Tuesday, February 11, 2014



Now, when the sunny days have finally conquered their rights once held in the spring, it#39;s time to talk about textiles.

Promotional textile market in our country is associated primarily with T-shirts, not the best quality. And this despite the variety of textiles! What is the main problem of this segment of the market?

On the one hand, the general trend common problems for the industry. Untrained customers order the cheapest product without thinking about the quality of textiles. Partly due to the relative youth and the market.

But we must not forget that one and somehow still have to train clients and advertising agencies. Suvenir.Segment.Ru already raised the topic for discussion, but no one has yet come to a final conclusion: who and how to teach. But in fact, do not engage in self-learning as those who order, say, a T-shirt every three years, with the only requirement for them is the color, but not even the price or quality.

Just when a client does not explain the difference between the T-shirts for $ 100 and at 200 - you see, they will order those expensive.

Why textiles becomes more popular as a tool for advancement? First, many ordinary people #39;ate#39; low-quality t-shirts in the past decades and do not represent the existence of pleasant to the touch materials that will be used by the end user to further not only to dig potatoes in the area.

Second, most customers do not know that under the application of textiles `` done separately, have different densities and different consumer quality. And that `stretched to unimaginable dimensions` only the cheapest and low quality products. For comparison, editing Suvenir.Segment.Ru can give you an example: we have t-shirts available in different brands represented on the market. Maybe we did not sample of 100%, but we are trying to take away even the most prominent representatives in the market for independent evaluation.

So, in our study, let#39;s say, #39;at home#39;, it follows that there is a promotional t-shirts that literally washed the once - and sent the maximum as a doormat in the garage. And there are those who have and application intact, and they look pretty so far, though, their life has had to come to an end.

The conclusion is that despite the adequate appearance and the first and second T-shirts initially, win and work really only the latter. Because they only convey your message for many months and in good quality.

On the other hand, we can not forget about a single issue that is worthy of an independent review. This is - the application. Drawing on various textiles requires a separate process, certain costs and their reservations, which, again, forget the customers, chasing cheapness.

Alone in this topic is expensive textiles, which in Russia (yet) very few people manage to sell. Uniforms had not yet taken root, and not the budget, but cool, let#39;s say, parkas, have not learned how to give. But let#39;s hope that is not far off that bright day when the textiles will be buying different: both expensive and cheap, and for promotions, and for the shape of its own employees.