In 2011, Tajikistan has increased exports of footwear, VETBLYU, gray fabric and yarn
Export of various kinds of industrial production in Tajikistan has increased along with the export of primary aluminum and cotton that make up the lion#39;s share of the export potential of the country. On this, transmits Avesta.Tj said at a meeting with the Minister of Energy and Industry Sherali Gul.
According to him, if earlier, the republic exported mainly aluminum and cotton, but last year began exporting shoes, vetblyu (semi-finished hides), gray cloth, yarn, fittings and other industrial products.
`For example, exports of footwear began in Russia. However, so far, industrial products exported in small quantities#39;, - he said.
Chapter Minenergoproma also said that in 2011, special attention was paid to the processing of raw materials within the country. `In the past year, have established processing of hides and wool. This work contributed to the creation of three new companies in the industry. The total number of enterprises for processing of hides and wool has reached 8 factories with an annual processing capacity of 2.2 million pieces of animal skins#39;, - said Gul Sherali.
#39;Two years ago, the country had processed only 75 thousand pieces of skins. In 2010, 236 thousand units, while last year the figure has reached over 1.3 million units. The volume of wool processing has reached 447 tons.
The number of new businesses could increase if our businesses were able to get a loan at low interest rates. However, a loan with a 36% per annum will not stand no company manufacturer `, - said the minister.
This situation, according to him, has forced producers to sell vetblyu, and used the money to buy production and processing equipment. `In addition, there is the issue of export of raw hides (without processing) smuggled. Although the export of unprocessed hides completely banned `, - concluded the head Minenergoproma.