Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Russian scientists have developed SVETONAKOPITELNAYA EFFECTIVE SYSTEM

The Institute of Chemistry of the Far Eastern Branch of the RAS have been developed svetonakopitelnye system based on the donor-acceptor compounds that can be used as molecular elements of computer systems in molecular electronics as materials for dosimetry, as coatings for greenhouses, as the treatment and prevention materials for medicine.

?Svetonakopitelnaya system - a system that has in the structure of the donor-acceptor moieties electronic structure which allows through light emission colonize unoccupied orbital (electron traps) with the fixation of this phenomenon in a long time. The subsequent depletion of traps leads to charge recombination, accompanied by the release of light energy. |

Svetonakopitelnye existing system or have a sufficiently high rate of recombination of separated charges, which so far can not be reduced, either because of the use of ionizing radiation in them lead to the rapid destruction of the source material.

The Institute of Chemistry of the Far Eastern Branch of RAS svetonakopitelnuyu was decided to develop a system based on the donor-acceptor compounds by changing the number of trap states of the molecules of the donor-acceptor compounds in the course of their education.

Formation svetonakopitelnyh systems based on the donor-acceptor compounds containing rare earth elements, is achieved by exposing it to a differentiated luminous radiation in the formation of these compounds.

A method of obtaining svetonakopitelnoy carried through the reaction of the starting components of the system under irradiation with light of a particular wavelength. For this purpose, light with a wavelength lying in the range from infrared (2700 nm) to near-ultraviolet (200 nm).

This region of the spectrum provides the transition of electrons in the valence electron shells of atoms and molecules, which leads to changes in the synthesis of trap states of the molecules responsible for svetonakoplenie.

And by changing the composition of light, control the number of trap states formed, ie, control the amount of stored energy, and the exposure time is determined by the flow of a particular chemical process.

Scientists have first proved that the formation of molecular donor-acceptor compounds differentiated in terms of light radiation leads to the fact that depending on the wavelength of optical radiation used for the compounds of the same chemical composition change of the stored energy, which is manifested by varying the lightsum thermoluminescence.

Check the luminescence spectra were performed on a spectrometer SDL-1. Thermoluminescence of samples were recorded on a setup consisting of a thermostated cell with temperature sensors and heater. The heating rate in thermoluminescence was O. 3 K / s. Thermoluminescence spectra were recorded using a standard amplifier-based unit FL-BP, the FEU-79 with a record on dvuhkoordinatsionnom potentiometer.

UV irradiation was carried out with unfiltered light of the lamp DRT-250, and using filters to create the same intensity of light emission needed for comparing and analyzing the results, use the lamp DKsSh-200.

The new system can be used in the synthesis of new systems based on fototermochuvstvitelnyh organometallic molecules which are used as molecular elements of computer systems in molecular electronics, and which are capable of molecular fotopereklyucheniyu when reloading visible light of different wavelengths, and in Biophysics and Biochemistry, as model systems fotoregulyatornoy of phytochrome.

Contact information:

690022, Vladivostok-22, Prospect 100-years of Vladivostok, 159, Institute of Chemistry, FEB RAS