Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Masking SCREEN radiation-absorbing most advanced laser guidance developed by Russian scientists.

At the Tomsk Polytechnic University developed innovative stealth system that can counter any technical reconnaissance of the enemy, including the latest laser guidance systems. This screen will make military vehicles invisible to enemy aircraft and satellites.

Existing systems can not completely disguise suppress radiation of laser guidance systems of the enemy, scattered from the masked object in the direction of the optical radiation source or a direct guidance from the laser systems of the enemy.

At the Tomsk Polytechnic University have created a special screen to mask military facilities, aimed mainly against laser guidance systems of the enemy.

Due to N contained in the screen cells with rectangular input windows are coated with a camouflage coating, it is able to absorb the optical radiation. Each display cell is formed by two adjacent cylindrical surfaces of the forming surface and wherein the angle between the tangent to the cylindrical surface in a direction away from the free edge of the cylindrical surface to the molding surface at each point and the tangent to the molding surface along the line of contact of said surfaces varies from 90 to 0 degrees . Directly to the molding surface of each N +1 equally spaced cylindrical surfaces facing the side with a smaller radius of curvature, and the angle between the planes tangent to the cylindrical surface and the forming surface along the line of contact is 0 degrees, which provides a smooth transition when multipath directed radiation between the two surfaces (between the cylinder and the molding surfaces). A cylindrical surfaces of the cells are not visible in the observation sector, and their molding surface preferably made light-absorbing.

And on the field, visible in the surveillance sector, applied camouflage cover.

Masking effect provided by the fact that the flow direction of the optical radiation captured by the cell formed by two adjacent cylindrical surfaces and the forming surface, allowing to divert the bulk of the optical radiation power outside the visibility sector Fall directional optical radiation.

As a result, the reflection of optical radiation directed towards its source does not occur under any conditions, which makes the screen invisible laser guidance systems of the enemy.

Camouflage screen is mounted on the surface of the masked object, whether SAM, plane, tank or other military equipment, and have it so that the angular sector is the most efficient absorption screen coincided with the emergence of the possible directions of sector directional optical radiation of laser range finders.

Contact information:

634034, Tomsk, Lenin Avenue 30, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Department of Intellectual and Industrial Property.