Thursday, March 20, 2014



A representative of the Association of cross-border cooperation in Kazakhstan recently on his page on Facebook `` I posted photos of the Pamir spinel, or Badakhshan lala, as an illustration of what your spare from different boring official school hours indulge former field commanders in Tajikistan. But I did not expect Salim Duysekova renowned film critic would write to me in the comments:

`Marat, that is what you are writing about Badakhshan ... To hell with them. Tell us why we did not develop fields jade and turquoise.

A kilo of jadeite Japanese mother to sell the organs#39;.

And it#39;s really - why? Here Tengrinews open and see the news related to various precious minerals:
- April 12, 2012 - In the East Kazakhstan customs prevented the export from the Republic of rare minerals worth 28 million tenge. Smugglers hid the precious cargo in a dirty trailer truck and disguised as ordinary stones. Examination showed that the stones are expensive minerals: actinolite, nephrite and jadeite.
- May 22, 2012 - Border guards DIC `` Horgos Border Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan National Security Committee detained a citizen of Kazakhstan, who followed in the PRC. During the search of carry-on luggage in the Kazaks were found two boxes of jade weighing more than 78 kilograms. Permits for the export of jade in China has detained.

As we can see, our valuable minerals are in demand, and some even trying to meet this demand, mostly illegally. And our citizens buy on the market cheap imitation of turquoise and other jewelry, while the country has the resources to produce good as jewelry and craft projects. So what is there in the depths of Kazakhstan of precious and semi-precious stones?
Take the government#39;s list of `subsoil (deposit) of strategic importance #39;and look at him:
12. Diamonds - Kumdykolkoe field in the Akmola region.
Something quite enough. Then open the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on June 21, 2007? 521 #39;On approving the list of objects of environmental protection, with special ecological, scientific and cultural significance#39; - here in the section on high-value longer than the list of subsoil:
1. East Kazakhstan region
a. Granite massif with a wide variety of precious and semi-precious stones plot Delbegetey
2. Karaganda region
a. The field in the tract dioptase Altyntobe
b. The field of malachite in the tract Chokpak
c. The field of chrysoprase in the tract Sarykulboldy
3. Pavlodar region
a. The field of turquoise in the tract Alpys
b. Deposit of rock crystal in the hole Kalmakkyrgan
c. The manifestation of agates in the tract Akshiman
d. The manifestation of turquoise in the tract Taygyn

As you can see, our government believes that we have a valuable deposits of diamonds, rubies, emeralds, dioptase (ashirita), rock crystal, agate, turquoise, malachite and chrysoprase. But that is extracted from them? In the directory of the Republic of Kazakhstan Subsoil users `` for August 2011 can be found, which officially only mined in Kazakhstan:
1. Emeralds - Delbegeteysky Zharminski site in East Kazakhstan region. Has exploration and production LLP GRK `` `Emerald.
2. Ashira - Altyntobe field in the Bukhara-Zhyrau district of Karaganda region. Has exploration and production LLP `Beta` HES.
3. Agates and opals - in the field Charlier Jean-Arka district of Karaganda region. Has exploration and production LLP `Beta` HES.

In general, it is clear that in fact valuable stones at us there, but they have especially no one does. There are currently about 595 known deposits and occurrences of precious and semi-precious gems, mainly located in the central and eastern Kazakhstan. Suitable for the development of the mentioned diamonds, emeralds, rubies, aquamarine, turquoise, chrysoprase, malachite, jade, dioptase, agate, jasper, rock crystal.

Below is a sample survey of the most valuable gems of Kazakhstan:
1. Diamonds - This stone needs no introduction. Currently, Kazakhstan has about 50 deposits and occurrences of diamonds across the country. Most diamonds are located near Kokshetau and Shu-Ili mountains. Most of the diamonds found technical, but there are also jewelry - almost all in Kokshetau array.

So let#39;s say, diamonds are the last untouchable reserve of Kazakhstan - they will give to the use of mineral resources last.

2. Rubiny - mineral corundum type typically various shades of red. Refers to precious stones. In Kazakhstan, is rare - so far found in acceptable for production quantities only Delbegeteyskom site in East Kazakhstan region Zharminski.

3. Beryl (emerald, aquamarine, red beryl) - a mineral consisting of beryllium oxide, aluminum silicate. Refers to precious stones. Kazakhstan has found three species - emerald (green), aquamarine (bluish or bluish-green), red beryl (clear, with a bluish tint). Emeralds and aquamarines are like rubies only Delbegeteyskom Zharminski site in East Kazakhstan region, and their extraction was carried out thousands of years ago.

The noble beryl spread wider - Akchatau field, Kent, Lake Orta and Kara-Oba in the Karaganda region, Belogorsk and Bakenskoe field in ASD.

4. Dioptase (Ashira) - mineral, copper silicate, also called `` copper emerald, and in Kazakhstan - `` Ashir. Very similar to the emerald, but less solid and more fragile, so the cut is complicated. Valuable as an ornamental and collectible stone.

In Kazakhstan, meets and from the field in the Bukhara-Altyntobe Zhyrau district of Karaganda region.

5. Chrysoprase - a kind of quartz and chalcedony. Refers to the semi-precious stones. The stone color is usually apple-green, but can vary to dark green and bluish-green.

Looks like emerald - especially if transparency is good. Kazakhstan has a deposit with proven reserves of chrysoprase - Sarykulboldy Karkarala in the region of Karaganda region. There, in addition chrysoprase are greenish-yellow and honey opal and kahalong (a type of opal). In color are five varieties of chrysoprase: emerald green (the most valuable), grass-green, green onion, apple-green, pale green.

However, the transparency of chrysoprase Sarykulboldy with low and average.

6. Malachite - mineral, basic copper carbonate. Refers to the semi-precious stones. As a rule, the various shades of green and with a concentric pattern. It occurs in all copper deposits - Chokpak, Kounrad, Sayak, Shatyrkolskoe, Zhezkazgan. Especially prized malachite with Chokpak deposits in Bayan-Aul area of Pavlodar region.

Malachite Chokpak field has a predominantly radiating structure (plush), in smaller quantities occurs in parallel-fiber ribbon forms (cyan). Figure is usually clear, often concentrically zoned. Color malachite predominantly dark grass-green, sometimes emerald green.

However, not very well handled by then and fragility.

7. Jade - green mineral from the group of alkali monoclinic pyroxenes, sodium silicate and aluminum. Looks like jade and is usually found with him. Refers to the semi-precious stones - used the stones in the sauna to the various rings and bracelets. In Kazakhstan, met on the field Itmuryndy in the Karaganda region, the North Balkhash.

Previously, there was conducted industrial production that is going on - I do not know. Jade on the field is divided into four varieties of color - dark gray, light gray and white, emerald green jewelry and deep-green gemstones. The last two varieties are very valuable and are sold at a price almost precious stones in China.

The more transparent jade, the more expensive it is.

8. Turquoise - mineral, hydrated aluminum phosphate and copper. Refers to the semi-precious stones. Color - various shades of blue.

Just like malachite, accompanied by copper deposits, but the best turquoise in Kazakhstan occurs on a ridge in the Tau Zhambyl and South Kazakhstan regions. It dense blue color.

9. Jasper - cryptocrystalline rock, composed mainly of quartz, chalcedony and pigmented impurities of other minerals. Refers to the semi-precious stones. Jasper comes in many textures and colors. Is very common in central and eastern Kazakhstan. But the biggest deposit of jasper - Anastasevskaya in ASD.

Jasper there wax-red, gray, pale yellow, with different patterns, including banded jasper with concentric tree-like pattern. Along with agate, jasper - the most common semi-precious gemstone Kazakhstan.

10. Rock crystal and other semi-precious variety of quartz - a mineral, pure natural silica, transparent variety of quartz. Depending on the shade of a variety - Morion (black), amethyst (purple), rauchtopaz (smoky), citrine (yellow). Refers to the semi-precious stones.

In Kazakhstan, there are several large deposits of rock crystal in the Karaganda region - Akshoky I, Bustorau, KOTRA Sarysay, Teris-Butakov Serek, East, Karabaytam, Koksai, Kosmuryn, Balta.

11. Opals - mineraloid, amorphous silica. In Kazakhstan, there are basically ordinary opals, which are semi-precious stones. But there is a clear and noble opals. Have an interesting texture and color. Precious opals in Kazakhstan are generally beautiful orange-red, cherry red and amber-yellow.

There are quite often from the field in the Jean Charlot-Arka district of Karaganda region. It is also found along with chrysoprase on Sarykulboldy on Kempirsai field in the Aktobe region. And about Makinsk in Akmola region has deposits Voznesenskoe and Kara Agach where valuable fire, moss and black opals.

12. Hematite, Bloodstone - iron oxide. Refers to the ornamental stones. Typically, black color - like dried blood. After polishing shiny.

Found in the fields of West Karazhal, Greater China in the Karaganda region and on the field Kishkenesor in Zhambyl region.
Now, with the exception of the above-mentioned Charlier Delbegeteyskogo site and Altyntobe industrial production is not made of gems - old abandoned Soviet design, production is carried out illegally and artisanal or even non-existent.

In my opinion, at a time when people need employment and income, it is possible to resolve a legal individual prey (staratelstvo) and the sale of licensed buyers-most-precious stones jewelery, which is not needed in the extraction of explosives and equipment, only manual labor. Licensing and control need only export processed and unprocessed stones abroad. Thus, the population will receive more or less income, jewelers will be able to get legal and large quantities of raw materials, well, in the same trade with China, Japan and South Korea, we have a new product - all manner of precious stones.

Of course, we can talk about industrialization and necessarily require that the plants were built by giants, whose production is measured in millions of dollars, but I think that we still have enough for a dozen small lapidary and jewelry shops, where people will actually work and make money now, not in the distant bright future.