Tuesday, April 8, 2014



One of the fundamental reasons for the lag Russian companies from importers, according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, - the almost complete lack of domestic raw materials.

Textile and garment industry Russia today - it#39;s 653 large and medium-sized enterprises and about 4 thousands of small and medium-sized businesses. The industry employs 326,000 people. The volume of production of 176.9 billion rubles.

By estimates of Industry and Trade Ministry, the capacity of the Russian market of light industry is about 2 trillion rubles. Turnover of products to such an extent is able to bring to the budget of the country#39;s more than 300 billion rubles, officials believe.

But in the first half of 2011 in the textile industry there was a drop in production in many kinds of products. The greatest decrease in the corresponding period of 2010 was in the production of cotton textiles (23.1%) because of a strong three-fold increase in cotton prices. Reduction in the same issue of woolen fabrics in this period by 10% was due to shortage and poor quality of domestic wool, along with the growth of the world market for high-quality wool. At the same time decreased the production and linen fabrics - by 11.3%.

At the end of 6 months of 2011, production of knitted goods decreased by 1.1%, hosiery - by 12%, and bed linen - by 19.6%.

Recently, at the VI International textile industry forum #39;Golden Ring#39; deputy director of the Department of Forestry and Light Industry of the Russian Oleg Kascheev reminded that to stabilize the situation, the Ministry offers businesses the textile industry in order to allocate the temporary borrowing of cotton fiber Rosrezerva. But the ministry decided that in the face of declining world cotton production and a sharp increase in prices for domestic enterprises will be able to return to the state debt. In addition, the present volume of accumulated cotton in the state reserve account for only 51.8% compared to the rate of accumulation and economic department felt it inappropriate to submit an appropriate order of the Government of the Russian Federation.

As a result, the market has changed the structure of textile fibers. In particular, the share of cotton declined from 52% in 2008 to 25% in 2010, while the share of chemical fibers and threads, on the contrary, increased from 36% to 63%. The share of imported fiber remains high at nearly 67%.

In the industrial and commercial department believe that in order to reduce dependence on imported textile industry needs to develop its own base of textile raw materials - such as linen, wool, chemical fiber and thread. Currently, the production of flax in Russia covers the needs of domestic enterprises in him only by 68%, production of chemical fibers and threads - no more than 46% of the needs. And a fine Merino wool and have actually been made.

Now the Ministry of Industry insists that the production and processing of flax, as the traditional economic activities of a number of Russian regions, can and should become a modern perspective and a successful business. This will be facilitated by the implementation of measures to develop the linen complex, entered the Russian Government approved the state program of agricultural development for the period up to 2012 and strategy for the development of light industry until 2020. A niche in the textile industry can take and production of domestic wool.

According to O. Kashcheeva, now Ministry of Industry for the first time in conjunction with leading research institutions, light industry is implementing an investment project for the production of innovative textile materials of dual-use complex on the basis of the protective properties of wool and chemical fiber.

By estimates of Industry and Trade Ministry, the consumption of enterprises in the industry of chemical fibers and threads, including a new generation of fibers in the medium term will increase for 2010-2013, 33.7%, and in 2013 will amount to 299.73 million tons, including man-made fibers - 186.13 thousand tons of chemical fibers - 133.6 thousand tons. And if you restore raw materials for enterprises producing clothes, then we can expect growth in the production of end products.

But, according to many experts, the lack of raw materials - not the main problem of domestic factories. Compete with importers Russian enterprises prevents bad value for the price `-` quality of domestic products. In addition, products from overseas buyers attracted more presentable appearance, bright colors and interesting designs.

Experts agree that the demand for clothing Russians will grow. According to the international consulting firm McKinsey, sales in this sector amount to about $ 50 billion by the end of 2011 and will grow by 8% annually until 2015. Russians spend on the purchase of clothing about 3.1% of their income, which is much higher than the U.S. consumer spending, China, Germany, Poland and Hungary.

And among the factors hindering the development of the domestic fashion industry, foreign experts point is not primarily a lack of raw materials, and the lack of retail space. In Russia 100 000 people in the 3,500 square meters of space, which sells clothing. This is half of the territory provided for similar purposes in Brazil and 10% of the `` apparel retail space dollars.