Friday, April 11, 2014


In the Sverdlovsk region of several cities were left without electricity

Last weekend storm brought down power equipment Alapayevsk Turinskaya, Upper Tagil, Polevsky, the largest in its consequences shutdown occurred in Pervouralsk and Sredneuralsk.

Currently Sverdlovsk Oblkommunenergo restore electricity in 6 localities where no light at the weekend due to heavy thunderstorms were over 4 thousand people. Rescue works to connect the industrial enterprises in Sredneuralsk continue.

July 15 at 20.00 in Sredneuralsk the storm out of service 23 transformer substation, the element left without electricity more than 1,500 families, 45 legal entities and 7 social facilities, including the Palace of Culture, hotel, water supply facilities, winery, sauna the stadium. Because of the numerous skhlestov wires, tree falls and breaks disconnected high-voltage feeder 3. Rescue works day and night lasted for 18 hours. At 02.00 on July 17 electricity consumers have been completely restored.

Due to the large amount of damage (including from other power suppliers) works to connect industry continues. Remain without electricity: production company `SC-layer`, `concern` Uralelektroremont, Sredneuralsky winery `Ruby #39;.

Last summer Oblkommunenergo carried out a number of measures to modernize the electric grid complex Sredneuralsk: the summer of 2011, the entire apartment building fund (in the area of responsibility of state-owned enterprises) was bound with `` obschedomovoe metering devices, thereby complied with the requirement Oblkommunenergo 261-FZ on the mandatory installation of house accounting. In the same year maintenance campaign Oblkommunenergo set a new transformer station, which was powered by a newly built kindergarten. The new transformer substation is designed for 10 kV voltage level, it was laid cable line of cross-linked polyethylene.

The final stage of the campaign last summer repair company had a renovation of the complex transmission lines: three high-voltage feeder which supplies water utility wells.

In Pervouralsk July 14 at 14.46 a severe thunderstorm and squally wind caused the fall of 8 poles, 2 of which are just hanging on wires (bearings were installed in the 70#39;s and did not survive the onslaught of the elements). Recall of power grid facilities Pervouralsk was taken into operation Oblkommunenergo July 1, 2011, and the state-owned company started operating the most challenging installations. In one year, can not carry out radical changes.

As a result of falling trees shut down high-voltage feeder that feeds the boiler room and the school. Breaks and skhlesty power lines caused the termination of power supply 15 streets, including streets lunacharskogo Trubnikov, Ostrovsky, Chkalov, Mayakovsky and others Thunderstorm left without electricity more than 1,500 people. In emergency rescue work was involved Oblkommunenergo 6 employees and updated this year, special machinery - drilling and crane machine, Tripod and mobile crane.

Power supply of power Pervouralsk fully restored on the same day at 23.35.

In the same weekend in Polevskoi Oblkommunenergo employees were eliminated effects of fire support of 6 kV, rescue operation lasted nearly 13 hours. Minor accident in its consequences on and off because of the storm were eliminated employees Oblkommunenergo in Alapaevsk Turinsk Upper Tagil. All work is completed in the morning of the 16th of July.