Friday, December 27, 2013


WHERE MOST mine gold?

Gold mining is becoming increasingly important for the initiative HIPC (poor countries with large debts). Over the past 10 years, the volume of production in these countries has increased significantly, according to a report presented yesterday by the World Gold Council. The report, compiled with the support of the industry, said that developing countries own 72% of the gold mined in the past year. Over the past decade, gold mining in developing countries has increased by 50%, ahead, so the results of the leading gold producer in the world South Africa.

The largest increase in production observed in the bit n initiatives? RL, where s1994 to 2004 gold production increased by 84%, as reported by MiningWeekly, referring to the news agency Reuters. In 2004, the global volume of gold mined totaled 2,464 tonnes, according to consultants Gold Field Mineral Services.

Because of the increasing dependence of the production of H? RL on gold exports also increased significantly, despite the fact that precious metals are one of the main exports - about 8% of all exports of goods in 2003.