Wednesday, January 22, 2014


CREATED OGNETEPLOSTOYKAYA double-sided fabrics, garments of which has Hygienic, physiological comfort and fronting an open flame.

In a manufacturing firm Kadoteks-2000 was designed fabric for special purposes, which can be used for the manufacture of clothing to protect them from ogneteplotermoizlucheniya for pilot reports, racers, metallurgists, welders, firefighters.

The disadvantages of the existing heat-resistant fabric used in the world, is their low hygienic properties and that they can not withstand exposure to direct flame. All these qualities do not satisfy consumer characteristics that are associated with the inconvenience or the burdening of such clothing. And, for example, the work of firefighters is often associated with the need to quickly and easily move through the aisles of a burning building, and a heavy fire equipment or taking out the victims.

In the space suits that can withstand an open flame, the more these actions illiquid.

Therefore, the new tissue production firm Kadoteks-2000 was an ideal raw material for the production of special protective clothing.

Ogneteplostoek new material on both sides of fabric v external and internal. It has a high performance by increasing and reducing the hygroscopicity electrified tissue.

These material properties are achieved because the incombustible component fabric is twisted yarn flame retardancy of wool fiber, comprising 1-10% by weight of potassium fluorozirconate yarn and combustible component is a plied yarn of wool or cotton, or flax or lnosmesovogo fibers containing flax, cotton, rayon, polyester and high modulus fibers. The surface density of the material is in the range 210-650 g/m2, wherein the combustible components in the warp and / or weft yarn further comprises a twisted or polioksidiazolovyh of polyaramid fibers and fabrics made-colored or printed with a pattern.

The new double-sided fabric ogneteplostoykuyu can develop on any types of looms, for example on a loom STB-2-220, through a complex web. A color scheme declared ogneteplostoykoy sided fabric allows us to give fabric textured effect.

The value of the transmitted pulse tissue when exposed to intense heat flux is 0.8-1.5 calories/cm2 at a rate of 1.8 calories/cm2. As a result, the fabric does not ignite, protecting people from fire. Products from this tissue are pleasant and comfortable to wear, because the surface wrong side out mainly natural fibers that give a high hygienic, physiological comfort due to certain conditions, climate, fabric contains mostly natural fibers.

The surface structure of fabrics combined with colors can expand the range of fabrics for workwear with attractive art kolloristikoy.

Replacement of fire-resistant synthetic fibers Fire resistant wool fibers dramatically reduces the cost of the claimed fabric, and therefore much cheaper manufactured clothing. It is noteworthy also that the fabric can be made entirely from domestic raw materials, which will leave textile products based on it apart from the competition with their foreign counterparts clothing.

Contact information:

125299, Moscow, ul. Cosmonaut Volkov, 20, OOOPF Kadoteks-2000

Telephone, fax: 150-49-21, 159-25-38, E-mail: