Tuesday, February 11, 2014



The Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation is seriously concerned about this situation and proposes to consolidate the efforts of the business community. A member of the Russian Union of Manufacturers of clothing, a member of the Union of Designers of Russia, General Director of garment enterprises Liksty Kulishova Leah told the correspondent of CCI-Inform about what to prepare sewers.

- What are the operating results of light industry in 2011 and showed that the I quarter of 2012?

- Despite the ongoing economic recovery, industrial production rose, but less than in 2010 - only 4.7% versus 8.2%. The lowest index of the corresponding period of 1991, textile, clothing and fur production (25.1%), the manufacturers of leather, footwear and leather goods (34.4%).

Textiles, clothing and fur production rose in 2011 by 2.6%. In this textile production fell by 3.2%, and clothing increased by 7.2%.

- The main reason for the fall of the Russian manufacture all call imports of clothing, footwear and textiles. What is the statistics on this?

- Better than any words spoken by the statistics. We are seeing an increase in exports of textile garments, compared with 2009. During the first 9 months of 2011 put the amount of 75.7 million dollars. Over half delivered for Austria (38.3%) and Belarus (13.4%).

Only in these two countries increased exports, this is what influenced the overall rate.

At first glance, everything is fine. But if you compare the volume of imported covers a light shock. So, for the same nine months of 2011, imported clothes from fabrics in the amount of 2,894,100,000 dollars. The volume of imports over exports to 2,818,400,000 dollars.

The largest supplier - China (U.S. $ 1,481,200,000). As you can see, our investors are the buyer#39;s Chinese garment industry.

- As clothing makers have started this year?

- Unfortunately, the index of textile and garment production for the I quarter showed a decline and reached 93.2%. For some items there was an increase. For example, in the textile industry increased production of natural silk and linen fabrics, nonwovens and finishing tape.

Clothing makers increased production of women#39;s dresses and sundresses, suits, hats.

- What is the procedure for reducing the import duties?

- First of all, it should be noted that import duties have been fully cleared. For example, the reduced import duty on silk fabrics from 5 to 3%, wool and cotton - from 15 to 10%. Stipulates a reduction in import duties on clothing. In this case, if earlier installed and absolute duty, such as children#39;s clothing - 20%, and also provides for duty per kilogram (on children#39;s clothing - 2-3 euro per kg). There were frequent occasions when applied both duties.

Now the duty on children#39;s clothing will be set only for the kilogram - 1.3 euros. It remains to import duties on shoes 0,34-1,5 euros per couple, previously there were 2 euros per couple. For clothing for adults, it is reduced from 20%, but not less than 2.3 euros per kilogram, up to 15%, but not less than EUR 1,88-2,25 per kilogram.

To increase domestic production of woolen fabrics reduced the import duty on wool from 5 to 3%, and raw hides and crust is entered duty of 5%. For all positions a transitional period from 1 year to 4 years.

On the one hand, sewers, it would seem, can rejoice lower duties on fabric, because the majority of products we sew from imported material. But there is no joy, because ultimately the death of the textile industry drags and clothing.

- And what about the prospects of Russian Industry and Trade Ministry of light industry?

- According to ministry estimates, due to the reduction of duties on shoes losses amounted to 1.2 billion rubles, clothing - 0.7 billion rubles, knitwear and textiles - 0.5 billion rubles. Thus the total loss will exceed 2 billion rubles.

Ministry of Industry expects a decline in production by 5-10% decline in Russian production by 14-15%, reducing the share of Russian products on the domestic market up to 10-15%. In view of these facts can be transferred or closing facilities. The latter may lead to a reduction in the number of employees by 25-30%.

As you can see, the forecast Minpromtorga not inspire optimism.

Now our goal is not just to survive. We need to change the marketing strategy of brand promotion, optimize costs. The task of the Russian state - to assist in the promotion of Russian brands, as is done abroad.

In addition, we ask to assist in the purchase or long-term lease of production facilities by garment workers who opened the production after the mass privatization of factories.