Friday, March 7, 2014


STARTS CONSTRUCTION SET FOR BIOMEDICAL 4 billion rubles in the Kirov region

Ceremonial laying of the first stone in the construction of complex biomedical `` Nanolek, investment in which will be about 4 billion rubles, was held in the village of Kirov region Levinta Thursday.

The project envisages the creation of a village production of vaccines and medicines based on nanotechnology and nanomaterials. Biomedical complex should provide a full cycle of development and production of pharmaceuticals for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, endocrinology, infectious diseases, and diseases of the nervous system and digestive system.

On Thursday, the governor Nikita White, CEO Nanolek `` Michael Nekrasov and project manager of RUSNANO `` Roman Sychev sealed appeal to future generations in a capsule, after which the builders laid the capsule in the foundation of the complex.

`The products we are going to produce, indeed, the future of medicine ... The two companies#39; RUSNANO `and` `Epidbiomed going to invest in a range of about 4 billion rubles. In 2017, we should come out on drug trafficking at 10 billion #39;- said at the presentation of the project Nekrasov.

He said that in 2013 the equipment will be installed and will be ready for production use. Further planned licensing and production of initial batches.

It is assumed that the production of biotechnological products will be held at the end of 2014.

`Why Kirov region was chosen for this project. There is a biotech frames, there is a Medical Academy and the Vyatka State University, which has a biology department `- said Nekrasov.

According to him, the new plant will employ 450 people.

`For us it is important that we do not consider the project as an end, but a basic element of our biotechnology cluster #39;, - said the governor.

He added that the Kirov region takes a serious commitment associated with the engineering of the transport infrastructure. The head of the region said that with the `` RUSNANO is working on several projects that are in various stages of implementation.

RUSNANO project manager `` Roman Sychev thanked the governor and the Kirov government for its support of the project, the speed with which addressed many of the issues.