Friday, March 21, 2014



In the history of the discovery of minerals, especially those that have played an important role in the economy of our country, an interesting question about who first picked up the keys to the underground treasures and is a pioneer. Finding the answer is far from simple. For example, no one can say who first discovered deposits of grinding stones in rivers and Boc Soplesk, salt keys near the village Seregovo, iron ore, on the basis of which worked Kazhimskoye plants.

Because these deposits were found enterprising people, who are usually called prospectors, in ancient times.

Sorvachev or black?
Sometimes portrayed as a sensation information about what#39;s on the Pechora coal knew long before the geologist Alexander Chernov, who in 1924 first formulated the idea of the existence of Komi edge of a huge coal basin. Recently, the name is often heard Ivan Nikolaevich Sorvacheva, a resident of the village Petrun as the discoverer of Inta Coal Field. There are publications that it was with his discoveries of coal in 1912, began the history of the industrial development of the Republic of Komi.

Name Sorvacheva allegedly undeservedly forgotten by historians and geologists.

Yes, the recovery of historical memory - it necessary and important. We need to know the truth about the pioneers and discoverers. But it is the truth, not only voice sample and `easy` facts.

First news from the Pechora
The very first publication of the finds of fossil carbon in the Pechora refers to 1828, when a resident of Vologda A.Dengin published an article about it in the `Notes of the Fatherland #39;. A. Count Keyserling in 1843, he traveled to the edge of the Pechora and found layers of coal on the river Soplesk, the results were published in 1846 in St. Petersburg. In 1856, the authority `` Mining Journal published a note on the findings of coal on the rivers Ayyuva, Cosmas and Sorvase.

In 1857, mining engineer A.Antipovym on behalf of the Maritime Office had examined 12 seats finds coal in the Pechora region, as reported in #39;Mining Journal#39; in 1858. And in 1860, this researcher has published a conclusion about the prospects of finding the thick seams of coal on the western slope of the Ural Mountains.

Well-known industrialist M.Sidorov in 1870 published the book #39;North Russia#39;, in which he described the coal on the River Ouse, and another in 1855 on his behalf were examined coal output at 17 locations in the Pechora basin. In 1875, A. Shtukenberg published in St. Petersburg on the results of their own field work carried out the previous year, and announced he had found on the Pechora coal interlayers. In 1879 Shmal#39;gauzen in the journal `Notes of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences described the` outputs of coal on the River Ouse.

In 1886, K. wore in the magazine `Notes` Mineralogical Society reported on fossil fuels in the Northern Urals. In 1888, V. Alekseev `` Mining Journal published the results of analyzes Pechora coal ... Posts published again and again.

In 1908, I. Krasnopyorov in the journal `Geography` described the coals on the river Tzilma. A year later, the magazine `knowledge #39;Herald published an article I.Ozerova, which have been described wealth Pechora region, including coal. About the Pechora coal in the same year he wrote the magazine `` Russian shipping and I.Shabalin in the book `Ukhtinsky oil region #39;.

In 1911, on the Pechora coal in his book, wrote V. Mamontov, and the magazine `Proceedings of the Archangel Russian Society for the Study of the north #39;reported the coals on the rivers Izhme, Ayyuve, Dresvyanke, Tsilma, Moustache, Pechora and Ilych.

Thus, by 1912, there were numerous published scientific literature and local history information about the findings of coal at various locations Pechora region. This information was not only the domain of geologists, but also taken into account when conducting local history and museum work, as well as the extension and development projects justifying our territory. And, of course, as a true scholar who knows and loves his job, all these findings knew Alexander Chernov.

Whose contribution is more
Inta local lore states that the coals found Ivan Nikolaevich Sorvachevym and proven PP Mataftinym were transferred to the Director of the Geological Committee of Russia, Academician FN Chernyshev. Indeed, the description of the outcrop, where they found the coals, was transferred in 1912, and themselves coals were transferred to the Geological Museum of the Academy of Sciences in 1915.

What really passed? P.Mataftinym were compiled and submitted describing four natural outcrops on the river Nechayev, core description of one well laid less than a mile from the shore of the river, natural outcrops on the rivers of Inta, Big Synya, Small Synya, Usa and Adzva. Evaluation of Labour and Sorvacheva Mataftina was given by professional geologists until 1931. Previously this was not possible due to the death FN Chernyshev in January 1914 and the subsequent imperialist and civil wars.

Assessment was that `Output description of fossil coal, composed P.P.Mataftinym has not pinpointed the location described outcrops that does not allow them to compare the reported cuts with cuts later researchers Pechora region. The correct information is collected P.P.Mataftinym confirmed by the work of Professor and A.A.Chernova N.A.Kulika `.

What does this mean? This means that I.Sorvachev and P.Mataftin was absolutely right and consciously, passing information about the finds of coal Geological Survey of Russia for a professional evaluation and verification of findings. The war has not given the opportunity to test these findings promptly coal. But they were not forgotten.

And, of course, when in the 1920s resumed prospecting for coal in the Pechora region, researchers, as is the custom all over the world and all the scientists relied on all available at the time the array of knowledge, which also included information obtained of Sor-Vachev and Mataftina. And these facts, we emphasize not the only ones.

So when they say that Alexander Chernov and other `walked in the footsteps of Ivan Sorvacheva` it is the truth. But, first, Sorvachev with Mataftinym to it and tried. Second, there are many left marks `and` to them, and these `trace` also need to be checked. And, thirdly, the trail-it was the one.

This is the Pechora River and its numerous tributaries. It is in the coastal outcrops and could only find a way out of coal without the use of large-scale drilling operations.

His name has not been forgotten
No, not forgotten. In Inta museum dedicated to Ivan Nikolaevich Sorvachevu exposure. The former director of the museum L.N.Malofeevskaya has published several books, to learn about it.

The extensive and detailed treatise `Coal and peat Urals#39;, published by the Ural Mining University with the help of the Ministry of Nature and Environment and the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Komi in 2007, with Ivan Sorvacheva begins the story of the first discoverers of the coal resources of our region.

In 1931, the contribution Sorvacheva Mataftina and reported in detail in the `Proceedings of the Main Geological Department Supreme Economic Council #39;. And even shooting Ivan Sorvacheva in the years of repression (shot it as a fist) has not prevented geologists keep a good memory of it. In 1962, under the editorship of A.Chernova out that major academic scientific work `Geological study of the USSR #39;, dedicated to the research area of Komi in the prerevolutionary period.

This book talks about the discoveries of coal, made Sorvachevym and Mataftinym.

Therefore, the memory of the prospectors in the geological environment is alive and well respected. But it is very important that both the long-term work of geologists who have tested the accuracy and validity of the various findings, was also present was aware of historians and ethnographers and would receive an adequate assessment, adequate hard work of the prospector#39;s interior.