Thursday, March 20, 2014



In 2008-2012 Rosnedra spent 81.5 billion rubles from the budget for the reproduction of mineral resources. However, according to the #39;Izvestia#39;, the Chamber has found out: the means did not go for the future, and the situation with regard to strategic and scarce types of minerals is poor. The minimum security strategic minerals fell on placer gold (19.5 years), alluvial diamonds (17 years) and placer platinum (7.5 years).

According to the Chamber, the Ministry of Natural Resources does not carry out the analysis and evaluation of domestic consumption, exports, imports of mineral raw materials and does not develop provisions to cover its deficit. In addition, the department has not finalized a set of measures for the reproduction of the mineral resource base, did not specify the long-term state program of study and reproduction of mineral resources base is not linked the events on the reproduction of the mineral resources beneath the prospects of development of regions and sectors of the economy.

All on the public balance sheet stocks listed 150 species inventory of solid minerals, and only for 60 types of stocks for the period increased or remained unchanged. A compensation of mining reserves growth (reproduction) is provided only for 19 species. On 44 kinds of a decrease in production, the largest reduction of strategic concerns such species as manganese (production decreased by 100%), chromium (28%) and tin (35%).

In 41 different solid minerals in recent years have not explored any field, including the five strategic: beryllium, bauxite, tungsten, lithium and tin.

In addition, the Chamber has caused discontent that has not yet completed the work on the creation of the federal reserve fund subsoil. Ministry of Natural Resources was to prepare the relevant regulations, but the order of the Ministry of fund formation has not yet been developed. Not defined criteria, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the deposits, according to which must be assigned the status of the reserve fund.

In the ministry could not comment on the situation promptly.

Deplorable situation in this area is understandable, says first deputy general director of the Russian Research Institute of Mineral Resources. NM Fedorovsk Alex bitch.

- In Russian practice was a period when there was a geology on a dime, hence the reduction in the industry and lower results - he said. - The hope is that the mining companies themselves will deal with the expansion of its mineral resources around the plants, mining companies, largely failed to materialize. SME development - it is the task of the state.

According to the expert, since 2003, the industry#39;s funding situation has improved slightly, but in a short time to restore the situation difficult. However, according to Alexei Suchkov, the money allocated in this period - about 20 billion a year - a minuscule amount compared with the financing of the Soviet era.

- In addition, much has changed and the objective situation all near-surface deposits have been investigated, and now for the exploration need to go deeper - we need drilling, modern analytical database, and all this also is very expensive, - says Alexei Suchkov. - Substantial investments in research and development and modernization of the industry.