Monday, February 17, 2014


Uglich construction of a modern CHP

To do this, CHP will install advanced energy equipment: two cogeneration plants the Spanish company Guascor capacity of 1 MW each, and three water boilers Wolf German production capacity of 8 MW.

The project also includes the construction of the boiler room complete replacement of district heating networks in the Sunshine with modern polyethylene pipes Izoprofleks ``. Their advantage is the low energy loss and long life - up to 50 years, thereby heating the residents will become more reliable. In 2011, Yaroslavl Generating Company has replaced the 6 km of heat networks in the Sunshine with their use.

CHP will heat more than 60 apartment buildings and such socially significant objects Uglich, as a youth center, two kindergartens and a school. Its capacity will be sufficient for the further development district. Electricity produced by CHP will fully satisfy their own needs, as well as of neighboring consumers of up to 1.5 MW.

`Building a new boiler house in the neighborhood of Sunshine - an important social issue - the head of the municipal district of Uglich Sergei Jobbers. - The existing scheme of hot water and heat from the boiler room Uglichmash `` can not ensure proper quality of public services. Together with the residents we achieved one year to solve this problem and get support from the regional governor Sergei Yastrebova `.

The project is part of the regional target program #39;Energy conservation and energy efficiency in the Yaroslavl region `in 2008 - 2012 and the years up to 2020. The cost of building a new energy source is 225 million rubles. The project is funded in the form of public-private partnership, with 30% - own funds created by the Government of the Yaroslavl region of `` Generation Company, and 70% are involved in a form of a loan.

Starting the boiler will be held in 2013, for the next heating season. Up to this point, district heating Solar will continue from the boiler room `` Uglichenergiya that YMC adopted for service in the spring of 2012, the plant `` Uglichmash and prepared for the winter in order to establish a reliable heat and residents to stop interruptions in heating.