Tuesday, February 18, 2014


UK: Terahertz Lasers are on the way

The generator consists of a titanium-sapphire laser frequency standard glass Fabry-Perrot and photoconductive antennas generating terahertz radiation at the difference frequency (difference frequency generation, DFG). It uses two laser light beam are very close frequencies A and B, which is formed by mixing radiation of frequency equal to the frequency difference A-B.

Although the technique DFG previously used to generate terahertz radiation, the novelty of the invention consists of Leeds scientists that the two beams A and B are not generated by two different lasers and the same. Thereby, there is no need to synchronize the two separate lasers the frequency and the further alignment of the laser beams, whereby the system is more compact and reliable. In the long term this could lead to cheaper and more compact customizable terahertz sources than currently exist.

By varying the thickness of the Fabry-Perot, you can adjust the frequency of radiation at this time demonstrated lasing frequency of 0.3 and 0.5 THz.

It is assumed that the frequency range of the new device will be able to cover the range of microwave frequencies in the region up to a few terahertz. The radiation power is limited to a conversion efficiency of the pump and at the present time is about 1 microwatt in continuous mode.
