Friday, March 21, 2014



Kulan coal deposits in Kazakhstan, brought to Kyrgyzstan is third class of radiation safety standards - such a conclusion was made by the Russian experts, announced today, June 13, REGNUM correspondent in the press-service of JSC `Power Plants#39;.

According to the company, #39;in order to obtain an objective assessment on the current situation, the Board of Directors of `Power Station` instructed its decision to provide independent expertise from third countries for radioactivity, these coals `. During the examination of the company turned to the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene after Professor Ramzaeva.

`In her conclusion, [...] such coal is used as an energy feedstock for industrial plants are allowed to use for household needs in a centralized collection system for the disposal of ash on the city or township dump #39;, - the document says.

As for ash disposal CHP Bishkek, the independent experts concluded that `the effective specific activity of natural radionuclides in the surface layers of ash and slag generated by burning coal Kulan in the past, normally`.

According to IA REGNUM, the fall of 2011 on the eve of the heating season on the recommendation of members of the Kyrgyz parliament c Kulan coal deposits in Kazakhstan has been checked for radioactivity. The analysis Gossanepidnadzor Kyrgyzstan found that the background radiation of fuel, which came in 2010, and 8,000 tons of imported coal in 2011 (130 cars) exceeds the rate of 8-10 times. As established by the Prosecutor General of the country, a dangerous fuel is used in a number of educational and social institutions Chui, by order of the government, the remaining coal was removed from office on the territory of Bishkek TPP. In fact the import of radioactive coal were prosecuted.

February 7 press service of Electric Stations `` said that the dangerous coal will be exported from Kyrgyzstan to Kazakhstan by the supplier Kulan TB LLP ``. `All the costs of transportation, shipping, payment of customs duties will take the people of Kazakhstan. Moreover, the coal supplier promised to offset the cost of `Power Station` related to the reception and shipment of radioactive fuel into the territory of Bishkek TPP `, - the company said.

April 3 special parliamentary commission to study the facts of importation of radioactive coal from Kazakhstan announced that, according to preliminary results, `radioactive coal imported from Kazakhstan to Kyrgyzstan due to negligence of the leaders of #39;Power Plants#39;, Bishkek TPP, GP` Kyrgyzzhilkomunsoyuz `Customs `service.

Note, previously a number of local experts said that Kulan coal has become #39;an instrument of political struggle#39;. `The radiation background Kulan coal ranges from 18 to 60 micro-roentgen per hour, while the monument to Vladimir Lenin, standing in the center of Bishkek, emitted 300 micro-roentgen per hour. So there is no need to intimidate people, it is not so dangerous #39;- said social activist and president of NGO `Chernobyl veterans and invalids#39; Anash Seitkaziev.