Tuesday, April 15, 2014



Researchers at Pennsylvania State University are working on a refrigerator, for its operation, the acoustic vibrations of high intensity.

It is known that sound waves move through space periodic compression and expansion of the air on their way. Namely periodic compression and expansion of the gas used as the basis of household refrigerators.

Back in the 1980s, Scott Backhouse and Greg Swift, who worked at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, had the idea to use to compress the gas compressor is not, and the sound waves. In the course of many years of work, researchers have created several prototypes of devices that use this principle to get cold.

One such device is a cylinder within which a specially arranged metal plates. If the inside of the cylinder to create a sufficiently intense sound wave, the temperature gradually one end will be higher, and the other - below the ambient temperature. If the ends of the cylinder to place the heat exchange device, you can get ready for work fridge.

To create a difference in temperature at opposite ends of the cylinder requires extremely high sound intensity. In the experimental sample the refrigerator it is 173 dB. For comparison, the pain threshold of sound waves for a man is 120 dB and 165 dB sound can cause inflammation of hair due to overheating from friction.

In the future, the researchers plan to use to realize their development in practice. Funds for their research has already identified dietary concerns Ben Jerry s and Unilever, releasing a large amount of ice cream and interested in new technologies freezers.
