Friday, March 21, 2014



9-12 June 2012 in the center of Moscow for the second time will be `` Mineral Expo - Exhibition and sale of `Minerals, Fossils, Meteorites#39;.

Near the underground Belarus in the trade fair complex Tishinka `` will gather experts, paleontologists, mineralogists, meteoritics professionals, collectors and lovers rock. At the June trade exhibition will be new dealers and new samples from the participants held - April Fair `Mineral Expo`.

In June 2012, the exhibition part of the `` Mineral Expo will focus on the thematic collection on Dalnegorsky group of fields. Samples from private collections and museum collections, rare photographs tell about this interesting subject, source of minerals and, not least, the unique location of the collection of minerals and semi-precious stones.

On weekends and public holidays on June 9-12, you can see and buy: collectible minerals in a wide range of interior designs to small pebbles and inexpensive for children#39;s collections brought from the many hundreds of fields in Russia and around the world. Including mineralogical systematics - rare mineral species. In a large variety will be presented fossil fauna and flora. Fossils of Eurasia, North and South America, Africa and Australia: trilobites, ammonites, crinoids and sea urchins, corals and brachiopods, shark teeth, mosasaurs, dinosaur eggs, leaf imprints, saw cut petrified tree trunks and much more.

The exhibition and sale will present a serious assortment of meteorites and downs associated with their breeds - impactites and tektites. Shards and individual samples of iron, iron-stone and stone meteorites - octahedrites, ataxites, pallasites, chondrites and achondrites, eucrites and diogenity and lunar and Martian meteorites.

Along with minerals, fossils and meteorites in their natural form, the exhibition and sale of a range of products from a wide variety of stone. This box and polishing slices tumbling and decorative pebbles, stone balls and eggs, cut and cabochons, gemstone raw materials and more. To `Mineral Expo` you can examine and purchase themed books and periodicals, get expert advice and meet like-minded people, both professionals and amateurs stone.

Organizer, in the face of the company `mineralogical and paleontological collections#39; invites you to attend the second exhibition and sale of` `Mineral Expo, which takes place in the #39;Jewelry#39; Vernissage from 9 to 12 June 2012 in Moscow, TCE` `Tishinka.

Trade Fair is sure to be interesting as advanced collector, and the child, and the man recently interested in the world of stones. Address:
Moscow, TVK Tishinka `` Tishinskaya Sq., 1, p.1 (underground Belarus, Mayakovsky)

Exhibition hours#39; Mineral Expo `

June 9 - from 15-00 to 20-00.

10, 11, 12 June - from 12-00 to 20-00.
The cost of entry to the exhibition - 100 rubles.



When you hear stories about how Ukraine is rich in mineral resources - coal, gas, oil, and even gold with diamonds, but every year we take from tens of billions of cubic meters of Russian gas and millions of tons of oil for a fabulous price - and I want to say: `Diamonds in our land - heaps! Here are just a shovel to buy it with `. Yes, in the depths of our land lies about 120 kinds of minerals, of which over 30 are particularly significant economic value - in other countries, their order of magnitude smaller, but many of these natural treasures are hidden so far and deep that at first it is necessary to invest a lot of money, so get them.

However, over the past year, the process went: bought two rigs for deep gas production in the Black Sea, agreed with foreign investors on the development of shale gas. But the results have to wait for 2-3 years, not before. In the meantime, `Today` by professor of the Kiev National University. Taras Shevchenko, Doctor of Geological Sciences Vladimir Mikhailov has selected three groups of minerals: the first - which we have enough, and they are produced or could be produced for themselves and for export (coal, iron ore, sulfur, rock salt, rare metals, uranium); the second - of which are missing, but they are there (oil, natural gas), and, finally, the third - the mythical: the gold and diamonds.

And find out how much to give to the surface a ton, cubic meter, or grams underground treasures, and whether to do it or ready to buy cheaper.

The main industrial wealth of Ukraine - a coal and iron ore. Total coal reserves in Ukraine - 56.6 billion tons, including those confirmed - 45.3, probable - 11.3. This is about 4% of world reserves (8th place in the world. - Ed.). Moreover, this high-quality coal, its 42.7 11 billion tons (95%), brown - 2.6 0.3 billion tons).

Coal country provides itself completely, producing annually about 60 million tons It is the only raw material, which is enough. So this year, to reduce its energy dependence on Russia, Minenergouglya Namen issue to the surface 85 million tons of comparison, in the 1970s mined a record 200 million tonnes per year. As is known, the main coal reserves are concentrated in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions in the south (86%), there is little in Kharkiv, Poltava and Zaporizhzhya regions. Alas, our coal is expensive: lies deep (500-1000 m), many layers of thin (0.5-1.2 m), a combine is not empty, it is necessary to cut butt.

Hence the cost - $ 35 per ton, and the government buys for $ 30. Not expensive, Polish and Kazakh are cheaper, so the treasury annually subsidizes the mine by about $ 1 billion in costs almost twice cheaper coal from the Lvov-Volyn basin and the Dnieper basin (Cherkasy region. - City Vatutine and Alexandria), but the quality of the local #39;black gold#39; inferior Donetsk - it is only suitable for burning in power plants. Now lignite is mined almost - only about 1 million tons per year.

ORE. For certain types of raw materials
Istochnikpriroda been particularly generous to Ukraine.
For example, the country achieved almost everything you need for the iron and steel industry: iron ore, manganese and coal. Therefore, products of the mining industry and metallurgy#39;s mainstay of our exports. Iron ore, the main raw material, without which neither iron nor steel will not weld, our businesses will be enough for 200 years. Deposits: Krivoy Rog basin (Dnipropetrovsk region)., Mariupol (Donetsk region)., White Lake iron ore district (Zaporozhye), iron ore district Kremenchug (Poltava region)., Deposits of the Kerch Peninsula (Crimea).

That sounds reassuring, but the reality is not so smooth. Is increasingly affected by the main drawback of our ore - low iron and high silica (gangue). This greatly increases the cost of its processing.

As is the fact that in the pursuit of ore have to bite deeper into the bowels of the earth.

Manganese, and titanium. This chemical indispensable element in steel. No deposits of `a` manganese is very well located close to the iron ore reserves (Nikopol, Dnipropetrovsk region.

Velikotokmatskoe and, Zaporozhye), Ukrainian metallurgy would be competitive. Alas, our ore is quite poor, average manganese content - 24%. Our competitors - South Africa, China, Georgia - are working with raw materials, where 35-55% of manganese.

Simply put, they need to extract, transport and process half as much ore than Ukrainians.

Titanium is widely used in mechanical engineering and its connections - in the production of dyes. Ukraine - the main supplier of titanium raw materials to Europe and Russia. Titanium ores - one of the few types of metallic materials with which Ukraine does not have any particular problems in terms of reserves and economic viability. Identified dozens of deposits of titanium-magnetite ores.

The most significant Irshansk and Stremigorodskoye (Zhytomyr region)., Malyshev (Dnipropetrovsk region)..

Brimstone and salt. There are large deposits of sulfur in Precarpathians (196 million tons), but its production has dropped substantially due to a sharp decrease in consumption of sulfur in the world at the end of XX century. It was mined in the Lviv region Rozdolskaya, Yazovskom, Podorozhnyanskom, Novoyavorivskom, Nemirovsky fields. However, due to continuous production in large quantities deposits are nearly exhausted. Now most of these sulfur development stopped.

And it may even be for the better - too many problems with the environment.

Powerful salt deposits in the Donets Basin, the Dnieper-Donets Basin and the Carpathians, but as a natural underground brine - in the Carpathian region. The largest fields that have long been developed - Artyomovskoye (nearly 16 billion tons) and Slavic (5.5 billion tons, both - Donetsk region) and Solotvynska (0.5 billion tons, Transcarpathia). Significant reserves of salt in the brine of salt water of the Azov-Black Sea and the Crimea, in particular - Siwash Lake.

Annually is exported to 4 million tons of salt and about 1.5 million country consumes itself.



In the history of the discovery of minerals, especially those that have played an important role in the economy of our country, an interesting question about who first picked up the keys to the underground treasures and is a pioneer. Finding the answer is far from simple. For example, no one can say who first discovered deposits of grinding stones in rivers and Boc Soplesk, salt keys near the village Seregovo, iron ore, on the basis of which worked Kazhimskoye plants.

Because these deposits were found enterprising people, who are usually called prospectors, in ancient times.

Sorvachev or black?
Sometimes portrayed as a sensation information about what#39;s on the Pechora coal knew long before the geologist Alexander Chernov, who in 1924 first formulated the idea of the existence of Komi edge of a huge coal basin. Recently, the name is often heard Ivan Nikolaevich Sorvacheva, a resident of the village Petrun as the discoverer of Inta Coal Field. There are publications that it was with his discoveries of coal in 1912, began the history of the industrial development of the Republic of Komi.

Name Sorvacheva allegedly undeservedly forgotten by historians and geologists.

Yes, the recovery of historical memory - it necessary and important. We need to know the truth about the pioneers and discoverers. But it is the truth, not only voice sample and `easy` facts.

First news from the Pechora
The very first publication of the finds of fossil carbon in the Pechora refers to 1828, when a resident of Vologda A.Dengin published an article about it in the `Notes of the Fatherland #39;. A. Count Keyserling in 1843, he traveled to the edge of the Pechora and found layers of coal on the river Soplesk, the results were published in 1846 in St. Petersburg. In 1856, the authority `` Mining Journal published a note on the findings of coal on the rivers Ayyuva, Cosmas and Sorvase.

In 1857, mining engineer A.Antipovym on behalf of the Maritime Office had examined 12 seats finds coal in the Pechora region, as reported in #39;Mining Journal#39; in 1858. And in 1860, this researcher has published a conclusion about the prospects of finding the thick seams of coal on the western slope of the Ural Mountains.

Well-known industrialist M.Sidorov in 1870 published the book #39;North Russia#39;, in which he described the coal on the River Ouse, and another in 1855 on his behalf were examined coal output at 17 locations in the Pechora basin. In 1875, A. Shtukenberg published in St. Petersburg on the results of their own field work carried out the previous year, and announced he had found on the Pechora coal interlayers. In 1879 Shmal#39;gauzen in the journal `Notes of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences described the` outputs of coal on the River Ouse.

In 1886, K. wore in the magazine `Notes` Mineralogical Society reported on fossil fuels in the Northern Urals. In 1888, V. Alekseev `` Mining Journal published the results of analyzes Pechora coal ... Posts published again and again.

In 1908, I. Krasnopyorov in the journal `Geography` described the coals on the river Tzilma. A year later, the magazine `knowledge #39;Herald published an article I.Ozerova, which have been described wealth Pechora region, including coal. About the Pechora coal in the same year he wrote the magazine `` Russian shipping and I.Shabalin in the book `Ukhtinsky oil region #39;.

In 1911, on the Pechora coal in his book, wrote V. Mamontov, and the magazine `Proceedings of the Archangel Russian Society for the Study of the north #39;reported the coals on the rivers Izhme, Ayyuve, Dresvyanke, Tsilma, Moustache, Pechora and Ilych.

Thus, by 1912, there were numerous published scientific literature and local history information about the findings of coal at various locations Pechora region. This information was not only the domain of geologists, but also taken into account when conducting local history and museum work, as well as the extension and development projects justifying our territory. And, of course, as a true scholar who knows and loves his job, all these findings knew Alexander Chernov.

Whose contribution is more
Inta local lore states that the coals found Ivan Nikolaevich Sorvachevym and proven PP Mataftinym were transferred to the Director of the Geological Committee of Russia, Academician FN Chernyshev. Indeed, the description of the outcrop, where they found the coals, was transferred in 1912, and themselves coals were transferred to the Geological Museum of the Academy of Sciences in 1915.

What really passed? P.Mataftinym were compiled and submitted describing four natural outcrops on the river Nechayev, core description of one well laid less than a mile from the shore of the river, natural outcrops on the rivers of Inta, Big Synya, Small Synya, Usa and Adzva. Evaluation of Labour and Sorvacheva Mataftina was given by professional geologists until 1931. Previously this was not possible due to the death FN Chernyshev in January 1914 and the subsequent imperialist and civil wars.

Assessment was that `Output description of fossil coal, composed P.P.Mataftinym has not pinpointed the location described outcrops that does not allow them to compare the reported cuts with cuts later researchers Pechora region. The correct information is collected P.P.Mataftinym confirmed by the work of Professor and A.A.Chernova N.A.Kulika `.

What does this mean? This means that I.Sorvachev and P.Mataftin was absolutely right and consciously, passing information about the finds of coal Geological Survey of Russia for a professional evaluation and verification of findings. The war has not given the opportunity to test these findings promptly coal. But they were not forgotten.

And, of course, when in the 1920s resumed prospecting for coal in the Pechora region, researchers, as is the custom all over the world and all the scientists relied on all available at the time the array of knowledge, which also included information obtained of Sor-Vachev and Mataftina. And these facts, we emphasize not the only ones.

So when they say that Alexander Chernov and other `walked in the footsteps of Ivan Sorvacheva` it is the truth. But, first, Sorvachev with Mataftinym to it and tried. Second, there are many left marks `and` to them, and these `trace` also need to be checked. And, thirdly, the trail-it was the one.

This is the Pechora River and its numerous tributaries. It is in the coastal outcrops and could only find a way out of coal without the use of large-scale drilling operations.

His name has not been forgotten
No, not forgotten. In Inta museum dedicated to Ivan Nikolaevich Sorvachevu exposure. The former director of the museum L.N.Malofeevskaya has published several books, to learn about it.

The extensive and detailed treatise `Coal and peat Urals#39;, published by the Ural Mining University with the help of the Ministry of Nature and Environment and the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Komi in 2007, with Ivan Sorvacheva begins the story of the first discoverers of the coal resources of our region.

In 1931, the contribution Sorvacheva Mataftina and reported in detail in the `Proceedings of the Main Geological Department Supreme Economic Council #39;. And even shooting Ivan Sorvacheva in the years of repression (shot it as a fist) has not prevented geologists keep a good memory of it. In 1962, under the editorship of A.Chernova out that major academic scientific work `Geological study of the USSR #39;, dedicated to the research area of Komi in the prerevolutionary period.

This book talks about the discoveries of coal, made Sorvachevym and Mataftinym.

Therefore, the memory of the prospectors in the geological environment is alive and well respected. But it is very important that both the long-term work of geologists who have tested the accuracy and validity of the various findings, was also present was aware of historians and ethnographers and would receive an adequate assessment, adequate hard work of the prospector#39;s interior.


Ministry of the Environment has studied MINERALS OF OMSKOY

Five fields in the Omsk region fell into the list of subsoil proposed for use in the provision for geological study, approved by the Ministry of the nature of the Russian Federation.

In total, the list contains 110 objects, 5 of which are located in the Omsk region, the real estate portal of Omsk. At the three sites is expected oil production: Bol#39;sherechenskijj on a total area of 2 thousand 536 square meters. kilometers - 3 million 700 thousand tons, ZAVYALOVSKY, an area of 2 million square meters 13. kilometers - 9 million 400 thousand tons, in the western part Zhuravlevskiy, an area of 565 square meters 3. kilometer - 2 million 100 thousand tons.

Also, experts predict Krapivinskoye site (Tara district) can contain about 5 570 tons of pounds of titanium and 1 million tons of zirconium in an area of nearly 45 square meters. kilometers. About 45 million tons of glass sand is supposed to Druzhinskom field in the Omsk region in the area of 64 square meters. kilometer.


SCIENTISTS have something to discuss

Federal State Institution of Science Mining Institute of the Kola Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of Earth Sciences, Scientific Council on Mining Sciences Russian Academy of Sciences, from 18 to 22 June 2012 conducted the All-Russian scientific-technical conference with international participation #39;Deep#39; career.

Scientific and technical conference dedicated to the discussion in the field of geotechnology, geomechanics, geoinformatics and ecology in the development of solid minerals deep pits.

The increasing complexity of conditions for open pit mining with depth, reducing the stability of boards and benches ore mines, the need to improve industrial safety and environmental encourage intensively to improve the technology of ore production in increasingly challenging conditions, exchange and use of available scientific and practical development of scientists and experts from different regions and mining areas country.

The conference will bring together prominent scientists from many research and design institutes and universities mountain profile of the Russian Federation, researchers from countries near and far abroad, experts of the large mining companies. Will hear reports about the problems of the design and operation of deep pits in difficult conditions and udaroopasnost, promising areas of surface mining and quarry equipment, geomechanical substantiation safe deposit development, the creation of computer technology design, mine planning and simulation of processes, solutions of environmental problems in the management of open cast mining.

The conference is sponsored by the Department of Earth Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Government of the Murmansk region and the largest mining companies in the region.



Kulan coal deposits in Kazakhstan, brought to Kyrgyzstan is third class of radiation safety standards - such a conclusion was made by the Russian experts, announced today, June 13, REGNUM correspondent in the press-service of JSC `Power Plants#39;.

According to the company, #39;in order to obtain an objective assessment on the current situation, the Board of Directors of `Power Station` instructed its decision to provide independent expertise from third countries for radioactivity, these coals `. During the examination of the company turned to the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene after Professor Ramzaeva.

`In her conclusion, [...] such coal is used as an energy feedstock for industrial plants are allowed to use for household needs in a centralized collection system for the disposal of ash on the city or township dump #39;, - the document says.

As for ash disposal CHP Bishkek, the independent experts concluded that `the effective specific activity of natural radionuclides in the surface layers of ash and slag generated by burning coal Kulan in the past, normally`.

According to IA REGNUM, the fall of 2011 on the eve of the heating season on the recommendation of members of the Kyrgyz parliament c Kulan coal deposits in Kazakhstan has been checked for radioactivity. The analysis Gossanepidnadzor Kyrgyzstan found that the background radiation of fuel, which came in 2010, and 8,000 tons of imported coal in 2011 (130 cars) exceeds the rate of 8-10 times. As established by the Prosecutor General of the country, a dangerous fuel is used in a number of educational and social institutions Chui, by order of the government, the remaining coal was removed from office on the territory of Bishkek TPP. In fact the import of radioactive coal were prosecuted.

February 7 press service of Electric Stations `` said that the dangerous coal will be exported from Kyrgyzstan to Kazakhstan by the supplier Kulan TB LLP ``. `All the costs of transportation, shipping, payment of customs duties will take the people of Kazakhstan. Moreover, the coal supplier promised to offset the cost of `Power Station` related to the reception and shipment of radioactive fuel into the territory of Bishkek TPP `, - the company said.

April 3 special parliamentary commission to study the facts of importation of radioactive coal from Kazakhstan announced that, according to preliminary results, `radioactive coal imported from Kazakhstan to Kyrgyzstan due to negligence of the leaders of #39;Power Plants#39;, Bishkek TPP, GP` Kyrgyzzhilkomunsoyuz `Customs `service.

Note, previously a number of local experts said that Kulan coal has become #39;an instrument of political struggle#39;. `The radiation background Kulan coal ranges from 18 to 60 micro-roentgen per hour, while the monument to Vladimir Lenin, standing in the center of Bishkek, emitted 300 micro-roentgen per hour. So there is no need to intimidate people, it is not so dangerous #39;- said social activist and president of NGO `Chernobyl veterans and invalids#39; Anash Seitkaziev.


The stone can tell a lot

Minerals emitted by the eruption of volcanoes, can tell a lot. Even predict when there will be new eruption.

The composition and structure of the rocks, which are formed during the cooling of molten magma is determined by the conditions in which they were inside the volcano. However, to establish the composition and structure of what really happened in the bowels of the volcano is not very easy. In the depths of a small mineral crystals no larger than 50-100 microns, which float in the hot magma. Many crystals are formed of concentric layers than that resemble tree rings. In these layers and reflects all the events taking place in the crystal.

For example, each new release of magma from the depths of the volcano there is a movement of certain elements that make up the chip from the middle to the edges of the layers, thus forming a new outer layer. Often a weak eruption takes place before a larger scale, and these crystals can be thrown to the surface where they solidify. If they do a thorough analysis, it is possible to speculate what might be inside the volcano.

The scientists decided to find out whether the crystals can predict future eruptions. For the study, they took samples of orthopyroxene obtained from the slopes of Mount St. Helens in the north-western United States. The most powerful of its eruption occurred in 1980, while smaller place until 1986.

In total, scientists have identified 98 individual crystals collected during this period, and compared them with those of an eruption, gas emissions and some other events. Thus, they found that the crystal starts to grow at about a year before the eruption, and reaches its maximum size directly in front of him. That is, crystals with magnesium-rich outer layers and saturated iron core, they say that is not far off a new eruption.

On the other hand, crystals are formed during cooling of the medium in which they are located. Then they have to rush to the later, the weak eruption.

Using these data, we can determine whether the expected new powerful eruption, or vice versa, the magma inside the volcano cools down and gets rid of excess gas, while the remaining occur, weakening the eruption.



The company presented the electrical products - low-voltage vacuum contactors EF1, 14 launchers, mines aggregates Ashs, high-voltage vacuum circuit breakers IHC, as well as automated control shafts at the show `Coal Mining and Russia-2012 #39;, held from June 5 to 8 in Novokuznetsk .
Hosted the 19th International Specialized Exhibition of Technologies and mining Coal and Mining `Russia-2012 #39;. Federal State Unitary Enterprise `North` thank all the visitors of the stand, for your interest in our company products.
Now offer a range of electrical products for manufacturers of mining equipment and coal predprityay - Low-voltage vacuum contactors (including mine design), vacuum circuit breakers, units starting mine, high voltage switches, computer-aided management of mines.
Presented in conjunction with the Design and Technological Institute of Computer Science (KTI VT) SB RAS project for the introduction of automatic control systems of the various systems of coal mines (drainage system, security system, control system chairlift, air supply system).
The main results of the Company at the exhibition: effective negotiations were held for the supply of products from some of the leading organizations in the region, held a meeting and discuss further cooperation with the partners of the enterprise.


AMURSK POLICE found evidence of illegal mining

Employees of the Department of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption Directorate of the MOI of Russia in the Amur region have identified the offender in the field of mining. Which took two years of illicit business, an entrepreneur from Raichikhinsk became richer by more than 12 million rubles.

In May 2008, the City of Raichikhinsk concluded with a limited liability company, is the head of this citizen, the contract for granting him the land for mining for lignite mining.

The businessman got a license. However, the man did not bother to engage in honest business. Coal mining was conducted not in the specified place in the documents, and on the other site.

Daily work was right next to the housing estate. One of the houses even prevented the workers, and was then demolished. As a result, the region formed a deep pit.

Such action citizens were quick to call the police. During units held by employees of economic security and anti-corruption audits revealed a lot of violations of the law. With respect to the general director of a criminal case under Section #39;b#39; Part 2 of Art.

171 of the Criminal Code (#39;Illegal business `).


In the Odessa region Gardener extract minerals

Prosecutors Kominternovsky region opened a criminal case against the chairman of the board of one of the garden arrays for illegal mining of national importance, as well as the improper performance of their duties.
As the press service of the regional prosecutor#39;s office, gardening without permission implemented a water intake (1,650 cubic meters) from underground sources.
Loss caused to the state, up more than 86 thousand hryvnia.
The case was opened on the grounds of crimes under Part 2 of Art. 240, Part 1, Art. 367 of the Criminal Code (violation of safety rules or the use of mineral resources; negligence).


In Lugansk region found three FACT illegal coal mining

June 23 during the operational activities of the police department employees Krasnodon documented the illegal mining near the village of Ordzhonikidze. On the scene confiscated Hitachi excavator ``.
On the same day, employees Lutugin police department have documented the illegal mining near the village Novobulahovka. Withdrawn winch, generator, receiver, 10 tons of coal mass.
The fact that illegal mining is documented in Antratsitovskogo area near the village of Steppe. On the scene confiscated winch, air compressor, receiver, 1 ton of rock.
For all the evidence of review.



On Tuesday, June 26, in response to numerous complaints Gardeners Gardeners #39;Sunny Meadow `to work on mining near the garden plots, activists Russian public organization#39; Green Patrol` re left in Vsevolozhsk district of Leningrad region.

According to the representative of the initiative group of gardeners, the main problem is the increased noise and dust along the road, where actually is gardening. Large-capacity machines take out minerals, day and night, with the roar is such that people can not go to sleep - people are complaining.

As correspondent 47News the press service of the NGO #39;Green Patrol#39;, at the first exit, June 6, ecologists have revealed evidence of environmental pollution along the road, which was built with the purpose of removing sand from the quarry in Kallelovo. Then, skipping a turn, environmentalists got to the quarry from which the meeting has already moved a couple of trucks with sand. It was found that the subsoil is the company `VSEVOLOZHSKY SMEs`, extracts the Rudas of `` in the group LSR, according to information received by the Committee on Natural Resources of the Leningrad Region information on legal grounds. Following the reverse activists #39;Green Patrol#39; were literally in a dust storm, visibility more than 5-7 meters, out of nowhere left to meet a car accident nearly occurred.

Trees, leaves on them, grass and even water bodies along the road - everything is under a thick layer of dust. Among the sand in the forest and there are chunks of concrete slabs. As might be expected, the accident occurred a little later - 2 trucks were transporting sand, apparently unable to withstand the distance across.

During the second exit ecologists surveyed places lined by concrete slabs road passes over the streams, and, due to the incorrect placement of pipes, water-logging has occurred along some sections of the road from the quarry. About 5-6 hectares of forest is waterlogged, and therefore is an issue of compliance with the requirements for enterprise environmental legislation.

`Unfortunately, the position of the locals a little worried about the representatives of large companies with mining. This gardening is not even marked on the map, which is represented on the organization#39;s website. However, work on a commercial scale in this case adversely affect the environment, there is dust on the surface of the flotation, which leads to disruption of gas exchange streams clogged stomata of leaves and needles of trees, causing them to literally suffocate `, - the Egor Leontiev, environmental projects #39;Green Patrol#39; in the Northwestern Federal District.

Currently, growers are gathering signatures for a collective appeal to the executive authorities, compiled in conjunction with the environmentalists.

Quarry itself is located in the so-called #39;Green Zone#39;, within the highway A-120, approved by the previous governor of the Leningrad region Valery Serdyukov. Within this territory is forbidden to develop mineral deposits, but, as explained in the Committee on Natural Resources Leningrad region, with reservation in terms of obtaining a license.

Recall, on the eve of the regional head Alexander Drozdenko instructed to monitor the actual performance of the volume of mineral resources, the activities of enterprises that own the license to develop publicly available minerals (PGI), to analyze the security of IRS in municipal entities in view of under construction and expected to construction sites. Prior to this analysis, the provision of new land for development has been suspended.



The auctions for licenses to develop mineral deposits in Kyrgyzstan under the new rules will be announced allegedly July 7. This is `WB` According to the press service of the State Agency for Geology and Mineral Resources.

Since last year, Kyrgyzstan has not issued a license to develop oil fields in connection with the preparation of the new rules for licensing sphere of subsoil use.

June 18 the government introduced the latest changes in the regulations for the licensing and regulation of subsoil use. According to government regulation, the amendments will come into effect two weeks later.

It is expected that the State Geology Agency to auction first 12 licenses for mining of placer gold, coal and other minerals.

On the website of the department will be published detailed information on the fields, in the State Geology Agency promise.

Within 45 days, the application will be accepted. Sami auctions and contests will be held in August.

Recall State Geology Agency has prepared two draft government decree on the formation of the competition committee to conduct competitions for the right to use subsoil five fields (Togolok, Dzhangarskaya area Terekkan, Perevalnoe and Terek) and geological studies Tereksayskoy area.