Tuesday, February 11, 2014



Eurasian Economic Commission is going to find out the cause of growth in the 263 times the imports of footwear from Kazakhstan to Russia in 2011 and the first quarter of 2012, told reporters at the sidelines of the forum `Customs and business` Minister for Trade ECE Andrew Slepnyov. `Maybe there#39;s some kind of` investment project - suggested the minister.

One of the possible reasons for the growth of imports of products of light industry, and in particular shoes, formerly called the increase in supply from China. Total for 2011 - the first quarter of 2012 in Russia was imported shoes for $ 50 million, according to the Interfax ``.

`There are problems with the presence of the border guards of the partner countries on its external borders and the exchange of information between customs services - not only in Kazakhstan but also in Russia and Belarus#39;, - says Slepnyov.

Belarus and Kazakhstan will be able to maintain higher import duties on certain goods, for which Russia cut rates in line with the commitments to the WTO, also said Andrew Slepnyov. The Russian side has made to ECE updated Common Customs Tariff (CCT), which takes account of import duties in connection with the preparation for accession to the World Trade Organization. Slepnyov explained that in order to maintain a higher tariff, the country concerned will have to make an application for use on a temporary basis, up to six months, with a possible extension of increased rates for themselves.

`The decision will be taken by consensus of all three countries, and of course, in this case important mechanism Administration` - added Slepnyov. According to him, the regime of exemptions provided, including the agreement on the application of WTO rules in the Customs Union.

InfraNews: Naveryaka this increase in imports had previously noticed in the network Tsentrobuv, store Mattino, well and in boutiques in the wholesale markets `Gardener`.