Tuesday, February 11, 2014


TURKISH MEBELSHIK entering the Russian market

In the Chamber of Commerce delegation was received by the Vice-President of CCI Georgi Petrov. Welcoming the guests, he said that Turkey is an important trade partner of Russia, in connection with which the House pays close attention to the establishment and strengthening mutual trade relations between the two countries.

Prospects of cooperation with business associations in Turkey in the Russian Chamber associated with the further expansion of industrial cooperation, the development of regional contacts. Georgi Petrov also said that Russian companies of furniture industry in the process of profound modernization. But some have already completed it and establishing mutually beneficial contacts with Germany, Italy, Romania, and other global leaders of the industry.

As told members of the Turkish delegation, the Chamber of Commerce of Mush was established in 1963 and currently has about three million members. The basis of the economy of the region - agriculture, but are not limited to the region#39;s specialty. The main vector of development is selected industrial production, in particular, furniture and textiles.

To do this, at the end of the 1990s, the region#39;s Mush has established a special industrial zone, as well as an industrial center. As part of the government#39;s economic stimulus plan, investors in the development of this region get the most state aid. Among the measures announced - reimbursement investor for social insurance, exemption from payment of 50% of taxes.

Support is provided by the CCI and of Mush and the Chamber of Crafts, Office of special industrial zones in the region of Mush and Development Agency of Eastern Anatolia. Therefore, the basis of the delegation that arrived in Russia amounted to fourteen chapters of furniture and textile companies in the region.

Russia and Turkey have a solid historical foundation for cooperation. During Soviet times, the difference of economic systems did not prevent our specialists to take an active part in the construction of many infrastructure projects in Turkey.

Russian-Turkish cooperation is developing today in many areas, including energy, metallurgy, light industry and chemical, automotive, agriculture. Today, the volume of Russian exports to Turkey is $ 6 billion, while imports from Turkey - $ 24 billion. Russia is the second largest trade partner of Turkey.

In 2011, the turnover of the Russian-Turkish trade amounted to 31.8 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 26.2% over the previous year. In the I quarter of 2012, bilateral trade reached $ 8 billion, up 1.6% compared to the same period in 2011.

Russian exports is dominated by energy, metals and their products, while imports from Turkey - machinery, equipment and means of transport, food and textiles. Bilateral trade balance is in favor of Russia - in 2011 it amounted to 19 billion dollars.

Important is the tourism sector. In 2011, Turkey was visited by about 3.5 million Russian tourists, which is 12% more than in 2010. Actively developing investment cooperation. Total volume of Turkish investments in Russia reached $ 6 billion.

The total volume of Russian investments in Turkey - about $ 4 billion.

Cooperation between Russia and Turkey is characterized by a number of mutually beneficial contracts. So, in 2010, Mechel OAO `` acquired 100% stake in Turkish group `` Ramateks, selling metal. In March 2011, a start-up of a sheet rolled in Iskenderun, built of `Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works#39; (MMK) and the Turkish company` `Atakash.

At present OJSC NLMK `` is considering the possibility of building a full cycle of metallurgical enterprises in the city of Zonguldak, of `IN` `Technostroyexport involved in the construction of the dam and power plant` `Deriner River Chorukh capacity of 670 MW in cooperation with the Turkish-Swiss consortium. `OAO Power Machines#39; completed the project HPS` `Torul River Harsit capacity of 100 MW in cooperation with the Turkish company` `Baytur and Western firms. Mosmetrostroj of `` constructs water supply for supplying Istanbul with water from the Melen River. At the same time, the Turkish company `Sark` establishes manufacture of leather products in Tver, Kostroma and Galich area.

According to the head of the Turkish delegation, cooperation potential is far from exhausted. Access to the Russian market of Turkish furniture and textile businesses easier to start with Russian regions, said Shihmus Sinedzhem.