Friday, December 27, 2013


CHITINSKY COMPANY will produce 3 tons of gold heap leaching

May 24 at a meeting of the administration of the Chita region was approved quota of JSC Mine Aprelkovo on production in 2005, 200 kg of gold deposits in Pogromnoe Shilkinskaya area. As the correspondent of IA REGNUM in the Regional Energy and Natural Resources, the company will extract gold from the ore is quite rare for a Trans-Baikal by heap leaching. Exploration of the deposit Pogromnoe spent artisanal gang Spark. As a result of the approved reserves in the amount of 1,948,000 tons of ore and 3,080 kg of gold.

After that was established JSC Mine Aprelkovo. Work to begin gold production is tentatively in August-September of this year. The method of heap leaching is used to extract gold from the poor ores with low gold content. In the Chita region, this technology is used by only a few companies.

Among them Zabaikalskiy mine (mine Delmachik) and the section on Solkokon Bogomolovskom gold deposit. In August of this year should be started trial production at the mine Ksenevskaya that Itakinskom gold deposit. Ready to start production on a similar Amazarkanskom field, but financial constraints do not allow to get started.