Monday, November 25, 2013


INSTITUTE OF TEXTILE AND LIGHT INDUSTRY Altai Technical University to be Restructured

at a meeting of the Academic Council of the Altai State Technical University named IIPolzunov decided to restructure is part of the University Institute of Textile and Light Industry (ITLP). This was announced by Acting rector of the university Alexander Sitnikov at today#39;s briefing.

According to the results of monitoring, which last year held the Ministry of Education and Science, the Institute is recognized as ineffective. And according to a letter the Ministry of Education and the Executive Committee of the Interregional Association of Economic Cooperation of the Russian Federation `Siberian Agreement` rector AltSTU was ordered until December 22 to submit an action plan for the reorganization of the institute.

Among the criteria that do not match ITLP - the number of students, which should not be less than 450, the number of teaching staff, teaching and support staff and employees, including scientific, - no less than 75 people. Now the institute is studying only 194 students, 33% of full-time teachers (at a rate of 69%), ostepenennyh - 41% (at a rate of 60%), doctors - 4.3% (norm - 10%). Furthermore, the amount of research zero.

Accreditation criteria are not met on any indicator.

`We have put together a commission and tried to figure out what the problem is. After analyzing the educational, financial and economic activities of the Institute, we have come to the conclusion that the unit of the university is really quite ineffective, and leave it in the composition, in which it now exists, is impossible. Yesterday decided to restructure the institute. His department will be transferred to the relevant departments of Altai State Technical University. Our main task now - to preserve all the employees of the Institute and students.

All of them will go into the structure of the university. Students ITLP at release will receive diplomas indicating the specialty for which they received `, - said Alexander Sitnikov.

According to the president of Leo AltSTU Korshunova, after the restructuring of the current teachers of the institute would receive more if the average salary of a teacher in AltSTU - 25 thousand rubles, or in the institute only 16,000.
`Teacher Salary consists of two parts - a rate that depends on the load, and the challenging part - that depends on the capabilities of units. Once the structure of the university, faculty immediately receive the normal rate, normal hours. Now, in some groups of 1-2 students of the Institute `- said Alexander Sitnikov.

`We do not change anything in terms of teachers, in terms of preparing students. Their transition to a new state gives the opportunity to get the best conditions `- said Korshunov.

He also said that the university was in the era of reform in 2008. Since then, 18 of the 12 departments AltSTU left. `Reform - it is a natural and necessary process#39;, - says the president of the university.