Tuesday, February 18, 2014


A new method of making powerful permanent magnets

New type magnets composed of two phases - phase high coercivity, and a soft magnetic phase with low coercivity (magnetic field strength required for complete demagnetization of ferromagnetic material). The first phase provides a high anisotropy of the material and the magnetic soft - a high magnetization. Both phases interact via exchange interaction (exchange coupling).

However, managing the interaction of the two components should be carried out at the nanoscale.

Staff at TJ Watson Research Center of IBM Corporation in New York under the guidance of the Chern Hao (Hao Zeng), together with colleagues from Louisiana Technical University and the Georgia Institute of Technology have developed an original method of self-assembly of nanoparticles. As the building blocks used in the assembly of nanoparticles of iron-platinum and iron oxide Fe3O4. The components are mixed, then the conditions under which self-assembly takes place. The maximum magnetization of the new material is achieved by choosing the size and composition of the nanoparticles.

Currently this way able to obtain two-phase material, the maximum magnetization that is 50% higher than conventional platinum-iron magnets.
