Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Saransk WILL build a new temple

On Saturday, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill celebrated the rite of blessing the foundation stone in the foundation being built on the south-west of the church of Saints Cyril and Methodius.

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, Metropolitan of Saransk and Mordovia Varsonofy, Nicholas Merkushin and head of Mordovia, Vladimir Volkov signed a letter of blessing, after which she was placed in a special capsule and put in the foundation of the temple.
After the service, the Primate of the Russian Church, addressed the audience with the Primatial word.

- Dear Nikolai Ivanovich! Dear Vladimir Dmitrievich! Dear fathers, brothers and sisters! I cordially greet all of you and congratulations - first, on the occasion of the 1000th anniversary of the unification of Mordovia people and the peoples of Russia, as well as a historic event blessed Share certificates for the Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius.

Every time I come to Mordovia, I see a big change. Although the last time I was here just a year ago, but this year#39;s seen a change in the appearance of Saransk. But the most important thing - I see a change in the attitudes of people, I see that the people of Mordovia is becoming more united and purposeful.

Of the region#39;s low-profile, economically weak, undeveloped Mordovia has become one of the examples of the economic, social prosperity, the like-mindedness of the people, and most have to stress as the Patriarch, spiritual development. An indispensable condition for every good work is enlisting the help of God. Saints Cyril and Methodius and laid the foundations of our writings, translated into Slavic language the word of God, the missionaries were outstanding.

They laid the foundation for the development of culture - multinational and simultaneously feeding a single spiritual source of Orthodoxy. Their case is not dead, and after more than 1,000 years, we remember their names and their honor dedicate temples.

So it is a human thing, not die, not eclipsed many different kinds of large and small historical events, if the business is backed by the power of prayer and faith. Only in this way and made real progress and the human race, and society, the state and the individual.

I am aware that many today do not understand these words, many equate progress only visible development. But everyone knows that, even on good roads and comfortable homes are not fully dependent on the internal state of man, his well-being, his happiness. You can be miserable in the palace, you can hand over the lay of hopelessness and despair, living in a very comfortable city.

Human well-being - is the intersection of the spiritual and the material, and only when one supports the other, and reveals the potential of the human person, only if a person acquires happiness.

I thank God for being in Mordovia spiritual and material overlap and largely support each other. And, referring to all of you, I urge to keep the faith in your heart, do not forget God, to try to live according to God#39;s law, arguing the good and truth, without succumbing either to lie or to the temptations, no temptation, no matter all the things that today can with easy to destroy, and faith, and national identity. Keep one thing and another, and the benefit to you and your children.

Through the prayers of saints Cyril and Methodius God bless the people of this region, and all hail Saransk, Mordovia. God bless you.

Construction of the new church began recently - at the end of June. It is planned that the temple will be built by 2015.


`Thanks to such events the world becomes better`

Raisa Kashaev Saransk:

- It is very important that the celebrations in honor of the 1000th anniversary of the unification of Mordovia Russian peoples of the state include the laying of the capsule in the foundation of this temple. Without the spiritual component would be impossible is our life. The consecration of the temple - a great deal! Thanks to such events and the world around us becomes better, and the people friendlier. I am sure that young people it affects positively.

I visit churches and see that now in the service of them goes a lot of girls and young lyudey.Hochetsya wish good health - and patience - Patriarch Kirill. Let continues to do good deeds!

`Faith - the basis of our life`

Cyril Doelen, Saransk:

- Faith - the foundation of our lives. I am a believer, and for me is very important the construction of the church, which will carry the name of my patron saint. I myself live nearby.

Finish building the temple - I will walk in his service. For me is very important and the visit of the Patriarch. Glad to be a witness of a small worship with his participation.

Very pleased that His Holiness visited again Mordovia!