterically hindered amines react with these chemicals, the effectiveness of amine disappears and stability of the film to ultraviolet radiation is disturbed.

Some manufacturers of film for greenhouses limited warranty period produced films when these films are prolonged exposure to substances such as insecticides, fungicides, etc., and specifically substances containing bromine, chlorine, fluorine, iodine, sulfur, petroleum and wood preservatives containing copper.

Dutch company LUDVIG SVENSSON INTERNATIONAL BV was obtained material useful as a plastic film or a coating applied to a different carrier material, for the most part in the blind greenhouses in films for greenhouses, and as a material for covering up plants grown in the open field. However, this material may be used in other products, for example awnings and Venetian blinds, since these products can also be exposed to the medium containing the acid.

The new material possesses stable and UV exposed to chemicals that are part of a greenhouse environment (or the impact it has an extremely small extent), and in some cases has a fire resistance.

New properties of the material obtained by the fact that it is fully or partially contains a crosslinked polyolefin-silane-copolymer. The structure of the silane copolymer comprises polyolefin groups with a chain during polymerization, unlike the grafted polymer, wherein the polyolefin chain is opened, for example by peroxide then added silane groups and crosslinking is performed.

Polyolefine includes low-density polyethylene or copolymers thereof, such as ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer, or ethylene butyl acrylate. Increased stability of the material to UV light, which has been achieved is surprising property because the material is almost an ordinary polyolefin copolymer with one difference that the molecules are crosslinked to each other, whereby the properties such as crystallinity are almost unchanged.

Foil or coating based on a new material may comprise additives (various pigments), which make the material transparent to some wavelengths of sunlight and fogging agents against such as glycerol stearate or glycerol ester, or other substances which are added in order to avoid condensation and dripping.

The required fire resistance material provided by adding a fireproof agent in a plastic film or a strip thereof, and the agent may comprise a compound containing halogen or phosphorus.

Contact information:

Svensson Holland BV, Ludvig

Marconiweg 2, 3225 LV Hellevoetsluis, Fax: 0181-312058


Masking SCREEN radiation-absorbing most advanced laser guidance developed by Russian scientists.

At the Tomsk Polytechnic University developed innovative stealth system that can counter any technical reconnaissance of the enemy, including the latest laser guidance systems. This screen will make military vehicles invisible to enemy aircraft and satellites.

Existing systems can not completely disguise suppress radiation of laser guidance systems of the enemy, scattered from the masked object in the direction of the optical radiation source or a direct guidance from the laser systems of the enemy.

At the Tomsk Polytechnic University have created a special screen to mask military facilities, aimed mainly against laser guidance systems of the enemy.

Due to N contained in the screen cells with rectangular input windows are coated with a camouflage coating, it is able to absorb the optical radiation. Each display cell is formed by two adjacent cylindrical surfaces of the forming surface and wherein the angle between the tangent to the cylindrical surface in a direction away from the free edge of the cylindrical surface to the molding surface at each point and the tangent to the molding surface along the line of contact of said surfaces varies from 90 to 0 degrees . Directly to the molding surface of each N +1 equally spaced cylindrical surfaces facing the side with a smaller radius of curvature, and the angle between the planes tangent to the cylindrical surface and the forming surface along the line of contact is 0 degrees, which provides a smooth transition when multipath directed radiation between the two surfaces (between the cylinder and the molding surfaces). A cylindrical surfaces of the cells are not visible in the observation sector, and their molding surface preferably made light-absorbing.

And on the field, visible in the surveillance sector, applied camouflage cover.

Masking effect provided by the fact that the flow direction of the optical radiation captured by the cell formed by two adjacent cylindrical surfaces and the forming surface, allowing to divert the bulk of the optical radiation power outside the visibility sector Fall directional optical radiation.

As a result, the reflection of optical radiation directed towards its source does not occur under any conditions, which makes the screen invisible laser guidance systems of the enemy.

Camouflage screen is mounted on the surface of the masked object, whether SAM, plane, tank or other military equipment, and have it so that the angular sector is the most efficient absorption screen coincided with the emergence of the possible directions of sector directional optical radiation of laser range finders.

Contact information:

634034, Tomsk, Lenin Avenue 30, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Department of Intellectual and Industrial Property.


CREATED impact-resistant POLIURETHAN

At the Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS a shock-resistant polyurethane blocked diisocyanate and its method of preparation. New polymer is 5-8 times more strongly resists impact load than existing counterparts polymers, and the glass transition temperature polymer compositions obtained by the new technology does not exceed 30-70 | C.

It is well known that polyurethane coatings, adhesives and film materials often prepared using isocyanates blocked caprolactam. As a second component polyurethane compositions generally used various compounds having active hydrogen atoms, epoxy resins or amine adducts thereof.

However, existing compositions can only be used as coatings, and with organic solvents in the preparation of compositions and formed into a coating. Such compositions can not be practically processed in the unit without the use of solvents because of high reactivity and high composition viscosity at moderate temperatures (around 100 | C). In addition, to obtain high quality thick block products of compositions based on blocked di-or polyisocyanates by the free-casting is difficult also because of gas formation due to the presence of blocked polyisocyanates and residual solvent unblocked isocyanate groups, as well as traces of moisture in the composition.

But the Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences were able to develop a new impact-resistant polyurethane based on blocked polyisocyanates that can be processed by the free-casting without the use of solvents.

Success has been achieved thanks to the fact that the polyurethane was made on the basis of an adduct of bisphenol A diglycidyl ether with hydroxyl-containing monoamine, Î-caprolactam blocked diisocyanate at a certain molar ratio [OH] to [NCO]. In addition, as the polyurethane contains hydroxyl monoamine methylethanolamine, and as a diisocyanate - 4,4 #39;-diisocyanatodicyclohexylmethane.

The new polymer composition has an energy of ductile fracture is 5-8 times greater than that of the existing analogue ehpoksiaminnyh composite systems. A glass transition temperature of the polymer compositions obtained by the new technology does not exceed 30-70 | C.

Contact information:

142432, Moscow region., Noginsk, Chernogolovka, Institutsky, etc., 18, IPCP, B.A.Komarovu


CREATED OGNETEPLOSTOYKAYA double-sided fabrics, garments of which has Hygienic, physiological comfort and fronting an open flame.

In a manufacturing firm Kadoteks-2000 was designed fabric for special purposes, which can be used for the manufacture of clothing to protect them from ogneteplotermoizlucheniya for pilot reports, racers, metallurgists, welders, firefighters.

The disadvantages of the existing heat-resistant fabric used in the world, is their low hygienic properties and that they can not withstand exposure to direct flame. All these qualities do not satisfy consumer characteristics that are associated with the inconvenience or the burdening of such clothing. And, for example, the work of firefighters is often associated with the need to quickly and easily move through the aisles of a burning building, and a heavy fire equipment or taking out the victims.

In the space suits that can withstand an open flame, the more these actions illiquid.

Therefore, the new tissue production firm Kadoteks-2000 was an ideal raw material for the production of special protective clothing.

Ogneteplostoek new material on both sides of fabric v external and internal. It has a high performance by increasing and reducing the hygroscopicity electrified tissue.

These material properties are achieved because the incombustible component fabric is twisted yarn flame retardancy of wool fiber, comprising 1-10% by weight of potassium fluorozirconate yarn and combustible component is a plied yarn of wool or cotton, or flax or lnosmesovogo fibers containing flax, cotton, rayon, polyester and high modulus fibers. The surface density of the material is in the range 210-650 g/m2, wherein the combustible components in the warp and / or weft yarn further comprises a twisted or polioksidiazolovyh of polyaramid fibers and fabrics made-colored or printed with a pattern.

The new double-sided fabric ogneteplostoykuyu can develop on any types of looms, for example on a loom STB-2-220, through a complex web. A color scheme declared ogneteplostoykoy sided fabric allows us to give fabric textured effect.

The value of the transmitted pulse tissue when exposed to intense heat flux is 0.8-1.5 calories/cm2 at a rate of 1.8 calories/cm2. As a result, the fabric does not ignite, protecting people from fire. Products from this tissue are pleasant and comfortable to wear, because the surface wrong side out mainly natural fibers that give a high hygienic, physiological comfort due to certain conditions, climate, fabric contains mostly natural fibers.

The surface structure of fabrics combined with colors can expand the range of fabrics for workwear with attractive art kolloristikoy.

Replacement of fire-resistant synthetic fibers Fire resistant wool fibers dramatically reduces the cost of the claimed fabric, and therefore much cheaper manufactured clothing. It is noteworthy also that the fabric can be made entirely from domestic raw materials, which will leave textile products based on it apart from the competition with their foreign counterparts clothing.

Contact information:

125299, Moscow, ul. Cosmonaut Volkov, 20, OOOPF Kadoteks-2000

Telephone, fax: 150-49-21, 159-25-38, E-mail:



In JSC Russian Federal Institute of Technology VNIIzhelezobeton found a way how to trim the walls of the building of a particularly lightweight concrete, in particular the walls of lightweight polystyrene blocks slabs of fine concrete.

Facing such external surfaces of the building on existing technology is unreliable, as due to fixing cladding on the walls of a particularly lightweight concrete, there is increased complexity of installation, the inability to achieve the required reliability mounting plate to the wall and fire wall construction using combustible material that grows from -this air gap.

Meet the challenge of facing walls of the building of special lightweight concrete could JSC Russian Federal Institute of Technology VNIIzhelezobeton. Their method will improve the reliability of large-scale consolidation of lightweight panels to the walls of a particularly lightweight concrete, reduce the complexity of installation and cladding to raise the required level of fire safety when used in the construction of walls of combustible materials.

This object has been achieved in that in the lining of the walls comprising a layer of boards made with openings to accommodate the fastening elements themselves slabs were installed with mutual overlap and gaps, the metal fastening elements are in the form of flexible rods and the anchor shank, and each anchor was made in the form of a rod whose axis is perpendicular to the shank. Shafts and pins fastened in the adhesive joints between the blocks of the particular lightweight concrete, for example polystyrene, wherein each of the plates is connected with a glue joint blocks of especially lightweight concrete. The vertical joints between the boards are filled with the adhesive composition.

Cladding is performed simultaneously with horizontal rows of masonry wall blocks.

Reliability mounting plates are enhanced by sharing with fastening anchors and adhesive joints, as well as through the placement of fasteners in adhesive joints, the strength characteristics of which are many times the strength characteristics of a particularly lightweight concrete wall.

When installing the wall there is no need to drill holes in blocks of special lightweight concrete, which reduces the complexity of installation.

And to ensure fire safety in the use of your wall combustibles vertical gap between adjacent boards filled with the adhesive composition.

Contact information:

111524, Moscow, ul. Plekhanov, 7, VNIIzhelezobeton

Phone: (095) 176-27-04, fax: 368-35-70



In the Moscow State Forest University debugged technology bonding and veneering of wood composite materials, increasing the range of source material being bonded at which variants are possible without the use of glue curing agents while maintaining the quality characteristics of the adhesive.

It is known that the use of this method for wrapping bumazhnosloistym decorative plywood Fire resistant plastic surface does not provide a lasting bond. This is evident both in the edge zone of plastic material is peeled from the base (plywood PROTECTED) perimeter lined parts as well as in the formation of zones neprokleya lined inside surface resulting in local plastic swelling (blistering). Moreover, the presence of such defects is often detected not only at the completion of wrapping process step but also after the installation of such parts in a product or during its operation.

In the Moscow State Forest University have found a way to extend the functionality of the technology of wood composites by increasing the range of source material being bonded at which variants are possible without the use of glue curing agents for non-worsening of the quality characteristics of the adhesive.

This ensures that in the conventional technique of manufacturing wood composites comprising forming an adhesive layer between the surfaces to be bonded and applying pressure on the glued surfaces, is used as a polyvinyl acetate adhesive dispersion меламиномочевиноформальдегидной modified resin, wherein the ratio of polyvinyl acetate dispersion and resin is 2:1 меламиномочевиноформальдегидной and additionally introduced into the adhesive curing. This adhesive is applied without the use of a hardener, and the substrates are used as flame retardancy plywood and plastic, e.g., decorative bumazhnosloisty. As the substrates used sheets of plywood Fire resistant and sliced veneer, such as fine wood.

In addition, this technology can be successfully used for wrapping Fire resistant plywood veneer, such as fine wood.

Thus, the new technology can extend the range of the substrates in sufficient bond strength, and allows the use of an adhesive composition without hardener, the main component of which is a weak organic acid (such as formic acid or oxalic acid). Therefore, its implementation will help to improve the sanitary conditions in industrial environments, since the treatment with acids requires compliance with special security measures.

Contact information:

141005, Moscow region. Mytischi-5, MSFU


Multi-storey building, which is being built JUST BELOW.

Engineers Scientific Research, Design and Technological Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete was able to solve the problem to simplify installation work, reducing labor costs and shorten the duration of the construction of a building by providing a consistent gradual lifting of overlap in adjacent cells of the frame. A new method of building construction can be widely used in the construction of buildings framing systems with the rise of floors and other structures.

How do you build a multi-storey house probably know and have seen everything. First, lay the foundation, then building the first floor, then the second, etc. With each new floor rising cost of shipping materials and conduct work at height. Therefore, the idea of building a long time to find a way to soar the construction of multi-storey buildings by raising the floors.

That is, find a way to build high-rise buildings, where all the main frame of the building construction works are carried out not above the second floor. Already attempts have been made to conduct a similar construction.

For example, a method lifting floors, including a pair of loops of string to traverse with rods, hydraulic jack between them, a pair of collet on each rod, hanging designs floor to traverse through rods and gradual rise structures with the fixation of each step collets. But the difficulty of mounting large equipment on the column does not give this method a positive economic effect.

A more perfect at the moment v is a way of erecting a frame building method of lifting floors, including the installation of a cell tower on each frame cross member with traction and hydraulic jack mounted on it with collets, hanging ceiling to cases of hydraulic jacks and gradual rise of overlap by indexing relative to thrust with hydraulic jack fixing each step collets hydraulic jack to the design position of overlap, and then journalled them mounted on the columns in the level of each floor of the supporting tables.

However, the complexity of the sequential lifting of overlap in adjacent cells prestressed frame after the installation of base tables that span the column also negates all the benefits of this technology and therefore it is also not spread.

And now, the engineers of Scientific Research, Design and Technological Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete was able to solve the problem to simplify installation work, reducing labor costs and shorten the duration of the construction of a building by providing a consistent gradual lifting of overlap in adjacent cells of the frame.

Their technique is as follows. In the process of construction of the building with a pre-tense frame by lifting floors, ceilings raised consistently in each cell of the first higher-level design position and the location of the holes in the column for the passage of prestressing steel, set into the holes temporary support elements and build on them overlap, then mount on the columns supporting tables, temporary support elements removed and lowered ceiling on supporting tables in the design position.

Such a sequence of operations using temporary lifting support members allows the free lift overlap in adjacent cells, followed by assembling the supporting tables covering the entire cross section of the column on four sides. Temporary support elements made in the form of plates welded to the pin, after rising to a height ceilings above the location of the holes for the passage of prestressing steel, installed after the installation of ceilings, columns are inserted into the holes on the part of the cell mounted and rely on them overlap. Then, lifting slabs is carried out in an adjacent cell in a similar way.

After lifting the slab is mounted on the supporting tables adjacent cells and lowered them overlapping.

The use of such temporary support elements simplifies installation and reduces construction time frame buildings, which is a technical achievement in improving the construction technology of recent years.

Contact information:

109428, Moscow, ul. 2nd Institutskaja, 6, NIIZhB