Monday, March 24, 2014


URAL scientists to develop nanotechnology to search for minerals

Leading experts of research institutions are seeking not only new oil fields in Western Siberia, but the search for new methods of oil.

In Tyumen, a conference was held with the participation of leading scientists, geologists, oilmen from different cities of Russia. They discussed the problems in the exploration and possible solutions. Scientists from Yekaterinburg proposed to extract oil in granite rocks, which many in the Urals.

Developed visitors from Yekaterinburg nanotechnology not only to search for black gold, but of the present, which is also rich in deposits.

Of course, before the revolution in exploration is still far away. And the means to this need a lot, and they as usual is not enough. But the tendency to revive exploration in the last 10 years have seen. Contribute to this largely federal orders that get Tyumen geologists. Increasingly want to participate in the exploration and private companies.

If this trend will continue in the future, then soon at such conferences can not talk about the problems and the achievements.